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OOC: so Gamerguy blows kisses to other women now other than Kelly Kelly? killerband55
OOC: its a one time thing i just remembered that i shouldnt be doing that :lol:
My whole career is leading me to #DestinationX. A TNA PPV in the #WOTU. Wrestlesmania 25 in #GWF was supposed to see one of the most fabled matches in the history of Round Tables, @WOTUGMSN3 and #TheMascot vs. @Skinsfan and Cpman. The match never happened, and a can of blood was poured into a pot on a stove, and was set to boil for 3 years. I have never gotten to fight Spideynerd. Ever. However, I went out and I made my self relevant, and now look. I have a top place in his company, and I am getting ready to duke it out with him, finally. Ladies and Gentlemen, I dont care if I win now. I just care about making sure that this be the first time I face Spideynerd, and the last time he leaves a wrestling ring under his own power!CpmanFrato TwitterOOC: Spidey, this is really friggen awesome. If you ever wanted to light a fire under me for passion in Round Tabling, this is how. I cant wait for this one, GM!
OOC- Since I'm outta town and not around much. I wanted to do something to write myself off for a few weeks. Spidey if you could would you be so kind as to either fire or suspend my character?. And we'll pick this thing back up again :cool:
*During Impact the Following happens-
So in case you all have noticed. I've been absent the past couple of weeks *Crowd- WHAT- Turn those hearing aids up. I said I've been absent for a few weeks. Crowd Again- WHAT- As I just roll my eyes and smirk. Making them even angrier- But you know something and I've been thinking alot lately... and I realized that I haven't exactly been treated to my caliber. Bob and I have been talking and he realizes it. Hell the board of directors realizes it. EVERYODY realizes it. That I am being criminally under-used. And let me set one thing straight. I am not the one who needs this business. This business is WHAT NEEDS me. Those titles need me. Do you people in the office and you people in the back even begin to comprehend what kind of press I bring to this business. No you don't. Because you're too busy kissing ass and worrying about 99 year old hall of famers getting their 1000th run at a title. Meanwhile I sit back quietly, I waited my turn. I wasn't the guying being annoying, crying. Begging. Over a title shot.
Because I knew how talented I was. And I made the mistake of thinking the office knew how talented I was. But When you're not one of the golden boys. I guess a blind eye gets turned to talent. So you remember what I'm about to say and you hold onto it for the rest of your lives. Cause I'm not gonna sit around here and become another Shelton Benjamin, another Carlito, another MVP. Another guy who by ALL accounts WAS good enough to be in the main event but politics and the machine itself just f*cked them over. I am a self made movie star. I'M that guy drawing all the publicity to the company. I made me, this company never did a damn thing for me. So WOTU if that even is what the powers that be call this sorry promotion. I QUIT!!! And I hope you realize that I can quit this so called business and live in comfort on what I saved in the past 2 weeks. And never have to look back at this quasi glorified dead promotion
-booooos- As security starts to surround the ring and take the live mic away and I'm getting escorted from the building
Me backstage walking with security; Tell me one thing though, where is Spidey's has been ass? If I'm going out. I wanna have the prilvledge of facing the "boss" and telling him of how he HE SCREWED ICON. Not the other way around. No wonder all his developmental systems went outta business! No wonder the board wants him to step down.
YOU SCREWED ME!! YOU DID!! *As security forces me out the door*
*As the video feed gets cut and the camera goes back to show Cole and King talking about the "Shocking incident" that just happened
@Icon's random quitting was not scripted... I had informed him that I had to suspend him for 30 Days for failing a wellness test. Must have been the roid rage. It truly pains me to see such a great talent snap like that. If Icon wishes to return, good for him... But if not, I wish him the best in his future endeavors.WOTUGMSN3 Twitter
Oh, and @CpManFrato, let it be known you just happen to be in my return match. I don't even care that you are in it. I'm going to grab the "X" and then face @Killerband at #MITB. THAT is my goal. #CpWho?WOTUGMSN3 Twitter
Just finished filming an episode of "Conan", I'm told it will air either tonight or tomorrow. Be sure to watch, it is a can't miss interview.WOTUGMSN3 TwitterÂ
*backstage at superstars after tag match*
*gamer is with kelly kelly*
Gamer: you were amazing the way you just dominated her in our match
kelly kelly: i know *approaches gamer*
Gamer:.......can i help you ?
kelly kelly very calmly: i saw what you were doing blowing kisses at kaitlyn
Gamer: i gave you advantage
kelly kelly: YOU...WANNA REPLACE ME
Gamer: no not at all Dashing Gamer wants WOTU's most beautiful diva as his valet and that you
*kelly kelly smiles at Gamer*
kelly kelly: really ?
Gamer: yes
kelly kelly: hehehehe HAHAHAHAHA
Gamer: ???
kelly kelly: OH GAMER *grabs his head* your to much
kelly kelly: you would never replace me RIGHT ?
Gamer: ;) never and when your face heals up i will see to it that V.I.P. runs WOTU and you will replace spidey as the GM
kelly kelly: and when i do Dashing Gamer and kelly kelly will be the main draw in WOTU
Gamer: thats right
kelly kelly: but *pushes Gamer's head to the wall*
Gamer: ow
*kelly kelly leaves*
Gamer: ???
kelly kelly comes back but is off camera
kelly kelly: but if you drop me *throws a vase towards Gamer*
*gamer avoids the vase at the last second*
Gamer: WTF
kelly kelly: dashing Gamer will become undashing Gamer you wouldnt replace me would you :cry: AFTER ALL I HAVE DONE FOR YOU :cry:
Gamer: no no no not at all
*kelly kelly suddely stops crying and gets a cheerful smile*
kelly kelly: good :)
*kelly kelly leaves*
*segment ends*
@SuperPinkGirl & @FrenchDynasty don't stand an ounce of a chance against @CpmanFrato and yours truly on #Raw this monday #VIPFTW
Killerband Twitter
OOC: So I'm guessing the feud between me and Icon is over? :|DCSchark
OOC: no because you two still have a match against each other at Destination X, while he's not paying attention to you, this could be a good chance to strike a promo against him
*Promo for Impact*
* Big_Evil makes his way to the ring, as "Longnecks & Rednecks" plays, with a mic in hand *
Big_Evil: turn it off, turn it off, i've got something to say. (music ends and crowd roars); ok, so first off let me acknowledge my oppoent for Destination X, Mr. CKYguy, first off, i've no idea who you are or why i'm even facing you, none. i mean i want to face some competition, i want to face Champions, not chumps! instead of facing the World Champion, who as usual continues to dodge me cause he's obviously scared, i'm instead forced to face a nobody at a nothing PPV! (crowd boos); tell me about it i ain't exactly happy about it either. why oh why am i constantly being denied what i've earned, and that's a shot at the big belt, a shot at glory? why am i reduced to facing second rate tallent and second rate PPVs, instead of main-eventing the big PPVs? (Crowd reacts); so i'll tell you why, the WOTU management wants to hold me back and hold me down, cause they know i can win the big one, but instead they want their paper Champions, they want their favorites to hold the titles. well enoughs enough! once i'm done with the chumps and further prove myself once again, i'm putting the on notice, i'm coming for ya Killer, or whoever holds it come the end of MITB, and I will get that title! I guarentee it! (Crowd Cheers)
and before I go, i'd better mention that other Chump who's belt i'll be coming for at MITB, my ltitle buddy ThePlayer! who proved to everyone that he didn't need his little buddy FrenchDynasty to hold his hand while he was co-champion. Well Player, keep that belt shined up cause it's coming back home to me where it belongs come MITB! that i also guarentee!Â
the landscape of this place is going to change after MITB and Destination X and I for one plan to be on top of things when it does. I don't care who's holding what title, i won't rest til i win em all!Â
so i'll leave you with this as always; SORRY ABOUT YOUR DAMN LUCK WOTU!!!
*Big drops the mic and exits the ring, heading up the ramp as his music blares and the crowd cheers; Big stops at the top of the ramp and makes the belt sign around his waist as the segemnt ends*
OOC: Nice Promo Big_Evil.
(The following happened after impact! comes back from break.)
*Mind Storm by Joe Satriani plays, and The Player comes out, with the WOTU X-Division Championship on his shoulder*
The Player: SO........................... I can see that I've not heard back from Crulex on the whole us being a Team in all, I know that's a lot for him to take in, but then again anything is when your very dead, and old looking and decrepit. *Crowd Laughs* Thanks everyone but I hope Big_Evil is a good challegend for me, but then again Big_Evil is also getting old as an opponent of mine I know I know we have been having this little battle for the WOTU X-Division Championship, but stil, I hope that somebady comes along after Money in the Bank, but I don't know who unless someone new want a shot for MY WOTU X-Divsion Championship, because I'm right here I know and I hope for the day that this man The Player will one day turn into someone everyone knows very well in this iMPACT Zone, THE ONE THEE ONLY "AWESOME" AUSTIN ARIES, but that nor here nor there, but Killerband I surely hope that I can soon get a good shot for YOUR WOTU Championship sooner rather then later.
(Crowd Erupts in cheers after hearing what The Player just said.)
The Player: But that's most likely way way waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy down the road for ME, The Player, and, and I'm hoping even if I get a shot for Killer's Championship, without me holding a Championship, and me The Player cashing it in to go for Killer's, like Aries did last week, but once again I first have to face Crulex soon at Destination X on July 8h, 2012, which is like a week and a few days from now, and then the week after that I face Big_Evil.
(Crowd Cheers loudly for The Player and then starts Chanting Player Player Player.)
The Player: Ok ok thank very much for that and don't forget to follow me The Player on Twitter, @Theplayer8505, and don't also forget to put the Hashtag for me to be treanding worldwide, Oh and two more things, number one Crulex sorry that I'm going to beat your ass sooooooooooo bad that your going to need some help getting to the back at Destination X and number two Big_Evil, I hope your ready for Money in the Bank, I going KEEP my Strap, and move on, and if I lose then I lose, but if I don't then I advance onto the next victim, but with all that being said I'm going to right now in about a 105 Minutes, I'm going to see what iMPACT!, has cooking but for now I hope and wish everyone the best.
*The Player Leaves the Ring*
The following is my interview on Conan:
Conan: My first guest of the evening rebuilt the "WOTU"... Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for a guy you've probably never heard of, Spideynerd!
*Spidey gets a few cheers, but not much. He sits down on the couch next to Conan's desk and seems happy to be there*
Conan: Wow, not a big reaction from the crowd, you aren't use to that are you?
Spidey: Well, let's be honest, with the WWE being geared towards 9 year olds, and TNA rehashing the attitude era, not many people care about wrestling any more... Besides, the WOTU isn't really that big of a company, but it is getting there.
Conan: It says here in my notes that you've come out of retirement in the WOTU to revisit a feud between you and someone named, "Killerband".
Spidey: Yeah, that would be correct.
Conan: What is it about Killerband that made you want to put the boots back on and fight him?
Spidey: If you knew Killerband, you'd understand Conan. The guy is the definition of the word "a**hole". I mean when I first gained the WOTU Championship a year ago, I was freshly named General Manager as well. I figured I'd defend the title until I lost it, then retire... Well, Killer made that difficult. He was a fan favorite at the time, and so was I, well, that was the plan any ways. Thanks to him and a new guy named "Joemcmark", I had to basically become the bad guy, because that's what they were making me out to be.
Conan: Wow, that sounds like it would have been a tough situation to be a part of.
Spidey: It was. I wanted to drop the WOTU Championship badly though, because I wanted to be the good guy again, but I just couldn't drop the title for some reason. Eventually, after a good 7 months, I lost the title, and the next night I retired and became the good guy I always planned on being... But later that night Killerband struck again, he became the bad guy, and formed a group called, "VIP".
Conan: That's the best name they could come up with? I mean really? "VIP" is just so basic...
Spidey: That was my thoughts exactly! So at the next PPV, Killerband won the WOTU Championship, and I thought of the perfect way to get him to lose the title... Bring back his old enemy "JandSman". I thought that plan would work, but the two just kept tying. No one would win the matches, until last month where Killerband finally won the match, and I was forced to count the three. It was then when I realized I needed to return to the ring and finish what I started.
Conan: What do you mean, "finish what you started"?
Spidey: If I had just stayed around and beat Killerband in the first place, he wouldn't be in the position he is in. It was a big mistake, and I need to correct it.
Conan: So you are basically saying you made Killerband into, in your words, an "a**hole", and now you want to save him?
Spidey: Oh no, Killer was always an a**hole, probably always will be to be honest with you. I just want to shut him up for good, because I'm tired of him running his mouth the way he does.
Conan: I see...
*Just then, someone from the studio audience steps up onto the stage. He is wearing a mask, and Spidey looks upset, knowing exactly who it is*
Conan: Security!
Spidey: Conan, meet Killerband... Trying to pull the same stunt I pulled on Monday.
Conan: Really? Killerband, have a seat, let's chat with you as well!
*The man in the mask sits down in the spot closest to Conan, as Spidey slides down the couch*
Conan: So Killerband, what are your feelings towards Spideynerd?
Masked Man: You could say I'm obsessed with the guy.
Conan: That isn't creepy at all...
Masked Man: It was because of him that a simple little joke caused me to lose my spot in the greatest company alive! He thinks I ruined his life... But he really ruined mine!
Conan: What are you talking about?
*The masked man removes his mask to reveal himself as Cpman! A few audience members start to boo*
Spidey: Oh great... Not you.
Conan: Who is this guy?
Spidey: He isn't Killerband like I thought... This guy is just a lunatic named...
Cpman: Cpman! Spidey caused me to drop so far down the totem pole that I've sworn revenge ever since... But I've never had my chance against him... Until now.
Spidey: Listen, Jake, I don't have anything against you any more. I know what you did was to further a storyline, but it was childish, and immature. You deserved to be fired. But I introduced you to the WOTU, and eventually the GWF took you back. It's because of me you are in VIP in the WOTU. Don't forget that.
Cpman: LIES! ALL LIES! You made me into the crazy lunatic I am today... And next Sunday you will pay! Forget about Shoe_Crap and FrenchDynasty. Forget about "Ultimate X". Forget Killerband at ringside... You should worry about me! I am your biggest threat in that match, and you know it, bro!
Conan: This is getting out of hand... I think it's time to go to commercial... When we come back, Andrew Garfield will join us to talk about his new movie, "The Amazing Spider-Man".
*Spidey appears to be talking to Cpman as music plays that takes us to commercial*
@CpmanFrato wrecked my interview with the great Conan. He's got my attention, but can he keep it? I guess only time will tell. #CpWhoJustBecameCpDeadWOTUGMSN3 TwitterÂ
*backstage on impact after everthing that happened*
*a paramedic is workng on Gamer's cut*
i am the most beautiful talented diva here i am also WOTU's future gm whether spidey likes it or not ok if you ask me he is just jealous of my beauty and the fact that im gamer's manager and not his
*camera pans to the left to show kelly kelly talking to one of the doctors though he was ignoring her*
doctor: thats a nice story mam please hold still so i can disinfect this cut on your arm
kelly kelly: beautful you know oh and talented
doctor: mam please hold still
*camera pans to gamer as the paramedic is checking his cut*
Gamer: are you done my female fans keep tweeting me to make sure my face is ok but you obviously dont know what thats like seeing that your ugly
pramedic: all done
kelly kelly: finally now please leave Dashing Gamer and I have work to do
*doctors leave*
Gamer: yes i did
kelly kelly: HOW DARE BETH HIT ME WITH A CHAIR *slaps Gamer*
kelly kelly: HOW COULD YOU LET THAT HAPPEN ? *starts to cry*
Gamer: dont worry gorgous doctor said it will be removed after destnation X and you will be healed
and then *approaches kelly kelly*
dashing Gamer could stare at the beautiful face all day
kelly kelly:... cute but it wont work gonna go to spidey's office tomorrow and demand that he fire jedi
Gamer: goodluck with that remember last time ?
kelly kelly: he was just caught up in my beauty this time ill make sure he pays attention besides he should start cleaning out his office becuase you and I will replace him very soon
Gamer: i like how you think *whispers to kelly kelly* ill make jedi pay for what he did
*Gamer leaves*
*kelly kelly looks in a mirror*
kelly kelly: my face *starts to cry*
*segment ends*
OOC: K2 is just as Nutty as ever. :P :lol: :) oh and Nice looking promo Gamer, and same for your interveiw with Conan, Spidey. :D
With all this obsession with @WOTUGMSN3 has on me to try to beat me for MY #WOTUChampionship at #MoneyInTheBank, he still needs to remember he needs to beat 3 other wrestlers at #DestinationX first in order to get that shot
Killerband Twitter
*As Friday Night Smackdown continues, a loud gong rings out into the arena and the lights go into a blue-purple hue as Crulex walks out with the IC Title around his waist and his Ministry hood over his head. As Audit by Traumatosisplays, Crulex makes his way to the ring while ignoring the sea of boos, taking a mic in his grasp and looking out at the crowd with a cool, calm glare. He finally grins as he brings the mic to his lips.*
Crulex: For several days now, we have waited patiently, and now we see things as they are. The biggest surprise of all has reached our ears and have surprised us immensely. The Player........offering to create a team with us. An interesting development that we did not foresee. But what an entertaining notion. The X-Division Champion and the Intercontinental Champion joining forces to battle the Tag Team Champions. That sounds to us like a nice addition for a Summerslam card, as Money in the Bank is.....well.......taken, as far as challengers go.
*The crowd continues to boos as Crulex paces in the ring.*
Crulex: But the date does not matter. The prospect of adding to alluring at best. Player, we find you to be a very worthy addition to sign into the darkness. However, there are no promises. For no matter how powerful we are, the sole decisions are left to the General Manager. To team with you is at his discretion. However.......we are prepared to make a counter-offer. One stemming from something you said on Impact.
*As the crowd tries to figure out what Crulex is talking about, the deadman laughs and takes the hood off his head with both hands, baring his sharp teeth in a deadly smile.*
Crulex: Should you be victorious against us at Destination-X, we will agree to join forces with you, in the prospect of facing the tag team champions when the time and opportunity is right. You will become essentially our first and only ally since our unholy rebirth. A business partner, so to speak. But if I will be the other way around. You will join us. Embrace the darkness. Sign your soul to the CEO of RIP itself. After Destination X, Player, should you agree to this, we will be on the same side. But every coin has two sides. Which side will fate allow you to stand on? We look forward to finding out.
*Audit hits again and Crulex prepares to walk out of the ring....*
OOC: Contine Player, if you want.
OOC: Continuing where Crulex last was.....
*As Crulex is just about to get out of the ring Mind Storm by Joe Satriani plays, and then The Player comes out with a mic already in his hands as the WOTU X-Division Championship on his shoulder he peaks*
The Player: Cut my music, *The Player's music stops*, so...........well..............hmmmmmmmmmmm, I don't know what to say but I know that I'm The Player, and if you don't want to be part of The Player's Pound, then I guess all you had to say is no............... nope........................ no thanks..................... but you didn't but, I'm still going to face up against you Crulex, to see who's teaming up with whom, well I think I'm not going to accept your offer nor should I, because I forgot how damn freaky, you really are, but I think if you want to really face me One on One that's fine in a Champion Vs. Champion match but, I'm not going to disappoint all my The Player's Pound members.
(Chants of Player, Player, Player start)
The Player: But don't worry everyone once I'm done with Crulex, I don't even think anyone of his so call Ministry friend won't even notice him and let alone, who ever faces Crulex at the Money in the Bank PPV, on the 15th of July, so with all of that being said, I hope this explains everything but, I'm very sorry that I said what I said, I'm still not going to Sign my Blood, and leadership of The Player's Pound over to the Ministry and don't forget, I'm going to Lock in the GHD on you Crulex and finish you off in nine nights, and pin you Deadman, 1..........................2.............................3!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*The Player leaves with Mic still in hand and his WOTU X-Division Championship on his shoulder, then The Player stops on the top of the stage, turns around, and then says....*
The Player: GO HOME DRIVER................ GHD......................... GHD..................................... GHD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Crowd joins in GHD, GHD, GHD.)
*Then The Player leaves.*
kelly kelly: spidey *knocks on door*.....Spidey *knocks a little harder*.......SPIDEY *pounds on the door* OPEN THE DOOR NOW
*spidey opens the door*
spidey: Well, well, well, if it isn't my "favorite" WOTU Diva, K2. What exactly can I do for you?
kelly kelly: spidey i demand that you fire jediknight
spidey: And you believe I'll do this because...?
kelly kelly: because he damaged my beautiful face not to mention i am wotu's most gorgeous diva also i am your replacement for WOTU gm so I DEMAND YOU FIRE HIM
spidey: Honestly, I think you look better in that mask... Before you freak out, I dig a chick in a mask.
kelly kelly: WHAT?
Spidey: But onto the issue you are screaming about, I'm not going to fire Jedi, he hasn't done anything that wasn't encouraged by you and Gamer... As for your other statement, what makes you think you are going to by my replacement?
kelly kelly: You are unfair to Gamer and V.I.P.! Plus, how dare you put Gamer in a title match when he obviously wasnt ready! *raises her hand*
spidey: If you hit me, you will get hit with a pink slip. Also I said it before, and I'll say it again... My replacement is going to be someone who isn't completely insane.
*kelly kelly breathes heavily and gives spidey this crazed look*
kelly kelly:
spidey: You know... You really should trade mark that saying. Oh, and by the way, because you wasted my time Gamer is gonna have himself a little match tonight against an opponent of my choosing. Now then, I have to go train for my match at Destination X... So if you could go be crazy somewhere else that would be great... Thanks.
Spidey: *Spidey Yawns* Goodbye. *spidey slams the door shut and kelly kelly gets hit in the face*
AHHHHHHHHHHHH *pounds on the door*
JERK *leaves*
end of part 1
*PART 2*
*smackdown comes back from commercial*
*gamer is already in the ring*
lillian: the following contest is scheduled for one fall in the ring Dashing Gamer
*gamer grabs a mic*
Gamer: so spidey once again proves he is biased against V.I.P. well guess what spidey im the future i can take on anyone of you idiotic wrestlers BRING IT ON
*gamer stands in the ring smiling*
lillian: and his opponent
*gamer expression suddenly changes*
*ryback enters the ring*
*gamer charges at ryback but ryback stops him*
ryback: STUPID
* ryback slams gamer to the ground*
*as gamer gets up ryback clothlines him*
*ryback then picks up gamer and hits him with a military slam*
*ryback then shouts FINISH HIM*
*as he turns to get gamer kelly kelly drags game out of the ring*
kelly kelly: NO....NO.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
*kelly kelly helps gamer up as they leave*
*ryback wis by countout*
*crowd boos gamer*
*segment ends with ryback shouting FEED ME MORE*
*During RAW- DC is shown walking through the parking garage- Getting ready to enter the arena- All of a sudden a car with black tinted windows pulls into the garage directly and nearly runs down DC, as the engine revs hard and DC narrowly jumps out of the way-
*All of a sudden two men in ski masks get out of the car with 2 crowbars-
Me: Get him! Drop this fool! *As me and the other guy in the ski mask hit DC with the crowbars- Beating on him mercilessly. I TOLD You - I am this company, and just like anybody. You never p*ss me off. You hear? *As I hit him in the head, then propping his head up and slapping him. Get up! Get up idiot so I can drop your ass! I am the best thing about this sorry ass excuse for a company and guys like you can't even hold a candle to me- *Hitting the curb stomp on DC- and putting him down. Bob get the chain out the trunk, chain his ass up to the car! do it! *As Bob gets a chain out of the car trunk and begins to start tying DC onto the chain by his foot as I rev the engine loudly from the drivers seat- You're going for a ride, boy. A FUN ride like nothing else!Â
*When referees and security enforcements start running in to the parking garage to stop things- Refs/ Security- Hey hey! come on! let him go Icon! get out of here! you're suspended! get out of here! We need some help out here! come on get the enforcements!
JR: For the love of God! somebody get in there and unchain the mans foot from that car! Somebody do something back there!
King: Get in there refs! do something!
*Finally more security shows up and Bob and I hop back in the car. *As the refs get DC unchained from the car at the last minute-
*As we speed off and out of the parking garage
@Superpinkgirl- You knew correctly, sweetheart. The French are natural born winners, natural born champions. The world is only beginning to find that out. RAW tonight will be lesson 2 of that #ViveLeFrance
OOC- look down man, its on my signature under the Obama Girl one. lol Is it not showing?
OOC: well i can't see it, maybe because you're on the old forums style look, i'm on the one where you can see the union banner (most stuff in a sig gets cut off if you use that version)
When Howard Stern interviews @CpmanFrato and yours truly after we win tonight, he should bring in some hot ladies as well just like the good ol' days #DoingItV.I.P.Style
Killerband Twitter
There will be no @Killerband and @CpManFrato vs. @Superpinkgirl and @FrenchDynasty... Why would I book that match? Also, @HowardStern is in New York, not in Texas, so unless the interview is going to be via telephone... It isn't going to happen. All Media appearances have to be passed by me, and @HowardStern will NEVER interview a #WOTU superstar because he doesn't interview people, everyone should know that. #SorryYouAllWereFedLiesWOTUGMSN3 Twitter
Um, @CpManFrato, #WOTU13 doesn't come out until October 30th... Again, don't lie to your fans. #SeeWhatCpDeadDoesWOTUGMSN3 Twitter
Hockeydude Twitter:
@Gamerguy Oh yeah? How about we put your little theory to the test. I challenge you to a match! At TNA Destination X
Gamer twitter
@hockeydue i would love to push my record against you to 3-0 but i am alrady facing @jediknight besides you wouldnt be a challenege anyway
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