You mad bro?this thread is as bad as the zimmerman verdict
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Yeah... gamers never care about hardware performance, you're totally right. :roll: idiot
I'm not wrong. People in the real world don't care about that stuff as much as you'd think.Â
They don't care a lot, but they still care. If console gamers didn't care, then the PS4 and X1 wouldn't be selling so well. Early buyers aren't buying for the games, they're buying for the novelty of having a more powerful console. I'm sure they'll be some good games out at launch, but what are people talking about? Killzone? Titanfall? I'm sure that stuff will be good, but they aren't exactly system sellers. You are correct and because launch games sell like complete and utter shit, no developer is going to burn their good games that they spent a fortune on, selling to a few million early adopters. Most launch 360 games didnt even sell a million copies and the best selling game (COD2), didnt even sell two million total.How is this news? Denying PS4 is more powerful than Xbox One is like denying water is a liquid (at SATP conditions).
How is this news? Denying PS4 is more powerful than Xbox One is like denying water is a liquid (at SATP conditions).
Lemming response:
People will see the lower price for the ps4 and choose that. The superior specs will be a bonus that only strengthens the appeal. If we want to talk about irrelevant factors, look at kinect and the entertainment features associated with the xb1. I doubt the mainstream will care about that very much.GunSmith1_basicPrice can and will change over the years but yes it will impact peoples decisions especially over Christmas time. They only need to drop it a bit or include a full game to compete price wise. Mainstream won't know what specs are they will just see the games and features and as they will look good on both consoles (difference being slightly less resolution or fps) it will come down to what they like best. However if Microsoft do pull off the extra features like family sharing, cloud, smartglass, Windows 8 apps, Kinect, Skype and TV integration it could sway the mainstream. It will come down to who advertises best and shows off what they have best and while Microsoft haven't done so well up until now I think they have time to pull it back.
Massive FAIL thread as everyone has known for months now that as far as technical specs go, the XBOX ONE isn't on even ground with the PS4. That being said it will be up to the devs as to whether the apparent advantage the PS4 has will be realized! The bottom line is that third party games will show minimal if any differences between the two consoles. There will be first party games on each console that will exploit that consoles strengths and they will look amazing! I wish that the Sony fanboys would just accept the truth that the potential gap between the two systems isn't going to be XBOX 360 or PS3>>> PS2. It is going to be just like it was last gen. Besides all of that the AVERAGE gamer or Mom and Dad doesn't give two rips about specs. They know that little Billy wants to play the new Halo or the new UNCHARTED and that is the system they will get!!Specifications show superiority
As part of a question and answer session on Reddit, an Xbox One developer has admitted that the PlayStation 4 is more powerful than Microsofts machine. Despite this, the operating system engineer noted that the size of the gulf in performance is still up for debate, and that the games on the Redmond-based companys console look excellent regardless.
The facts are on paper, the PS4 has better specs, and the most that you can debate is by how much, said the refreshingly candid employee. What I can tell you is that I have played Forza Motorsport 5, Killer Instinct, and Ryse on the Xbox One, and they look as good as the games that I play on a high-end PC. Ryse reminded me of Darksiders II.
Earlier in the year, Digital Foundry declared that the PS4 is the more powerful of the two machines, too. However, despite plenty of confidence on Sonys part, its not yet clear what practical advantages these hardware enhancements will provide. Well probably have to wait until both systems are readily available before we're able to decipher any noticeable differences.
[QUOTE="DrTrafalgarLaw"][QUOTE="ShoulderOfOrion"]Pretty much every developer has noted that the gap is marginal at best. ShoulderOfOrion50% stronger GPU is not marginal, it's phenomenal. That 50% figure comes from Sony and its lapdogs. 1.82 TFLOPs vs. 1.23 TFLOPs. Do the math.
old and no one in the real world cares
Dat damage control. Poor, stupid lemming :(Â
it is pretty self evident to me that if people really cared about power most everyone would be pc gamers.
console power is little more than shyt for nerds like us to mentally masturbate to.
[QUOTE="DrTrafalgarLaw"][QUOTE="ShoulderOfOrion"] That 50% figure comes from Sony and its lapdogs.ShoTTyMcNaDeS1.82 TFLOPs vs. 1.23 TFLOPs. Do the math. In reality the Xflop One only has access to 90% of the GPU when in-game, 10% of GPU resources are reserved for switching on the fly and picture-in-picture crap. It's: 1.82 TFLOPs vs. 1.1 TFLOPs. The GPU of the PS4 is 65% stronger. Deal with it chumps.Wont stop me from enjoying Halo 5, Titanfall, Quantum Break, DR3, Forza 5, Ryse, Watchdogs, RARE titles, MGS 5, Dying Light, Outlast, The Evil Within and every other multiplat out there. What are you guys going to get all wet because a tree sways a little more realistically or that maybe a wave has a little better roll to it? C'mon, you Sony fanbots are really making yourselves look childish and ignorant.
you didnt say killer instinct... im dissapointed
Wont stop me from enjoying Halo 5, Titanfall, Quantum Break, DR3, Forza 5, Ryse, Watchdogs, RARE titles, MGS 5, Dying Light, Outlast, The Evil Within and every other multiplat out there. What are you guys going to get all wet because a tree sways a little more realistically or that maybe a wave has a little better roll to it? C'mon, you Sony fanbots are really making yourselves look childish and ignorant.[QUOTE="ShoTTyMcNaDeS"][QUOTE="DrTrafalgarLaw"] 1.82 TFLOPs vs. 1.23 TFLOPs. Do the math. In reality the Xflop One only has access to 90% of the GPU when in-game, 10% of GPU resources are reserved for switching on the fly and picture-in-picture crap. It's: 1.82 TFLOPs vs. 1.1 TFLOPs. The GPU of the PS4 is 65% stronger. Deal with it chumps.XBOunity
you didnt say killer instinct... im dissapointed
Sorry, yes Killer Instinct as well!That 50% figure comes from Sony and its lapdogs. 1.82 TFLOPs vs. 1.23 TFLOPs. Do the math.[QUOTE="ShoulderOfOrion"][QUOTE="DrTrafalgarLaw"] 50% stronger GPU is not marginal, it's phenomenal.DrTrafalgarLaw
[QUOTE="XBOunity"][QUOTE="ShoTTyMcNaDeS"]Wont stop me from enjoying Halo 5, Titanfall, Quantum Break, DR3, Forza 5, Ryse, Watchdogs, RARE titles, MGS 5, Dying Light, Outlast, The Evil Within and every other multiplat out there. What are you guys going to get all wet because a tree sways a little more realistically or that maybe a wave has a little better roll to it? C'mon, you Sony fanbots are really making yourselves look childish and ignorant.ShoTTyMcNaDeS
you didnt say killer instinct... im dissapointed
Sorry, yes Killer Instinct as well!haha i dont think cows can say that they are forgetting about some of their exclusives cause they have so many like here
So if the PS4 is so much more powerful than the X1, why is it that their launch games look horribly average in comparison to the X1's offerings? Seriously, Drive Club looks like something from 360 or PS3 circa 2008 and KZSF just isn't blowing anyone away except for Sony lapdogs? ShoTTyMcNaDeSWhat X1 offering is this that looks so great? Don't say for Forza, cause it doesn't, nor does Titanfall.
[QUOTE="DrTrafalgarLaw"]1.82 TFLOPs vs. 1.23 TFLOPs. Do the math.[QUOTE="ShoulderOfOrion"] That 50% figure comes from Sony and its lapdogs.FoxbatAlpha
All this talk of terraflops is great when you consider what it relates to in terms of PC hardware. Its kinda embarrasing that people are getting all defensive and offensive over something that is not impressive at all. Infact its so far behind what is available its a pointless argument.
Love that sig!!!! TITANFALL!!!!!!! That game take a big huge 2000 LB. sasquatch S#@T on KZSF!!!!What about the 5 billion transistors? What about Direct X11.2? What about Direct3D Tiled Resources? Does none of this matter?
Aside from SW, not many people care. All they want to know is what console will have the best version of the new COD and that is the X1. clyde46Nah Cod is a last gen game don't know what will replace it as the "it game" but doubt that COD will continue to dominate like it has in the past its time will come to an end soon
Nice post. Full of helpful links and sources. Take note everyone else.
But my thoughts. Claiming the PS4 is NOT the superior console is nothing short of stupid. On paper, off paper, Cloud aside (if that's an arguing factor for you), the PS4 is the raw superior. That's without a doubt saying. If "teh Cloudz" is truly the PS4's downfall, it's advantages have yet been displayed really in any way but hypotheticals. It all sounds neat, but its possibilities haven't been shown. I do like the "480k action per second" the Cloud can (supposedly) handle without even touching the Xbox One's hardware, but I haven't seen that demonstrated yet. It's all a story thus far.
Even if the Cloud is some god-given savior for Microsoft, PS4 is the stronger console. But how significant that power advantage is will have be seen at a later date. As this generation ages, I'm sure the PS4 developers (looking at you, Naughty Dog) will make their games stand out from the competition, but judging it all off of the first few forays will be too soon. Or not, we'll see. Killzone does look very pretty.
But that's all. Saw a well-executed post and had to respond. Thanks for reading. Back to trolling.
[QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"]Yes the PS4 is more powerfull. Yes the X1 is more sophisticated. The differences should be minimal at best. ChuteboxHow is the X1 more sophisticated? It comes with a tiny top hat.
old and no one in the real world cares
And the most ignorant post of the day goes to you.
Call of Duty sales generate on average 20 million sales between the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. There are 150 million+ consoles combined out there.
Shouldn't have to spell it out any further.
we already know Xbox One is quite weak with its measle 1.1 teraflop GPU
Sorry, yes Killer Instinct as well![QUOTE="ShoTTyMcNaDeS"][QUOTE="XBOunity"]
you didnt say killer instinct... im dissapointed
haha i dont think cows can say that they are forgetting about some of their exclusives cause they have so many like here
PSBore exclusives looked like ass. Knack looked like a regular PS3 game. (R&C reskinned) And I certainly don't know what anyone sees in The Order 1886. Maybe the footage was messed up because that looked current gen as well. CCon is coming up...Moar GodBox exclusives!!![QUOTE="XBOunity"][QUOTE="ShoTTyMcNaDeS"]Sorry, yes Killer Instinct as well!XboxStache
haha i dont think cows can say that they are forgetting about some of their exclusives cause they have so many like here
PSBore exclusives looked like ass. Knack looked like a regular PS3 game. (R&C reskinned) And I certainly don't know what anyone sees in The Order 1886. Maybe the footage was messed up because that looked current gen as well. CCon is coming up...Moar GodBox exclusives!!! 360 launch games looked like ass too and games like Chaos Theory and The Liandri Conflict blew them away. Still obsessing over irrelevant launch games I see. This must be you kids first launch.99% know they have more powerful hardware.
99% also means nothing.
99% know the Xbox One is a better quality system
99% also know the Xbox One uses superior technology
100% know Xbox One is the superior console.
no99% know they have more powerful hardware.
99% also means nothing.
99% know the Xbox One is a better quality system
99% also know the Xbox One uses superior technology
100% know Xbox One is the superior console.
PS4 is 63% more powerful than the Xbone Television box
These are facts. Let the games begin *eats popcorn*
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