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Lemmings: "Buh...buh...but teh blu-ray is teh lamez!!!!111!!!"Taalon
BluRay is great and i'm a lemming but so was HDDVD but it died so if I as a lemming want HD movies then BluRay it is
:lol: I am going to need a more reliable source than some site called tomshardware.l-_-l
That website has been around for like 7 or 8 years and they are very reliable. And on a side note who cares the games still wont be on blue-ray so no big deal.
[QUOTE="l-_-l"]:lol: I am going to need a more reliable source than some site called tomshardware.ToScA-
Are you serious?
Yeah, Tom's is THE source for PC hardware.
[QUOTE="Taalon"]Lemmings: "Buh...buh...but teh blu-ray is teh lamez!!!!111!!!"chikenfriedrice
BluRay is great and i'm a lemming but so was HDDVD but it died so if I as a lemming want HD movies then BluRay it is
Wait lemme' get this straight, you're saying MS got owned and so did all of you who said blu-ray wasn't needed for gaming?
You're saying that all that bashing of Bluray and saying its going to fail was wrong afterall? You're actually saying you don't like overhyped exclusive games that come in like 6 dvds? *coughs-Lost odessy-cough*
Lemmings: "Buh...buh...but teh blu-ray is teh lamez!!!!111!!!"Taalon
lol For real. "I dont buy consoles for movies".
What's next? MS going to incorporate WiFi, Blue tooth and media slots?
Funny the criticisms the PS3 recieved at launch - looks like it's paying off 2 1/2 years down the road... hehe.
Waste of resources, I'd rather see a remodeled Xbox 360 like a 360 slim.
They're probably going to launch it for $399, after dropping the prices of the other SKUs. $179 Arcade / $249 Premium (60GB?) / $399 Blu-Elite I'd assume.
[QUOTE="l-_-l"]:lol: I am going to need a more reliable source than some site called tomshardware.ToScA-
Are you serious?
sig-worthy. :lol:Clearly the guy does absolutely nothing with PCs. At. All.
[QUOTE="chikenfriedrice"][QUOTE="Taalon"]Lemmings: "Buh...buh...but teh blu-ray is teh lamez!!!!111!!!"wasted_wisdom
BluRay is great and i'm a lemming but so was HDDVD but it died so if I as a lemming want HD movies then BluRay it is
Wait lemme' get this straight, you're saying MS got owned and so did all of you who said blu-ray wasn't needed for gaming?
You're saying that all that bashing of Bluray and saying its going to fail was wrong afterall? You're actually saying you don't like overhyped exclusive games that come in like 6 dvds? *coughs-Lost odessy-cough*
There yea go again No_Wisdom...
How is the "potential" of BR coming to the 360 "owns" all lemms?..If anything it is another shot at cows.
Besides BR for gaming is still a joke..Until the developers find a way to utilize that space without downloads to the HDD..Then it is still just redundant space
:lol: I am going to need a more reliable source than some site called tomshardware.l-_-lYour a PC player and you don't know about I've built a couple very nice Computers off their recommendations. they are a real good, and knowledgeable site.
BR is over rated. Sure its the future of gaming... But for movies... I think it looks worse then DVD's. Because HD grain in movies looks like crap.
Although I will admit some BR movies do look fantastic... If they don't have special effects over the image.
:lol: I am going to need a more reliable source than some site called tomshardware.l-_-l
Massive fail. They are one of THE MOST reputable sites around given hardware. Just visit if you have any doubts and those 60,000 PC geeks will shun you to oblivion if you question it.
And LMAO @ MSFT for denying it just 3 months ago.
if this is true then once again ms is copying sony for getting it right in the beginning. its funny seeing all the lems say great one up for ms when every last one of you bashed sony for doing the same thing. this is not like dualshock 3 no one demanded this no devs asked for this. its a waste to even bring this.jessie5788
very very false. both ps3 owners and kojima demanded rumble
microsoft said from the start that they would support blueray if it were to win the format war. you know whats funny? i dont recall lemmings making a big deala about sony adding an hardrive to the ps3.
[QUOTE="chikenfriedrice"][QUOTE="Taalon"]Lemmings: "Buh...buh...but teh blu-ray is teh lamez!!!!111!!!"wasted_wisdom
BluRay is great and i'm a lemming but so was HDDVD but it died so if I as a lemming want HD movies then BluRay it is
Wait lemme' get this straight, you're saying MS got owned and so did all of you who said blu-ray wasn't needed for gaming?
You're saying that all that bashing of Bluray and saying its going to fail was wrong afterall? You're actually saying you don't like overhyped exclusive games that come in like 6 dvds? *coughs-Lost odessy-cough*
Still don't think bluray is needed. but that is my opinion. If microsoft has a bluray add-on that is their bussiness. I just don't think it is needed. I think MGS can be done on the xbox, but they won't compress the audio, Which i don't think would hurt it all that much. You can still hear everything, just not "like the PS3". wow that ruins the whole game, NO! Also if they killed some of the 10 - 15 hours of cut scenes, they could easily fit it on a DVD9. Really, are we playing a game or watching a movie? It will not ruin the experience, but in my opinion, make the GAME better. Just replace the cut scenes and add game content to tell the story.Now, if Microsoft builds a 360, with bluray built in. I think it would hurt them more then help them, unless they just use it for movies. then they would be farther ahead to just make it an add-on. If they use it for games also, they would hurt themselves. Because they would alienate the whole fan-base. Those who bought the 360 prior to this would scream!
Now for the movies. bluray is NOT needed! They use an old codec that is twice the size of newer codecs. Comparing the lost format HD-dvd. It had more extras and better features. You could watch extra's while watching the movie. tried this with a movie on bluray the other nite. the sound was cut off in the movie so i could hear the actors BS about what was going on. That was total Cr*p.
But like I said just my opinion. Do with it what you will.
[QUOTE="chikenfriedrice"][QUOTE="Taalon"]Lemmings: "Buh...buh...but teh blu-ray is teh lamez!!!!111!!!"wasted_wisdom
BluRay is great and i'm a lemming but so was HDDVD but it died so if I as a lemming want HD movies then BluRay it is
Wait lemme' get this straight, you're saying MS got owned and so did all of you who said blu-ray wasn't needed for gaming?
You're saying that all that bashing of Bluray and saying its going to fail was wrong afterall? You're actually saying you don't like overhyped exclusive games that come in like 6 dvds? *coughs-Lost odessy-cough*
do you really think anyone would make games that the 19 million current xbox 360 owners couldn't play? :lol: this will be like the hd dvd addon, it will only be for movies, not movies.
That would be sweet. Not only was HD-DVD backed by microsoft, but so was the video compression used. If this comes true, it will go to show that Microsoft is Sony's ****dxmcat
microsoft made some of the codecs for bluray. how does that make microsoft sonys ****?
[QUOTE="dxmcat"]That would be sweet. Not only was HD-DVD backed by microsoft, but so was the video compression used. If this comes true, it will go to show that Microsoft is Sony's ****shoeman12
microsoft made some of the codecs for bluray. how does that make microsoft sonys ****?
Yeah I beleive it's called VC-1 and I also believe Sony made it mandatory for Bluray movies. I saw an announcement for it a while ago.
Has l-_-l profile always been private? A PC gamer that doesn't know wtf Tomshardware is..thats like a custom builder not knowing what newegg is :| Pro_wrestler
I'm a PC gamer since 1990 or so and a software developer, and i never heard about Tomshardware either, or i just don't remember it.
:lol: I am going to need a more reliable source than some site called tomshardware.l-_-l
[QUOTE="jessie5788"]if this is true then once again ms is copying sony for getting it right in the beginning. its funny seeing all the lems say great one up for ms when every last one of you bashed sony for doing the same thing. this is not like dualshock 3 no one demanded this no devs asked for this. its a waste to even bring this.lawlessx
very very false. both ps3 owners and kojima demanded rumble
microsoft said from the start that they would support blueray if it were to win the format war. you know whats funny? i dont recall lemmings making a big deala about sony adding an hardrive to the ps3.
i may of reworded this wrong . i m saying no one is demanding blu-ray on the 360 like the way dualshock was demanded. and hardrive was there from the begining it was never introduced later.
if this is true then once again ms is copying sony for getting it right in the beginning. its funny seeing all the lems say great one up for ms when every last one of you bashed sony for doing the same thing. this is not like dualshock 3 no one demanded this no devs asked for this. its a waste to even bring this.jessie5788Get your blinders off. everyone copies at one time or another. Do you think Sony never coppied anything? What about HDD? What about motion sensing controllers? What about their rumble feature? that was a blatant RIP OFF. But as i just said Bluray is not needed and I hope Microsoft doesn't go thru with this unless it's an add-on just for movies, since HD-DVD (Which was the better format, unless your a blind Fan-boy) is dead. And by the way your sig is wrong. HDMI is not needed for HD output. You can use a number of hookup including VGA, and component. Check your PS3 users guide. Even Sony said you don't need it. Even for 1080P.
[QUOTE="lawlessx"][QUOTE="jessie5788"]if this is true then once again ms is copying sony for getting it right in the beginning. its funny seeing all the lems say great one up for ms when every last one of you bashed sony for doing the same thing. this is not like dualshock 3 no one demanded this no devs asked for this. its a waste to even bring this.jessie5788
very very false. both ps3 owners and kojima demanded rumble
microsoft said from the start that they would support blueray if it were to win the format war. you know whats funny? i dont recall lemmings making a big deala about sony adding an hardrive to the ps3.
i may of reworded this wrong . i m saying no one is demanding blu-ray on the 360 like the way dualshock was demanded. and hardrive was there from the begining it was never introduced later.
:|....So who's on first base?
..BR has never been on the 360 so how can you measure demand? Sony pulled rumble for the PS3 after it's huge success on the PS2...Of course rumble was missed +120 Mil people used it..
Has l-_-l profile always been private? A PC gamer that doesn't know wtf Tomshardware is..thats like a custom builder not knowing what newegg is :| Pro_wrestlerLOL Good point. I custom build PCs for extra money. (don't tell the IRS!) I use newegg alot! And got alot of great information from Tomshardware site, along with Anandtech.
[QUOTE="jessie5788"][QUOTE="lawlessx"][QUOTE="jessie5788"]if this is true then once again ms is copying sony for getting it right in the beginning. its funny seeing all the lems say great one up for ms when every last one of you bashed sony for doing the same thing. this is not like dualshock 3 no one demanded this no devs asked for this. its a waste to even bring this.masiisam
very very false. both ps3 owners and kojima demanded rumble
microsoft said from the start that they would support blueray if it were to win the format war. you know whats funny? i dont recall lemmings making a big deala about sony adding an hardrive to the ps3.
i may of reworded this wrong . i m saying no one is demanding blu-ray on the 360 like the way dualshock was demanded. and hardrive was there from the begining it was never introduced later.
:|....So who's on first base?
..BR has never been on the 360 so how can you measure demand? Sony pulled rumble for the PS3 after it's huge success on the PS2...Of course rumble was missed +120 Mil people used it..
its not hard to see if something is demanded. rumble for example was demanded. devs like kojima wanted rumble back fans actually wanted it back. i'm pretty sure if you went back to 06 threads some people were mad about rumble being gone. blu-ray on the 360 is just as easy to find also. how many times do you see lems make threads about wanting a blu-ray on there system how many devs say that they want a blu-ray player on the 360. next to none.
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