[QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"] The point of the matter is your argument isn't really a argument.. Its a matter of taste that you prefer a genre that is on the console... It certainly is not a weakness.. How can you say a apple has the weakness of not being sour/acidic like the orange? Its a bogus comparison and just a matter of taste.. I am not saying one is better then the other, but you certainlly can't see it as a weakness.froidnite
Get that weak ass analogy out of here. PC not having JRPGS and FIGHTERS is like CONSOLES not getting MMORPGs, Simulations, and RTS. Deal with the facts man. Your preference is nothing but opinion.
Your arguement is all about taste dude. Its not really a factual agruement about the PC. OMG you like JRPGs and Fighters. thats nice, the PC has twice as many districnt genres in simulation styled games.How isn't it a factual arguement? PC gets no newly released JRPGS and Fighters its a fact. Nobody is denying that the PC has twice as many distinct genre's but it still doesn't have modern day fighters and JRPGS.
Underlined part is a fact. Noone's denying it. However whether is a bad thing or not depends on the person you are arguing with. Some people will see it as a flaw and some couldn't care any less about it. That's the reason your argument becomes subjective the moment you mention specific genres....you go on and on how people shouldn't use their own opinion to counter your argument....but what you have done is the same.No one is denying PC lacks in JRPG's or fighter.....bottom line is PC isn't the perfect platform but the best platform(dominates in more number of genres).
This is how your argument sounds to me.......PS3 has a small weakness.......All the currently available PS3 are black in colour and I hate black so PS3 sucks. The underlined part is a FACT, but does that mean PS3 has a weakness....doesn't it depend on the person you are arguin with?
Lack of genre's and lack of games is a weakness period. Whether you like it or not. The color black doesn't affect the PS3's gaming expereince. Not having JRPGS and FIGHTERS does affect the PC's hence why the PC isn't popular in Japan. Hence its a weakness. You may not care for it but that doesn't mean its not there. You may not like it but that doesn't mean it ceases to exist. Its still there and its not going anywhere. The PC doesn't have new releases for JRPGS and FIGHTERS that is a fact.
Lack of games for any platform is a weakness. That is a fact. Your preference is an opinion. A Platform lacking in any said form of gaming is not an opinion. It is the truth.
I mean seriously it isn't that hard to realize this. An offensive lineman's weakness is that they are slow but their strengths are that they are very strong. O-Lineman in football don't need the speed of a DB to be successful but that doesn't negate that their weakness is speed.
Like the PC it doesn't need JRPGS and FIGHTERS to succeed but it is still a weakness. Its just as out of place in those genre's as a O-Lineman picking up a fumble and trying to run it for a TD. It ain't pretty.
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