OOC: liked it jedi will respond to it tonight or tomorrowgamerguy456i thought so, can't wait to see how you will respond to it.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
OOC: liked it jedi will respond to it tonight or tomorrowgamerguy456i thought so, can't wait to see how you will respond to it.
*took place on impact*
kelly kelly: any damage ?
Gamer: no
kelly kelly: good...good
Gamer: youve been acting different lately are you ok ?
kelly kelly: im fine gamer i mean im just making sure that face doesnt get damaged like mine *picks up a bat*
i mean you could be walking down the street one day and then BAM *smashes a window with the bat* your nose is broken
kelly kelly: i mean look at me i was wotu's most beautiful diva and now i have to wear this stupid plastic mask for a bit LOOK AT ME JEDIKNIGHT RUINED ME
Gamer: kelly kelly
Gamer: kelly kelly
kelly kelly: I WANT HIM FIRED I WANT HIM INJURED I WANT HIM GONE *smashes another window with the bat*
*gamer takes the bat from kelly kelly*
Gamer: STOP
kelly kelly:............*breathes heavily* destroy jedi...for me :D
*picks up a glass vase*
*she stares at the vase and then stares at Gamer*
kelly kelly: so dashing......:cry:
*gamer grabs kelly kelly*
Gamer: you wanna get back at jedi ? just follow my lead
*kelly kelly gets a sadistic smile on her face*
kelly kelly: yes *laughs sadistically*
*impact then cuts to commercial*
*after impact returns from commercial*
*jedi is seen backstage talking to backstage personal*
jedi: im telling you gamer is scared of her she has him wrapped around her little finger anyway i gotta go
*jedi leaves for his lockeroom*
*as he turns the corner gamer hits him with a trouble in paradise*
*Gamer picks up jedi and throws him toward some equipment*
*kelly kelly appears with the glass vase*
*gamer picks up jedi and then kelly kelly smashes jedi on the head with the vase*
*jedi is busted open*
kelly kelly: NOW YOU KNOW HOW I FELT......:cry:....*she then laughs sadistically*
*kelly kelly then picks up a piece of the broken glass*
*she then stares at gamer*
Gamer: what are you doing ?
*kelly kelly laughs maniacally*
kelly kelly: oh nothing
*gamer takes the glass from kelly kelly*
*the segment ends with kelly kelly having a sadistic smile*
What doesn't @Killerband understand about the mystery person revealing themselves when they decide to do so. I could tell them every day to reveal themselves, doesn't mean they'll listen to me. If they reveal themselves last minute, so be it, I'm not going to force them to reveal themselves when they aren't ready. #TheWaitingGameWOTUGMSN3 Twitter
OOC: How come Killerband is the special guest referee? What does it do?shoe_crap78
OOC: i get to pretty much decide a winner if there is a tie by giving said person a free point
[QUOTE="shoe_crap78"]OOC: How come Killerband is the special guest referee? What does it do?killerband55
OOC: i get to pretty much decide a winner if there is a tie by giving said person a free point
Does that mean we have to beg for it?:P[QUOTE="killerband55"][QUOTE="shoe_crap78"]OOC: How come Killerband is the special guest referee? What does it do?shoe_crap78
OOC: i get to pretty much decide a winner if there is a tie by giving said person a free point
Does that mean we have to beg for it?:POOC: do what u have to do in your promos
[QUOTE="shoe_crap78"][QUOTE="killerband55"][QUOTE="shoe_crap78"]OOC: How come Killerband is the special guest referee? What does it do?killerband55
OOC: i get to pretty much decide a winner if there is a tie by giving said person a free point
Does that mean we have to beg for it?:POOC: do what u have to do in your promos
OOC: Soooooo pretty much say that you deserve it and fight for it kinda?[QUOTE="killerband55"][QUOTE="shoe_crap78"][QUOTE="killerband55"][QUOTE="shoe_crap78"]OOC: How come Killerband is the special guest referee? What does it do?shoe_crap78
OOC: i get to pretty much decide a winner if there is a tie by giving said person a free point
Does that mean we have to beg for it?:POOC: do what u have to do in your promos
OOC: Soooooo pretty much say that you deserve it and fight for it kinda?OOC: whatever works
[QUOTE="shoe_crap78"][QUOTE="killerband55"][QUOTE="shoe_crap78"][QUOTE="killerband55"][QUOTE="shoe_crap78"]OOC: How come Killerband is the special guest referee? What does it do?killerband55
OOC: i get to pretty much decide a winner if there is a tie by giving said person a free point
Does that mean we have to beg for it?:POOC: do what u have to do in your promos
OOC: Soooooo pretty much say that you deserve it and fight for it kinda?OOC: whatever works
OOC: Actually, in this case you are just there because you asked for the match. If there is a tie, everyone who ties will challenge you at MITB.Â
OOC: Actually, in this case you are just there because you asked for the match. If there is a tie, everyone who ties will challenge you at MITB.Â
OOC: so wouldn't i be a special enforcer than a guest referee?
*backstage at raw*
* gamer and kelly kelly are sitting and waiting*
*an unamed FCW diva appears*
FCW diva: heres your coffee Gamer :)
Gamer: thank you
kelly kelly: about damn time
FCW diva: :)
Gamer:......*sighs* *gives the diva his autograph*
kelly kelly: hey wheres my coffee ?
FCW diva: get it yourself you bimbo
kelly kelly: WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME *attempts to charge at the diva but Gamer pulls her back* LET ME GO IM GONNA KICK HER PATHETIC ASS NO ONES DISRESPECTS ME THAT WAY
Gamer: you know *looks at the diva* ive never met such a lovely lady such as youself would you please get her some coffee as well
*gamer winks at the diva*
diva: ok :)
*she leaves and gamer has a smirk on his face*
*kelly kelly takes Gamer's coffee*
Gamer: thats mine
kelly kelly:..... injure jedi knight for me *dumps the coffee on Gamer's head*
kelly kelly: please...for me end his career...he ruined me :(.......*she begins to laugh*
*segment ends*
OOC: problems between Gamerguy & Kelly Kelly?killerband55OOC: you have not seen what i have in store for her. she will be wishing i was dead before Destination X.
@WOTUGMSN3, I just got done talking with the #WOTUChampion @Killerband, and we have come to a conclusion with one an another. Cpman and Killerband vs. @ShoeCrap and @PrinceJoeMcMark for tonight's Monday Night Raw! Lets do it Spideynerd le Tres!CpmanFrato Twitter
[QUOTE="killerband55"]OOC: problems between Gamerguy & Kelly Kelly?jediknight52501OOC: you have not seen what i have in store for her. she will be wishing i was dead before Destination X.
OOC: pm me please
OOC: you have not seen what i have in store for her. she will be wishing i was dead before Destination X.[QUOTE="jediknight52501"][QUOTE="killerband55"]OOC: problems between Gamerguy & Kelly Kelly?gamerguy456
OOC: pm me please
sending one now.The Icon On Twitter-
Attention any and all fans and followers of The Icon, I Bob his agent will now be in charge of maintaining his twitter account. As I'm sure all of you are aware Icon is an incredibly busy man. With much on his plate, it his come to our attention that he needs to prioritize the events of his life and has stated that at the moment he simply wishes to delegate the handling of his Twitter and any/ all social media outlets to my care at this time. This is not a statement that he doesn't regard his fanbase with the utmost care it is simply that he has has no time for "Casual mingling" and needs to focus on the important things and people of his life. As you know he is currently set to star in 'Misery On The Bounty'
A movie boasted of by many in the industry and critics alike. Which is set for a release date of July 2012.Rest assured that Icon will be present on RAW tonight and any/ all TV outlets of WOTU as are convenient to his schedule. Any and all letters, fan mail, and other positive pieces of encouragement may still be forwarded to Icon here. And he will do his best to respond at his earliest convenience. Thank you all for your time, consideration and understanding and may all of you have a wonderful day.
Sincerely Yours- Bob Johnson-
[QUOTE="spideynerd3"]OOC: Actually, in this case you are just there because you asked for the match. If there is a tie, everyone who ties will challenge you at MITB.
OOC: so wouldn't i be a special enforcer than a guest referee?
No, you are the ref for the match, you just won't break the tie. It wouldn't be fair in this case for a tie to be broken. I don't want people running around saying they tied at Destination X and if you (the ref) hadn't given the extra point to "so and so" that they could have been WOTU Champion at MITB.
[QUOTE="killerband55"][QUOTE="spideynerd3"]OOC: Actually, in this case you are just there because you asked for the match. If there is a tie, everyone who ties will challenge you at MITB.
OOC: so wouldn't i be a special enforcer than a guest referee?
No, you are the ref for the match, you just won't break the tie. It wouldn't be fair in this case for a tie to be broken. I don't want people running around saying they tied at Destination X and if you (the ref) hadn't given the extra point to "so and so" that they could have been WOTU Champion at MITB.
well that completely negates what a ref is supposed to do then, but whatever works for you then Spidey, i'm not even gonna argue it
[QUOTE="spideynerd3"][QUOTE="killerband55"][QUOTE="spideynerd3"]OOC: Actually, in this case you are just there because you asked for the match. If there is a tie, everyone who ties will challenge you at MITB.
OOC: so wouldn't i be a special enforcer than a guest referee?
No, you are the ref for the match, you just won't break the tie. It wouldn't be fair in this case for a tie to be broken. I don't want people running around saying they tied at Destination X and if you (the ref) hadn't given the extra point to "so and so" that they could have been WOTU Champion at MITB.
well that completely negates what a ref is supposed to do then, but whatever works for you then Spidey, i'm not even gonna argue it
A ref isn't going to break a tie any ways... Usually he'd just call the match a draw and leave. If you want to be the enforcer, it's up to you... I was just letting you know that we don't always let the ref give an extra point in a tie. Sorry I didn't make that clear before, kind of forgot to mention it to be honest with you.
Hockeydude Twitter:
I see it`s you and me R_Fgamerchris, this is your warning, don`t even bother showing up, cuz u won`t be able to get out on your feet once I'm done with u.......... #warningÂ
OOC- Icon theres so much subtle heel-ish ness in that tweet its brilliant. Acting like your character is too good to even use twitter now and has his agent do it for him. Is playing the arrogant movie character thing up so well. Awesome that is all. That way it was worded too made it even better
Sylvanified on Twitter- On these horribly paved roads on my way to some arena tonight. Forget what the town was called. Some USA Hicksville town or something. Dont even remember the state to be honest. But I got a special someone in the car with my tonight. My other half has rejoined me and now the REAL champs are headed to the arena. Raws about to get #Sylvanified
Gamer: so @jediknight may be in the audience tonight well good if he is he can watch me destroy @wwealexriley and see it as an example of what will happen to him #dashing
*match takes place of raw*
roberts: the following contest is scheduled for one fall in the ring first from washington DC ALEX RILEY
*crowd cheers*
roberts: and his opponent making his way to the ring being accompanied by kelly kelly Dashing Gamer
*crowd boos*
*gamer makes his entrance as kelly kelly is yelling at him throughout the whole entrance but he ignores her*
*the bell rings*
*gamer right away takes down alex riley and starts punching until the ref pulls him away8
*riley then tries to hit gamer but gamer avoids his punch and then knees riley in the gut*
*from there gamer hits riley with a DDT*
*gamer then poses on the turnbuckle as the crowd boos him*
*Gamer picks up alex riley and calls him hideous he then slams him to the mat*
*gamer kicks riley in the gut*
*at that moment kelly kellyis yelling at the crowd and points to the mask she is wearing*
*she notices beth phoenix sitting next to jedi who is wearing an obvious disguise*
*jedikngiht throws his hotdog at kelly kelly's face and then beth dumps her drink over her*
*Gamer looks over the rope to see what happens*
*at that moment riley rolls him up for the pin*
*jedi and beth laugh at kelly kelly while gamer sits in the ring with a shocked look on his face*
*segment ends*
Well well well, I hope everyone is ready, cause The Player and the WOTU X-Division Championship will be on impact! this thursday night. #GOINGTOiMPACT! Theplayer8505 Twitter
The following is the ending to Monday Night Raw:
*Cpman and Killerband celebrate their win over Shoe_Crap and Prince Joemcmark, but then decide they aren't done. Cpman starts beating the living day lights out of Shoe, while Killer attacks Joe. FullMetal, Hockey, Legenkiller, Jediknight, and JandSman run out to save Joe and Shoe, but CKYguy, Icon, and Gamer rush down to the ring and try to even the fight as best they can. An all out brawl is going on when a fan from the crowd wearing a Sin Cara mask jumps over the railing. He pulls Killerband out of the ring, and starts throwing punches at him. He throws Killer into the steel steps, and then flips him into the crowd. VIP slides out of the ring and circles the masked man, but Metal, Hockey, Legenkiller, Jedi, Jands, Joe, and Shoe surround VIP. VIP turns their attention to the faces, and the masked man slips out from the middle of the circle. He then grabs a mic and rolls into the ring to talk*
Masked Man: Will you guys fighting at ringside stop for a minute and look at me, the guy standing in the ring? Oh, and could someone wake Killerband up? He'll want to hear this.
*Cpman jumps the barricade and wakes Killer up, then brings him back over the barricade*
Masked Man: Now, where was I... Oh right, I remember. The WOTU General Manager, Spideynerd has been saying their is a mystery opponent for the Ultimate X match at Destination X, and that's me. Who am I though is the question, right? I'm not going to reveal that just yet, I want to talk to you all and keep you guessing until the last possible second.
*Killer tells VIP to get in the ring and rip the mask off the guy, but Spideynerd appears on the titantron*
Spidey: Woah, hold it there VIP. If you step into that ring, I'm going to fire you. Not only that, but I'll ban you from ever returning to the WOTU. You know what, why don't you all just head to the back, you faces included... But I want Killerband, Shoe_Crap, and Cpman to stay out there... I mean I guess the man in the ring involves them. That means Frenchdynasty should get out to ringside. But if either of you four touch the man in the ring, then you'll be fined and removed from the Ultimate X match. That's all folks!
*The tron turns off, as everyone except Killer, Cpman, and Shoe leave the ring. Frenchdynasty then heads down to the ring to no music. The masked man then begins to talk again*
Masked Man: Alright, so as I was saying... I'm someone you all know. I'm infamous for my crazy stunts and my hatred for Killerband, and much of the WOTU for that matter. Cpman and I don't get along at all. Shoe... Well, he's Shoe. I haven't had the pleasure of dealing with Frenchdynasty yet to be honest. But...
*Killer has grabbed a mic by this point and begins to talk*
Killerband: Shut up will you? We all know who you are, it's painfully obvious now. I've got you lowered down to two people. Randyspeeps and SonicRenegade. You have to be one of those nut cases, it's the only logicial choice.
Masked Man: Really now Killer? Ask Cpman if either of those two have issues with him... Ask him.
Killerband: What do you mean? I'm not going to ask Cpman such a stupid question! I'd rather...
*Cpman snatches the mic, as Killer gives him a death stare*
Cpman: He's right Killer... He isn't Sonic or Speeps... It's someone you aren't expecting. After all the suffering I've caused him, I'll let him shock you and the world.
*Cpman hands the mic back to Killer, who goes to talk, but the Masked man speaks instead*
Masked Man: Hold that thought Killer, because it's time I...
*Just then, the lights go out, when they come back on, the masked man is wearing a suit and tie, has an oddly familiar signature mic, and is still wearing the Sin Cara mask to cover his face*
Masked Man: Sorry, I felt I should change for this. You see it was almost one year ago now that I walked into Money in the Bank, won the MITB briefcase, then cashed it in on a leaving JandSman at the following Raw. I then held the WOTU Championship for 7 whole months, dropping it to an up and comer in Metal... But then he loses it to you, Killerband, my arch enemy. Isn't it clear who I am? I've given you enough clues, bro!
*The masked man rips off his mask, revealing himself as Spideynerd! The crowd goes wild, as Killer, French, and Shoe look shocked. Cpman looks a tad bit worried, as Spidey has his signature smirk on his face*
Spidey: I'm back, baby, and I'm going to end the reign of VIP's terrible leader, Killerband! Sorry Shoe, Frenchdynasty, and Cpman, but I have to do this. Killer has disrespected me for to long now... It's time we finally set our feud into motion.
*"Black Sheep" plays as Spidey taunts to the crowd, and Raw comes to a close*Â
*continuing Legen's promo.*
*Matt is looking at the camera, trying his best to give a nice smile as he begins to speak.*
Matt: Ladies & Gentlemen of the WOTU Universe please welcome my guest at this time; The Princess of the WOTU, AJ!
*The crowd gives a mixed reaction as the camera pulls out a bit to reveal Princess AJ in a long, purple gown with her crown on her head.*
Matt: Wow, first off I'd like to tell you I'm a huge fan of your work and it is my honor-
Princess AJ: Matt, this is interview time. Not hit on girl out of your league time.Â
Matt: My apologise, AJ.
Princess AJ: Excuse me!?
Matt: Princess AJ! As I was saying, do you have any doubts that Joe can defeat Legen and make it into the WOTU MITB match?
Princess AJ: Doubts? Doubts!? Of course not! PRINCE Joe is a former X-Division champion and a multi-time tag champion. He's never even been close to challenged by anyone here in the WOTU. He's also the sweetest prince in the whole world! He took a nobody like Shoe and turned him into someone people actually care about. In short; of course not!
Matt: Alrighty then. Where do you see Joe-
Princess AJ: PRINCE Joe
Matt: S-Sorry. Where do you see Prince Joe going in the near future.
Princess AJ: I see him going one of three ways.
1. Finally becoming the leader of Revolution and take down that Metal freak.
2. Defeat that psycho Killer for the WOTU Title
3. Hopefully take over as GM and force Spidey to step down.
And of course I know he'll be the WOTU Heavyweight and WOTU Tag Team Champ at the same time.Â
Matt: Very confident and strong words, mam. Excuse me if my next question offends you, Princess AJ, but there have been some rumors on Twitter about yourself and Prince Joe simply "hiding a lack of confidence behind crowns." What do you think of these comments?
*Princess AJ looks like she just saw a ghost as her face turns a bit pale and her breaths become heavier*
Matt: A-AJ
*Prince Joe enters*
Matt: I just asked her some questions, Joe...
Prince Joe: THAT'S PRINCE JOE!!!!!
Matt: Prince-
Prince Joe: Save it! Just get lost before I rearrange your face so badly your mom won't be able to love it.
*Matt departs in fear.*
Princess AJ: *panting* Thank goodness you're here. He almost made me cry; he's so insensitive...I was ready to-
Prince Joe: Everything is OK now..come on...I'll get Shoe to get us three glasses of cherry punch. One for you, one for me, and one to dump on his head.
Princess AJ: *somewhat calmer* I'd like that.
*They both leave...Princess AJ still breathing a bit heavy*
One year ago, the great CM Punk sat down on the entrance ramp and gave one of the greatest, if not THE greatest worked shoots the wrestling industry has ever witnessed. Tonight, I shocked the world. Nobody saw what went down coming and that's just how great I am. #You'reWelcomeWebHeadsWOTUGMSN3 Twitter
*backstage at raw after Gamer's match*
striker: Gamer your thoughts on what just happened ?
Gamer: SHUT U-
striker: kelly kelly Gamer was concerned about you thats why he didnt go after jedi
kelly kelly:.....
*kelly kelly grabs strikers mic and then slams it on his head*
*she then proceeds to continuiously punch striker*
*she then smashes his face against a glass window smashing the window and cutting his face*
*kelly kelly then stares at gamer as the paramedics check on striker*
*kelly kelly approaches gamer*
*gamer backs away*
*kelly kelly grabs Gamer and pulls him close*
kelly kelly: GET RID OF HIM ...FOR ME :)...PLEASE ???? DO YOU HATE ME :cry:
*Gamer smiles*
Gamer: dashing gamer digs crazy chicks
kelly kelly: DASHING GAMER WILL DESTROY JEDIKNIGHT FOR ME *she then whispers* for me because if he doesnt ...he will become undashing
oh yeah i will make it happen
dont beleive me look at striker he is even more uglier than he already was puts her hand on Gamer's face* will you eliminate jedi for me ?
Gamer: heheheh dot you worry your crazy self kelly kelly
*kelly kelly breathes heavily*
kelly kelly: crazy ? CRAZY ? YOU THINK IM CRAZY AS WELLLL ????
Gamer: i dont mind though
*kelly kelly breathes even more heavily*
*her eye then twitches she begns to tremble in anger*
kelly kelly: you...said that you will destroy who ever disrespects me ....WHY HAVENT YOU DESTROYED HIM YET ? WELLLLL ??
Gamer: dont worry i will trust me
*kelly kelly picks up a pipe*
*she attempts to swing it at Gamer but misses*
*she tries again and this time Gamer grabs the pipe and takes it away from her*
Gamer: stop trying to destroy my face
kelly kelly: but we can both be undashing together
Gamer: your face will heal just calm down
*gamer calms down kelly kelly*
Gamer: ill get rid of jedi for you dont worry
kelly kelly: thank you *she whispers* thank you
kelly kelly:....*she begins to laugh maniacally*......*she then begins to cry*
*gamer rolls his eyes*
Gamer: bring it in..again
*he hugs kelly kelly as she cries*
*she then begins to laugh*
*her laugh gets louder and scarier*
*she then picks up a piece of broken glass and stares at Gamer*
Gamer:...not again dont...do...anything
*kelly kelly gets in Gamer's face and places the glass on his face*
kelly kelly: psyche *drops the glass* i was just kidding...or was I...maybe i was teasing it *laughs sadistically* i guess we will never know :lol:
kelly kelly: oh Gamer dont make me do anything crazy please destroy jedi *starts to tear up again* do you want me to be miserable ?? :cry:
i will be the happiest person in WOTU if you get rid of him for me :) OTHERWISE DASHING GAMER WILL BECOME UNDASHING GAMER
*she gets an evil look on her face*
*she then smiles*
kelly kelly: just imagine undashing gamer and undashing kelly kelly wouldt it be fun ???
kelly kelly: then get rid of jedi *kelly kelly gives gamer an evil look* for me *she smiles*
*kelly kelly then leaves*
Gamer: man i hope her face heals up soon shes scaring me
*segment ends*
*Shortly after what happened, Metal walks to the back and Matt is there*
Matt: Metal, after what just happened out there and Money in the Bank coming closer, what are your plans?
Metal: Simple Matt, whatever happens between now and then is going to be a heck of a ride. Either I get a a chance at the big title or any title, I will win in the end. The losing streak of The Alchemist is over Matt, it's time that I take back my right as the greatest face in this business!!!
*Metal walks away as he turns the corner and leans up against the wall*
Damn, what the heck happened out there? It was just a blur to me and everything just went blank. I coughed as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a fresh case of Tic-Tacs. I opened it and welcomed 6 mints into my mouth and reached into my wallet and pulled out a picture of when me and Eve were together, such happy times. I looked at the picture and felt a pang in my heart. I feel depressed and I knew this was turning out in my matches. I was losing my passion for the business but going to Mexico isn't going to change that. I felt alone, I felt sad and the rules are bringing me down. I needed to do something but I felt powerless.
I popped 5 more mints and looked at the case. I felt pain everyday but I wasn't going to end up like a certain Razor's Edge so these had to do, I don't want to lose my job and turn to a life of something that I might wind up on the news the next day. No, I must do something but sadly, I didn't know what to do or if I can do anything about it. I felt a tear fall from my cheek as I walked towards my locker room, not knowing that a certain Diva was actually looking on in the distance.
I grabbed my things and left the arena, heading towards the next event and stopped at a hotel. They knew me and gave me a good room and here I am, staring out the window as I stared at the arena where I was just at, miles away. I grabbed something small to eat as I wasn't hungry and just continued to stare. What if I did win this match and went on to lose at Money in the Bank? WOTU title or I.C. title, a win is a win and a loss is, well, one that I can't afford now. I was slowly getting pushed down the levels of the company and if I didn't do something, I might end up a jobber. I didn't come from Mexico to job. I fell back and next thing I knew, I woke up.
I looked at the clock and it was 5 in the morning, I must've passed out from overthinking again. All of this just didn't make sense to me, then again, this is the same masked man who a few months ago got his hair dyed a different color. The sleep was still in my eyes and the dream in my head was still there. Me and Eve, happy as it can be, nothing more then a simple dream in my head, telling me I can't be happy under these rules but understand that business is best and people would be happy.
I heave a sigh and sadly I smile as I lay a while in bed. If only I wish it would be true and not fade like all my dreams before hand. I coughed again and took more Tic-Taks and decided it's best that I head to the airport. Grabbed my things, I left the hotel and made my way towards the place, not knowing again what will happen. As I was nearing the gate, a few fans ran up to me.
"Metal! OMG, it's you! I'm a big fan of yours and I think your the best ever!!!" A young fan said as I smiled and posed for him. It's moments like this that make me feel happy. Again and again, more fans noticed who I was and again and again, I posed for them because they were happy. I lost everything, a title, a placement and a chance to be happy with a girl and yet, even with all that pain, I smiled as I posed some more.
After all was done, I went to my flight and sat down in the first row. Lucky me, I had the money to do this for the rest of my life and yet nothing is more fun then posing with the fans. I kinda feel better from everything that happened to me recently. All the promos that I try to do is overshadowed by those who are better then me. Killer, SPidey, Gamer, they are all my friends in this business but they don't know what my mind is telling me. I don't write what I say, I say what I want to say. I always wanted Promo of the Year or Match of the Year under my belt, guess that means Drowning in a Mess of Emotion isn't on that list of awards.
Time decided to skip on me as I find myself outside the arena for Smackdown. I smiled a bit and then noticed that I was alone, being the first one here. I took the picture of me and Eve again and decided to light it up with a match given to me by a close friend. I watched it burn in my hands and felt a slight pain in my fingertips as I saw the last image of my happiness disappear into the air. Being a face, I must show support, I must show love towards the fans and continue this. If for some reason I become a heel, if they think me being a heel is going to work best.
They are wrong.
Being a face is great and I think that it's the best thing in the world. But when your down on your luck with a losing streak, no titles, your stable all turned to dust and worst of all, the girl you have a crush for can't be with you because of the law of this place, what do anyone know about my pain? About the suffering I must take on this path to being a champion again. I don't know, Spidey is giving me a chance but the ball isn't rolling just yet. He's back and once again, I'm in the shadows of my damned past, of a f***ing thing that I didn't know can happen. I thought things were looking up for me. Guess this is destiny telling me that now is not the time.
I took another pop of mints and entered the arena, I need to get my head straight. I am Adam to my Eve and when I can't have her, well, let's just say that these mints are the only things keeping me sane.
So @WOTUGMSN3 is finally back as a wrestler now? I knew it would only be time when he would return to the ring, I would be happy if he won at #DestinationX, so I can kick his ass all over at #MoneyInTheBank
Killerband Twitter
The @WOTUGMSN3 is now the 4th member of the #1 Contenders match? Well, whatever, but I better get another chance at the WOTU Championship or I'm gonna be pissed.#OneMoreChance Shoe Crap Twitter
[The @WOTUGMSN3 is back. now that he is back as a wrestler, i am glad he is on our side. as for you Gamer, i am happy K2 got all wet.Jedi Knight Twitter
2 days till The Player make a huge announcement, well it just an announcement not a real huge one, but if you wanna make it huge then let it be known. Later.Theplayer8505 Twitter
*Then out of nowhere the Light go out, and then Mind Storm plays, and as The Player comes out the lights come back on.*
The Player: So I'm just here at this House show just to announce that me, The Player and the WOTU X-Division Championship is here to say hello everyone I'm here and I going to own this Championship till the end of time, but thank you for the cheers, And then everyone started cheering for me.
*Cheers get lot louder*
The Player: and then they then start to say that The Player is thee best WOTU money could buy, and they know that the show must go on, and that's why I'm out here Crulex I want to know why can't we work as a team and stop all this talk about The Player as you next person on your checklist, I find it very funny, but I don't think your demons want any of me nor do you so I say that you and me can go on and become the BEST Tag Team in WOTU Money can buy, sooooooooo, my point is I want us to team up and if we do I think we can make a great team I mean it work for The Brothers of Descrution AKA The Undertaker and Kane, and Hell I don't care you you can be The Team Caption, and still be the best with your WOTU IC Championship, and I can be the best with the X-Division Championship, and then as long as we stay the way we are, then we can team up, face off againstwhom ever the WOTU Tag Team Champions are after MITB.
*Cheers get really loud after what they just heard*
The Player: This really was the announcement I was going to say and talk about on iMPACT! this Thursday but then again, who watches that I'm really jsut joking about that one ladies and gentlemen, but what do you say Crulex, and whom ever wins is the better man in WOTU, and one more thing though, Crulex I hope you say yes, if and only if you say no, that's cool in all, but I say if who ever wins gets to decide if they want to or not to team up, and go for the WOTU Tag Team Championships, But it really I think up to our GM, and Curlex I'll be waiting.
*The Player then leaves with his WOTU X-Divsion Championship.*
*taped for superstars*
roberts: the following mixed tag match is scheduled for one fall making their way to the ring the team of derrick batemen and kaitlyn
*crowd cheers*
roberts: and their opponents representing V.I.P. Dashing Gamer and Kelly Kelly
*crowd boos*
*during their entrance Gamer posed on the ramp but kelly kelly purposely bumped him*
*the bell rings as gamer and batemen start things off*
*they lock up and Gamer kness him in the gut a few times and then takes him down*
*from there gamer hits a leg drop on batemen*
*gamer then poses he then stares at kaitlyn*
*gamer winks at kaitlyn and blows her a kiss before hitting batemen with an elbow*
*gamer then picks up batemen and throws him to the turnbuckle towards kaitlyn*
*he then clothlines him*
*as batemen falls to the mat gamer blows another kiss at kaitlyn*
*gamer then drags batemen to the middle of the ring and hits him with a neckbreaker*
*gamer then prepares to climg the turnbuckle but kelly kelly tags herself in*
*gamer looks at kelly kelly as she climbs in the ring*
*as her and kaitlyn get in the ring kelly kelly charges at kaitlyn and takes her down with a lou thez press*
*she then starts samming hr head onto the mat repeatedly*
*as kaitlyn slowly gets up kelly kelly kicks her in the face*
*kelly kelly pins kaitlyn*
*kelly kelly pulls kaitlyn up*
*she then looks at gamer with a sadistic smile*
*kelly kelly thrws kaitlyn out of the ring*
*as kaitlyn slowly gets up kelly kelly grabs her and throws her face first into the metal portion of the turnbuckle*
*she stares at kaitlyn as she is in pain*
*the ref stop the match*
roberts: ladies and gentlemen your winners gamer and kelly kelly
*gamer approaches kelly kelly and lifts her hand up as he smiles at her*
*kelly kelly looks at Gamer sadistically*
kelly kelly: that wll be jedi
Gamer: ofcourse anything for you
*gamer and kelly kelly leave*
*segment ends*
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