@Heil68 said:
Douevenlift_bro making lems cry and nervous about their purchase.
From what I have seen in general Xbox One owners seem to be more sufficiently happy and content with their purchases than PlayStation 4 owners. The amount of desperation in the creation of threads like this speaks volumes as an attempt to belittle what others own to make them feel as if they've done something wrong and at the same time make you feel better about what you own, dragging others down to your level more or less.
One good game in the last 12 months that 1/22nd of the PlayStation 4 community purchased, and who knows what fraction of even that small number enjoyed it/are happy with their purchase of it, probably not too many considering how inaccessible of a game it is, what it is and how it was marketed in a way that would entice basically anyone.
What is there for the next 12 months? Until Dawn and then Uncharted 4? An interactive movie which has already put a horrible taste in peoples mouths because of The Order fiasco and then Uncharted 4 which is the saving grace a year from now? A fucking year.... Forza Horizon 2, The Master Chief Collection, Project Spark, Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the Blind Forest, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Fable Legends, Halo 5, Forza 6, Quantum Break, Crackdown 3, Scalebound, Gears of War, Phantom Dust and whatever else the Microsoft has on the board including a new Rare IP, that's a tough act to follow and people are taking notice. That is why all of these anti Microsoft and Xbox One threads are popping up, people are getting jealous and having buyers remorse so they lash out, they see that this console they despise and its user base are being taken care of and delivered good games in a timely fashion while Sony is basically saying....
"Sorry, we know things are sparse, so enjoy these other games which will be on both the PC and Xbox One, but in our minds they're exclusives."
Get the **** out of here with that shit, this console while selling good has been a complete disorganized and unprepared disaster... People call me a lemming because they think that I am in love with Microsoft, no, I am just extremely displeased with Sony and honest enough with myself and others to make it known. You can fluff things all you like, you can cite sales figures until the cows come home, but at the end of the day it's not going to change that Xbox One owners are more happy.
The PlayStation 4 and what it provides is underwhelming to the core, and that's not going to change for at least a year...
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