Um...wheres the source?
you gave us a link to a dirty little secret thing and that source gives us no source showing us that dead space 2 is on 2 discs.
Hereissomeflaws with your source
""Live's closed network
It's closed, secure and safe and that's the way Microsoft wants to keep it - great for Microsoft, not so great for gamers. Having an open platform would put the 360 in line with the PS3 and PC. It would open it up to all sorts of weird and wonderful games currently epitomized on the PS3 with LittleBigPlanet. Cross communication with PC is the only real way the indie scene can thrive and right now Microsoft is throttling its potential. Portal 2 on the PS3 and PC is another great example of two open platforms able to communicate. With the 360 building a fence and sticking its fingers in its ears, the outside industry is simply going to pass it by; and though viruses and hacking are a possibility, the pros far out weigh the cons.""
Um yeah...Indie development is vastly more on the 360 then it is on the ps3...oh and by the way last I checked Black ops actually worked on 360...ps3? not so much...oh and banning people? last I checked we have heard that will be dead on ps3, hacks, and all sorts of things are going to be rampent because of the ps3 being hacked and because psn is ""open""
""No more MMOs on 360. Ever.
This is really connected with the strict hold Microsoft has over Live and everything that it grants players access to. Like a possessive father fretting over his daughter, Live is not permitted to fraternize with MMOs. 'But, what about Final Fantasy XI?' Yes, one MMO made it through, simply because of Microsoft's desperation to appeal in Japan. It's done with that now and MMOs generally result in yet another monthly charge and whole servers full of players obsessively engrossed in one game. How they supposed to buy the latest Halo if they're happy playing an MMO?""
Um based upon what? I never knew microsoft had announced we will never allow an mmo on our service where is their proof? they give us nothing to go on.
*heres a fun fact FF11 is playable on silver, Monster hunter freedom or whatever it is gives you an equal amount of gold time with the purchase of monster hunter time*
Those are just some of the flaws with the article in both of those areas they give us nothing at all to go on, no facts or sources or nothing, no where in the article do they explain how they know deadspace 2 is coming on 2 discs...
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