It is not excusable that they're hacking into the employees' personal and family infoLook, hackers are not pirates. Pirates are not hackers. If you have downloaded a single MP3 that you did not pwn on CD or purchase legally from iTunes, then YOU are a pirate. Does that make you a hacker? No. A hacker is someone who breaks through security often to prove that they can. A hacker can perform DDoS attackes on companies, or break into a network.
A pirate is someone who uses those exploits and uses their knowledge to steal something. For example, a coder created MP3 file format, a coder developed P2P file sharing, and a pirate (as in you guys) download the mp3's using the other peoples code/hacks. They are very different, and Geohot is a hacker, not a pirate.
For those that fail to see the difference here, you should be looking in the mirror and asking yourself "did I steal that song? Did I jailbreak my phone and downlaod an app for free that usually costs?" If you truly think pirates should be stripped of everything and thrown into jail, then everyone whose download a single MP3 should be there too.
Now, if you bought a TV to watch .. you know.. tv on, then decided to attach a PVR, suddenly you can skip commercials! Imagine if your cable company said "no you cant use a PVR thats not what your TV was designed for and we need commercial revenue to keep tv alive" and then they made a firmware update that blocked your TV from working with your PVR... how would you feel? You would feel a bit violated, as if some other company is telling you what you can and cannot do with your TV. This is what the geohot case is all about. He buys his PS3, it has a feature, sony removes it because it does stuff they don't want, and he hacks the console (with other hackers) to find keys that unlock it so they can add those features back on. Those keys get released, and pirate coders decide to create the ability to play games illegally. It boils down to Sony's falut (not to mention the keys were found from a mistake in the code BY sony).
So stop complaining about hackers that should be jailed, and start to focus on the fact that pirates and hackers are not the same thing, and that this case is about your rights as the owner of the products you buy, to be able to do what you want with those products after purchase. I know my TV still uses a PVR... what about yours?
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