Game Title: Hush
Game Description:
You start off the game as Dr. Jason Greenaway, after making your way to the top of the hospital, opening doors and activating elevators as a sort of turtorial, the game skips to a cutscene where Dr. Greenaway see's a patient with a German Shepard, and orders the dog to be removed from the building. Then you make your way to your objective to delivery a baby. While the mother screams psychoicaly to kill the child, Greenaway orders the nurse's to take the child away and to sedate the mother.
... Six day's after the delivery, you check up on the child to see if the everything is going smoothly. When you reach the moteriation room, the Hospitial shakes violently as if an earthquake is in process. Afterwards people start screaming, and mutated humans start mass murdering all of the normal humans in the building.
Greenaway hides in the observation room until the monster's pass, and Jason deiceds to try and escape the building, taking the child with him. Also you when gain the aid of the dog, the German Shepard, as a ally.
Soon Greenaway finds out the child had an birth defect due to the lack of room in womb, and caused the woman exterme pain, and haterd towards the child. Medical reports show she tried to commit suidice many a-times, but with the baby always surviving.
Even with baby finally deilvered, the pain stayed with the woman, causing the mother to want to seek revenge against the child, and kill it.
These powerful emotions allowed the emotionial feeding creature's know only as 'daemons' to create a small gateway into our reailty, right inside the hospital, killing and mutating all there expect for a unlucky few who survive. The daemons also increased the haterd, and pain the mother feels, mutating her into a powerful foe, and hellbent on revenge on the child.
Greenaway must protect the child, at all costs because if the child is sacirficed in vengance, it will only increase the gateway created by the mother, sucking the world into darkness forever. Now Greenaway must make a hard choice. Escape the hellish hospitial, or save the world?
It all lies in your hands, the player, to decide the fate of humanity.
-Hush is a Survival/Horror game, that plays like an FPS. There is no true 'HUD', no radars, no weapon screens, nothing.
-Hush uses a interesting close combat system called 'Edge'. During fights, you can attack with weapons using the right rigger, shoot firearms you come across, use the left trigger to throw items, or to aim down the sights of a fire arm. Each hit you score with a non-firearm weapon on a enemy will charge your Execution meter. Sucessful blocks from melee attacks will also charge your meter, but if you take damage your meter will go down. Stealth kills on unaware foes will completely fill up the Execution meter. When full, you can use the B button to let loose sicking, but devestation automatic kill move.
-In Hush everything your character can carry, can be used as a weapon. From chairs, to computer monitors, to knives. But your character can not win in a straight fight, so you must use your surrondings to achieve victory.
-The German Shepard (Sparks), is very useful in Hush. He can act as your 'radar', when he grows an enemy(ies) are near, and when the mother is near, he will whimper. He can also fight, protecting yhou from harm, can be helpful in puzzles, or distract humans. Unforuately you cannot contorl the dog.
-The baby you carry of your back is more of a negative element. If you run for long periods of time, or a fight drags on too long, the baby will start crying which attracts enemies, and the uber boss, the mother.
-The Hospital is for you to roam, everywhere is possible. With hundreds of side quests, and many mini bosses, you can do what you want, when you want. You can even take on the final boss at the beginning of the game if you so choice, but the more you do, the easier the final boss will be.
-You can tell when the mother is almost upon you, when you start hearing a female voice singing nusery rhymies.
-Team up with another player over online or offline spilt-screen and take on the campaign together.
-Unlimited movement, you can be at the underground garage and your friend can be on the top floor. No limitations.
-Each player will have advatages to use against the daemons. The host will have the baby on his back, while the other player will get the dog as an ally.
-Unique communication. Even when using the headset your friend will only be able to hear you within a certian distace, and your enemy can hear you as well, and hunt you down, use communication wisely.
-Exculsive Co-op side missions, and mini-bosses await you and your friend.
Game Controls:
Click the following link to view the game controls -
(NOTE: Sorry for my grammer, and spelling, AND PLEASE TAKE NOTE, this is not a real game, this is something a came up with.)
Trailer Idea 1:
(Background song by Johnny Cash: Hurt)
{Music starts to a black screen.} (5 seconds)
{Camara slowly moves down a hospitial hallway, gurneys lay on their sides soaked with blood, seven torn and ripped corpses litter the path the camara takes, doors ripped open lay on the ground.} (20 seconds)
{Camara turns to the right and goes into a large room, this time a daycare for children in the hospitial. Childrens corpses litter the room with blood on the walls, you see several mutated daemon-dogish creatures are still devoring the bodies. Asorted muilti-colored slides, and plush dolls lay on the ground as the camara passes over them.} (30 seconds)
{Screen goes black} (5 seconds.)
{Camara reappears in what appears to be a opperating room, several dead medical officals are on the ground with heads missing, or chucks missing from their bodies. Person on opperating table is still alive, and screaming as what seemed to be a mutated patient, IV draging on the ground, wearing an appron giggles and camara pans to see the mutatnt is eating the persons left leg.} (20 seconds)
{Screen goes black} (5 seconds)
{Camara goes down another hallway, but this time among the violatated huamn corpses are the bodies of mutated humans and several corpses of bird-like daemons with crushed skulls. You see a lone figure on his knees repeatly hiting the dead-corpse of one of the daemons, crying as he does so.} (15 seconds.)
{Figure gives the corpse one last hit, and slowly gets up and turn's towards camara, holding a bloodly claw hammer in his hands. Camara zooms in on the man.} (10 seconds)
{We start hearing a muffled wailing of an child, and the blood soaked figure we can see in detail his wearing a docter's attire complete with white jacket stained in red. He reaches in back of him, and takes out a baby. He cradles it, rocking it slowly back and forth in his blood stained hands until child claims down.} (15 seconds.)
{Person puts child back, and looks around the area around him with troubled eyes, camara zooms in slowly on his face. We hear a dog growing and figure moves away off to the right.} (15 seconds)
{Screen goes black.} (5 seconds)
{Camara shows same person bending on the floor next to a large german sheppard. He pets the dog, who also seems blood soaked, with a bit of flesh on its muzzle. German Sheppard grows at something in a half-opened drawer of an office desk with pictures of a family, with blood spots on it. A man rests in a office chair, half of his face missing.} (15 seconds.)
{Figure smiles, reaches inside and pulls out the man lunchs, spilts it into halves, gives one half to german sheppard, and pockets the rest. He then glances towards the raido which is playing the trailer song. Man bends down and pulls out anouther drawer and grabs something, the figure smiles. He pulls out a pistol, and checks the magazine and chamber.} (15 seconds.)
{Man pushes the corpse out of the chair, and pulls out the baby and cradles it again while he sits down in the chair with his back to the office door. Whispering to the child, while setting the pistol on the desk. Dog glances at office door and whimpers, and moves over to mans fit and lays down.} (15 seconds.)
{Camara slowly zooms out off the office. Shows many daemons stealthily crawling on the walls, and lots mutated humans moving akwardly towards the door. Screen slowly goes black.} (25 seconds.)
{Logo comes up on the empty screen.} (5 seconds.)
Trailer Idea 2
(Background song by Led Zeppelin: Stairway to Heaven)
{Start song off at 0:00.}
{Screen starts out black, then it focuses in on a figure dressed in a bloodly docters attire (Dr. Greenaway). The figure turns around and walks forward down a chaotic walkway, filled with bodies of daemon and human alike, knocked over gurneys, and papers scattered everywhere.} 10 seconds
{Dr. Greenaway takes a sharp right, and tries to open a door to find its locked. The camara shifts over to see his face, which looks regretful, before he kicks the door several times, finally busting it down. Dr. Greenaway steps over the broken remains of the door. The camara dose not follow right away, and looks to the right of the door, a sign hangs on the wall which says 'Secruity'. Camara slowly pans back to the door, and moves into the room.} 20 seconds
{Camara shows Dr. Greenaway exaiming a corpse on the ground, it is a male figure in a secruity uniform, his brains are all over the side of the wall and a pistol griped tightly in his right hand. Greenaway shakes his head and jars the pistol of the corpses hand, and checks the magazine. He loads the magazine back in, with a grim grin on his face. He turns over to the secruity console.} 10 seconds
{He exaims some of the monitors, some show daemons devouring bodies of humans, and even of their own kin.His gazes passes over one, but he quickly does a double take. Camara focuses in, showing a female figure in block-stained patient attire. Blond hair covers her face, but you can see she is carrying a smull bundle. Greenaway quickly looks at the piece of tape above the monitor, and reads the black magic-marker writing 'Floor 6, Elevator Enterance.'. He quickly stuffs the pistol away, and dashes off full speed.} 20 seconds
{Camara follows him as he jumps over dead bodies, and a faint sceerching sound sound can be heard, soon after a pounding of feet can be heard. Camara spins around and sees a pack of daemonic-looking hounds following him. You hear a faint bark, and the camara spins around showing a large german shepard running towards the daemon hounds. The man tries to stop it, but the dog barrels through him. The man cries out. The camara turns around, following the dog. It jumps, taking down one of the daemon hounds, and rips out its thorat. The other hounds jump ontop of the german shepard, which barks and tries to fight. The camara turns around showing the stuned Greenaway, then a sharp howl and a spurt of blood hit Greenaway in the face. Camara turns around showing the german shepard on the ground, with its head halfway ripped off and the daemon hounds devouring it. Greenaway makes no sound and countines onward.} 25 seconds
{Camara follows Greenaway, and he stops for a brief second looking at a message written on the wall with human blood. 'FEAR THE NOT DAEMON! WORDS HAVE TWO MEANINGS!' Greenaway runs forwards, arriving in a room with the woman figure walking slowly towards an elevator. Greenaway cries out, pulls out the pistol, and fires of six shots into the woman. The woman falls to the ground, blood spreading from her body. Greenaway runs forward and picks up the bundle she dropped and unravels it. A doll of a baby falls to the ground. Greenaway seems dazed and just stands there as he drops the bundle.} 25 seconds
{Slowly the darkness all around him grows outward, and the camara pans back and shows hundreds of daemons approaching him, the woman body on the ground morphs into a greyish looking daemon that clearly shows its not the Mother. Camara zooms in on Greenaways face. His eyes are blood shot, there is also blood all over his face with a nasty cut from his forehead to his lower right side of his lip. Tears fills his eyes as he lifts the pistol up to his face with a shaky hand and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens. He just stands there pulling the trigger over and over again, camara pans back slowly the daemons moving forward to kill him. Screen goes black.} 20
{Logo's and Game title and such appear.} 5 seconds
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