neogaf seems a little anti microsoft and pro sony if you ask me, i read it everyday, you cannot link neogaf, DF is >>>>>>> neogaf :lol: as a link brah.
Fun fact neogaf leaked more than DF...:lol:
Hell on Killzone SF demo they identify 5 cores and a orchestrator when it was in fact 6 cores,core 0,core 1,core 2, and so on it was confirmed on Neogaf,and they were the ones who talked about the 6 cores before as well,so yeah the 6 core remark came from DF based on Killzone SF demo which was done on Unfinish hardware...:lol:
Interestingly, Guerrilla's presentation explicitly refers to "every" core being used, but the screenshots of the profiling tools - developed by the team itself owing to the work-in-progress nature of Sony's own analysis software - only seems to be explicitly identifying five worker threads. As of right now, we have no real idea of how much CPU time the PS4's new operating system sucks up and how much is left to game developers, and we understand that the system reservation is up in the air. However, the profiling tool shows that in the here and now there are indeed five workers threads, plus the "orchestrator" and each of them is locked to a single core. The inference we can draw right now is that while OS reservation hasn't been locked down, developers have access to at least six of the eight cores of the PS4's CPU.
CPU Load
- 60 AI characters
- 940 entities, 300 active
- 8200 physics objects (1500 key-framed, 6700 static)
- 500 particle systems
- 120 sound voices
- 110 ray casts
- 1000 jobs per frame
It was DF who talked about the 6 core before it wasn't the developer,and it was based on unfinish hardware,look at the CPU task 120 sound voices on the PS4 hardware sound voices are done on the sound chip the PS4 has,not on the CPU this was already make clear by sony,so yeah everything was based on Killzone SF demo.
right now we are both speculating, cause we dont officially know, but will you be surprised if the PS4 uses 2 cores for the OS? I know I wouldnt. Do you really think they wanna gimp out there system when it comes to flexibility? Are they trying to make a next gen experience or not? You are way too hung up on this brah.
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