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If I could only buy 2 games it would be Elder Scrolls (great game, great value for $29.99 -- like a billion hours of gameplay for small dollars) and COD4 (better than Halo 3, great multiplayer -- all been said before).
[QUOTE="sexy_chimp"]Is Kameo worth buying? I'm sure I could find it for like 20 bucks since its old.
I have played it and i didn't like it but if its only $20 i would give it a try or rent it first.
Demo was kind of meh. Bad controls and boring level design.
Well as this is a game ecommendation thread. Should i get Eternal Sonata or Mass Effect, i like the look of both ust wondering what you guys thought(can only get one now and the other proabably a while after xmas)
P.S Good work on this thread must have taken ages =P
I'd go with Eternal Sonata purely because I feel its a more graphically mature game...but you can't go wrong with either.
P.S. Hate to sound cliche but GREAT thread guys, keep up the good work.
I couldn't be bothered starting a topic so......
with Guitar Hero can the guitar for 2 work with 3?
Example: Guitar Hero 2 guitar work with Guitar Hero 3 game?
Looking for some input narrowing down my 360 choices right now. I'm not really in the mood for another shooter as I still have most of Orange Box to get through, but which of the following games should I go for? Looking for something I'll want in my collection for a while and something that would compliment the twitchiness of Virtua Fighter 5, which I also picked up recently.
-Eternal Sonata
-NHL 08
-Call of Duty 4
-just wait for Burnout Paradise
I couldn't be bothered starting a topic so......
with Guitar Hero can the guitar for 2 work with 3?
Example: Guitar Hero 2 guitar work with Guitar Hero 3 game?
If you are talking about Xbox360(like you should...) then yes.
[QUOTE="Pump_man44"]I couldn't be bothered starting a topic so......
with Guitar Hero can the guitar for 2 work with 3?
Example: Guitar Hero 2 guitar work with Guitar Hero 3 game?
If you are talking about Xbox360(like you should...) then yes.
Looking for some input narrowing down my 360 choices right now. I'm not really in the mood for another shooter as I still have most of Orange Box to get through, but which of the following games should I go for? Looking for something I'll want in my collection for a while and something that would compliment the twitchiness of Virtua Fighter 5, which I also picked up recently.
-Eternal Sonata
-NHL 08
-Call of Duty 4
-just wait for Burnout Paradise
Eternal Sonata seems like a good game for those who like that type of gaming, but I don't seem to really enjoy RPG's like that. NHL 08's a smooth choice if you're looking for a sweet sport game that'll keep you hooked for a while and you don't seem in the mood for another shooter, so Call of Duty 4 isn't much of a grand choice. I just love Burnout games and if I were in your shoes, I think I'll just go and wait for Paradise to enjoy for a good while.
this has nothing to do with recommendation but i just bought bioshock collectors edition for (AUS) $51.02
Was that a good price because i just bought it for profit
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Crackdown, Devil May Cry 4, Halo 3nelfer320
These would be the one's i would choose. Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 have superb online. Crackdown is really fun to play, and DMC4 looks great. It's really up to you though. If you really want Sonic, Naruto, and N3 then go for it.
this has nothing to do with recommendation but i just bought bioshock collectors edition for (AUS) $51.02
Was that a good price because i just bought it for profit
I would say so. You can get it here in the UK for about £30 which, i think, translates into about 66 AUD?
Looking for some input narrowing down my 360 choices right now. I'm not really in the mood for another shooter as I still have most of Orange Box to get through, but which of the following games should I go for? Looking for something I'll want in my collection for a while and something that would compliment the twitchiness of Virtua Fighter 5, which I also picked up recently.
-Eternal Sonata
-NHL 08
-Call of Duty 4
-just wait for Burnout Paradise
NHL08 would be my choice I got it at launch and I still play it daily.
Can someone please help me? I have too much games in my list that I really want and I feel like I may just have an addiction and I don't want to spend so much money on just games. I really want Sonic, Naruto, and N3. I'm still unsure about Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4. Should I get both or one of them? Please reply asap! Burnout Revenge, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Crackdown, Devil May Cry 4, Halo 3, Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, Ninety-Nine Nights, Skate, Sonic the Hedgehog, Virtua Fighter 5 Onlinenelfer320
depends on if you have live or not. COD4 & halo 3 have very good multiplayer action but lacks on short storylines, crackdown is a fun blow things up game, devil may cry 4 looks to have great graphics and sweet game play so i would keep my eye on that since its only really a week away, naruto on the other hand seems to let me down a bit. while the game was fun for me i found it annoying that you had random fights outside of the city, N3 is just a typical button masher with a button for a fast attack and a button for a slower but stronger attack; basically a dynasty warrior type of game, skate while unique with its movements couldn't win me over because of the weird camera angle its positioned for most of the game, virtual fighter 5 is really a live game. while one of the few fighting games on the 360 its just not as addicting as old fighting games used to be. i have no in-debt knowledge of burnout or sonic so i can't say anything about them without being biased
[QUOTE="nelfer320"]Can someone please help me? I have too much games in my list that I really want and I feel like I may just have an addiction and I don't want to spend so much money on just games. I really want Sonic, Naruto, and N3. I'm still unsure about Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4. Should I get both or one of them? Please reply asap! Burnout Revenge, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Crackdown, Devil May Cry 4, Halo 3, Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, Ninety-Nine Nights, Skate, Sonic the Hedgehog, Virtua Fighter 5 Onlinestpetesumo
depends on if you have live or not. COD4 & halo 3 have very good multiplayer action but lacks on short storylines, crackdown is a fun blow things up game, devil may cry 4 looks to have great graphics and sweet game play so i would keep my eye on that since its only really a week away, naruto on the other hand seems to let me down a bit. while the game was fun for me i found it annoying that you had random fights outside of the city, N3 is just a typical button masher with a button for a fast attack and a button for a slower but stronger attack; basically a dynasty warrior type of game, skate while unique with its movements couldn't win me over because of the weird camera angle its positioned for most of the game, virtual fighter 5 is really a live game. while one of the few fighting games on the 360 its just not as addicting as old fighting games used to be. i have no in-debt knowledge of burnout or sonic so i can't say anything about them without being biased
Hey, thanks for the info. I've now made my decision.hey guys, im trying to pick between getting rock band by itself or assassin's creed and bioshock together for my birthday, and it seems like a tough decision.
i already have gh3, and dont usually have friends over b/c my parents dont usually let me for some unknown reason, so thats my worry for rock band. as for bioshock and assassin's creed, i already rented bioshock and beat it, but its so damn awesome that i feel willing to play through again. for assasin's creed, i hear that it has no replay value whatsoever and is just a rent, but it seems awesome too. any help? quick replies would be appreciated since im getting the stuff tomoro.
hey guys, im trying to pick between getting rock band by itself or assassin's creed and bioshock together for my birthday, and it seems like a tough decision.
i already have gh3, and dont usually have friends over b/c my parents dont usually let me for some unknown reason, so thats my worry for rock band. as for bioshock and assassin's creed, i already rented bioshock and beat it, but its so damn awesome that i feel willing to play through again. for assasin's creed, i hear that it has no replay value whatsoever and is just a rent, but it seems awesome too. any help? quick replies would be appreciated since im getting the stuff tomoro.
you already have guitar hero 3 so i don't see why you should get rock band unless you ABSOLUTELY have to have it, plus theres that thing with your parents. while bioshock and assassin's creed have AMAZING graphics, the fact you already beat bioshock and know that assassin's creed doesn't have replay ability doesn't justify why you HAVE to get just those games instead of rock band. if you have to get something ask for a gift card so when a newer games comes out that your interested in you can get that instead of regretting you got a game you already beat (bioshock)and one your only playing once (assassin's creed) or one that isn't as fun as playing with others (rock band).
I need a good single player non-RPG game.
I already have Orange Box and Bioshock. Don't suggest Assassin's Creed because I didn't like it.
Guitar Hero III or Rock Band? Solo-only
I've been asking around on some video game forums and I am curious what the KLOV crowd thinks. Should I go for Guitar Hero III or Rock Band? I hear a lot of good and bad things about both games and it's a hard decision for me. So I am asking you fine folks for your opinions.
Take note: the vast majority of the time I will be playing the game alone. My place is too small to host parties and my girlfriend is not really in to video games. As a result, I am leaning heavily toward Guitar Hero III. I hear it is a better solo experience. That plus my lack of room means I can't conveniently house the drum kit for Rock Band if I get that. But a lot of reviewers whose opinion I agree with have said don't get Guitar Hero III, get Rock Band.
Besides, after Activision messed up a) releasing GH III for Wii as mono, b) refused to allow the patch to allow their GH III controllers to work with the PS 3 version of Rock Band, and c) sending a mass email to 860 Wii owners without using BCC (so all 860 users have everyone's email address) I am not particularly fond of Activision these days. I would gladly not give them my money. But if Guitar Hero III is the way to go, I guess it's the way to go.
Any advice?
I have money to only buy one game this week and have 2 completely oppsite types of games that I am trying to decide between and would like some opinions on which to go with. The two games are Assassins Creed and Burnout Paradise. I know that the first question I should ask is am I in the mood for an action game or a racing game and I am torn because I coudl really go for either one right now.
Any recommendations for or against them are welcomed.
I have money to only buy one game this week and have 2 completely oppsite types of games that I am trying to decide between and would like some opinions on which to go with. The two games are Assassins Creed and Burnout Paradise. I know that the first question I should ask is am I in the mood for an action game or a racing game and I am torn because I coudl really go for either one right now.
Any recommendations for or against them are welcomed.
to me, assassin's creed is a rent only kind of game. it has good parts don't get me wrong but the repeating process gets annoying. i've only seen the back of the burnout Paradise's box so i can't really say much other than it looks good.
well, that depends on A, what genre do u prefer and B, what in a game turns you on and C, how talented and experienced you are when it comes to games?
However, I'll give u the name of MY favorite X360 game...and MY favorite means that even if u think that MY favorite game sucks to the back of its bones, you cant correct me because it's MINE....also beware that these games are in no order...that means that all 15 of them are awesome for me at the same stage (well, a little more or less)
1.Skate 2.Rainbow Six Vegas 3.Gears of War 4.Project Gotham Racing 4 5.Call of Duty 4 6.Rock Band and GH II & III 7.Assassin's Creed 8.Mass Effect 9. FIFA '08 10.Saints Row 11. Condemned 12. The Darkness 13.Bioshock 14. The Orange Box 15.Stuntman
Would you guys recommend the following games for their online multiplayer features? Would you also say that these games have great replay value?
Call of Duty 3
Quake 4
Saints Row
F.E.A.R. Files
Kane & Lynch: Deadmen
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
Would you guys recommend the following games for their online multiplayer features? Would you also say that these games have great replay value?
Not really most of these games multiplayer is dead. Shadowrun, Kane and Lynch, Call of Duty 3 and Lost Planet maybe the only exceptions.
For online i would go with:
Call of Duty 4
Gears of War
Halo 3
Rainbow 6 (Sequel is coming out soon though)
Team Fortress 2
As for replay value from your list many have a sound singleplayer but a lack of activity on multiplayer means it is limited. Games like Mass Effect and Oblivion offer very long singleplayer campaigns, whereas games like Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 offer loads of replay value from online by unlocking weapons, rising in ranks, gaining XP/EXP, etc.
rent ASSASSINs Creed and buy BurnoutBiglyBiglyFK
Yeah I'm currently borrowing Assassin's Creed from a friend ;)
[QUOTE="Namaste86"]Would you guys recommend the following games for their online multiplayer features? Would you also say that these games have great replay value?
Not really most of these games multiplayer is dead. Shadowrun, Kane and Lynch, Call of Duty 3 and Lost Planet maybe the only exceptions.
For online i would go with:
Call of Duty 4
Gears of War
Halo 3
Rainbow 6 (Sequel is coming out soon though)
Team Fortress 2
As for replay value from your list many have a sound singleplayer but a lack of activity on multiplayer means it is limited. Games like Mass Effect and Oblivion offer very long singleplayer campaigns, whereas games like Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 offer loads of replay value from online by unlocking weapons, rising in ranks, gaining XP/EXP, etc.
I have COD 4, Halo 3 and The Orange Box. I used to have Gears of War but I got tired of the lackluster multiplayer setup.
From what I know, COD 2 is the only game that still have a strong amount of people playing multiplayer online. I did manage to play against people on Prey today, it was fun. What what I see, you can still find people playing Prey but it varies, like Doom. I also played Lost Planet today, it was fun too. Is there any way to run in that game? By the way, I borrowed Prey and Lost Planet from a friend.
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