they can't pee straight into a cup, what make you think they should be on XBL?Areola54
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wait 14 or 12 year olds I'm confused 14 can be on 12 shouldn'tbecause there annoying like 98% of the time the other 2% r okDon0van
I apologize for the 14 and 12 year old typo.
I really don't care what age the people are. I've met so many annoying adults on Live that i don't think age nessisarily means maturity.
Good point
Well i dont know whats more annoying, little kids screaming...... Or hell All the pot smoking retards on live who brag about how high they are when there probably 24 in there moms basement never even seen a joint in ther life,or the people that think that ther SOOOOOOO ghetto that they have to call you son andB#### every timeyou play, especially when those soooooo ghetto people are 12 year old white kids who think there thataren't even suppose to be playing live ( from what i remember you have to be over 13 to register an account.)
Age is a big thing but there is a massive maturity jump that happens between the ages of 14 and 16 and playing with younger people is ok just as long as they can prove themselves that the maturity jump occurred to them.
Whatever...I think that little kids should have their own Xbox they can listen to their annoying selves all day.fore_runner
lol it would be funny but it wouldnt work out too well. but i do feel you, i love listening to a little brat say owe i just owned you when they kill me once, then the whole rest of the round, match whatever, I get to pwn the little brats and say, sorry kid ive been gamming since pong and you have a lot of practice to go before you can ever go to say you just owned me.
it always depend on the kid i dont care if the kid has a squeeky voice cuz its not his fault but if hes acting all stupid and swearing or whatever then yeah they shouldnt be playing. im 14 im turning 15 next month i have a deep voice but iact mature and i swear once in a while but i dont go crazyso like i said it depends on the kid
Well I am fourteen, and I am going to be turning 15 in August. I dont have a squeeky voice, some guy on live thought I was 18. I am not annoying like the little 10 year olds who constantly say "can you hear me?" I am not annoying, so dont hate on all the "little kids" though I wouldnt even call me that. I am mature, believe me, if you dont send me a friend request and lets game.
yea seriously, im 13, most people tell me i sound like im 15, i dont go "haha pwnd youwith my sword you n00b" in a squeaky voice...dont think that all of us are little brats because we arent...
you know it be nice if they had a Filter on XBL that skims out all the kids and pits you in a matches with a age group you select like 18-to what ever!
YEAH! I wish that too, 'cause then I don't have to be with some jerky, 18-year-old who can't be bothered to type properly on the computer or use sentences. I wouldn't be with someone who thinks that he can "pwn" me just because I'm younger. That would be great!
By the way, I'm 14
they shouldnt be because the high pitched voices are enough to make me slap someone. but if they're gonna be on then they should keep them in the kiddy corner.
i hate all the little 10-12 year olds, but the 14 year olds are fine... there are a share of annoying 20 years olds imo... (mainly marines :P) but yea, i don't care that much if they are annoying... and somtimes, the annoying ones are funny cuz they sing random songs :) (btw i'm fourteen and turnin 15 soon)
You guys cant be so mean just because therevoice is squeaky doesent mean you have to be so mean. They cant help it I have a 11 year old on my friends list and hes mad cool.
Some 11 year olds are cool
ms should make it so that if someone is suspected of being under 13-14 they get banned from xbl until x amount of years
so if an obvious 9 year old is on, and he annoying and gets reported, he should be banned for 4 years
but then again this wont work, cause what if its a little kid playing an an adults account...
In and of itself, I don't have a problem with younger players being on Xbox LIVE.
The issue that comes up is maturity, and whether they should be playing the game in question.
The one that took me back the most was about this ten-year-old I heard over XBL when playing Gears of War online. It makes me wonder what the hell are the parents teaching this kid and whether he was actually mature enough to comprehend the kind of violent nature that game has. Chances are though, I think the little brat might have been hopping on an older siblings' or parents' account and playing without permission. Either way, you'd have to swear the kid was doing something he shouldn't be.
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