That is a lot of very useful info. I used the bow a lot on my very first playthrough of GoWII just because I thought it was so cool. It just seemed to me at the time that the upgraded moves (aside from wind blast) were all show and not much use. Of all the things you've shown with the bow, I think using titan storm to break a crowd of statues is one of the most interesting.
Titan Storm has a use or two. It is best used if there are a large number of enemies that can be killed by it with one shot *as you would expect for efficiency purposes*. If it is being had better get the job done for 50MP.
About the RotT damage issue, I've seen it said a few times on the GoWII board (by you and others) that RotT does not directly affect damage. I believed this but the fight with Zeus convinced me otherwise. My method for the fight was: turn on RotT, stun him with CR and use the squarex5 combo on him, when the square finisher has connected, quickly cast another CR and continue. If I continued this rhythm non-stop, the phase would end with about 90% of Rage spent and half a bar of magic left. I tried it without using RotT, doing the same method of tieing up with CR and following up with squarex5. If RotT does not increase damage then the phase should end when I reach full magic right? I spent all CR continuing with the same rhythm and the phase STILL wasn't over. This led me to believe that RotT does increase the damage of the blade's attacks.
It just allows you to attack uninterupted for the most part. There may be other effects I haven't noted about RotT (for instance, a possible extra stun though not supsected or proven..just to note something that could be there) but I'll assure you again, that damage isn't effected for lvl3 weapons. What I deal with are concrete numbers using the system the Guide grants me. Thusly, I don't have to deal in the abstracts of 'number of hits' and other such made up approximations. It was a problem before because I hadn't mapped out the individual values of each animations damage. Take for instance the BoO's square combo at lvl3 on Normal w/ default Kratos:
1. 15+ laser (these are worth 5)
2. 15+ laser
3. 15+ laser
4. 15 + laser
5. 30 + laser *ender*
^All of the square motions aside from the ender do the same damage. This doesn't happen with the other weapons. Here is the triangle combo *note that the number of the attack matches the animation used..if in a different combo that move keeps the damage number it has listed here..unique damage based on the animation*
1. 30 + laser
2. 15 + laser
3. 15 + laser
4. 45, 15 *direct hit scores extra damage*
So in a square, triangle, square combo it does
1. 15 + laser
2. 15 + laser *same effect as second hit of a triangle combo*
3. 15 +laser
In a triangle, square, triangle combo it does the same damage. It is all in the animation. The first hit of the triangle combo is stronger which is good since it is a low start where I could have been using a square, triangle starter to better effect mroe often then not. RotT doesn't effect the damage numbers at all. It just makes it safer/esier to attack all out.
After reading your reply, I went ahead and tested this for myself in the Arena. Infinite health, magic and rage, titan mode. This is directly after my last run so I had lvl3 Blades of Athena, lvl3 Hammer, lvl1 Spear, lvl1 Blade of Olympus. I tested all secondary weapons with only single strikes (not following up with combos) - so press square for example, run to break combo, press square etc. The format is as follows:
Weapon - move - number of hits without RotT | number of hits with RotT
Greek Woman:
lvl1 BoO - square - 3 hits | 1 hit with RotT
At this very moment, I am reminded that I've been meaning to test if you could achieve lvl3 power using RotT duirng a NUR. You see, the guide explains that the Blades can stake up to 300 since that is their upperlimit...since they get different moves it isn't likely I'll get good results. With the sub-weapons they can reach 200% (lvl3) power..I'm now testing this by using my seventh save slot for lvl1 everything in AotF *I keep such things for lots of reasons that you can make sense of with little effort*. Know that I need lvl3 Typhon's Bane for accurate measuring. My findings using lvl1 w/o and w/ RotT:
lvl1 square 5 - w/ RotT 15
lvl2 square 10 - w/ RotT 15
lvl3 square 15 - w/ RotT 15 *not including the laser*
So the results match the hypothesis. These are the numbers you wanted am I correct? You did well to question me this time. I had been slacking on getting the lvl1 values. Now I know how it works. This will be invaluable information for Speedruns so I don't think this is at all Off-Topic. *to anyone monitoring our conversation* Of course PS won't be effected as it isn't set up that way. So just to get it out of the way:
lvl1 SoD square2 - w/ RotT 6
lvl2 SoD square4 - w/ RotT 6
lvl3 SoD square6 - w/ RotT 6
PS was, as expected, unaffected. Only the level of the weapn matters. However, I've mistake the meaning of the 100-200% numbers, thus a lvl1 weapon is 1/3 the power of lvl3 rather then 1/2.
lvl1 BH square5 - w/RotT 15
lvl2 BH square10 - w/ RotT 15
lvl3 BH square15 - w/RotT 15
To perfect this new understanding I'll wrap this test up with the Blades.
lvl1 air square2 - w/ RotT 6
lvl2 air square3 - w/ RotT 6
lvl3 air square4 - w/ RotT 6
lvl4 air square5 - w/ RotT 6
lvl5 air square6 - w/ RotT 6
NOTE: I got to test lvl2 Lethal Vortex and it too auto-breaks statues.
SPECIAL THANKS: What would I do without guys like you? People who keep me on my toes..revising. Now it makes PERFECT sense why RotT+Hammer is still so devastating in a is essentailly giving yourself the lvl3 Hammer w/ all the benefits of RotT...magnificent. Now it all makes sense. Thanks to MistryMan.
Rhodes Soldier:
lvl1 BoO - square - 6 hits | 2 hits with RotT
lvl1 SoD - square - 14 hits | 5 hits with RotT
Fates Sentry:
lvl1 BoO - square - 10 hits | 4 hits with RotT
lvl1 BoO - triangle - 5 hits | 2 hits with RotT
lvl1 BoO - divine retribution - 2 hits | 1 hit with RotT
lvl1 SoD - square - 24 hits | 8 hits with RotT
lvl1 SoD - piercing shards - 4 hits | 4 hits with RotT
lvl3 Hammer - square - 4 hits | 4 hits with RotT
To test the lvl3 blades of athena I used 2 methods.
Method 1: I loaded up a fates sentry and did the following: launch with a follow-up jump, attack in the air with Cyclone of Chaos. To test this with RotT, I performed the launch+follow, immediately turned on RotT and used Cyclone of Chaos whilst still in RotT mode. The RotT version of this attack killed the fates sentry at the 16th hit of the total combo (died midair). Without RotT, the sentry was still alive after 19 hits and hit the ground, requiring more hits to die.
Method 2: Build up to spirit with missed attacks (square, triangle, triangle), and only connect with the final triangle (spirit). For the RotT version of this combo, I switched to RotT *just* before spirit lands. The results were:
Cerberus Breeder (to first minigame) - 6 hits | 5 hits with RotT spirit
Hades Juggernaut (to minigame) - 9 hits | 6 hits with RotT spirit
At first glance of these figures it seems to me that RotT does in fact increase attack damage, just not for every attack or weapon (PS and hammer). I don't know how you tested and whether or not there is a hole in my testing methods. These numbers make sense to me though with some simple maths - I'll use figures from your Tactics/Tips thread:
The Rhodes Soldier has 20 HP. lvl1 SoD square attacks do 1.5 dmg on titan (200% attack increase at lvl3 brings a 6 dmg square hit down to 3 dmg at lvl1, further 50% decrease for titan mode). 20hp/1.5dmg = 13.33 hits, therefore it will take 14 hits to kill (as displayed in the tests in the arena).
With fully upgraded RotT (as in the arena), there is a 300% increase in damage. So each square attack does 1.5x3 = 4.5 dmg. 20hp/4.5dmg = 4.44 hits, therefore it will take 5 hits to kill (as displayed in the tests in the arena).
Sorry for the MAMMOTH post, but if there is anyone who will take the time to understand all this, it's GMG.
You are right to believe I'm someone who would read and understand what you say. It was worth my while afterall. Even though you couldn't give exact numbers, you were on the right track. As I explained above, I hadn't yet gotten around to testing lvl1 weapons yet. Now I know how to divide them AND I now know exactly what RotT offers us. In a NUR/Speedrun, it gives an amazing gives us the power of the weapons full strength for everything except the ground blades *lost moves* and Piercing Shards which isn't effected by weapon level..looks to be a balancing reason as if it was't I could use lvl1 PS+RotT (quick burst) to shatter all but one enemy in a hurry in even a NUR. In a GK:TM:NUR however, it would still only be half the strength in the hypothetical world where it could be effected by difficulty, costume, etc. It is best that it isn't I suppose.
Consider this *something I had thought about before seeing that RotT didn't increase MAX weapon strength*...when we level the Blades, we do it for Zeus right? Well we only really use "Spriit" and the 3x RotT combo amirite? Well using lvl1 Spirit you get 2 damage from the beginning animation, 12 damge from a hit, plus 12 more if you net a perfect shot. If you flip on RotT at the moment you animation begins you could instead do 6, 36, 36. For the RotT ground moves...they don't get effected by the weapons level at all! We don't have to level the Blades during our Speedruns for Zeus! Whenever a weapon is less the lvlMAX, it is brought up to MAX power by RotT..that is exactly how it modifies damage. So in a Bonus Play w/ lvl3 BoO, it doesn't do anything to add RotT. In a non-BP will give the BoO lvl3 power minus the lasers.
Since you are like me in a few ways..I rust you read and understood what I said as this post evolved from a before-after perspective. Time to share the wealth with the others don't you agree? Now we fully understand RotT and weapon levels. This is wonderful knowledge.
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