[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"] I really think that they took it too far. kozzy1234
I think they responded nicely. Make an example out of that knuckle head. Now they need to make an example out of these knuckle heads.
Sony is the only knuckleheads in this situtation. Taking aspects of hte ps3 away from people who bought the ps3 just for those features? Come on now you are just making yourself look bad. Alot of peopel bought the ps3 for features that sony was advertising that the ps3 had. Then they take them away out of nowhere? Of ocurse there was going to be concequences for there actions.
If you go to a restaurant and you order a meal on the menu that has this and that in it.. then when you get the meal none of those things are in it... false advertisement. You order a steak with potatoes and shrimp, yet they only give you the potatoes and take out the shrimp/steak right before you are about to eat.
The stuff sony took out might nto mean alot to me or you, but to people who paid 400-500$ just for those features that sony said you could use this is a slap in the face.
Or what about buying a car and seeing all its features that it has in it.. only for the car dealership to come over to your house and take out say teh stereo, the breaks, air conditioning,etc... If you saw these features in an ad and they were taken away from you, I am sure you would be pissed.
Once again it sucks its casue issues for me and others on PSN and soem websites, but this is sonys fault...
Lol keep defending Geo all you want he still didnt have any right to publish the master key! I dont even want to argue about this anymore, people still dont get it. Why dont you send him some more money through paypal maybe he can go on another vacation.
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