The following is the ending to Impact Wrestling:
*"Black Sheep" hits, and the crowd goes nuts. Spideynerd steps out onto the ramp, and heads down to the ring. He is wearing his signature white suit and tie, and of course has his signature mic in hand. Spidey rests his arms on the ropes in the corner, and begins to talk*
Spideynerd: Tuesday on Super Smackdown Live, good ole Cpman failed at showing me my life. Why did he fail? Because I know my life. I've embraced my life... The good and the bad. The first guy Cpman brought out, I can honestly say I have never seen in my life. My best friend in high school is going to be a huge writer some day... He doesn't have a single interest in professional wrestling. The "teacher" of mine that Cpman brought out next... I have seen before, but she wasn't a teacher when I saw her... I saw her getting paid by a member of V.I.P a couple of months ago... She was coming out of their locker room too. Don't want to know what went on, nor do I care to know. What goes on behind close doors is that person's business. Then Killerband was brought out. That's cool, everyone knows Killer doesn't know me as well as he would like to think he does. The second to last guy was the imposter me... Which is funny, because I never actually sent him out in my place. I'd be too busy to be a part of the segment they needed me for, so they'd send out imposter me. The guy lived for the job, until I started showing up. He lost a good paying job, and hated me since. Finally was the guy you was hosting the whole thing, Cpman himself! Shocker, right? Not really. He thinks I ruined his life, well good for him. He ruined mine, and could have ruined my reputation by being immature, luckily he was stupid and just kept texting me stupid "threatening" messages.
*The crowd chants "Cp Sucks!"*
Spidey: Now that I've got all that, it's time for the real reason I came out... If Cpman wants to show me my life, well, I'll show him his. Welcome to "This is your life, Cpman!". I don't need you out here for this, because I don't want to stand next to you. Instead, I'll just have Mr. Cameraman in back find you and have you on the tron the whole time.
*The crowd pops big time for the announcement of another "This is your life" segment, while the tron kicks to the back, where we see a cameraman rushing up to Cpman, who is picking his nose, not sure what is going on. The camera man shoves the camera in his face*
Cpman: What are you doing?
Cameraman: Spidey is doing a "This is your life, Cpman" segment, but doesn't want you in the ring next to him... Instead you'll be on the tron the whole time.
Cpman: That loser has to copy me now? How pathetic! Spidey, just get this thing over with.
*A person backstage pushes in a tv so Cpman can see and hear what is going on, and then leaves. We then cut back to Spidey in the ring, while still seeing Cpman on the tron. Spidey begins to talk*
Spidey: Alright, Cpman, let's start with someone who knows you fairly well, TwistofFate!
*TwistofFate walks out to the ring. He grabs a mic before rolling into the ring, and looking up at the titantron*
Spidey: Twist, you know Cpman better than most people here... I mean you actually talk to him on Xbox Live. What is he like?
Twist: In one word? Annoying. All he does when playing games is his terrible Family Guy impressions. He tries talking like Stewie, but comes off as an annoying kid who needs to shut up.
Spidey: I hate bad impressionists.
Twist: You are lucky you don't have to listen to him. I mean it's gotten to the point where I've decided to mute the volume, just so I can't hear him. He likes to be the center of attention, and when he isn't, he does something he thinks will be HUGE, but instead it is stupid, and it nearly costs him his career.
Spidey: Yeah, I've been at the center of his first scandal... But you've been at the center of some big scandals too Twist, so you can't really talk.
Twist: True... See, Cpman thinks him and I are friends, but really I can't stand him. He's always coming to me with "big ideas", but they always suck, and I have to always pretend like they are great ideas. I mean when will he learn, am I right?
Spidey: Sure... You know what, maybe you shouldn't have been my first guest for "This is your life, Cpman"...
Twist: What, why?
Spidey: Because in all honesty, you kind of remind me of Cpman. Sorry dude, but it's the truth. So before you can speak, shut off his mic, and bring out the next guy!
*Hurricane steps out on the ramp, and heads down to the ring with a mic in hand. He slides into the ring, faces the titantron, and begins talking before Spidey can even say anything*
Hurricane: You brought me here to roast this guy? I thought I was here to convince you to come back Spidey?
Spidey: Dude, I told you I'm retired in the GWF. A promise is a promise... I also told you that you were going to be here for a "This is your life, Cpman" segment.
Hurricane: I must have misunderstood you, jaja. I mean after all, I live in my gold mansion, with my entourage!
Spidey: Didn't they leave you since you lost the match to Cpman at Extreme Rules?
Hurricane: No! I stole them back, jaja!
Spidey: Whatever you say dude...
Hurricane: Any ways, when it comes to Cpman, I don't think he's that bad... He does steal other people's ideas though. For example, when he was feuding with me, he brought in a group to counter my group, which is something you did, Spidey. He was trying to recreate what was probably one of my favorite feuds.
Spidey: Wow, really? That's great.
Hurricane: Yeah, but a side from that, I can't really think of anything "bad" to say about Cpman... Well, besides that he isn't better than me, jaja!
Spidey: Man, I've picked two bad guests so far... Sorry Hurricane. Let's just go straight to the next person. This person is someone who Cpman knows pretty well. They...
*Spidey gets cut off, as a lady walks out. She gets into the ring, and then grabs the mic from Spidey*
Lady: How dare you, mister! How dare you talk bad about my son, Cliff Parkins Mary Allen Norman Frato. I love him dearly, and he couldn't have possibly have done the stuff you accuse him of!
*Spidey grabs Hurricane's mic*
Spidey: Mrs. Frato , nice to meet you... But what you should know about me is I speak the truth. It's a curse of mine.
Mrs. Frato: Impossible!
*Mrs. Frato slaps Spidey across the face. She goes to speak again, but a man starts walking down to the ring. He gets into the ring and grabs the mic from Mrs. Frato*
Man: Lois, apologize to this young man for slapping him across the face!
Spidey: You must be Mr. Frato. She doesn't need to apologize by the way, I probably did deserve that slap. Your son is a trouble maker though... I mean I don't know if you've ever watched him when he is on tv, whether in the TWF/GWF or the WOTU... But he's done and said some things you guys wouldn't like.
Mr. Frato: Oh I know. It was me who got Cliff into Wrestling as a kid. When he became a TWF superstar, I watched every match, while Mrs. Norman couldn't bare to watch he little baby risk his health every night. I was a wrestling fan all my life though, and I knew the secrets, I knew about the dirt sheets, there wasn't much I didn't know. So I know all about what he did to you, and I'm going to apologize for him. Mr. Spideynerd, on behalf of Cliff, I'm sorry.
Spidey: Thanks Mr. Frato, but I just can't forgive your son for his actions. He's had way more than three strikes, and that's all I give.
Mr. Frato: I understand.
Spidey: Go ahead and stay here though, in the ring that is... My final guest is someone you guys probably haven't seen in quite awhile. Ladies and gentlemen, Jake Frato!
*Jake Frato steps out onto the stage, to little to no reaction, as the crowd isn't quite sure who he is. He makes his way down to the ring, rolls in, and then grabs the mic from Mr. Frato. Mr. and Mrs. Frato look shocked to see Jake*
Jake Frato: My name is Jake Frato, and I'm the twin brother of Cliff Frato. Several months ago he attacked me, causing me to lose my half of the GWF Tag Team Championship belts. He then went and won my half later that night. Cliff and I, we never really got along... We always thought the same, since we are twins and all, but what he did I never would have done in a thousand years. My parents, they are afraid of Cliff after what he did to me. He forced them to forget I existed, so I've spent the last few months living on the streets of New Jersey. I worked jobs that paid me minimum wage, just so I could eat every night. Then yesterday, Spideynerd showed up at the Burger King I was working in, and handed me a first class ticket to Orlando, explaining everything to me. Hearing everything made me realize I needed to come here and address my brother. Cliff, thank you.
*Jake then turns around and decks Spidey with the mic. The tron then starts going fuzzy, revealing it was on a loop! When the tron returns to normal, we see the cameraman tied up, and next to him is the real Jake Frato. Cpman, who is in the ring, smiles and goes to bash Spidey's skull in with his mic, but Hurricane and Twist grab his arms. Mr. and Mrs. Frato then start kicking away at Spideynerd, while security rushes down to the ring, and takes them to the back. Hurricane and Twist start taking Cpman to the back, but Cpman breaks out of their hold, and slams the two of them into the ramp. He then slides back into the ring, and starts stomping on Spidey's head. He lifts Spidey off the ground, and then Irish whips him into a corner. Cpman then throws Spidey out of the ring, before sliding out himself. He picks Spidey up off the arena floot, and starts slamming his face into the steel steps, until Spidey is clearly busted open. At this point, security has returned, and arrests Cpman. They take him to the back, as the medics check on Spidey. Impact wrestling ends with a shot of Spidey being loaded onto a stretcher and helped to the back*Â
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