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*WarMixedSoul123 Blog

SP: The League, Defeated

That's right people, I've hit the first goal, the Johto League and I wiped them out. In this Nuzlocke run, I've had a total of one death, poor Ratta-Chan. I would like to thank everyone who has supported me this far and I hope you know that I'll fighting the Kanto leaders and heading back to fight the Kanto league. And here's my team and current captures-


Kizuna Lv64

GoldPsy Lv62

Bobeep Lv62

Agatha(Dragonite) Lv57

Casperitta Lv59

Eggbert Lv56


King Lv4

Hop-to-it Lv6

Eve Lv5

Ambi Lv7

Woolinda Lv20

Sleepy Lv10

Eleanor Lv18

Catapretty Lv13

Peckerz Lv13

Whoopy Lv14

Peedle Lv25

Moomi Lv13

Scrooge(Krabby) Lv24

Z(Magnemite) Lv16

Darwin(Poliwhirl) Lv25

DoubleView(Girafarig) Lv15

Wrath(Gyarados) Lv30

Tuskers(Snubby) Lv21

Hohenheim(Lugia) Lv45

RowdyRock(Graveler) Lv49

Again, thanks for you support.

SP: Nuzlocke Gym Battle #3

War: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to a shadowy showdown between the rising star Daisuke and Morty, theclairvoyant ghost man.

Yukio: And here we go, as both trainers send out their first pokemon. Daisuke with Kizuna and Morty with Gastly. Daisuke opens with an quick shot of Ember, taking out Gastly!

War: But Morty sends out his big gun, Gengar. As Kizuna readies a Flame Wheel, whilst getting hit by a Sucker Punch. But Gengar uses a Sitrus Berry to heal the damage. Luckily, the Flame Wheel gave Gengar a burn.

Yukio: Gengar uses Hypnosis to put Kizuna to sleep, but gets hurt by its burn. It uses a Mean Look on the still sleeping Kizuna. A swift Shadow Ball from Gengar hits Kizuna.

War: Kizuna wakes and uses Ember, but Morty uses Hyper Potion to heal Gengar. It still takes damage from its burn though.

Yukio: Daisuke switches out for RowdyRock, while Gengar's attack misses. Rowdy launches and Rock Blast, KO'ing Gengar. Morty sends out Haunter how uses Curse by paying half its health, while Rowdy next attack misses.

War: Haunter fails to put Haunter to sleep, but Rowdy misses its attack.

Yukio: Haunter puts Rowdy to sleep. But Daisuke switches out for Eggbert, uses Metronome to use a failedSeismic Toss. Another waggling and Haunter isparalysed by a Glare. Another and uses a Magnet Rise?

War: Don't worry, with another Metronome for Night Slash, taking out Haunter. But another comes and uses Mean Look. ext, he uses Curse and Eggbert uses an M-Lucky Chant.

Yukio: Eggbert uses a M-Fissure, but it misses. Another M, and Eggbert uses Charm. Another M, unleashes Softboiled to heal itself. He now uses Extrasensory and finishes Haunter, wining the match!!


Kizuna Lv33

RowdyRock Lv32

Casperitta Lv31

Eggbert Lv30

Bobeep Lv30

GoldPsy Lv30


King Lv4

Hop-to-it Lv6

Eve(Eevee) Lv5

Ambi(Aipom) Lv7

Woolinda(Sudowoodo) Lv20

Sleepy(Drowzee) Lv10

Eleanor Lv18

Catapretty(Caterpie) Lv13

Peckerz(Hoothoot) Lv13

Whoopy(Koffing) Lv14

Peedle Lv25

SP: Nuzlocke Gym Battle #2

War: All right! Here it comes, Daisuke's third gym battle against the cute-loving Whitney! And the two are getting into the fray, Daisuke sends out Kizuna while Whitney goes with Clefairy.

Yukio: Starting without me, huh?

War: Oh sorry but- Look at this, Kizuna uses Flame Wheel!

Yukio: But Clefairy used Mimic, learning Flame Wheel.

War: The thief...

Yukio: Whitney use a SUper to heal Clefairy, but she takes a Quick Attack.

War: This gets better as Kizuna leads with another Quick Attack, finishing off Clefairy.

Yukio: Both players switch pokemon, Daisuke bringing out RowdyRock while Whitney brings out Miltank. Rowdy, uses Rock Smash, getting through Miltank's Attract without anyramifications.

War: Bout 2 between these pokemon and Rowdy uses Rock Smash, no, he was Attracted...

Yukio: He tries again with Rock Smash but fails, taking a Stomp from Miltank.

War: One more try! But he flinches thanks to Stomp...

Yukio: He finally hits Miltanks with Rock Smash and knocks her out?!

War: And the match is over, victory to Daisuke!!



Kizuna Lv27

RowdyRock(Graveler) Lv25

GoldPsy Lv20

Eggbert Lv23

Bobeep Lv20

And new edition, Eleanor(Heracross) Lv18


King(Ekans) Lv4

Hop-to-it(Hoppip) Lv6

Casperitta(Gastly) Lv23

Ambi(Aipom) Lv7

Peedle(Beedrill) Lv18

Sleepy(Drowzee) Lv10

SP: Nuzlocke Gym Battle

Commentator: Ladies and gentlemen, I, War, will be giving you a a heart-shaking commentatory along with my special co-host for tonight, straight off the set from Yu-Gi-Oh Nexus, Yukio Kouno!

Yukio: Thanks War, I glad to be here.

War: Alright then, let's get on with this!

Yukio: Just one thing.

War: What?

Yukio: What are we commentating?

War: ...What?! We're here to commentate on Daisuke of Johto's New Bark Town's epic battle against the bug know-it-all, Bugsy!

Yukio: But Bugsy's the second gym leader of Johto, isn't he?

War: Yeah?

Yukio: So, why isn't this his first gym battle?

War: I may have accidentally destroyed the recording. Anyways,let's get on with the match and both players have started, Bugsy with the swift Scyther and Daisuke with...with Eggbert the Togepi?

Yukio: Oh, I get it. He's training it by having it part of the battle to gain exp!

War: Oh. Oh! None the less from Daisuke. Now, I'm seeing him switch out Eggbert for his Gastly, Casperitta!

Yukio: But wait, Bugsy's Scyther just used U-Turn, damaging Casperitta and sending out a Kakuna in it's place?

War: Looks like Bugsy gon on the defensive.

Yukio: Casperitta attacks with Hypnosis with success, putting Kakuna to sleep, but wakes up immediately...

War: Damn... Lets see what happens now.

Yukio: Casperitta uses Hypnosis, again with success! And then switches for Kizuna.

War: Kizuna attacks the sleeping Kakuna, this could be it!!

Yukio: And appears it is, as Kizuna uses Ember. And yes, he's finished off Kakuna and levels up. But this is only one part of Bugsy's bug triad.

War: Bugsy switches back to Scyther using Focus Energy and then, Bam! Taking a hit from Kizuna's Ember.

Yukio: Scy uses Quick Attack with Kizuna going into the orange while getting another hit from Ember, putting it in the orange.

War: But to save Kizuna from death, Daisuke switches for Casperitta again!

Yukio: Is he planning to put Scy sleep?

War: Oh! Scyther uses U-Turn again, switching for Metapod while Casperitta's Hypnosis attacks fails. She uses this move again, but it fails, just like Metapod's Tackle.

Yukio: What a bad matchup.

War: You said it, my friend. Another Hypnosis and Metapod is asleep!

Yukio: Daisuke switches for Ratta-Chan and attacks with Bite two times before Metapod wakes up, using Harden.

War: Ratta-Chan attacks, this time with Quick Attack, putting Metapod in the red, who retaliates with Tackle. And with a final Quick Attack, Metapod is do-

Yukio: No way, just as Ratta-Chan attacks, Bugsy heals Metapod with a potion, but is knocked down to half health.

War: Ratta Quick Attacks, but Metapod holds on and attacks with another Tackle. Oh wait, Metapod is down with another Quick-Attack as Ratta-Chan levels up. Ratta stays as Scy returns to the field for the third time. Oh no! Ratta is down.

Yukio: No way. But mourning comes later, as RowdyRock comes to take vengence! Scy uses Focus Energy, but, yes! Scy is taken down by Rowdy's Rock Throw, winning Daisuke the match andlevellingup!

War: Well, from all of use from the NPG(Nuzlocke Pokemon Group) we bid all those who watched a fond farewell, as we do to Ratta-Chan.



Togepi(Eggbert) Lv10

Rattata(Ratta-Chan) Lv13 --> Lv14 --> X --> Replace By Slowpoke(GoldPsy) Lv6

Quilava(Kizuna) Lv15 --> Lv16

Geodude(RowdyRock) Lv15 --> Lv16

Gastly(Casperitta) Lv14

Mareep Egg(From Primo of Violet City, check Bulbapedia it find your Egg codes)


Ekans(King) Lv4

Hoppip(Hop-to-it) Lv6

If you have any questions about this match, or how War or Yukio felt about the battle, just put it in your comment.

SP: Here Goes, The Nuzlocke Challenge

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog commentary of my Nuzlocke Challenge. For those who don't know what the Nuzlocke Challenge is I'll explain. The Nuzlocke Challenge challenges a player to use special rules in a Pokemon game in order to increase the difficulty, make the player use pokemon they normally wouldn't and prmote a strong bond between the trainer and their pokemon.

Basic Nuzlocke Challenges incorporate these rules:-

1. When a pokemon faints, it is considered dead and must be release as soon as possible.

2. The player is only allowed to catch the first pokemon they meet in an area and no others.

3. While not an exact rule, the player should nickname all their pokemon, to show the strength of their bonds.

But a player can add additional rules to increase the difficulty even more. Along with the basics, I will be using:-

Using only Pokemon centres to heal pokemon.

Banning the use of held items that don't power up attacks.

Black out/white outs are considered the end of the game.

Game Info:

Pokemon Game: SoulSliver

Time Started: 23:00(GMT)

Trainer Name: Daisuke

Starter: Cyndaquil (Kizuna)

I'll keep you guys posted on how I'm doing. Thanks for reading and if you have any comments/questions, I'll be happy to hear them. WarMixedSoul123 signing off.

Yugioh Nexus 006 - The Dangers of Vanity! The Gorgon Menace! Part 1

Yukio is walking back to his house from his duel with Miyoko smiling, followed by Kazumi, Seiji and Shadow.

Yukio: Now, I don't want to brag, but I was pretty awesome in that duel against that girl!

Seiji: ...Yukio, stop changing the subject. What the hell just happened?!

Yukio turns to face Seiji.

Yukio: I guess I own you guys the truth...

Meanwhile, in another part of town...

Man: P-please, don't hurt, I'll anything!!

A shadowed figure walks up to man as he kneels on the floor.

Figure: Time you payed for your sins.

Man: W-what?!

Figure: Show him Oblivion!!

The figure points up and the man looks up and screams a dragon descends from the sky, down on him.


Seiji: I'm sorry, did you just say that invisible guy from your duel with Jared is still around and from another dimension, as well as the Numbers cards and that girl you dueled?

Yukio gives an uneasy smile.

Yukio: Uh, yeah, I kinda did.

Seiji: Idiot.

Seiji walks off as Kazumi looks off at Seiji.

Kazumi: Yukio...Sometimes you need to be a bit more serious!*She runs off, following Seiji's path*

Yukio: Ah...*He frowns*

Shadow: I'm sorry about this, Yukio.

Yukio: Yeah? Well, you should be. Come on, let's just go home.

Shadow and Yukio start walking back to Yukio's, as the screen goes to Kazumi's location.

Kazumi: What is Yukio think he's doing, say such stupid things about other worl- Huh?

Kazumi sees a woman in a beautiful dress walking her.

Kazumi: Whoa...She's looks amazing.

The woman walks towards Kazumi, smiling.

Woman: Excuse me, young lady. I was wondering if you could help me with something?

Kazumi: Huh..? What with, ma'am?

Yukio walks into his house and slams the door.

Yukio: Stupid Seiji...stupid Kazumi...

Katsu: Yukio, what's matter?

Yukio looks in to the living room and sees Katsu holding a box filled with old wedding magazines.

Yukio: ...Hahahaah!

Katsu: Huh? What's funny?

Yukio: Oh, nothing, don't worry about it.*Holds in a laugh* Y-you've been a great help.

Yukio walks out the room as Katsu looks confused.

Shadow: Yukio, why did you just laugh just know?

Yukio: Hmm? Oh that. Well, when Katsu and Satomi first said they where getting married, Satomi refused to let Katsu with the planning and now look, he's helping out as a shelf.

Shadow: I suppose when you put it like...It still doesn't make sense.

Yukio sighs as the pair head up to his room. As he enters his room, his computer bleeps.

Yukio: Looks like I've got an e-mail from...Kazumi?

Shadow: Really?

Yukio: Yeah, better play it.

Yukio hits the play button and picks up his D-Pad. The message starts.

Kazumi(Recorded): Hi guys. Now, I know we're a bit tense from early, but I have some great news. When I was walking back home, I met Michella Forti!

Yukio: Michella Forti?!! Is she kidding me?

Shadow: Who's Michella Forti?

Yukio: You don't know about her?! She a famous, well, everything. Model, actress, adventurer, writer and, best of all, a notoriously powerful duelist!! And she's only 19!!

Shadow: We should be paying attention to the message...

Yukio: Right.

Kazumi(Recorded): ...I was helping with her things and as a thank you she invited me to a party! And she said I could invite some friends!

Yukio: W-wait what?! Does she mean...!!

Kazumi(Recorded): Yukio, Seiji, I want you to come to the party! I'll pick you guys up later! Ciao!

Yukio: *Stands as the message ends* Alright then, it's time to party!

Reporter(TV in background): In other news today, a man was found in critical condition after suffering from a tremendous force today.

Yukio: *Sorting through his clothes* What do you think I should wear?

Shadow: I don't care. Besides, didn't you hear the news just know?

Yukio: Yeah, but it has nothing to do with us, does it?

Shadow: Well-

Reporter: When the man was questioned over what happened to him, he refused to give any information other than that he's paid for his sins and his number was proof of his sins.

Yukio: What?! No way!

Shadow: ...I think it might be our problem now.

Yukio: *Sarcastically* Really?

Meanwhile, in a fancy looking apartment, Kazumi, wearing an elegant dress, as Michella walks in into the room and sits down next to Kazumi.

Michella: So, Kazumi, you were telling me about your friends?

Kazumi: Oh yeah. Seiji quite a respectable guy, but Yukio-

Michella: Ah, the boy you were talking about when we met?

Kazumi: Yes, he's got this crazy story and he just won't let go of it. He's always saying there's this "spirit" that's following him around.

Michella: "Spirit"?

Kazumi: Yes. He says it release these cards called Numbers *Michella's eyes widen* and that he has to collect them.

Michella: Well, boys will be boys. He's probably trying to impress you and Seiji.

Kazumi: I think that sometimes, but he seems so convinced about this Shadow's existence...

Michella: Look, it's time we headed to the party. Let's just go and pick up your friends.

Kazumi: *Nods* Yeah.

They pack their things as Kazumi leaves.

Yukio steps into a limo and sits, an angry look covering his face. Seiji scrowls at him.

Kazumi: Please you two, just calm yourselves.

Seiji: Why should I? Yukio's the one being an idoit.

Yukio: ...*Bearing his teeth* I'll let that one slide because it's just a matter of you not being able to see him.

Seiji: Whatever...

30 minutesc later...

Yukio: *Stuffing his face with mini shrimps as Kazumi starts scowling him*

Seiji: *Looking around at the people at the party* Quite a fancy party.

Yukio: Yeah-*Devours the handful of shrimps in his mouth*-For a stiff like you.

Seiji: You-!!

Michella: *Clinks a champagne glass on the main stage* Ladies and gentlemen, I would to say a few words.

???: As would I.*A man walks on to the stage from backstage*

Yukio: Who's that?

Kazumi: You've got me.

Man: *Turns to crowd* My name's Ryuu Ageda. And I must unfortunately tell you all you're currently in danger.

Seiji: *Shows slient worry* ...Danger?

Ryuu: Now, I must ask you leave. Miss Forti, follow me.

Yukio: *Walking up to the stage* Hey, what do mean in danger? From what?

Ryuu: *Slightly evil grin* This woman's sin.

Yukio: Huh?

Ryuu presses a button on his D-Pad, which creates a strange field around Yukio and Michella, freezing everyone else in the area.

Yukio: *Panics as Kazumi and Seiji freeze in place, while himself, Michella and Ryuu are unaffected* W-what?! You, butt-face! What have you done?

Ryuu: *Looking at Yukio with slient anger* I see. You carry sin in your heart as well, huh? Stone birds, one stone.

Michella: Him as well? Oh no...

Yukio: What do you mean?

Ryuu: *Launches a strange energy string from his D-Pad at Michella's and Yukio's D-Pad* Time for you two to repent for your sins. Duel me!

Michella: Please, can't we-

Yukio: There's no point talking about this.*Gets up on the stage* Look at his eyes. He's furious.

Ryuu: Very observant.*D-Gazer tatoo appears on his left eye* Now hurry up!

Michella: Yukio, I don't think we should duel this guy.

Yukio: *Shuggers* What harm could it do?

All: Duel! [LP: 4000]

Ryuu: Turns will alternate between me, the boy, the women and back to me. Draw!

Yukio: Geez, talk about self-centered...

Ryuu: I summon Axe Dragonute[2000/1200] and set two cards. Turn end. *Points at Yukio* Your turn, fool.

Yukio: You really are something. Draw! I summon Gogogo Golem[1800/1500] and set a card. Turn end. Come on Michella, show this goon who's in charge!

Michella: U-uh... Draw. I summon Vanity Idol-Golden Lady[Lv4 1900/1300] Then her effect activates, inflicting damage to my opponent equal to 300 times the number of Vanity Idol monsters I control. I control only one, you take 300 points of damage.

Ryuu: I don't think so. Trap card, Reflecting Scales! While I control a dragon-type, I can negate effect damage and reflect back to an opponent.

Michella: Damn it...

Yukio: A reverse to effect damage, huh?

Ryuu: Yeah. Now, tell me how much it hurts.

Yukio: What?!

Michella: Oh no!

Golden Lady lauches a dark energy blast at Ryuu, which is hit away from him by Dragonute and goes towards Yukio.

Yukio: *Covers his face* Arggh..? [LP 3700] I got the hit? Damn...

Michella: Why didn't I get the hit?

Ryuu: ...It's still your turn.

Michella: !.. I set a card. Turn end.

Ryuu: Hmph! Draw! I activate the spell, Mirror Soul. This allows me to create a Dragon Soul Token equivilant to Axe Dragonute[2000/1200] and summon Dodger Dragon![1900/1200]

Shadow: *Materialises next to Yukio* He's got three level fours.

Ryuu: Oh, I get it. That's why you aren't being affect by the array. The sentinal.

Shadow: What?!

Yukio: Huh? What are you talking about a sentinal?

Ryuu: *Points directly at Shadow* Him!

Yukio: You can see him?!

Ryuu: Of course. So can the girl I suspect.

Michella: *Slowly nods in argeement*

Yukio: Big deal. Make your move, idiot!

Shadow: Yukio, don't!

Ryuu: I overlay my three level fours in order to create the overlay network! *The xyz spiral appears in a black hole and crashes* Appear, the destroyer of the sinful and king of Oblivion, Number 82: Oblivion Dragon!![3000/2500]

Yukio: Whoa! Guess Shadow was right...

Michella: Another Numbers cards..?!

Shadow: You have knowledge of Numbers?

Ryuu: More than that. She holds one.

Yukio: Another Numbers...So if he wins, he'll get it.

Ryuu: *D-Pad starts bleeping* What?! An anomaly in the field? *Turns to the crowd as he sees Seiji and Kazumi start to move*

Seiji: W-what happened..?

Kazumi: Yeah, we were just... *Notices the duel* What are you doing Yukio?!!

Yukio: Me?! What about that guy!

Ryuu: ...I've had enough of this. This can't be happening, those two being unaffected... Oblivion, take down those two!

Michella: W-what?!

Seiji: *Oblivion breathes a dark fire towards Kazumi and Seiji* This is impossible!

Kazumi: YUKIO!!

Yukio/Shadow: KAZUMI!! *Both reach out their hand as the fire heads towards Kazumi and Seiji*


Yukio: Today's card is Vanity Idol-Golden Lady. She's strangely powerful for a burn monster. With 1900 ATK and 1300 DEF, she inflicts 300 points for each Vanity Idol monster you control.

Shadow: I'm looking forward to seeing more of these cards.

Yukio: Me too. Hey, the episode title mentions a Gorgon, but I didn't see one.

Shadow: You should've read more than "Gorgon". This is part 1.

Yukio: Oh, hehe...

Next time ~ The Dangers of Vanity! The Gorgon Menace! Part 2

Ryuu: You two will pay for your sin!

Yukio: Quit talking about sins! I'm a good person!

Ryuu: You're not. You hold a Numbers in your heart.

Yukio: What does that have to do with anything..?

Yugioh Nexus 005 - The Torment of Dueling!! Number XX, Scarlet Scythe!!

Kazumi jumps down from a tree, as Seiji falls from it.

Kazumi: Weren't we just on the top of a wall?

Seiji: Yeah, we were...Hey, where's Yukio?

As they begin looking, the screen returns to the dark world where Yukio and Shadow are facing off against Miyoko.

Yukio: Shadow did all this to help his dad...

Shadow: I can't believe I did this...


Yukio: What do you think you're playing at?![LP:3400]

Miyoko: What are you talking about?[LP:3400]

Yukio: Trying to throw me off my game, are you? Afraid of losing?

Miyoko: What? I'm game!!

Shadow: Yukio, there's no point...

Yukio: There's always a reason to fight! Especially when you're doing it for the right reasons!

Shadow perks his head up.

Shadow: What..?

Yukio: ...Draw!! I summon Sangan![1000/500]

Miyoko: Hm...I see. You plan to summon, Number 28, Power Warship, don't you?

Yukio: So?! Can you stop me?!

Miyoko: No.

Yukio: Right! I overlay the 2 Poki Draco and Sangan to construct the overlay network! Appear, Number 28, Power Warship!!

Miyoko changes her stance as the spirit appears next to her.

Spirit: Show this child whose in charge!!

Yukio: What..? No! I can't let that distract me! Power Warship attacks Utopia! Atomic Warhead!!

Warship launchs it warhead at Utopia.

Miyoko: I activate Utopia's effect!! By detaching a material from this card, I can negate an attack! Rune Sheild!

The missle hits off the sheild, sending a shockwave towards Yukio.

Yukio: Gaah..?!

Shadow: Yukio! Are you okay?

Yukio: Yeah, I'm fine...I now activate the effect of Power Warship! Since it's attack was negated this turn, I can detach a material to inflict 1500 points of damage to you!!

Miyoko: That would be a worry, if I didn't have this!! Trap go, Damage Bouncer!! This turn, all damage my opponent deals out is instead inflicted apon themselves!!

Yukio: Wha- Gaah!![LP:1900] ...S-since Sangan was sent from the field to the grave, it's ability activates! I can add a monster with 1500 or less ATK from my deck to my hand.[Unknown card] I set a card and end my turn.

Shadow: Yukio, you can give up now...There's no point in continuing this duel.

Yukio hangs his head. Then turns and punches Shadow in the face, knocking him to the floor.

Shadow: What was that for?!

Yukio: You're giving up!!

Shadow: You punched me because I said to stop a duel?! Grow up!

Yukio points down at Shadow.

Yukio: No! You giving up on you dad!!*tears form in the corner of Yukio's eyes* You're giving up on your only chance of helping him!!

Shadow: ..!

Miyoko: Geez...If I had known this was a soap-opera, I would have gotten amnesia and forgot where I'd had hidden the gold.

Yukio sliently turns to face Miyoko, wiping his eyes as Shadow stands up.

Shadow: Is he right? I have I really given up..?

Yukio: Just get on with it, Miyoko.

Miyoko: Alright. Draw!! I summon Trident Warrior[1800/900] and use its effect to special summon Dwarf Star Miner![Lv3/0/900] I activate Dwarf's effect, allowing it to become a level 4.

Yukio: Just great...

Miyoko: I overlay the level 4 Trident Warrior and Dwarf Star Miner to construct the Overlay Network! Rise, Number 59, Sunflare Pegasus!![2200/1800]

Shadow: Another Numbers?! This is bad!

Yukio: Back to worrying, huh? Good... Bring it on. I not scared of them.

Miyoko pulls a sinster smile and Shadow shudders.

Shadow: Something's wrong.

Miyoko: I think its time I showed you boys a real Xyz summon.

Yukio: What?! But you don't have any monsters for it!

Miyoko: ...I count two.

Yukio steps back as the Xyz slowly appears below Utopia and Sunflare.

Miyoko: I overlay the rank 4 Sunflare Pegasus and Utopia in order to create the Grade Circuit XX!! Xyz summon!! Number XX, Scarlet Scythe!![3200/2400]

Yukio: What the hell?!

Sunflare and Utopia fly into the sky, dropping their materials and merging into one monster. It descents, holding a large scythe and wearing a red dress.

Shadow: Now that's new.

Yukio: Yeah, but its still a Numbers, so let's show it who's boss!!

Scarlet: Such boys.

Yukio: Heh, you're just sa- What?!!

Shadow: That was the card?! Impossible!

Scarlet: Believe what you must, but I will tell you I'm real. Miyoko.

Miyoko: Right, Scarlet. I attack!!

Scarlet raises it scythe and fades away.

Yukio: Huh?

Scarlet suddenly reappears on 28's hull and rips it open. She jumps off as 28 evapourates into dust.

Shadow: Impressive!! Wait, the card's attack..?

Scarlet absorbs the dust as one of her materials disappears.[4700/2400]

Miyoko: At this time, I activate Scarlet's ability, by detaching a material from this card, when this card destroys an Xyz monster, Scarlet gains attack equal to half the detroyed monster's attack until my next end phase.

Yukio: What!!?

Shadow: Impressive.

Miyoko: Turn end.

Yukio: Just keep calm...It's a Numbers, I'll beat it, anytime, anywhere!! Draw! Alright, I call out Cyborg Firefighter![Lv4/1400/700] And it's effect activates, which allows to special a level 4 or lower from my grave and increase it's level by 1, by making it's attack 0. I choose Zubaba Knight![Lv3->4/0/300]

Miyoko: Two level 4s. Shadow Crusader, I presume?

Yukio: Damn! She knows my plan...Perfect! Yeah, deal with it! I overlay my level 4 Zubaba Knight and Cyborg Firefighter to construct the overlay network! Rise up, the embodiment of my soul, Number 00, Shadow Crusader![2500/2000] Now, all I have to do is beat this thing and I'll be home free!

Voice: You could just beat it, or you could destroy it!!

Yukio: What?! Why would I want to do that? And who are you?

Voice: No one you need to know about just yet. But I will give you a protion of my power to defeat the XX. Here you go, child.

Yukio grabs his forehead as it throbs in pain.

Yukio: Aaaagh!!

Shadow: Yukio, what's wrong?!

Yukio's right eye fades into darkness and is covered in a dark aura.

Miyoko: What are doing kid, just remembering the loved ones you won't see again? Hahahaha!!

Yukio stands up, as his dark eye becomes gold like before.

Yukio: Shut up. I plan to bring a new card in.

Scarlet: He seems...different.

Yukio holds out his hand and a card fades into this palm.

Yukio: Let me show you the power of a new type of Numbers!!

Shadow/Miyoko/Scarlet: What?!!

Yukio: I once again overlaty, but this time, I'm only using Shadow Crusader as the material!! I create the Chaos Overlay Network!! Come on!!

The xyz spiral pulls Crusader back in, turning dark in the process. Suddenly, it erupts, releasing a dark figure. The spirit of Utopia steps out of Scarlet to see this.

Yukio: Come, my darkened soul!! Chaos Number 00, Shad- Gaah?!

From the figure, an almighty burst of energy bursts forth, hitting Yukio and knocking him off the debris he was on and into the Pitch Dark.

Yukio: What...happened..?

???: You haven't matured enough to control a Chaos Number of Shadow's caliber yet...Goodbye, human.

Yukio: No...

Quickly, a flash of gold flies past Shadow, as the dark figure fades, sending it's energy to Utopia.

???: Though, you're future's looking up.

Yukio: Huh..? Utopia?!!

Shadow: Whatever this place is, the deeper you go, the harder it is to stay strong, I wonder- Wait! Come on, Utopia!! You can do this!!

Yukio: Shadow, you're right!! And will still perform the Chaos Xyz, but...With Utopia!!

Miyoko: But that's my card! You can't!

Shadow: So, he can't control Crusader's evolution..?

The Utopia card flips off Miyoko's disk and into Yukio's hand as Utopia brings him back to the debris.

Yukio: I create the Chaos Overlay network in order to construct a new ally!! Appear, Chaos Number 39! Utopia Ray!![2500/2000]

Utopia Ray creates a blast of energy that sends Yukio, Miyoko and Shadow flying upwards.

Yukio: Awesome!!

Shadow: Didn't this just happen with Crusader?

Yukio: Oh yeah...Woops.


Back at the top of the wall, Seiji and Kazumi are looking around.

Seiji: Well, whatever that masked guy did, they didn't see Yukio, zero percent chance.

Kazumi: I'm not sure...

Seiji notices a small, spherical device on the floor and picks it up.

Seiji: (I wonder what this does?)

As he's looking over it, the middle segment begins to spin and gives off a flash light.

Seiji: What?!!

Kazumi: Seiji!!

Yukio is released from the sphere, landing on Seiji. Miyoko jumps to the other side of the roof.

Seiji: Y-yukio?!

Yukio: Oh, hi guys.*smiles* What's going on?

Seiji: Get off me!

Both stand up and Kazumi walks over to them.

Kazumi: What just happened? Yukio, is this some kind of trick?

Miyoko: I apologise. I needed to test him.

Seiji and Kazumi step backing as Yukio turns around.

Seiji: Whose the girl, Yukio? Your-

Yukio: *Pulls a confused face* What are you think, Seiji?!

Miyoko: No, we have no personal relationship, but he's earned my respect.

Yukio steps back.

Yukio: Huh?

Miyoko: That's all I say on the matter. Keep Utopia, he's seen something in you I can only begin to understand...

Miyoko steps off the building, shocking everyone. They run to the edge, but Miyoko's nowhere to be seen.

Kazumi: What was that about, Yukio?

Seiji and Kazumi look at Yukio, as Shadow flies next to Yukio.

Yukio: I got some hope.

He holds Utopia towards Seiji and Kazumi, as the name changes to Aspiring Emperor Hope.


Yukio: Today's card is Number 59, Sunflare Unicorn! With 2200 ATK and 1800 DEF and no effect it- Wait no effect?!! What gives, Shadow?!

Shadow: Number 59 was captured like other Numbers are. It belonged to a young in your world, who unfortunely had no dueling knowledge and instead created a Number 59 as a OC My Little Pony character. Yukio?

Yukio is on the floor laughing.

Shadow: Child...

Next Time ~ The Dangers of Vanity! The Gorgon Menace!

Yukio: But Gorgons are mythical creatures, aren't they?

Shadow: Who knows? I came from a different world, maybe it did as well...


Yukio/Shadow: KAZUMI!!

Yugioh Nexus 004 - Another Hunter?! The Girl from Another World?

Shadow is flying around the sky above Ohayashi, looking down on the nightlife below him and smiling.

Shadow: This world is much louder than mine, the people always seem to be fighting and the food's awful...But, they still manage to live their lives to the fullest. They are incredible.

???: I agree, this world is wonderful.

Shadow turns in shock, as he sees a masked figured standing on building across.

Shadow: You can see me?

???: Yes. I can see you. I also know that you come from another world, seeking the aid of Yukio Kouno to help heal your "Teacher"?

Shadow seems to be getting anger.

???: Not many people would go out the way for their teacher like this.

Shadow: Shut up! Without him I wouldn't be here!

The figure seems shocked, but turns to leave.

???: You wouldn't be here without him..? Oh, I get it. Bye now.

The figure fades away.

Shadow: W-who was that? And how did they know about back home?

In alley far from Shadow the figure re-appears.

???: That'll get him interested. Now, we wait.

The figure takes off their helmet, walking away from the screen with their back to it, as long hair falls down from their head.

???: A test of the duelist, Yukio Kouno and his team-mate, Shadow.


The screen returns with Shadow in Yukio's room, as Yukio pulls on a shirt.

Yukio: So, you're saying that some person saw you? Isn't that a good thing?

Shadow: Well, they knew information about me, that I wasn't especially happy with them knowing.

Yukio: Yeah, I'm not happy with that either.

Shadow seems surprised.

Shadow: Really?

Yukio: Yeah. They know more about you than the guy whose life you're imposing on! Besides, what do you want me to do about it?

Shadow: Well, I was wondering if you would help me investigate this character.

Yukio rubs the back of his head.

Yukio: I would, but Kazumi said to meet the park.

Yukio leaves the the room, but stops and turns back.

Yukio: Also, I don't care.

Yukio runs out the room and out of the house.

Shadow: That boy'll be the end of me.

Shadow follows Yukio to the park.


After a while, Yukio arrives at the park and sees Seiji and Kazumi talking.

Yukio: So guys, what are we up to today?

Kazumi: Yukio, I hope you're ready for a work-out. 'Cause I've got a day of running planned.

Yukio slaps his head.

Yukio: ...Well, it could be worse.

Seiji: It is.

Yukio: Huh?

The screen then shows Kazumi running up a wall and jumping over it.

Yukio: Free running? Free running?!

Seiji: Yeah...Come on, lets just get through this and we'll mend our bones later.

Seiji makes a great effort climb, which pays off, as his hand reaches the top of the wall. Kazumi pulls him up.

Kazumi: Geez, you weigh a ton!

Seiji: No, you're just weak.

???: Nope. That's the both of you.

Kazumi/Seiji: Huh?

From the bottom of the building, Yukio sees a blue flash of light.

Yukio: What was that? I'd better check it out.

Yukio scales the wall and drags himself up.

Yukio: *Breathing heavily* Man..what a climb.

Shadow: Yukio! Get up quickly!!

Yukio jumps to his feet and sees the masked figure across from him.

Yukio: Wait a minute! This is the guy you were talking about before right?

Yukio points at the figure.

Yukio: Where's Kazumi and Seiji?!

Figure: Just calm down. I'm not here to cause trouble. I just sent them deeper into the park. So we can talk.

Yukio: Sorry, but I don't want to talk!

As he turns to walk away, the figure throws a small, sphereical object behind them and Yukio. It bleeps twice before it creates a black hole.

Yukio: What the hell?!

Yukio tries to hold on to the rail, but is pulled inside the black hole.


Yukio rubs his eyes as he stands up. His face shows awe as he sees the debris of buildings, cars, aircraft and land masses floating around him.

Yukio: What is this place..?

Figure: This is what happens when you mess around with Numbers.

Yukio turns his head as he see the figure from before.

Yukio: What did you do?!

Figure: No need to worry, all I'm going to do is give you a test and then your free to leave.

Yukio: A test...What do I have to do?

Figure: oh nothing special, just a duel.

Yukio: A duel, huh? Alright, you're on!

Shadow: Yukio, are you sure about this?

Yukio: Positive. Now, D-Gazer, set on!

Yukio places his D-Gazer on as his duel disk activates.

Figure: You take the first turn.

Yukio: How kind, Draw![LP:4000] I summon Poki Draco[200/100] and when he's summoned, I can add another to my hand from my deck.

Yukio takes the card from his deck.

Yukio: I then set 2 cards. I end my turn.

Figure: That's it? All you've got?

Yukio: You can talk! You're stalling and you haven't even told me your name!!

Figure: Very well.

The figure removes their helmet, and long blonde hair falls to her shoulders.

Figure: Miyoko Ito. And like you, I'm a Numbers Hunter.

Yukio: Numbers Hunter?

Miyoko: Really? You can't get it on your own? Someone who collects the Numbers!!

Yukio: You collect Numbers?! That means you've probably got more than one!

Miyoko: Yes...Draw![LP:4000] I activate Pot of Greed, to draw 2 cards. Now, I summon Red Nebula Knight[4/1700/1300] and activate the spell, Shine Formation! With this card, we each special summon a monster from our hand, but we have to take damage equal to the monster's level times 200. I choose Shine Knight[LP:3400] Summon!![300/1900] Since Shine Knight is in defense mode, its level is now four.

Shadow: Two level 4s?! Yukio, she going to xyz summon!

Yukio: I know, I didn't expect her to get these cards on the field[LP:3400], but I choose to special summon my other Poki Draco![200/100]

Miyoko: I like your friend's deduction. I overlay my level 4 Shine Knight and Red Nebula Knight to construct the overlay network. Come, bring hope to this duel! Arise, Number 39, Utopia!![2500/2000]

A large sheilded sword rises up from the dark.

Yukio: That can'e be a Numbers, can it?

The sheild around the sword breaks and an armoured figure grabs the sword and connects with the broken sheild to create wings.

Shadow: Yes, it appears it can. But I believe you can beat it.

Yukio: Of course, no doubt about it.

Miyoko: I find this funny.

Yukio turns to face Miyoko.

Yukio: What are you talking about?

Miyoko: Do you even know why Shadow needs you to collect the Number? For that matter, did you know it is his fault for the Numbers coming to your world?

Yukio steps back.

Yukio: What?

Miyoko: Shadow was given false information about the Numbers Door that existed in his world.

Shadow looks shocked.

Shadow: The informaton was false..?!

Shadow floats to the floor, cradling his legs.

Shadow: What have I done..?

Yukio: Shadow! Just bring it on lady!!

Miyoko: As you wish. Number 39! Lay waste to his pitiful dragon!! Hope Sword Slash!!

Utopia pulls its swords and charges to Yukio.

Yukio: Yeah right! Trap, Echoing Roar!!

Poki Draco jumps into air and bellows a loud roar, knocking Utopia backwards to Miyoko.

Miyoko: Ha! With that trap, you avoided battle by making your Poki Draco weak[0/100]!! I'll crush it next turn! I set 2 cards. Turn end!!

Yukio: My turn. Draw!

Shadow: What's the point?

Yukio: Huh?

Shadow stands next Yukio.

Shadow: I came here to collect the Numbers to help my Teacher when he became ill-

Yukio: Your teacher? Why would you do something like this for a teacher?

Miyoko: It was hard to work out for me as well.

Yukio faces Miyoko.

Miyoko: In his world, teacher means the same as world in mine and your world.

Yukio: ...What word?

Miyoko bursts into laughter.

Miyoko: The word! It's father!!

Yukio's eyes widen.

Yukio: His dad...he's trying to help his dad?

The screen freezes as Yukio looks on at Miyoko.


Yukio: Time for the Card Review with me, Yukio Kouno! Today's card is Number 39, Utopia! This monster has 2500 ATk and 2000 DEF and ability to negate attacks by detaching one of it's materials

Shadow: It's weird.

Yukio: Huh?

Shadow: I'm sure I've seen that card before somewhere...

Next Time: The Torment of Dueling!! Number XX, Scarlet Scythe!!

Yukio: What's an XX card?

Shadow: I don't know, but it's basically a Numbers! Let show it who's boss!!

Scarlet: Just calm down boys.

Yukio/Shadow: WHAT?!!

Yugioh Nexus 003 - A Samurai's Honour! Numbers, as a Shogun?!

Yukio is in his bed, three days after his duel with Jared, snoring at an incomparble level.

???: Wake up.

Yukio punches his arm out but hits nothing. He tries to go back to sleep.

???: Wake up, now.

Yukio: No...I'm exhaust...

Yukio: Wake up!!

Yukio is hit in the head with a replica model of the Dark Magician. He grabs his head pain, falling out his bed and on to the floor.

Yukio: Ahahah!! What was that for Katsu?!

???: Katsu? Who's that?

Yukio: Eh?

Yukio looks up and his face turns sour. Floating in the air above him, Shadow is there with his arms folded.

Shadow: Its 11:24, 29th of June, 21-

Yukio: Yeah! I know the date, space ghost!

Shadow turns his head.

Shadow: I wish you'd stop calling me that.

Yukio: Why should I? You've invited yourself to stay at my house, got me into trouble with my sister and Katsu and you hit me with a rare model of the Dark Magician!! What do you have to say for yourself?!

Yukio points at where Shadow was, but he isn't there.

Yukio: And would you stop disappearing when I'm talking to you!!

Yukio's bedroom opens as Satomi walks in with some washed clothes.

Satomi: Yukio, who's in here with you?

Yukio turns to face Satomi, putting the model behind his back.

Yukio: No one, why do you ask?

Satomi looks around the room and then sighs.

Satomi: Anyways, Kazumi and Seiji said that you've to meet at the sports centre with your kendo gear.

Yukio: Kendo..? Kendo!! I'm going to be late!! I'll have to run for one of the trams!!

Yukio runs to the door, but Satomi grabs him be his collar.

Satomi: Okay, first, You need to get changed out of your PJ's, then I'll drive you to the centre and you can get a tram home.

Yukio: But I thought you were working at the office today?

Satomi opens a chest of drawers and begins putting away the clothes.

Satomi: I was, but my boss gave me the day off so that Katsu and I could work on refining some details of the wedding.

Yukio pretends to be sick behind her back, but hastely stops as Satomi turns to face him.

Satomi: And I still don't know if you're bringing anyone to the recipetition.

Yukio blushes as Satomi leaves the room, chuckling to herself.

Yukio: That's...that's-

Shadow: You are so stupid.

Yukio: What?!


A car pulls up next to a large, cylindrical building and Yukio steps out of car.

Satomi: I'll see you around two, half two?

Yukio: Nah, more like at three.

He waves as he sees Kazumi and Seiji walking up to the car.

Satomi: Oh, hi Kazumi, Seiji. Are you looking forward to you kendo practice?

Seiji: Oh yes, I am Satomi. I've been going here for years.

Kazumi wipes her forehead.

Kazumi: He had me practice with him since when we got here, 'till you arrived.

Yukio: But you have don't have any shinai to use. How did you two do it?

Kazumi and picks up a stick.

Yukio: Really?

Seiji: Of course, you have to be able to use anything to protect yourself.

Yukio rubs his hair.

Yukio: Can't deny that logic I guess.

Shadow: So, does that mean I can use your Dark Magician model to protect myself if the event arises?

Yukio holds in a burst anger.

Yukio: Lets just get ready...

Inside, the kendo instructor is telling off a kid.

Instructor: Look, I've had enough of the way you treat people like nothing when you here! Today's your final lesson, then I habing you banned from the building!

Kid: What?! You can't do that!!

Instructor: I can and will!

The instructor walks off into hall, as the kid punches the wall and his fist bleeds.

Kid: How could he do this to me! I, Aikyo Yamada, who brought this place so much attention!

---: May I offer my opinion?

Aikyo: Huh? Who's there?!

He turns, but no one is there.

Aikyo: I must be hearing things.

---: You are not. You may not be able to see me, but you don't need to. I can offer you a way to show that fool and everyone else your infinite potential!

Akiyo: ...I'm listening.


Yukio walks into a huge hall, wearing his kendo gear, with kids his age scattered around.

Yukio: Jeez, you'd think there would be a challenge here?

Seiji: Yukio, you won't find anymore skilled in kendo than in this room.

Yukio: If you say so.

Kazumi: I think it was a good idea that we each choose something we have to do this summer.

Yukio: Yeah...

Seiji: You're just upset cause you thought we'd each say dueling.

Yukio folds his arms and huffs.

Yukio: Say what you will, but we haven't done what Kazumi wants to do yet.

Kazumi: Hey!!

Yukio begins laughing, when the instructor bursts through the double door, falling to the ground. Yukio runs to his side and helps him up.

Yukio: Hey, are you alright?!

Instructor: H-he's coming!! Just get out of here!

Seiji: Just calm down. Now what is happening?

Aikyo: I think I can explain the situation here.

Everyone looks as Aikyo walks through the double doors, holding a large katana. Everyone except Yukio and Seiji back away as he walks up to them.

Aikyo: You see, the instructor has decided that because I'm better than everyone here, that I have to go!!

Instructor stands to his feet.

Instructor: That's not the reason!! It's because you treat everyone like cr@p, just because you think you're better than them!

Aikyo: Slience! The spirit said I was great warrior with potential beyond human understanding!!

Shadow: Spirit? Human understanding?

Shadow fades to Yukio's side.

Shadow: Something isn't right about Yukio. I think a Number is up to its tricks.

Yukio: Really? Ok, but what can I do?

Shadow: Draw him somewhere open and make sure you have your duel disk when you get there.

Yukio raises his left arm, showing his D-Pad.

Yukio: Like I'd leave it in the changing rooms.

Yukio runs at Aikyo, who raises his blade.

Yukio: Tell you what, Aikyo. If you can hit me with that katana, you can do what you want with everyone here.

Aikyo: And if I can't?

Yukio: No can't. Just try!

Yukio runs at Aikyo and jumps. Aikyo swipes the blade sideways. Yukio lands, holding his side.

Aikyo: See, I told you I was the best!

Seiji: Yukio!!

Shadow: No, that isn't right. Aikyo-

Yukio: Missed.

Yukio stands up, with no wound.

Yukio: Fooled you.

Aikyo: How the-?!

Yukio runs off, as Aikyo chases after him. He swings the katana at Yukio, though Yukio is able to dodge the attacks. Eventually, they come to a disused room in the center.

Yukio: Ok, stop!!

Aikyo stops the blade right before it goes through his head.

Aikyo: What is it?!

Yukio: Look, I'm guessing your anger with what's happening. But I can tell you wouldn't do this to people...I want to talk to your "spirit" buddy.

Aikyo: ...Fine.

Aikyo steps back, a clouded dark aura covering him. The aura covers and solidifies into a great suit of armour.

Yukio: Ok...My bad.

Number: You are a worthy opponent. Your death will come quickly.

The Number raises the sword to Yukio's neck. Shadow then grabs the blade.

Shadow: Numbers, I demand you accept our challenge of a duel!!

Number: Heh. A duel, I assume, is with duel monster cards?

Yukio: Of course.

The Number walks to other side of the room, still facing Yukio. He takes its blade to its arm and they merge into to a blade-styled duel disk.

Number: I am Number 23, Tsunenaga of Shein's Council!! And I accept your request!!

Yukio: (Tsuneaga?) Alright, lets go!

23: As I have honour, I shall go first. Draw![Both LP: 4000] First, I summon Six Samurai - Zanji [1800/1300] and set three cards face down. Turn end.

Yukio: Right then, here I come. Draw! I summon Bababa Merchant!![4/900/1600] When this card is summoned, I can target a face down in the spell and trap zone, and if it's a normal trap, I can destroy it at the cost of 600 life points.

23: What?!

Yukio: I choose the card directly behind Zanji![LP:3400]

Bababa shoots it arm forward, a shadowy form coming from it, hitting and destroying the card.

Shadow: The card you destroyed was Dimensional Prison. In this condition, destroying it just now serves no tactical purpose.

Yukio: Well, you're helpful. I then set two cards. Turn end.

23: Draw. I summon Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho[1600/1000] Now I activate my face down, Asceticism of the Six Samurai! I select Zanji and choose Shinai[1500/1500]

Shadow: Two level 3s! Yukio!

Yukio: Yeah, I can guess!

23: I overlay the level 3 Mizuho and Shinai in order to contrust MY overlay network.

Yukio: You're kidding me, he's going to summon-

23: Myself to the field!![2200/1300]

Yukio: Aw man...My life is SO weird!!

23: Slience!! Since I was summoned, I may detach one of my materials to protect one of my battle brothers until the end phase.

Shadow: But with that ability, you pull the cost Asceticism, brilliant!

Yukio: Oh, come on!!

23: I launch my attacks. Zanji, you may take the first attack.

Zanji seems to nod as it charges at Yukio.

23: Feel our power!!

Shadow: Yukio, you better pull something off!

Yukio grins.

Yukio: You got that right. Trap card, Way Back!! I can only activate this card during my opponent's battle phase. I return your Zanji to your hand, ends the battle and allows me to summon a monster from my hand. I choose Gogogo Golem![1800/1500] But I also chain with the quick-play, Return Ball! Since a card was return to your hand, I inflict damage equal to it's original attack

23: [LP:2200]Just like the weak, to hide from battle.

Yukio: What?! I not a coward.

23: Hm! You're no king!

Yukio looks puzzled.

Yukio: K-king? What do you mean?

Shadow: King..?

23: Mm...Nothing. Turn end.

Shadow: This Numbers could be trouble. Yukio, finish this thing!

Yukio: Right! Now you're talking my language! Draw!! I'll end this right now!

23: What?!

Yukio: I discard a monster card[unknown card] in order to special summon, Jet Glove![5/400/800]

23: That's what you're going to stop me with? A glove? Pathetic!

Shadow: You don't know what it's effect is!

23: What?!

Yukio: But first, I construct an overlay network with Gogogo and Bababa! Come, the darken memories of histories' fighters! Xyz summon! Number 00, Shadow Crusader!![2500/2000]

23: One of my kin?! ...Hahaha! Prepare to be in our service for the rest of your life.

Yukio: Not very smart, are you?

23 seems to be looking very hard at Yukio.

23: Where is our mark? Unless...

Yukio: Time's up! I activate Jet Glove's effect! I am only to equip him on to a monster, and that monster is Crusader!

Glove picks its self and jumps on Crusader's free hand.

Yukio: Now, battle, attack Number 23!!

Crusader charges at 23, strafing from left to right, finally attacking 23.

23: Gaah?![LP:2200]

23 exits the field, reappearing behind it, as a duelist again.

23: I don't understand, you attack me. There must be some fault with your monster!!

Yukio: No! Since Shadow Crusader is equipped with Jet Glove, he can't inflict damage through battle.

Yukio points at 23.

Yukio: But Jet Glove now inflicts damage to you equal to the card's original attack.

23: But that's 2200..!

Yukio: You lose! Shock Palm!

Crusader raises it gloved arm, releasing a bolt of lightning at 23.

23: Noo!![LP:0]

23 falls to the floor, crumbling away to reveal Aikyo.

Yukio: Aikyo!!

Shadow: He needs medical attenion!

The Number 23 card fades away, buts reappears in Yukio's extra deck. Yukio picks up Aikyo and heads out of the room.

Sometime later, Yukio, Seiji and Kazumi are walking out of the centre.

Yukio: What a day. I hope Aikyo is okay...

Kazumi: Yeah, this place meant alot to him.

Seiji: He'll be okay, he's a fighter after all.

Yukio puts his arms around Kazumi's and Seiji's shoulder.

Yukio: Anyways, we'd better head home.

Yukio starts into a run.

Yukio: Last one to the tram is a rotten egg!!

Yukio runs ahead as Seiji and Kazumi try to catch up.

Kazumi/Seiji: Yukio!!

The screen freezes, showing Shadow above Yukio as he runs with Kazumi and Seiji after him.


Yukio: Time for the Card Review with me, Yukio Kouno! Today's card is Number 23, Tsunenaga of Shein's Council! With 2200 attack and 1300 defense points, he doesn't seem that great, but his effect totally makes up for it, as he can detach a material to protect another monster from being destroyed during that turn.

Shadow: Yes, and with a personal ability to scare the life out of Yukio, he one of my favourite Numbers so far.

Yukio: Oi!

Next Time: Another Hunter! The Girl from Another World?!

Yukio: Now this, I've got to see!

Shadow: Of course you will, idiot.

Yugioh Nexus 002 - The Long Day Goes On, The World Expands for Yukio!!

Narrator: Last time we left our hero, he was face-to-face with a possessed-Jared and a floating spirit by the name of Shadow to aid him. Now, he has to fight against a monster with unlimited strength and the only one who can help may be Shadow!


Yukio: What do you mean I could die?!

Shadow: From what I can gather, the Numbers cards escaped here into your dimension and one has possessed your friend over there.

Yukio looks at Jared, who gives him a insane smile.

Yukio: Yeah...Friend. But everyone keeps talking about "Numbers"? What are they?

Shadow folds his arm.

Shadow: Numbers are powerful entities from a different dimension, beings not to be trifiled with.

Yukio: "Different dimension"?! You can't be serious!

Shadow: What part of what has just happened to us makes you think anything?

Yukio: The fact I fainted, and that it is impossible!!

Shadow: Just because you can't understand something, you presume it's "impossible"? What strange behaviour.

Yukio's jaw drops.

Yukio: Y-you can't be serious?

Shadow: What?

Jared: Hey, are you going to keep talking to youself or what?!

Jared's aura seems to flare up at his anger.

Yukio: F-fine! This guy must just be a figment of my imagination... I draw my card. I summon Gagaga Magician[1500/1000] I now construct an overlay network with the level 4 Valor Dragon and Gagaga Magician, to summon the Xyz monster-

Shadow seems to fade away. Yukio grins.

Yukio: Knew it. -Kachi Kochi Dragon![2100/1300]

Seiji: Great. Not only is he going to lose, but I think he's lost it.

Kazumi: Don't say things like, Seiji. But still...

Yukio: I now activate the trap Reinforced Space, which increases my dragon's attack by 300 for each of its materials.[2700/1300]

Seiji: Huh? Looks like he had a plan all along...

Yukio: Now Kachi attacks your General General!!

Kachi charges towards General, smashing its back into it and crushing.

Jared: What?!! How dare you?![3700]

Yukio: Now I detach-

Jared: You do nothing, trap go! Powered Debris! I can only activate this when a Power monster is destroyed. My opponent's battle phase ends and I'm allowed to summon up to 2 monsters from my deck whose combined level is less than or equal to the destroyed Power monsters. So come on out, Power Navigator[Lv3/900/1200] and Power Solider![Lv3/1400/1500]

Yukio: W-what?!

Jared: Hm! I take that to mean your turn ends?

Yukio: ...Set card, turn end.

Jared: Draw! Y'know, I might have been a harsh on Xyzs. I summon Power Caligraphor[3/100/900]

Yukio covers his eyes as the Xyz spiral appears infront of Jared.

Yukio: What?! But you said-

Jared: I overlay my Navigator, Caligraphor and Solider! Xyz summon!! Number 28: Power Warship!![3000/2500]

Seiji: An xyz with 3000 attack? I didn't think there was that powerful an xyz...

Yukio: N-no way...A number card..! That's a Numbers?!

Shadow: Don't lose hope.

Yukio: Huh?

Yukio turns his head to the right and sees Shadow standing next to him.

Yukio: You're still here?

Shadow: Yes. Why do you ask?

Yukio sighs.

Yukio: No reason...Just that I'm going insane.

Shadow: There has to be a way past this.

Jared: That's right Yukio, coware in despair!

Yukio looks at his feet. Then his head shoots up, with a smile covering his face.

Yuki: Despair doesn't suit me!

Jared: Well is doesn't matter, as my Warship now attacks!! Atomic Warhead!!

Power Warship launches a hugemissile.

Shadow: I thought he could be the one I was looking for to help Teacher, but if this is the end...

Shadow looks down at Yukio, who has a massive smiling.

Shadow: What?!

Yukio: Wait!

A huge barrier blocks the missle as Yukio is covered in a green glow.

Yukio: Trap go! Draining Shield!![4800]

Jared: But how- Err!! It doesn't matter!! I activate Warship's ability!! Since its attack was blocked this turn, I can detach a material card in order to inflict 1500 points of damage!

Two side cannons appear at each hull side and fire at Yukio.

Shadow: Not again!

Yukio: Quiet down! We're in the clear.

Shadow looks puzzled.

Shadow: What?

Yukio: Trap, Barrel Behind the Door!! Since you tried to inflict damage to me, I get to redirect back onto you!

Jared: No!

The bullets turn and hit Jared.

Jared: Gaah..?![2200] Turn end...

Yukio: Alright, draw! Sweet! With these cards-

Shadow: Yukio, look at your extra deck!

Yukio: Huh?

Yukio looks down at his side, and sees a glowing card in his extra deck. He takes it out of deck slot and the glow fades to reveal a blank Xyz card.

Yukio: Well...That's a little unimpressive.

Shadow: Yu-yukio, don't mess with that card.

Yukio: Oh, what's a card going to do, beat me up and steal my lunch?

Kazumi holds her head in her hands.

Kazumi: What's the goofball doing now?

Seiji: Going mad as he's being beatdown by ass.

Jared: Watch your mouth!!

Yukio: Hey, pay attention!

Jared looks straight at Yukio and sees the blank card.

Jared:A blank Numbers?!! How could he have had one and I didn't even notice!Give me that card!

Yukio raises above his head.

Yukio: Yeah, yeah...Wait if you want this then that means...

Yukio gives a grin

Shadow: Yukio, no!!

Yukio: I activate the Spell card, Gift of Hope!! I remove from play the level 1 Void Rider from my hand in order to increase Zubaba Knight's level by 1![Zubaba Knight Lv4]

Jared: Big deal.

Yukio grins.

Yukio: Yes it is a big deal!

Shadow/Kazumi/Seiji/Jared: Huh?

Yukio: Since Void Rider was remove from play, he can be special summoned!

A black hole appears infront of Yukio and Void Rider jumps out of it[1/DARK/Spellcaster/300/800]

Yukio: And since it was special summoned, I can target a monster on the field and Rider's level becomes the same as the target.

Jared: Two level 4s?!

Yukio's right iris changes to a pale gold as the xyz spiral swirls around him.

Yukio: I construct an overlay network with the level 4 Zubaba Knight and the level 4 Void Rider! Come from the ancient battles of Earth's past, the symbol of a hopeful future! Xyz Summon!! Number 00, Shadow Crusader!![2500/2000]

The spiral releases a burst of light from itscenter, as the two monsters change into red and blue energy and collide with the burst of light. The light fades to reveal. Shadow Crusader in the air with its materials floating around.

Yukio: Yes! I got a Numbers!

Shadow: What? Why isn't the Numbers card affected him?

Kazumi: Yukio! Where did you get that card?

Yukio's face is covered in confusion.

Yukio: I-I just haven't used it before, that's all.

Jared begins laughing at him.

Jared: It doesn't matter, worm!! Your monster 500 ATK points out of range!

Seiji shakes his head.

Seiji: Jared's right...With 500 points less, Yukio will lose this battle...

Yukio: Hey!

Seiji and Kazumi both look Yukio, who is pointing with his thumb at himself.

Yukio: Just watch me beat him. At this time I activate the effect of Crusader!

Yukio takes an overlaid card from Crusader and its sphere goes into his sword.

Yukio: By detaching one of his materials, Crusader halfs his attack and can attack directly this turn.[1250/2000]

Jared: You're making your card weaker? What kinda of idiot-

Yukio: I now activate the trap, Restoration of the Armoury! When a card on the field's attack points are reduced by a card effect, I can rise the card's attack power to normal![2500/2000]

Jared: W-what?!

Yukio: Go Crusader!! Darkness Blade!!

Crusader's sword is coated in a shadowy veil as it begins charging at Jared.

Jared: No! Trap card, Mirror Force! I won't lose!!

Yukio: I'm sorry, but the cards have already decided the winner! I activate My Body as Sheild from my hand!![3300]

The screen cuts into 5 sections, 4 showing Shadow, Kazumi, Seiji and Jared in awe and 1 with Yukio smiling. Crusader jumps on Warships's hull and jumps off above Jared. It then brings its sword on Jared, causing a massive dust cloud and shockwave.

Jared: No!![0]

Yukio: Whoa!!

Yukio is knocked off his feet as the cards fade away and binary eats away the augumented reality. Yukio stands up and removes his D-Gazer.

Yukio: Alright!! I won!

Shadow: This guy should have losed and been possessed by the Number card...What makes him different from every one else?

Shadow turns as he Jared's Numbers' card glow and disappear, only to see it reform in Yukio's extra deck.

Shadow: No, he can't be..! He's a Numbers Hunter?!

On the rooftops above the duel, a girl in a white overcoat is looking down on Yukio's celebrations. A spirit fades in at her side.

Girl: It looks like we have some competition in our hunt.

Spirit: It appears we do. But soon he'll be here and this kid may be our only form of backup here.

Both look back down as Yukio and the others leave and the screen freezes at their angle.


Yukio: Hi, and welcome to the Card Review with me, Yukio! Today's card is the Number 00: Shadow Crusader! This Xyz monster has the ability to attack directly against an opponent, but at the cost of a material card and halve it's attack points till the end phase, some could say that's an bad cost. But I overcame that in my duel with Jared!

Shadow: Geez, what a egotist.

Yukio: ...Shut up, ghost boy.

Next Time: A Samurai's Honour! Numbers, as a Shogun?!