Just one more post for you.
"Well..you're in luck then. Because there have been many jRPGd and fighting games on PC and they all did sell like crap"
Then I ask: "Right... give me the list."
Then I get:
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Grandia 2
Breath of Fire 4"
Does anything really need to be said here ?
I see you've ignored Anachronox, silver, Septerra Core and Neophyte. Not to mention about 20 jRPGs from Falcom. I also gave you over ten fightng games (hardly a completely list). those aren't one or two cases, but numerous and all floped in sales. You might complain it's not lot, but even thoe 4 jRPGs are still more than all simulators consoles for in last 20 years
They sold weak, so obviously there won't be more. Companies aren't keen on loosing money. Why would they make more if those games obviously don't sell?
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