MS said 1080p games on Xbox One will make the jump to 4k, along with some 900p games. AC games have been 900p, and this is still running 4K and scales down under heavy load, and they didn't even mention what sort of scaling.
If the game is spending 90%+ percent of it's time at 4K then that's being petty given AC Syndicate was 900p on PS4, right?
Did MS say 900p PS4 games would run at 4K on Scorpio, or is that manufactured outrage?
I see all the scared cows are out. Upset the true 4K machine isn't the Pro? Scared because all multiplats will look and perform better on the Scorpio? Rhetorical so don't bother answering since we know all you cows are scared.
Scared of what? That 5 people will buy it? Oh the fear.
Doesn't matter if it's 1 person, the fact that the PS4 will no longer have the best looking multiplats has all you cows scared. Just look at quacks meltdowns in every thread. It sucks for you cows but luckily I'm a manticore and will be able to enjoy all no matter the platform :)
Yeah, let's see about that. Heard Metro ran on a PC on the Xbox E3 event.
You also hear Sony runs almost all their game demos on PCs during events? Standard practice son
Can you defend your stupid box without brining the PS4?
Scared of what? That 5 people will buy it? Oh the fear.
Doesn't matter if it's 1 person, the fact that the PS4 will no longer have the best looking multiplats has all you cows scared. Just look at quacks meltdowns in every thread. It sucks for you cows but luckily I'm a manticore and will be able to enjoy all no matter the platform :)
Yeah, let's see about that. Heard Metro ran on a PC on the Xbox E3 event.
You also hear Sony runs almost all their game demos on PCs during events? Standard practice son
Can you defend your stupid box without brining the PS4?
I see the truth has caused you some pain. The fact that both companies use that technique when showcasing games seems to have eluded you.
Can you defend your stupid box without brining the PS4?
I see the truth has caused you some pain. The fact that both companies use that technique when showcasing games seems to have eluded you.
Not really.
I'm just wondering where i'll send your butthurt if i say that MS said the Bone can do 1080, but has been barely doing 900.
Wow you're so butthurt that you're making absolutely no sense. Running demos at E3 on a PC has what to do with the X1 running games in 1080 or 900p? Or you trying to say the X1X can't run games in 1080p?
You do realize that most of these 1800p games are not rendering at native 1800p right? They're checkboarding TO 1800p, and then from that point traditionally upscaling to 3840x2160.
Can you defend your stupid box without brining the PS4?
I see the truth has caused you some pain. The fact that both companies use that technique when showcasing games seems to have eluded you.
Not really.
I'm just wondering where i'll send your butthurt if i say that MS said the Bone can do 1080, but has been barely doing 900.
Wow you're so butthurt that you're making absolutely no sense. Running demos at E3 on a PC has what to do with the X1 running games in 1080 or 900p? Or you trying to say the X1X can't run games in 1080p?
End of the day the Xbox will have the best version of every game that the Xbox and PS share. and by a good deal. Sony fans will never be able to brag about any game that is on both consoles. They can brag about Sony having RDR marketing rights for example but they will never be able to brag about the better version of the game. Sony may have the better RDR commercials but Xbox will have the better game.
@CanYouDiglt: The only talking point cows have left is exclusives and considering how long it takes Sony to bring those out cows wont have much to say unless its about Xbox.
Microsoft stated all of their 1st party titles will be native 4K, can Sony say the same? Nope. Besides AC, what games are confirmed non-native 4K on the XB1X? Nope.
@CanYouDiglt: The only talking point cows have left is exclusives and considering how long it takes Sony to bring those out cows wont have much to say unless its about Xbox.
So back to the usual SW? lolol
Ya the only thing Sony fans can do now is bring up things that can not be compared. I actually think Sony fans will start using sales on why PS is the better game console over Xbox since games can not be compared.
@Guy_Brohski: Yes, I thought it was quite clear myself about this 4k nonsense. MS 1st party would be gearing for native 4k and that 3rd party could use whatever technique to reach 4k or any other resolution. Low and behold we have a thread about a 3rd party game not being native, Just baffles me when nonsense reigns.
All hardware has limits and the difference hardware has different limits.
Gears of War 4 with 4K PC examples with reference to X1X's Gears of War 4 4K result.
1. You here i don't even know how you have the guts to even post in a thread like this,worse using a freaking MS game,AC is nothing like Gears or Forza in any freaking way.
2. You compared the 1070TGX vs Scorpio using nothing but MS games which are develop for xbox one using a unified api,
3. lead platforms for both of those games is the damn xbox,so yeah those are totally screw up games on PC even more on Nvidia Hardware which the xbox one or Scorpio doesn't have
@ronvalencia said:
Microsoft store also sells PNY NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080.
FreeSync supports already implies not all games would be 60 fps. Again, all hardware has limits and the difference hardware has different limits.
At 4K, RX-470 4 GB (hence PS4 Pro) class GPU is worst than MSI R9-390X 8 GB at 1100 Mhz OC and GTX 1070 8 GB.
4. And that mean totally shit stop arguing shit that not one is arguing spinning troll.
5. MS doesn't make 1080GTX.
6. Oh go cry about limits elsewhere hypocrite after you have months crying about how the Scorpio = a 1070GTX based on nothing but MS shitty optimized games,i told you so how many times i told you so,i can't wait for DF analysis so we can compare it vs a 1070GTX.
I wasn't even talking about the Pro but i get it you are butthurt because once again your pathetic predictions failed,just like your Price prediction based on SOC price also failed $500
1. The game's 3D engine is Unreal Engine 4 which is not owned by MS. The problems for Unreal Engine 4 on AMD GPUs still shows. Tekken 7 (yet another Unreal Engine 4 based game) shows PS4 Pro like RX-470 result. At a given TFLOPS power, AMD GPUs loses to NVIDIA Paxwell TFLOPS counterpart.
2. And?
3. NVIDIA's major shader programs are pixel shader/ROPS based hence, it's smashed into AMD's Pixel Engine link to memory controller bottleneck. There are reasons for AMD's compute shader focused software optimizations e.g. AMD's forward plus tile render via compute shaders. This is before any NVIDIA's tessellation overdraw gimping.
The above diagram is the summary between NVIDIA vs AMD software optimizations.
Frostbite 3's lighting solution is done via compute shaders which enables AMD GPUs close the gap with NVIDIA's TFLOPS counterparts. Doom Vulkan's heavy sync compute and async compute usage also follows this workaround.
4. The only troll is your post. FreeSync supports already implies less than 60 hz update rates.
5. Unlike MS, Sony doesn't sell any NVIDIA's Pascal GPUs. Neither MS and Sony makes their own GPUs.
6. Your claim is actually based on nothing while my post is based on DF's Scorpio reveal claims. Gears of War 4 4K Ultra on X1X and PC GTX 1070 are similar i.e. not another MSI RX-480 GX (6 TFLOPS) or MSI R9-390X 1100Mhz results.
"The first and probably most noticeable improvement is, of course, that we render the game at native 4K resolution."
"Our team have set out to really push what we can achieve at a native 4K resolution while maintaining a rock solid frame rate"
But then...
"With that being our focus, we’re running at 4K 30FPS for Campaign/Horde and 4K 60FPS for Versus with adaptive scaling to ensure a rock-solid frame rate that fans expect from our head to head multiplayer."
So competitive multiplayer isn't native 4K. Add Gears 4 to the list I guess...
"The first and probably most noticeable improvement is, of course, that we render the game at native 4K resolution."
"Our team have set out to really push what we can achieve at a native 4K resolution while maintaining a rock solid frame rate"
But then...
"With that being our focus, we’re running at 4K 30FPS for Campaign/Horde and 4K 60FPS for Versus with adaptive scaling to ensure a rock-solid frame rate that fans expect from our head to head multiplayer."
So competitive multiplayer isn't native 4K. Add Gears 4 to the list I guess...
X1X's Gears 4 has two game modes
1. 30 fps for campaign mode. My PC benchmark graphs are for the campaign mode. X1X's version has 4K locked resolution.
@kingtito: well the Xbox one x was definitely a let down for what it is marketed at. I was saying all along this won't be a true 4K gaming console and it isn't before it even comes out. MS really messed up their conference with a terrible representation of hardware and games.
@ronvalencia: Yes, and as the dev stated in the article I included in my post, there is adaptive scaling in versus to keep the frame rate at 60. Meaning the game isn't always native 4K. Not all first party titles are native 4K as previously stated. Just clearing up the confusion and or misinformation.
@CanYouDiglt: The only talking point cows have left is exclusives and considering how long it takes Sony to bring those out cows wont have much to say unless its about Xbox.
So back to the usual SW? lolol
Don't forget that PS NOW is going to PC, and Sony said themselves that modern PS4 games will be on the service, so soon they will lose the exclusives card and we'll laugh, or they'll try and convince PC gamers to subscribe to play worse version of multiplats and we'll laugh, either way it's a win, win situation lol.
Any game logic that runs on the PS4 CPU will run at the same frame rate at 4k on Scorpio.
The fact you don't know how this works makes your creation of this thread a bit ironic.
So why is Ark running 60 FPS on XBOX and 30 FPS on Pro??
What's even sadder is the Pro can't handle 1080 60FPS.
I agree Dynamic Resolution with Locked Frame Rates is the way to go until the Free Sync TV's become standard. Once those TV's are standard they could give us the option for locked FPS or Locked Res.
Scorpio wouldn't be able to handle any PS4 exclusive games at native 4k due to having higher base line hardware to work on so it's power is little over blown.
Pro would have a much easier time rending Xbone games at higher resolutions then it does PS4 games.
I was surprised AC origins wasn't native 4k because, although overall the world was visually impressive, there were some glaring issues such as poor shadows, LoD and some aliasing. You'd expect these to be at higher settings if it's upscaled. It's alpha so may be improved but I wasn't very impressed. Be interesting to see what the PC version looks like in comparison.
cool...cut it anyway you like the multi plats releasing moving forward are likely to look and perform better on the OneX, has more resources available. Expect the first party MS games optimized to take advantage of the OneX to show the biggest improvements. With regards to third parties, adaptive solutions seem obvious considering at this point they have four separate Sku's to cater to.
Scorpio wouldn't be able to handle any PS4 exclusive games at native 4k due to having higher base line hardware to work on so it's power is little over blown.
Pro would have a much easier time rending Xbone games at higher resolutions then it does PS4 games.
It depends on PS4 Pro's exclusive game's resolution e.g. GTSport's 1800p can be made into 4K with X1X's power.
Any game logic that runs on the PS4 CPU will run at the same frame rate at 4k on Scorpio.
The fact you don't know how this works makes your creation of this thread a bit ironic.
So why is Ark running 60 FPS on XBOX and 30 FPS on Pro??
What's even sadder is the Pro can't handle 1080 60FPS.
I agree Dynamic Resolution with Locked Frame Rates is the way to go until the Free Sync TV's become standard. Once those TV's are standard they could give us the option for locked FPS or Locked Res.
Studio Wildcard's Jesse Rapczak was recently on the E3 2017 Live Show with Geoff Keighley, where he said that they're aiming for 60FPS on Xbox One X, and that 60FPS was "not possible" on the PS4 Pro. PS4 Pro users can run 60FPS, but only at 720p where we'll see ARK running at 1080p 60FPS on close to Epic settings on Xbox One X.
During the interview, Rapczak said: "It's amazing. It's basically like Epic settings on PC, we're targeting 60FPS. We recently introduced variable frame rate, but on Xbox One X with the extra horsepower, you'll notice less variation in your frame rate even in busy situations".
Rapczak added: ":The PS4 Pro also has improved frame rate when compared to PS4. Before the XB1X, it was the best console version of ARK, but it's hard to argue with that 6 teraflops [laughs]. Having the same frame rate in our game isn't really possible, there are a couple reasons for that: the XB1X not only has a faster CPU than PS4 Pro, it also has a lot more RAM. I'd say there's a 50% performance difference".
When it comes to the Xbox One X, his comments build hype: "The Xbox One X is great. Everything from the devkits is so much easier to develop for. It's faster in all sorts of ways, especially for us developers it's easier to iterate. In terms of horsepower, it's just phenomenal, it is expensive but when you think about the price for a similarly specced PC, it doesn't unreasonable at all to me. Overall, the quality is going up a lot. It would have been easy to say, hey, let's just take the Xbox One version and crank up the resolution, but actually we've brought over some enhanced effects from PC. We've actually got volumetric lighting and clouds on Xbox One X, higher draw distance that is equal to PC's Epic settings, higher resolution textures...".
Scorpio wouldn't be able to handle any PS4 exclusive games at native 4k due to having higher base line hardware to work on so it's power is little over blown.
Pro would have a much easier time rending Xbone games at higher resolutions then it does PS4 games.
It depends on PS4 Pro's exclusive game's resolution e.g. GTSport's 1800p can be made into 4K with X1X's power.
Without knowing where the bottleneck lies on a per game basis it's impossible to tell what game would and wouldn't.
Scorpio wouldn't be able to handle any PS4 exclusive games at native 4k due to having higher base line hardware to work on so it's power is little over blown.
Pro would have a much easier time rending Xbone games at higher resolutions then it does PS4 games.
It depends on PS4 Pro's exclusive game's resolution e.g. GTSport's 1800p can be made into 4K with X1X's power.
Without knowing where the bottleneck lies on a per game basis it's impossible to tell what game would and wouldn't.
Let's agree that the CPU in both consoles are shit.
Scorpio wouldn't be able to handle any PS4 exclusive games at native 4k due to having higher base line hardware to work on so it's power is little over blown.
Pro would have a much easier time rending Xbone games at higher resolutions then it does PS4 games.
It depends on PS4 Pro's exclusive game's resolution e.g. GTSport's 1800p can be made into 4K with X1X's power.
Without knowing where the bottleneck lies on a per game basis it's impossible to tell what game would and wouldn't.
X1X is just a faster PS4 Pro i.e. difference is like GTX 980 Ti vs RX-470.
Any game logic that runs on the PS4 CPU will run at the same frame rate at 4k on Scorpio.
The fact you don't know how this works makes your creation of this thread a bit ironic.
So why is Ark running 60 FPS on XBOX and 30 FPS on Pro??
What's even sadder is the Pro can't handle 1080 60FPS.
I agree Dynamic Resolution with Locked Frame Rates is the way to go until the Free Sync TV's become standard. Once those TV's are standard they could give us the option for locked FPS or Locked Res.
Studio Wildcard's Jesse Rapczak was recently on the E3 2017 Live Show with Geoff Keighley, where he said that they're aiming for 60FPS on Xbox One X, and that 60FPS was "not possible" on the PS4 Pro. PS4 Pro users can run 60FPS, but only at 720p where we'll see ARK running at 1080p 60FPS on close to Epic settings on Xbox One X.
During the interview, Rapczak said: "It's amazing. It's basically like Epic settings on PC, we're targeting 60FPS. We recently introduced variable frame rate, but on Xbox One X with the extra horsepower, you'll notice less variation in your frame rate even in busy situations".
Rapczak added: ":The PS4 Pro also has improved frame rate when compared to PS4. Before the XB1X, it was the best console version of ARK, but it's hard to argue with that 6 teraflops [laughs]. Having the same frame rate in our game isn't really possible, there are a couple reasons for that: the XB1X not only has a faster CPU than PS4 Pro, it also has a lot more RAM. I'd say there's a 50% performance difference".
When it comes to the Xbox One X, his comments build hype: "The Xbox One X is great. Everything from the devkits is so much easier to develop for. It's faster in all sorts of ways, especially for us developers it's easier to iterate. In terms of horsepower, it's just phenomenal, it is expensive but when you think about the price for a similarly specced PC, it doesn't unreasonable at all to me. Overall, the quality is going up a lot. It would have been easy to say, hey, let's just take the Xbox One version and crank up the resolution, but actually we've brought over some enhanced effects from PC. We've actually got volumetric lighting and clouds on Xbox One X, higher draw distance that is equal to PC's Epic settings, higher resolution textures...".
X1X has beaten reference GTX 980 Ti Super JetStream and Titan X Maxwell OC
During the interview, Rapczak said: "It's amazing. It's basically like Epic settings on PC, we're targeting 60FPS. We recently introduced variable frame rate, but on Xbox One X with the extra horsepower, you'll notice less variation in your frame rate even in busy situations".
Let me high light a few quotes from your post to you:
1. They're TARGETING 60fps, they're not saying they can 100% get to it.
2. "You'll notice less variation in your frame rate" - meaning that it's not a locked 60fps as locked frame rates don't vary do they?
Stop making assumptions without any real numbers, only when Ark has been released on Xbox-X and we have genuine frame rate data can comparisons to other hardware be made.
And do you think that PC version will not see any optimizations and performance improvement too? Again you've failed to factor that in to your argument.
None of these consoles can easily handle 4k with no compromisses. I wonder why don't devs aim at something like 1600p60 (for Xbox X) and 1080p60 (for Pro) instead? Thay would please both, fans of image quality and fans of performance.
Scorpio wouldn't be able to handle any PS4 exclusive games at native 4k due to having higher base line hardware to work on so it's power is little over blown.
Pro would have a much easier time rending Xbone games at higher resolutions then it does PS4 games.
It depends on PS4 Pro's exclusive game's resolution e.g. GTSport's 1800p can be made into 4K with X1X's power.
Without knowing where the bottleneck lies on a per game basis it's impossible to tell what game would and wouldn't.
Let's agree that the CPU in both consoles are shit.
ARM Cortex A72 with quad core at 2.3 Ghz (Kirin 950) vs Intel Atom with quad core at 2.3 Ghz (Z3580)
CPU physics score
Intel Atom Z3580 = 20,977
ARM Cortex A72 Kirin 950 = 14,784
AMD Athlon 5350 has quad core Jaguar at 2.05 Ghz. CPU physics score is 23,546 which is slightly superior to Intel Atom Z3580 at 2.3 Ghz's 20,977. AMD ZEN doubles Jaguar's IPC and math unit resources.
Scorpio wouldn't be able to handle any PS4 exclusive games at native 4k due to having higher base line hardware to work on so it's power is little over blown.
Pro would have a much easier time rending Xbone games at higher resolutions then it does PS4 games.
It depends on PS4 Pro's exclusive game's resolution e.g. GTSport's 1800p can be made into 4K with X1X's power.
Without knowing where the bottleneck lies on a per game basis it's impossible to tell what game would and wouldn't.
X1X is just a faster PS4 Pro i.e. difference is like GTX 980 Ti vs RX-470.
Any game logic that runs on the PS4 CPU will run at the same frame rate at 4k on Scorpio.
The fact you don't know how this works makes your creation of this thread a bit ironic.
So why is Ark running 60 FPS on XBOX and 30 FPS on Pro??
What's even sadder is the Pro can't handle 1080 60FPS.
I agree Dynamic Resolution with Locked Frame Rates is the way to go until the Free Sync TV's become standard. Once those TV's are standard they could give us the option for locked FPS or Locked Res.
Studio Wildcard's Jesse Rapczak was recently on the E3 2017 Live Show with Geoff Keighley, where he said that they're aiming for 60FPS on Xbox One X, and that 60FPS was "not possible" on the PS4 Pro. PS4 Pro users can run 60FPS, but only at 720p where we'll see ARK running at 1080p 60FPS on close to Epic settings on Xbox One X.
During the interview, Rapczak said: "It's amazing. It's basically like Epic settings on PC, we're targeting 60FPS. We recently introduced variable frame rate, but on Xbox One X with the extra horsepower, you'll notice less variation in your frame rate even in busy situations".
Rapczak added: ":The PS4 Pro also has improved frame rate when compared to PS4. Before the XB1X, it was the best console version of ARK, but it's hard to argue with that 6 teraflops [laughs]. Having the same frame rate in our game isn't really possible, there are a couple reasons for that: the XB1X not only has a faster CPU than PS4 Pro, it also has a lot more RAM. I'd say there's a 50% performance difference".
When it comes to the Xbox One X, his comments build hype: "The Xbox One X is great. Everything from the devkits is so much easier to develop for. It's faster in all sorts of ways, especially for us developers it's easier to iterate. In terms of horsepower, it's just phenomenal, it is expensive but when you think about the price for a similarly specced PC, it doesn't unreasonable at all to me. Overall, the quality is going up a lot. It would have been easy to say, hey, let's just take the Xbox One version and crank up the resolution, but actually we've brought over some enhanced effects from PC. We've actually got volumetric lighting and clouds on Xbox One X, higher draw distance that is equal to PC's Epic settings, higher resolution textures...".
X1X has beaten reference GTX 980 Ti Super JetStream and Titan X Maxwell OC
During the interview, Rapczak said: "It's amazing. It's basically like Epic settings on PC, we're targeting 60FPS. We recently introduced variable frame rate, but on Xbox One X with the extra horsepower, you'll notice less variation in your frame rate even in busy situations".
Let me high light a few quotes from your post to you:
1. They're TARGETING 60fps, they're not saying they can 100% get to it.
2. "You'll notice less variation in your frame rate" - meaning that it's not a locked 60fps as locked frame rates don't vary do they?
Stop making assumptions without any real numbers, only when Ark has been released on Xbox-X and we have genuine frame rate data can comparisons to other hardware be made.
And do you think that PC version will not see any optimizations and performance improvement too? Again you've failed to factor that in to your argument.
1. I didn't claim 100 percent 60 fps i.e. being close to 60 fps (i.e. less less variation) is better than 44 fps average.
We'll see ARK running at 1080p 60FPS on close to Epic settings on Xbox One X.
2. Notice my posted PC benchmarks doesn't have EPIC settings.
Can you defend your stupid box without brining the PS4?
I see the truth has caused you some pain. The fact that both companies use that technique when showcasing games seems to have eluded you.
Not really.
I'm just wondering where i'll send your butthurt if i say that MS said the Bone can do 1080, but has been barely doing 900.
Wow you're so butthurt that you're making absolutely no sense. Running demos at E3 on a PC has what to do with the X1 running games in 1080 or 900p? Or you trying to say the X1X can't run games in 1080p?
I said Bone, not xbonebonex.
The entire conversation was regarding the X1X which just happens to be what the thread is about. Why in THE hell would you talk about the X1?
@kingtito: well the Xbox one x was definitely a let down for what it is marketed at. I was saying all along this won't be a true 4K gaming console and it isn't before it even comes out. MS really messed up their conference with a terrible representation of hardware and games.
How is it not a true 4K machine? Every game MS showcased was in native 4K. MS also stated it would be up to the devs as far as how the resources are allocated. Makes no sense what you're saying just because a dev isn't aiming for 4K. True 4K =/= every game in 4K if the devs don't wish it to be.
@ronvalencia: Yes, and as the dev stated in the article I included in my post, there is adaptive scaling in versus to keep the frame rate at 60. Meaning the game isn't always native 4K. Not all first party titles are native 4K as previously stated. Just clearing up the confusion and or misinformation.
You're trying way to hard dude. The SP mode is native 4K/30 the MP is adaptive 4K but at 60. They made some concessions to reach 60. MS never said the games would run at 4K/60 but the game could have easily ran at 4K/30. The devs felt 60 was better for MP mode which most people would agree with. You're sounding just as lame as these cows. You might want to check yourself
@kingtito: Well from developer interviews, we know that Assassins Creed Origin, Ark and Gears of War 4 all have compromises to 4K resolution. What happens when more devs are interviewed or when Digital Foundry gets their hands on the games? It won't be the marketing team giving the message then.
We all know that the Xbox One X whoops the PS4 Pro. There really is no comparison. But Microsoft has turned a term that should be something black and white, into a buzzword to get console kids excited. This really is no different than when Sony hyped 1080p. When Sony games fell short, I was right there calling out the fanboys that claimed it was a 1080p console. And I'm here doing the same to the Lems that are doing EXACTLY what Cows were called out for 4 years ago. And sure enough, Lems are here saying, "well it's still better than the Pro."
@kingtito: Well from developer interviews, we know that Assassins Creed Origin, Ark and Gears of War 4 all have compromises to 4K resolution. What happens when more devs are interviewed or when Digital Foundry gets their hands on the games? It won't be the marketing team giving the message then.
We all know that the Xbox One X whoops the PS4 Pro. There really is no comparison. But Microsoft has turned a term that should be something black and white, into a buzzword to get console kids excited. This really is no different than when Sony hyped 1080p. When Sony games fell short, I was right there calling out the fanboys that claimed it was a 1080p console. And I'm here doing the same to the Lems that are doing EXACTLY what Cows were called out for 4 years ago. And sure enough, Lems are here saying, "well it's still better than the Pro."
My argument is consistent i.e. it's better than my decommissioned R9-390X. X1X is handling UE4 based games better than my R9-390X.
@kingtito: Well from developer interviews, we know that Assassins Creed Origin, Ark and Gears of War 4 all have compromises to 4K resolution. What happens when more devs are interviewed or when Digital Foundry gets their hands on the games? It won't be the marketing team giving the message then.
We all know that the Xbox One X whoops the PS4 Pro. There really is no comparison. But Microsoft has turned a term that should be something black and white, into a buzzword to get console kids excited. This really is no different than when Sony hyped 1080p. When Sony games fell short, I was right there calling out the fanboys that claimed it was a 1080p console. And I'm here doing the same to the Lems that are doing EXACTLY what Cows were called out for 4 years ago. And sure enough, Lems are here saying, "well it's still better than the Pro."
3rd party devs and you have no idea what they're aiming for. Saying MS lied because 3rd party devs are not aiming for native 4K doesn't == not a true 4K machine. Gears is also native in Sp mode so you can remove that from your list of none native 4K games. MS made it clear it's up to the devs and it's obvious some devs have other priorities in mind. The fact that EVERY MS game was shown in native 4K should tell you something.
But there is a difference. The PS4 has shown to be weak and couldn't handle all games in 1080p even with 1st party games. MS has shown all MS games are running in native 4K. The only games that aren't are 3rd party and that is a choice the devs are making and not because of limitations of the X1X. That would be like blaming 1080p TVs for not being true 1080p when TV stations were broadcasting in 720p when 1080p 1st launched. The TVs were capable of displaying full 1080p just like the X1X is capable of native 4K. It' ultimately comes down to the sources.
I do see what you're saying though, I just think it doesn't really apply to this situation.
Any game logic that runs on the PS4 CPU will run at the same frame rate at 4k on Scorpio.
The fact you don't know how this works makes your creation of this thread a bit ironic.
So why is Ark running 60 FPS on XBOX and 30 FPS on Pro??
What's even sadder is the Pro can't handle 1080 60FPS.
I agree Dynamic Resolution with Locked Frame Rates is the way to go until the Free Sync TV's become standard. Once those TV's are standard they could give us the option for locked FPS or Locked Res.
Studio Wildcard's Jesse Rapczak was recently on the E3 2017 Live Show with Geoff Keighley, where he said that they're aiming for 60FPS on Xbox One X, and that 60FPS was "not possible" on the PS4 Pro. PS4 Pro users can run 60FPS, but only at 720p where we'll see ARK running at 1080p 60FPS on close to Epic settings on Xbox One X.
During the interview, Rapczak said: "It's amazing. It's basically like Epic settings on PC, we're targeting 60FPS. We recently introduced variable frame rate, but on Xbox One X with the extra horsepower, you'll notice less variation in your frame rate even in busy situations".
Rapczak added: ":The PS4 Pro also has improved frame rate when compared to PS4. Before the XB1X, it was the best console version of ARK, but it's hard to argue with that 6 teraflops [laughs]. Having the same frame rate in our game isn't really possible, there are a couple reasons for that: the XB1X not only has a faster CPU than PS4 Pro, it also has a lot more RAM. I'd say there's a 50% performance difference".
When it comes to the Xbox One X, his comments build hype: "The Xbox One X is great. Everything from the devkits is so much easier to develop for. It's faster in all sorts of ways, especially for us developers it's easier to iterate. In terms of horsepower, it's just phenomenal, it is expensive but when you think about the price for a similarly specced PC, it doesn't unreasonable at all to me. Overall, the quality is going up a lot. It would have been easy to say, hey, let's just take the Xbox One version and crank up the resolution, but actually we've brought over some enhanced effects from PC. We've actually got volumetric lighting and clouds on Xbox One X, higher draw distance that is equal to PC's Epic settings, higher resolution textures...".
X1X has beaten reference GTX 980 Ti Super JetStream and Titan X Maxwell OC
During the interview, Rapczak said: "It's amazing. It's basically like Epic settings on PC, we're targeting 60FPS. We recently introduced variable frame rate, but on Xbox One X with the extra horsepower, you'll notice less variation in your frame rate even in busy situations".
Let me high light a few quotes from your post to you:
1. They're TARGETING 60fps, they're not saying they can 100% get to it.
2. "You'll notice less variation in your frame rate" - meaning that it's not a locked 60fps as locked frame rates don't vary do they?
Stop making assumptions without any real numbers, only when Ark has been released on Xbox-X and we have genuine frame rate data can comparisons to other hardware be made.
And do you think that PC version will not see any optimizations and performance improvement too? Again you've failed to factor that in to your argument.
1. "where we'll see ARK running at 1080p 60FPS on close to Epic settings on Xbox One X."
@kingtito: it isn't because devs don't want's because devs can't make those games 4K with the hardware in it. Come on...Microsoft promised a 4K machine and it didn't deliver. I have a PC that would run circles around the one and it would sometimes struggle with 60 fps at 4K at ultra settings.
@kingtito: Cows got grief when it was learned that Killzone Shadowfall was dropping the resolution during multiplayer. But Microsoft gets a pass when they do it? Those are both 1st party games, right? I mean that makes perfect sense by System Wars logic. Amnesia is what keeps this place going. I was just hoping Lems were gonna be better than the Cows were the last 4 years.
@kingtito: it isn't because devs don't want's because devs can't make those games 4K with the hardware in it. Come on...Microsoft promised a 4K machine and it didn't deliver. I have a PC that would run circles around the one and it would sometimes struggle with 60 fps at 4K at ultra settings.
That makes no sense. MS showed every game in native 4K yet you're going to tell me that 3rd party devs can't because of the hardware? So is MS using magic pixie dust to get their games to run in native 4K? Bottom line is you have no idea what devs are aiming for. They could be aiming for 60fps and ultra settings rather than concentrating on resolution. MS never said the games could all run in ultra at a native 4K. That would be unrealistic so let's use a little common sense here.
I see the truth has caused you some pain. The fact that both companies use that technique when showcasing games seems to have eluded you.
Not really.
I'm just wondering where i'll send your butthurt if i say that MS said the Bone can do 1080, but has been barely doing 900.
Wow you're so butthurt that you're making absolutely no sense. Running demos at E3 on a PC has what to do with the X1 running games in 1080 or 900p? Or you trying to say the X1X can't run games in 1080p?
I said Bone, not xbonebonex.
The entire conversation was regarding the X1X which just happens to be what the thread is about. Why in THE hell would you talk about the X1?
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