The 500 pound gorilla in the room this year at E3 is a promise as old as Generation 6 itself. A promise mentioned so many times in this forum and others like it all across the internet for as long as some of our posters have been gaming:
"This is Microsoft we're talking about. They could just buy EA/Square Enix/Grand Theft Auto exclusivity/God's left nut if they wanted to."
..and up until this generation, they've made a semi-convincing argument for this. The first XBox launched under the harshest of conditions and made a name for itself. The 360 literally sat down and ate Sonys lunch by taking away a lot of tradtional Japanese franchises (Final Fantasy, Ace Combat, Tenchu, Devil may Cry.. the list goes on) However, they've launched with a $500 console and managed to send that pricetag to an impressive sauna cutting down to $350. They've bundled it with more Assassin's Creed than you can shake a stick at. They've bundled it with an All-You-Can-Eat buffet of Halo. They dropped a Titan on it. They've come out with so many Forza games, I'm actually surprised they bundled this thing with a camera initially rather than a racing wheel.
With all that being said, in terms of the worldwide audience, they are struggling. In terms of the US audience, they are struggling. Who would ever think three or four years ago that Lemmings would be dancing in the streets over a 12,000 unit NPD victory? In short, they are struggling to make a case for their spot as the third manufacturer of the "Big Three" that they currently occupy. Whereas Nintendo has a very strong handheld business to lean on and Sony is making the PS3s launch woes look more like a fluke than the way of things to come, it leaves MS in a precarious position. Every day, the evidence mounts that the once invincible Xbox Live platform can and will be overtaken in terms of an online service. The interface for their new toy is utterly atrocious. The superior game performance that was the highlight of their systems in the 6th and 7th generations is now an ongoing joke on this forum and across the internet. There's even a term for it, "ResolutionGate."
There still remains that one promise, though. I mean, this is Microsoft we are talking about here. Which makes it extra weird to hear them focusing on first party at E3 this year where they are traditionally a one-trick pony (and yes, I am talking about Halo) with a supporting cast of IPs hobbled together. Sure. We can point to Rare intellectual properties, but the actual creative talent left that studio eons ago. More recently, the MasterChief Collection launched as a complete fiasco, showing how weak MS are when it comes to managing their internal studios. With Ensemble Studios mothballed, things have seemingly gone so far south that there are people who dare to hype Crackdown as a major franchise to look out for. That's some serious WTF territory right there. It can't be that bad, can it?
So. Where are the infinite money hacks? You're waiting for it. I'm waiting for it. Microsoft fans are waiting for it. Sony fans have been conditioned to fear it. If Phil Spencer and co don't up,up,down,down,left,right,B,A,Select,Start at E3 this year, the game is up. The once mighty XBox juggernaut will be perceived as a paper tiger. So, I submit to you, System Wars. What's Really going to happen at E3 to make us all afraid of the big bad wolf again?
FFXV announced as an XBone exclusive? GTAVI exclusive? FIFA? Fallout 4? Tekken? Kojima? Bueller?
It's not that we've been expecting a megaton this year. It's that there was always a megaton to be had. There's that fifth Ace card that's been sitting in Microsoft's wallet since the words X and Box were first put together. Heaven help me if you think an American football game is going to bring peace and joy to the realm. Where are the actual bombs at? I know I'll be watching MSes E3 conference like a hawk waiting for it. ..and I know you will too.
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