[QUOTE="themagicbum9720"]i think it's funny because i don't own a ps3.Chogyamwhats funny, is people complaining they can't use a free service... That's assuming a whole lot.
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[QUOTE="themagicbum9720"]i think it's funny because i don't own a ps3.Chogyamwhats funny, is people complaining they can't use a free service... That's assuming a whole lot.
"Buy this new car!!! It lets you do this, this and this!" Then a week later they take those aspects out, THAT YOU BOUGHT THE CAR FOR IN TEH FIRST PLACE.
Understand? Some people bought a ps3 for the aspects that sony took away after they took there money, that is not right.
So, are you saying people actually bought the PS3 because the "Other OS" option??? :roll:
Some people yes, I know atleast 10 people myself that did and I am sure there are tons of others around the world that bought a PS3 for that reason or that beign ONE of hte reasons.
Just because myself and you didnt buy a ps3 for that reason does not mean others didnt or that what sony is doing is wrong.
They are getting the consequences they deserve imo, even if it effects me and my time on PSN, what sony has done is wrong wrong wrong.
So you rather praise a "wrong" that directly affects you than support a "wrong" that doesn't affect you at all?? Good thinking mate.
I think they responded nicely. Make an example out of that knuckle head. Now they need to make an example out of these knuckle heads.
Sony is the only knuckleheads in this situtation. Taking aspects of hte ps3 away from people who bought the ps3 just for those features? Come on now you are just making yourself look bad. Alot of peopel bought the ps3 for features that sony was advertising that the ps3 had. Then they take them away out of nowhere? Of ocurse there was going to be concequences for there actions.
If you go to a restaurant and you order a meal on the menu that has this and that in it.. then when you get the meal none of those things are in it... false advertisement. You order a steak with potatoes and shrimp, yet they only give you the potatoes and take out the shrimp/steak right before you are about to eat.
The stuff sony took out might nto mean alot to me or you, but to people who paid 400-500$ just for those features that sony said you could use this is a slap in the face.
Or what about buying a car and seeing all its features that it has in it.. only for the car dealership to come over to your house and take out say teh stereo, the breaks, air conditioning,etc... If you saw these features in an ad and they were taken away from you, I am sure you would be pissed.
Once again it sucks its casue issues for me and others on PSN and soem websites, but this is sonys fault...
Lol keep defending Geo all you want he still didnt have any right to publish the master key! I dont even want to argue about this anymore, people still dont get it. Why dont you send him some more money through paypal maybe he can go on another vacation.
1. I never mentioned Geohots, learn to read please
2. I never sent Geo any money and never will
nice try though! try again!
Keep defending companys that lie and take aspects of what you bought away!
So, are you saying people actually bought the PS3 because the "Other OS" option??? :roll:
Some people yes, I know atleast 10 people myself that did and I am sure there are tons of others around the world that bought a PS3 for that reason or that beign ONE of hte reasons.
Just because myself and you didnt buy a ps3 for that reason does not mean others didnt or that what sony is doing is wrong.
They are getting the consequences they deserve imo, even if it effects me and my time on PSN, what sony has done is wrong wrong wrong.
So you rather praise a "wrong" that directly affects you than support a "wrong" that doesn't affect you at all?? Good thinking mate.
It does not effect me but it effects other customers, you only care about yourself and no one else?
Just because them taking away aspects of the ps3 does not effect me does nto mean its not right.
What sony has done is WRONG, even if I woudl have not used the OS or any of hte features they took out, its wrong weither it effects me or not.
Typical person though who only cares about himself and not others that might be effected by sony and there lies.
but if you want to be brainwashed into a bgi company like Sonys garbage then go right ahead, more power to ya. But one day there might be something you buy that gets a feature taken away that YOU ACTUALLY USE and you will be pissed off.
Your perfectly in your right to demand a refund other than that I don't see where the entitlement to Other OS comes from.[QUOTE="kozzy1234"]
Understand? Some people bought a ps3 for the aspects that sony took away after they took there money, that is not right.
I dont want a refund, I never was interested in the OS and other features sony took out of the ps3, I was interested in gamign and blu rays. But I see how this effects ALOT of peopel who bought a ps3 for those reasons and its wrong, period.
They announced all these features for the ps3, dont put it in or advertise it if your just gonna take it away after you get peopels money.
Some people yes, I know atleast 10 people myself that did and I am sure there are tons of others around the world that bought a PS3 for that reason or that beign ONE of hte reasons.
Just because myself and you didnt buy a ps3 for that reason does not mean others didnt or that what sony is doing is wrong.
They are getting the consequences they deserve imo, even if it effects me and my time on PSN, what sony has done is wrong wrong wrong.
So you rather praise a "wrong" that directly affects you than support a "wrong" that doesn't affect you at all?? Good thinking mate.
It does not effect me but it effects other customers, you only care about yourself and no one else?
Just because them taking away aspects of the ps3 does not effect me does nto mean its not right.
What sony has done is WRONG, even if I woudl have not used the OS or any of hte features they took out, its wrong weither it effects me or not.
Typical person though who only cares about himself and not others that might be effected by sony and there lies.
You mentioned the "other OS" a few times already but no one really gives a damn about it man, people buy game consoles primarily for games. And anyways you could of kept the "other OS" if you wanted it to just didnt have to upgrade the firmware. And who were you talking about all this time then if it was not Geo ? Hes the one that Sony's after right ? Or im missing something ?:roll:
They announced all these features for the ps3, dont put it in or advertise it if your just gonna take it away after you get peopels money.You are aware a refund means Sony doesn't keep that money right? What if a car manufacturer recalls cars with faulty breaks? Am i entitled to have those faulty breaks endangering everyone that I share the road with?kozzy1234
Get over it, Sony removed a feature and it might suck, but nobody forced you to update your firmware so they gave you a choice wether you wanted it or not. Hell they hardly even advertised Other OS in the first place it's not even on the box.
So you rather praise a "wrong" that directly affects you than support a "wrong" that doesn't affect you at all?? Good thinking mate.
It does not effect me but it effects other customers, you only care about yourself and no one else?
Just because them taking away aspects of the ps3 does not effect me does nto mean its not right.
What sony has done is WRONG, even if I woudl have not used the OS or any of hte features they took out, its wrong weither it effects me or not.
Typical person though who only cares about himself and not others that might be effected by sony and there lies.
You mentioned the "other OS" a few times already but no one really gives a damn about it man, people buy game consoles primarily for games.
I mentioned it because ALOT of people do care about it, just because you dont care about it does not mean others dont.
Understand? Not everyone is the same as you. The whoel world does not revolve around you.
I dont care about the OS or any of those features for myself, I use my ps3 for blu ray and games thats it. But I feel for those who bought a ps3 mainly for those features.
Just because somethign does not effect me personally in my everyday life does not mean its wrong or I am against it. What sony has done is WRONG weither it effects me personally or not.
The world does not revolve around you and what you use your ps3 for! There are others that did get effect by sony taking away aspects that they advertised for.
People jailbreak Iphones and phones all the time right now, yet you say no one cares about these kinds of things? Come on now.
Some people yes, I know atleast 10 people myself that did and I am sure there are tons of others around the world that bought a PS3 for that reason or that beign ONE of hte reasons.
Just because myself and you didnt buy a ps3 for that reason does not mean others didnt or that what sony is doing is wrong.
They are getting the consequences they deserve imo, even if it effects me and my time on PSN, what sony has done is wrong wrong wrong.
So you rather praise a "wrong" that directly affects you than support a "wrong" that doesn't affect you at all?? Good thinking mate.
It does not effect me but it effects other customers, you only care about yourself and no one else?
Just because them taking away aspects of the ps3 does not effect me does nto mean its not right.
What sony has done is WRONG, even if I woudl have not used the OS or any of hte features they took out, its wrong weither it effects me or not.
Typical person though who only cares about himself and not others that might be effected by sony and there lies.
Yeah, and what they are doing is not selfish?? Sony has affected me and now I'm gonna mess withe them and with the millions of people who've bought the console...
All I can say is yeah, maybe I'm being selfish, but not destructive about this... unlike them. So you keep praising this BS move and with it, making the world an even worse place than it already is because of the kind of people you support.
You are aware a refund means Sony doesn't keep that money right? What if a car manufacturer recalls cars with faulty breaks? Am i entitled to have those faulty breaks endangering everyone that I share the road with?[QUOTE="kozzy1234"]They announced all these features for the ps3, dont put it in or advertise it if your just gonna take it away after you get peopels money.
Get over it, Sony removed a feature and it might suck, but nobody forced you to update your firmware so they gave you a choice wether you wanted it or not. Hell they hardly even advertised Other OS in the first place it's not even on the box.
Bingo, couldnt said it better my self.
So you rather praise a "wrong" that directly affects you than support a "wrong" that doesn't affect you at all?? Good thinking mate.
It does not effect me but it effects other customers, you only care about yourself and no one else?
Just because them taking away aspects of the ps3 does not effect me does nto mean its not right.
What sony has done is WRONG, even if I woudl have not used the OS or any of hte features they took out, its wrong weither it effects me or not.
Typical person though who only cares about himself and not others that might be effected by sony and there lies.
Yeah, and what they are doing is not selfish?? Sony has affected me and now I'm gonna mess withe them and with the millions of people who've bought the console...
All I can say is yeah, maybe I'm being selfish, but not destructive about this... unlike them. So you keep praising this BS move and with it, making the world an even worse place than it already is because of the kind of people you support.
two wrongs don't make a right, but society allowing greedy companies to get away with the stuff it gets away with i.e. 60$ for xbl-10$hike, and blatantly lying (sony) in this case is ignorant.[QUOTE="telefanatic"]
It does not effect me but it effects other customers, you only care about yourself and no one else?
Just because them taking away aspects of the ps3 does not effect me does nto mean its not right.
What sony has done is WRONG, even if I woudl have not used the OS or any of hte features they took out, its wrong weither it effects me or not.
Typical person though who only cares about himself and not others that might be effected by sony and there lies.
You mentioned the "other OS" a few times already but no one really gives a damn about it man, people buy game consoles primarily for games.
I mentioned it because ALOT of people do care about it, just because you dont care about it does not mean others dont.
Understand? Not everyone is the same as you. The whoel world does not revolve around you.
I dont care about the OS or any of those features for myself, I use my ps3 for blu ray and games thats it. But I feel for those who bought a ps3 mainly for those features.
Just because somethign does not effect me personally in my everyday life does not mean its wrong or I am against it. What sony has done is WRONG weither it effects me personally or not.
The world does not revolve around you and what you use your ps3 for! There are others that did get effect by sony taking away aspects that they advertised for.
People jailbreak Iphones and phones all the time right now, yet you say no one cares about these kinds of things? Come on now.
If you are going to quote me please include everything i said and dont edit it out! I said you could of kept the other OS if you wanted to, here is what i said "You mentioned the "other OS" a few times already but no one really gives a damn about it man, people buy game consoles primarily for games. And anyways you could of kept the "other OS" if you wanted it to just didnt have to upgrade the firmware. And who were you talking about all this time then if it was not Geo ? Hes the one that Sony's after right ? Or im missing something "
So you rather praise a "wrong" that directly affects you than support a "wrong" that doesn't affect you at all?? Good thinking mate.
It does not effect me but it effects other customers, you only care about yourself and no one else?
Just because them taking away aspects of the ps3 does not effect me does nto mean its not right.
What sony has done is WRONG, even if I woudl have not used the OS or any of hte features they took out, its wrong weither it effects me or not.
Typical person though who only cares about himself and not others that might be effected by sony and there lies.
Yeah, and what they are doing is not selfish?? Sony has affected me and now I'm gonna mess withe them and with the millions of people who've bought the console...
All I can say is yeah, maybe I'm being selfish, but not destructive about this... unlike them. So you keep praising this BS move and with it, making the world an even worse place than it already is because of the kind of people you support.
What Sony and the hackers are both doing is selfish, but sony started it by locking aspects that they advertised would be avialable to peopel who bought a ps3 and goign over board with this Geo hacker. If they would have left the aspects they sold the system with we would not have this issue.
What the hackers are doign is effecting me and my time online on my ps3 and that sucks, but I can also look at the other side of thigns and relize that some customers are without the features that they bought the ps3 for in the first place. I dont need those features but some people do and that sucks that sont took them out and now they are payign for it by hackers doing things to them.
As far as my opinion goes, both the hackers and sony are in the wrong here, but sony started this shi* storm and they are facing the consequences now for it.
In the end I feel bad for customers of the ps3 who got ripped off by features beign taken away and I also fele bad for people like yourself and myself who just wnat to game and watch movies on the ps3.
You mentioned the "other OS" a few times already but no one really gives a damn about it man, people buy game consoles primarily for games.
I mentioned it because ALOT of people do care about it, just because you dont care about it does not mean others dont.
Understand? Not everyone is the same as you. The whoel world does not revolve around you.
I dont care about the OS or any of those features for myself, I use my ps3 for blu ray and games thats it. But I feel for those who bought a ps3 mainly for those features.
Just because somethign does not effect me personally in my everyday life does not mean its wrong or I am against it. What sony has done is WRONG weither it effects me personally or not.
The world does not revolve around you and what you use your ps3 for! There are others that did get effect by sony taking away aspects that they advertised for.
People jailbreak Iphones and phones all the time right now, yet you say no one cares about these kinds of things? Come on now.
If you are going to quote me please include everything i said and dont edit it out! I said you could of kept the other OS if you wanted to, here is what i said "You mentioned the "other OS" a few times already but no one really gives a damn about it man, people buy game consoles primarily for games. And anyways you could of kept the "other OS" if you wanted it to just didnt have to upgrade the firmware. And who were you talking about all this time then if it was not Geo ? Hes the one that Sony's after right ? Or im missing something "
I quoted part of your post because that part of hte post is waht I was talkign about.
Why would I quote all of a post if I am just talkign about one aspect of it?
If george Bush makes a statement and I dissagree with part of it, I will quote the part I dissagree with and comment on it, Understand? if I want to show a part of his statement that I agreed with then I will quote the part he said that I agree it, its nto rocket science.
I bought this here gun thats advertised to shoot stuff, but now I find out that it's against the law to shoot most stuff! I better go form the NRA. Stupid government locking out the useabillity of my gun.Jynxzor
Should have done research on what you could shoot if anything.
Its not illegal to jailbreak a Iphone, you know why? because not everything you can do with a jailbroken Iphone is illegal!
Not eveyrone who wanted the OS and other features that came with the PS3 originally wanted them for hacking reasons.
It does not effect me but it effects other customers, you only care about yourself and no one else?
Just because them taking away aspects of the ps3 does not effect me does nto mean its not right.
What sony has done is WRONG, even if I woudl have not used the OS or any of hte features they took out, its wrong weither it effects me or not.
Typical person though who only cares about himself and not others that might be effected by sony and there lies.
Yeah, and what they are doing is not selfish?? Sony has affected me and now I'm gonna mess withe them and with the millions of people who've bought the console...
All I can say is yeah, maybe I'm being selfish, but not destructive about this... unlike them. So you keep praising this BS move and with it, making the world an even worse place than it already is because of the kind of people you support.
What Sony and the hackers are both doing is selfish, but sony started it by locking aspects that they advertised would be avialable to peopel who bought a ps3 and goign over board with this Geo hacker. If they would have left the aspects they sold the system with we would not have this issue.
What the hackers are doign is effecting me and my time online on my ps3 and that sucks, but I can also look at the other side of thigns and relize that some customers are without the features that they bought the ps3 for in the first place. I dont need those features but some people do and that sucks that sont took them out and now they are payign for it by hackers doing things to them.
As far as my opinion goes, both the hackers and sony are in the wrong here, but sony started this shi* storm and they are facing the consequences now for it.
In the end I feel bad for customers of the ps3 who got ripped off by features beign taken away and I also fele bad for people like yourself and myself who just wnat to game and watch movies on the ps3.
Nobody made them take out the OS feature though. These people accepted it.[QUOTE="GreenGoblin2099"]
It does not effect me but it effects other customers, you only care about yourself and no one else?
Just because them taking away aspects of the ps3 does not effect me does nto mean its not right.
What sony has done is WRONG, even if I woudl have not used the OS or any of hte features they took out, its wrong weither it effects me or not.
Typical person though who only cares about himself and not others that might be effected by sony and there lies.
Yeah, and what they are doing is not selfish?? Sony has affected me and now I'm gonna mess withe them and with the millions of people who've bought the console...
All I can say is yeah, maybe I'm being selfish, but not destructive about this... unlike them. So you keep praising this BS move and with it, making the world an even worse place than it already is because of the kind of people you support.
What Sony and the hackers are both doing is selfish, but sony started it by locking aspects that they advertised would be avialable to peopel who bought a ps3 and goign over board with this Geo hacker. If they would have left the aspects they sold the system with we would not have this issue.
What the hackers are doign is effecting me and my time online on my ps3 and that sucks, but I can also look at the other side of thigns and relize that some customers are without the features that they bought the ps3 for in the first place. I dont need those features but some people do and that sucks that sont took them out and now they are payign for it by hackers doing things to them.
As far as my opinion goes, both the hackers and sony are in the wrong here, but sony started this shi* storm and they are facing the consequences now for it.
In the end I feel bad for customers of the ps3 who got ripped off by features beign taken away and I also fele bad for people like yourself and myself who just wnat to game and watch movies on the ps3.
Don't care who the hell started it... If they are SOOOOOOOOOO good at hacking to (again) mess with practically the whole community, can't they just hack ONLY their PS3s and leave the rest of the people alone?? It would suck for them, but at least they wouldn't be harming anyone, and since they have the power to fix it I could sympathize with them instead.So yeah, if I was in Sony's place I would try to destroy them as well, these kind of people makes me sick TBH.
those hackers can rot in hell, not that sony is a saint but, these ****ers are now messing with me, i can't log on on PSN... >.< been trying all day.
Wasn't the OtherOS in a very big minority?(oxymoronism? detected?:P)Why put resources into a minority when it will bite you in the ass eventually through the use of piracy?:? I mean it's not like the bluray player got taken out.:P Hell PS2 backward compatibility is a bigger issue than this.:P Then again you can buy the older models used.:P Even so, I hate how Sony just took that feature out, but I'm not gonna go out and ruin others experiences with the system just because of my personal issues.:P
I'm not entirely sure about the PSN issues (didn't check the link, for some odd reason it wasn't working Tele:?), but if true, what I stated above stands.
Also I believe the only place the PS3 some what "promoted" the OtherOS was in Europe in order to avoid some taxations... Or not, I'm not entirely sure.:P
It's not stealing if they reserve the rights to remove those features. Blame yourself for agreeing with terms you didn't read.[QUOTE="babyeatermax"][QUOTE="kuraimen"]I support Sony a lot but I also support the little guy against big corporate conglomerates that can steal from users legally while no one can steal from them without being treated as a criminal. So I support anonymous here even if I can't play on PSn for a couple of weeks.kozzy1234
"Buy this new car!!! It lets you do this, this and this!" Then a week later they take those aspects out, THAT YOU BOUGHT THE CAR FOR IN TEH FIRST PLACE.
Understand? Some people bought a ps3 for the aspects that sony took away after they took there money, that is not right.
Why advertise those features or even put them in the ps3 if you are gonna take them out later?
Hence the lawsuit.If you support a group taking away access to PSN because Sony took away access to OtherOS...that would be unfathomably stupid and you'd be no better than they are.
As for the whole geohot mess, I believe you own the hardware and should be able to run whatever OS and software you want on it, with online access instantly revoked. This too is a matter for the court. Other hackers acting like a bunch of jackasses...hackasses, will only make things worse for everyone.
Wasn't the OtherOS in a very big minority?(oxymoronism? detected?:P)Why put resources into a minority when it will bite you in the ass eventually through the use of piracy?:? I mean it's not like the bluray player got taken out.:P Hell PS2 backward compatibility is a bigger issue than this.:P Then again you can buy the older models used.:P Even so, I hate how Sony just took that feature out, but I'm not gonna go out and ruin others experiences with the system just because of my personal issues.:P
I'm not entirely sure about the PSN issues (didn't click the link, for some odd reason it wasn't working Tele:?), but if true, what I stated above stands.
Also I believe the only place the PS3 some what "promoted" the OtherOS was in Europe in order to avoid some taxations... Or not, I'm not entirely sure.:P
I think you broke the record for most emoticons used in one post. :lol:
Wasn't the OtherOS in a very big minority?(oxymoronism? detected?:P)Why put resources into a minority when it will bite you in the ass eventually through the use of piracy?:? I mean it's not like the bluray player got taken out.:P Hell PS2 backward compatibility is a bigger issue than this.:P Then again you can buy the older models used.:P Even so, I hate how Sony just took that feature out, but I'm not gonna go out and ruin others experiences with the system just because of my personal issues.:P
I'm not entirely sure about the PSN issues (didn't click the link, for some odd reason it wasn't working Tele:?), but if true, what I stated above stands.
Also I believe the only place the PS3 some what "promoted" the OtherOS was in Europe in order to avoid some taxations... Or not, I'm not entirely sure.:P
I think you broke the record for most emoticons used in one post. :lol:
Naa my man, I once exceeded 40 emoticons.:P Shout out to Flipmode for keeping track of it.:lol:
Yeah, and what they are doing is not selfish?? Sony has affected me and now I'm gonna mess withe them and with the millions of people who've bought the console...
All I can say is yeah, maybe I'm being selfish, but not destructive about this... unlike them. So you keep praising this BS move and with it, making the world an even worse place than it already is because of the kind of people you support.
What Sony and the hackers are both doing is selfish, but sony started it by locking aspects that they advertised would be avialable to peopel who bought a ps3 and goign over board with this Geo hacker. If they would have left the aspects they sold the system with we would not have this issue.
What the hackers are doign is effecting me and my time online on my ps3 and that sucks, but I can also look at the other side of thigns and relize that some customers are without the features that they bought the ps3 for in the first place. I dont need those features but some people do and that sucks that sont took them out and now they are payign for it by hackers doing things to them.
As far as my opinion goes, both the hackers and sony are in the wrong here, but sony started this shi* storm and they are facing the consequences now for it.
In the end I feel bad for customers of the ps3 who got ripped off by features beign taken away and I also fele bad for people like yourself and myself who just wnat to game and watch movies on the ps3.
Don't care who the hell started it... If they are SOOOOOOOOOO good at hacking to (again) mess with practically the whole community, can't they just hack ONLY their PS3s and leave the rest of the people alone?? It would suck for them, but at least they wouldn't be harming anyone, and since they have the power to fix it I could sympathize with them instead.So yeah, if I was in Sony's place I would try to destroy them as well, these kind of people makes me sick TBH.
Sony has made me sick as have the hackers.
Both are in the wrong, but if you think its ok to ignore what sony has done then fine be my guest. People with open minds will look at both sides adn see that both are in the wrong or have done wrong.
This is my last post on the topic, I dont support the hackers and I dont support Sony, both have done some BS. i hate hackers who mess stuff up for others and I hate sony and big companys who think they can lie, rip off and take things away that they advertised would be features and reasons to buy a ps3.
In all honesty I hope the hackers and sony both destory each other with the way they ahve both acted, I consider both just as WRONG as the other.
I gotta say I find this rather funny.rybe1025
I wonder do you find this funny?
the fact that these people are all the same and can access your personal information?
It happens every where. But I forgot it's funny.
[QUOTE="rybe1025"]I gotta say I find this rather funny.Animal-Mother
I wonder do you find this funny?
the fact that these people are all the same and can access your personal information?
It happens every where. But I forgot it's funny.
That's like saying all farmers are all the same, or whatever. Besides, that's just someone tricking another person into giving up personal info.
[QUOTE="rybe1025"]I gotta say I find this rather funny.rpgs_shall_rule
I wonder do you find this funny?
the fact that these people are all the same and can access your personal information?
It happens every where. But I forgot it's funny.
That's like saying all farmers are all the same, or whatever. Besides, that's just someone tricking another person into giving up personal info.
all the same is a bit of a stretch. And nobody tricked anybody :?[QUOTE="rybe1025"]I gotta say I find this rather funny.Animal-Mother
I wonder do you find this funny?
the fact that these people are all the same and can access your personal information?
It happens every where. Glad to see you support the idea of people possibly accessing your personal information.
[QUOTE="rybe1025"]I gotta say I find this rather funny.rybe1025
I wonder do you find this funny?
the fact that these people are all the same and can access your personal information?
It happens every where. Glad to see you support the idea of people possibly accessing your personal information.
And what company invaded the rights of innocent people? Sony? What rights of innoncent people did they invade?
You realize after every update on PSN you hit "I accept" or "I agree" to the terms of the EULA's and contracts and yada yada.
Hell I hit accept for my big 360 updates. I don't have to, but Im accepting to their terms and conditions for the updates as well.
Messing with a companies website that was invading on the rights of innocent people is not the same as people taking over innocent person's accounts. Nice try though. If Microsoft got a court order for anyone that went to a certain website, pay-pal accounts and other things then had their website messed with I would think that was rather funny also. I really do not understand the two stories can be compared other then both are hackers. This is kinda a stretch to get people to side with Sony. You realize that the people messing with the website probably opens the door to accessing everyones personal information right?I admit I am no hacker. Explain how them shutting down a website releases personal info. What exactly did they do?[QUOTE="rybe1025"]
I wonder do you find this funny?
the fact that these people are all the same and can access your personal information?
It happens every where. Glad to see you support the idea of people possibly accessing your personal information.Animal-Mother
I think Sony needs to stop trying to identify people who watch a ****ing video online; that secret police bull **** doesn't fly with me.
In terms of what actually happened, Toulouse was quick to point out that his Xbox Live account wasn't "hacked" per se, but rather his personal site's web host failed to protect his information. The actual issue, he said, is social engineering (Predator's ability to manipulate the web host in order to reset Toulouse's password) -- an issue that "no one has solved."Article
Ok, so the "hacker" tricked the web host instead. Meh.
You realize that the people messing with the website probably opens the door to accessing everyones personal information right?I admit I am no hacker. Explain how them shutting down a website releases personal info. What exactly did they do? well if the hacked into the psn server then....oh i wonder if thats where info is stored....[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]
[QUOTE="rybe1025"]Messing with a companies website that was invading on the rights of innocent people is not the same as people taking over innocent person's accounts. Nice try though. If Microsoft got a court order for anyone that went to a certain website, pay-pal accounts and other things then had their website messed with I would think that was rather funny also. I really do not understand the two stories can be compared other then both are hackers. This is kinda a stretch to get people to side with Sony.
You realize that the people messing with the website probably opens the door to accessing everyones personal information right?I admit I am no hacker. Explain how them shutting down a website releases personal info. What exactly did they do? You still don't get it. What im saying is, if they can mess with a website on a certain level whats stopping them from going after the information of the consumer to prove a point? I mean, I just proved it with my link, and mwhat im saying is nothing is safe.[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]
[QUOTE="rybe1025"]Messing with a companies website that was invading on the rights of innocent people is not the same as people taking over innocent person's accounts. Nice try though. If Microsoft got a court order for anyone that went to a certain website, pay-pal accounts and other things then had their website messed with I would think that was rather funny also. I really do not understand the two stories can be compared other then both are hackers. This is kinda a stretch to get people to side with Sony.
[QUOTE="rybe1025"]I admit I am no hacker. Explain how them shutting down a website releases personal info. What exactly did they do?well if the hacked into the psn server then....oh i wonder if thats where info is stored....As far as I know all they did is mess with some websites and that is all they said they were going to do.[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"] You realize that the people messing with the website probably opens the door to accessing everyones personal information right?
[QUOTE="rybe1025"]I admit I am no hacker. Explain how them shutting down a website releases personal info. What exactly did they do? You still don't get it. What im saying is, if they can mess with a website on a certain level whats stopping them from going after the information of the consumer to prove a point?Ok when they do then they are wrong. Say you want to hate them for something they could do?[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"] You realize that the people messing with the website probably opens the door to accessing everyones personal information right?
You still don't get it. What im saying is, if they can mess with a website on a certain level whats stopping them from going after the information of the consumer to prove a point?Ok when they do then they are wrong. Say you want to hate them for something they could do? so your saying it's ok for your personal information to be at high risk then? I've had fraud happen to my family, and not even a digital level. If you really don't know what these people are doing whats stopping them.[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="rybe1025"]I admit I am no hacker. Explain how them shutting down a website releases personal info. What exactly did they do?
You never know when it's going to happen.
So you have to assume the fact that they can and possibly will to prove a point.
I was just getting back into Bioshock 2's MP too. :|
Hopefully anon gets bored of this and goes back to all of their caves.
[QUOTE="rybe1025"]Ok when they do then they are wrong. Say you want to hate them for something they could do? so your saying it's ok for your personal information to be at high risk then?I am not going to bother debating on something a person could or could not do. If you want to hate on certain people because you assume they will just do wrong that is you. At this point as far as I know they only brought down some websites and the way Sony has acted I think that is rather funny.[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"] You still don't get it. What im saying is, if they can mess with a website on a certain level whats stopping them from going after the information of the consumer to prove a point?Animal-Mother
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