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*WarMixedSoul123 Blog

Turn! It needs your help!

Listen guys, I've noticed that most blog series on have an opening, so, I decided that Turn needs one. So, here's the deal, I've got a couple of ideas, so either say your fine with my idea or suggest an opening and/or song. Here's the choices~

Yugi is standing in a completely white space, with only his shadow behind him. Suddenly, darkness begins to head toward him. He starts to try to sheild himself with his arms, but the puzzle glows and Yugi changes into Yami as the darkness envelopes him, while he stands triumphant. The puzzlegleams through the dark, the 'camera' spins to look the way Yami's facing, revealing six other shining objects. It then cuts to Yugi standing with with his friends, Abbie standing behind them sighing. Dark clouds roll across the sky as a large monster appears, knocking over skyscrapers. Yugi changes back into Yami, while activate his duel disk and summons Sky Dragon Valkyria. Both monsters attack, causing a huge explosion that covers the screen. The Yugioh Turn logo then appears.

Song: All Time Low - Vegas

Please post soon!! Have a good day!

(I choose this song cause it was the only one I had on my computer that seemed to 'fit'.)

Lets Have A Blast! Party!

Yes, thats right people, I'm 1 year old!....In terms of how long I've been on

So, I holding a little party, first, the cake....haven't got one.

Next, the hats....haven't got them either.

And now the party poppers....Oh, come on, I haven't got them either!!

Who organised this party...?! Wait, I did...

Sorry guys, no cake, no hats and no party poppers.

Just leave your comment and have a good day!

Turn 026 - Yugi's Round Two!

3 days after Yugi's meeting with Goodwin...

Davis: Come on, hurry it up!

Yugi: Don't rush me!!

Yugi and Davis are sitting on the floor of the waiting room at the stadium having a duel.

Yugi: (Alright, he must have some spell and trap negating cards, so...) I activate Black Luster Ritual-

Davis: I got you, Yugi! Go my trap, Dark Bribe!

Yugi places Black Luster Ritual in the grave, draws a card and smirks.

Yugi: Now you're for it! I activate Polymerization to fuse Black Luster Solider with-

The door of the waiting room opens and Dawn walks through it.

Dawn: Yugi, they're calling you to duel.

Yugi: Oh, thanks Dawn. (And just when I had him!)

Yugi gets up, walks through the door and makes his way to the duel arena. Meanwhile, Director Goodwin enters intohis skybox with Lazarin the stadium.

Goodwin: Now, lets see if Mr Kiyu can perform another win.

Lazar: Yes, but sir, if I may enquire, why are you so interested in Mr Kiyu?

Goodwin remains slient, seemingly oblivious to Lazar's question. Back down on the arena, Yugi's opponent walks out. A young girl with chestnut hair and yellow dress.

MC: Introducing another rising star to the stage, give a round of applause forMadilin Fisher!

The crowd starts clapping and cheering.

Yugi: Sooo...Do you use a fish deck?

Madilin activates her duel disk.

Madilin: Sorry, but you'll have to find out the hard way![8000] But I'll be kind, you can go first.

Yugi activates his duel disk.

Yugi: How gracious.[8000] I draw! I set a card in defense mode and set two cards face down and end my turn.

Madilin: I draw. I summon Kaiser Sea Horse in attack mode![1700/1650] I then activate Double Summon-

Yugi: Go trap card,Dark Bribe! Negate Double Summon!

Double Summon is negated and Madilin draws.

Madilin:(Good, I might have to wait a turn, but this sap won't know what hit'em!) Go my Sea Horse, attack his defense!

Kaiser Sea Horse attacks, flipping face down, up, revealing Mystic Elf.[800/2000]

Madilin: Hmm..I set two cards and end my turn.

Yugi: Good, I draw! I activate the spell, Shadow Casting!

Madilin: I've never heard of that card, tell me what it does.

Yugi cracks his knuckles.

Yugi: Shadow Casting allows me to remove from play one light type monster I control to special summon a dark type with a level equal to the level of the light monster plus 3, also, the monster special summoned by Shadow Casting cannot have its summon negated. So proudly comeforth, Dark Magician![2500/2100] I then activate Dark Magic Attack!

Dark Magician releases a large magic attack from his staff, destroying Madilin's face downs.

Madilin: Damn it!

Yugi: I then normal summon Magician's Valkyria in attack mode![1600/1800] Dark Magician, attack Kaiser Sea Horse!

Kaiser Sea Horse is destroyed by the Dark Magician.

Madilin: Arrrgh.[7100]

Yugi: Valkyria, continue the assault!

Valkyria heads towards Madilin, but Yugi activates the trap, Magician's Circle.

Yugi: Now, since Valkyria is attacking, we both get to special summon a Spellcaster from our decks with 2000 or less ATK. I special summon the Dark Magician Girl![2000/1700]

Madilin: Again you've out played me, Yugi. I have no spellcaster to summon.

Yugi: Then combo attack, Dark Magician Girl, Magicain's Valkyria, attack!

Both monsters attack, dealing Madilin 3600 points of damage.[3500]

Yugi: I end my turn.

Madilin: I draw! I set one card in defense mode and two face down in the spell and trap zone. I end my turn.

Yugi: I draw. I activate Trap Stun to negate the effects of all other trap cards, till the end of the turn. Dark Magician Girl, Attack!

Dark Magician Girl attacks and destroys Divine Dragon Ragnarok.[1500/1000] Dark Magician and then Valkyria attack, defeating Madilin.

MC: Another win for Yugi Kiyu!

Madilin: No! I lost! How?!

Yugi: No reason, you just did.

Next Chapter 027 - Signer Encounter!

Meet the Creations 2

Here we go, meet Alpha Primus' non-tuners! First, Magna Blader: -


And now, Magna Defender: -

(Note: Its DEF should be 2200)


Now, I've got a special treat for you, its not a synchro....But a fusion for an old tuner some of you might realise. The Knight of Honour, Junk: -

Effect: "Junk Synchron" + 1 Warrior - Type monster
When this card is Fusion Summoned by the effect of "Junk Fusion", destroy all other monster cards you control and inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent's Life points for each card destroyed by this effect. When this card is targeted by any spell, trap or monster effect, you can remove from play, from your graveyard, one card that includes "Synchron" in its name to negate the effect and destroy that card.

Now, have a good day from WarMixedSoul123!

Turn 025 - The Truth to the Puzzle!

Goodwin turns to face the window.

Goodwin: Our story begins in the ancient sands of Egypt. A pharaoh order the creation of the seven millennium to protect his land, through the use of a spell found within the pages of Millenium Spellbook-

Yugi: What's the Millenium Spellbook?

Goodwin sighs.

Goodwin: Did your grandfather not tell you? The Millenium Spellbook was past down through generations of pharaoh before it was used by the Pharaoh Aknamkanon to creat the Millienium items. This is the main reason Egypt fought wars against its neighbouring countries, which could let there enemies create invincible armies. Aknamkanon's brother, Aknadin, suggested to him that try to decipher the book as a countermeasure. Though Aknamkanon agreed to this, his brother failed to mention that that the spell required an incredible sacrifice....99 humans, to be exact.

Yugi is shocked.

Yugi: He sacrificed 99 people to create some....

Yugi looks down at his puzzle.

Yugi: How does sacrificing 99 people create this?!

Goodwin: The spirits of the 99 mixed with gold provided by Aknadin and they formed the items.

Yugi: Thats not right...

Goodwin: Of course, and when Aknamkanon discovered this, he offered his soul to the Egyptain gods to protect his son from future harm caused by his mistake. Shortly after this, Aknamkanon died, leaving his son as Pharaoh.

Goodwin looks at Yugi.

Goodwin: I believe you are the reincarnation of Aknamkanon's son.

Yugi remains slient. But after a minute he bursts into laughter.

Yugi: Yeah right! You almost had me.

Yugi stands up and heads for the door.

Yugi: Thanks for your time, Mr Goodwin.

Yugi leaves the room and exits the building. Goodwin looks down at his left arm.

Goodwin: (The time will soon come...when Yugi will have to stand up the dark...)

Goodwin clenches his left hand.

Goodwin: (And I will be there!)

Next Chapter 026 - Yugi's Round Two!

Turn 024 - A Threat To All! The Darkness Begins To Fall!

Yugi takes the Kid home, after hours of walking around the city.

Yugi: Take care!

Kid: I will Yugi! Bye!

The Kid hops up his garden path and into his mother's arms. Yugi walks for half a mile before a black limo pulls up beside. A small man with pointed ears opens the back.

Ear man: Yugi Kiyu, Director Goodwin would like to talk to you.

Yugi pretends to plays drums.

Yugi: On the subject of-

Ear man: The duel you just took part in.

Yugi's face turns serious.

Yugi: I'll come. But first, could you at least tell your name?

Ear man: Of course, my name's Lazar.

Yugi: Nice to met you Lazar.

Yugi gets in the car and it drives towards the Sector Security building. The car drives to the front of the building and comes to a stop. Yugi and Lazar get out the car and take the elevator to the top floor. There they are greeted by a girl wearing blue suit jacket.

Lazar: Mina,get me a cup of coffee, now!

Yugi: Ask the question right!

Lazar and Mina look at Yugi.

Lazar: Pardon?!

Yugi: You heard me.

Lazar: Uhh, never mind Mina.

Yugi and Lazar walk past Mina and enter a office, where a man with white hair is standing at a window, looking over the city.

Lazar: Director Goodwin, I have brought Yugi Kiyu to see you.

The Director turns.

Goodwin: Yugi Kiyu, you had quite an interesting duel this afternoon, didn't you?

Yugi: That's a retorical question, isn't it?

Goodwin: You do know who you're talking to, right?

Yugi: Anotherabsolute, already known answer to this question.

Goodwin: But you do know why you blackout?

Yugi: How do you know about those?

Goodwin: I'll tell you a story.

Next Chapter 025 - The Truth to the Puzzle!

Meet My Creations! No. 1

Here, we see my first ever try at creating a Divine-Beast; Magna God - Alpha Primus:

Effect: "Magna Core" + "Magna Blader" + "Magna Defender"
This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Synchro Summon. This card is unaffected by Spell, Trap or Monster effects. While this card is face up on the Field, Synchro monters your opponent controls cannot declare an attack against monsters you control. Once per turn, you can tribute 2 cards you control to destroy all cards your opponent controls.

Now, welcome, the tuner monster, Magna Core:

Effect: Twice per turn, if this card would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. (Damage calculation is applied normally.)

The next Meet My Creations! will introduce the non-tuners required for Alpha Primus' synchro summon, Magna Blader and Magna Defender and introduce you to a new monster...

So until that time, have a good day on me, WarMixedSoul123!

Turn 023 - The Duel Begins!

The winds picks up as Yugi draws his first card.

Yugi: My turn! I draw! I activate Double Summon-

Kid: I activate the effect of Dark Tuner - Dishonest Knight! When my opponent activates a spell card, I can dispatch my Knight to the graveyard!

A look of confusion covers Yugi's and almost everybody else's face.

Yugi: That's a strange effect.(I wonder what it'll do...) I summon two Magician's Valkyrias in attack mode! I set twocards and end my turn!

The Kid starts laughing.

Kid: This'll hurt you Yugi Kiyu! Since I have a monster with "Dark Tuner" in its name in the graveyard, I can pay 1000 life points[7000] to special summon Darkness' Assistant[Type: Fiend - Effect/LV: 2/ATK: 0/DEF: 1300] in defense mode. I know activate Darkness' Assistant's effect, by paying another 1000 life points[6000], I can special summon a monster with "Dark Tuner" in its name from the graveyard! Come forth, Dark Tuner - Dishonest Knight![Type: Warrior - Dark Tuner/LV: 10/ATK: 0/DEF: 0] Now, powers of darkness! Pull back the curtain to reveal the world for what is! Dark synchro summon,Guard of Hell, Abidon![Type: Demon - Effect/LV: -8/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2500] Now the fun begins!

A purple insignia appears on the Kid's right forearm. It appears to be a bird, but can't make it out.

Yugi: What's the dea-

Yugi jumps out the way of what appears to be purple fire come from the ground.

Kid: Don't worry, soon this will be all over!

Yugi smirks.

Abbie: (What is Yugi playing at....? Wait, why do I even care?!)

Yugi: It seems you've forgotten a basic principle of dueling.

Kid: Oh? And what, pray tell would that be?

Yugi: Trap cards! Go! Bottomless Tra-

Kid: Not so fast! If my Guard is targeted by any effect that would destroy it, I can send a card from my hand that is the same type, spell, trap or monster, as the card trying to destroy my Guard, negate its effect, destroy it and inflict 1000 points of damage to my opponent!

Purple fireballs appear around Yugi and slam into him, inflicting the 1000 points of damage. Yugi falls to his feet.

Yugi: Argh!

Kimi/Davis: Yugi?!

Abbie: (That kid isn't using any psychic abilities, yet he inflicted real damage against Yugi...Amazing.)

Yugi gets back up.

Kid: I would have stayed down if I was you, 'cause now I'm gonna attack!

Yugi: You can't. My..Valkyrias' effect stop you selecting either one as your attack target. You may have a fancy new form of synchro summon, but it will take more than cheap tricks like that to beat me!

Kid: I'll hand it two, it will take more than "cheap tricks" to beat you, but you're wrong about my attack! I activate Abidon's other effect! Once per turn, I can negate the effect of a face up monster my opponent controls until the end of the turn,at the cost of 500 life points.

A purple fireball appears in front of the Kid and rams into him, not causing him to flinch even a tiny bit.

Kid: [5500] Now, time for you to feel pain, Yugi Kiyu! Abidon, attack!

Abidon draws a large sword, the blade engulfed in purple flame. Abidon then swings its sword at the effect negated Valkyria, but the blade is stopped by a black wooden box.

Kid: What is the meaning of this?!

Yugi: Oh, come now, surely you know? I use spellcasters, magicains if you will and what do magicains do? They perform the impossible!

A trap card is active on Yugi's side of the field, The Magicain's Trick.

Yugi: By sending 1 "Dark Magicain" from my deck or my hand to the grave and that I discard one card from my hand, a spellcaster on my side gets to perform a trick. They give as many options as there is empty places in the monster card zone-

Two more identical boxes to the one that appeared when Abidon attacked appear next to the first oneand begin to shuffle around at an incredible pace. They then come to an aburt stop.

Yugi: To save yourself. You will now attack one of the boxes. If the box you attack is destroyed, every card on your side of the field is destroyed and you will bedealt damage equal to the attack of the original attack target, but if you destroy something within the box, the box itself not being destroyed, then every card on my side of the field is destroyed and I'm dealt damage equal to your monster's attack. Now, choose.

The Kid looks at every box, with a hue of sweat on his brow.

Kid: Abidon, attack the left box!

Abidon stabs its sword right through the box.

Kid: Looks like all your cards are gonners!

Yugi: I wouldn't speak to soon. Look.

The Kid looks on in horror, as the crowd look on with joy. As Abidon pulls its sword out of the box, the box spliters and crack and eventually, smashes apart. Abidon blows up and Magicain's Valkyria comes through the explosion, dealing the Kid 1600 points of damge.

Kid: Arrrrgh!![3900]

Yugi: This is what you get for playing with fire, beause the trick isn't over, not by a long shot! See, when my trap resolves, I can special summon 1 "Dark Magicain Girl" from my deck.

Kid: What?!

Yugi: Hey, when the magician's away, his assistant will play! I special summon Dark Magician Girl[2000/1700] and since there is a Dark Magician in my grave, she gains 300 extra ATK![2300/1700]

Kid: (This..this child could prove troublesome in the future.) I set one card face down and end my turn.

Yugi draws his card.

Abbie: (I can't believe that Yugi has beaten that thing...maybe he isn't totally incompatent...? What am I saying?! He's completely incompatent!)

Yugi: I activate MST to destroy your face down!

The wind blows and destroy the set card, Dark Gathering.

Yugi: Girls. Fire. At. Will!

All the spellcasters attack the Kid and send him flying through air.

Abbie: Second time I've seen an idiot fly through the air today.

Yugi walks over to the Kid and helps him up. The purple flames and insignia gone.

Yugi: Are you OK, kid?

Kid: I hurt a little.

Yugi: OK, then lets get you home. Where do you live?

Kid: 42 Evergland Street.

Yugi: I'll take you home, but first, can I see your duel disk?

Kid: Sure, anything for you, sir.

The Kid gives Yugi his duel disk and Yugi starts searhing for the Dark Tuner and Dark Synchro monsters, but they seem to have disappeared. He hands the Kid his duel disk back.

Yugi: Now, lets get you home.

Yugi and the Kid start walking followed by Kimi, Davis and Abbie.

Yugi: (What actually happened here? I've got to find out.)

Next Chapter 024 - A Threat To All! The Darkness Begins To Fall!

Turn 022 - Our Hero Is Challenged! Let The Duel Begin!

Yugi wakes up to the sound Saturday morning TV and people talking. He gets changed and walks down stairs to see Abbie and his mum talking over coffee.

Abbie: So he ran into the street light?!

Ms. Kiyu: Yes, completely convinced it was a Blue Eyes White Dragon trying to attack him.

Abbie starts to quitely chuckle, as she notices Yugi.

Abbie: Speak of the devil.

Yugi: You've been telling her the "BlueEyes"incident, haven't you mum?

Ms. Kiyu: Just to pass the time...So, what are you and Abbie going to do today?

A bewildered look cover both Abbie's and Yugi's face.

Yugi: Guess I could take her round the local spots.

Abbie: Just take me to the local duel arena.

Yugi: Sure. Come on then!

Yugi runs out his house, followed closely by Abbie.

Yugi: Keep up!

Abbie: (I'll kick him so hard!)

Yugi reaches the duel arena in the park, where he sees Davis dueling Kimi.

Kimi: Go, Winged Kuriboh, finish him off!

Davis is hit by Winged Kuriboh attack and loses the duel.

Davis: Not again...

Kimi: Oh yeah, I win, I win-

Yugi: Such a modest winner.

Kimi: Yugi!

Davis: Yugi, where did you get to last night, we were all worried?!

Yugi: Had to help-

Yugi is sent flying through the air, as he is kicked by Abbie. He lands face first on the ground.

Yugi: Her.

Kimi: You can't do that to Yugi!

Abbie: I just did, you're a bit later telling me not to do it.

Yugi gets to his feet.

Yugi: No, it's fine Kimi.

Yugi feels something tugging on his jacket. He looks down to see a small child.

Kid: Um, are Yugi Kiyu?

Yugi: Yeah.

Kid: Will you, will you, will you duel me?

Yugi: Sure.

Kid: Really?! Thanks!

Yugi: No trouble at all.

Yugi and the kid activate their duel disks.

Yugi/Kid: Duel!

Next Chapter 023 - The Duel Begins!

Turn 021 - A Guest Staying, Always Trouble!

At the enterance of the hospital, Yugi is taking Abbie to a open taxi door via wheelchair.

Abbie: Why are you doing this?!

Yugi: 'Cause I don't think someone wouldwillingly choose to have their "power" absorbed by a black, slime dragon.

Abbie hops from the wheelchair to the back seat of the taxi witn a angry look on her face.

Yugi: (Does sarcarsm ever work...?)

After half an hour, the taxi pulls up outside Yugi's house and Yugi and Abbie get out the taxi and are greeted by Yugi's mum and Dawn.

Ms. Kiyu: Welcome home, Yugi. So is this your friend you were talking about on the phone?

Yugi: Yeah, this is Abbie. Say hello.

Abbie looks at Yugi with scolding look.

Yugi: She's not very socialable.

Dawn: I can tell.

Yugi, his mum and Abbie enter the house, as Dawn leaves for her own home.

Yugi: You could be a bit nicer, Abbie.

Abbie: Yeah, I could.

Yugi sighs.

Yugi: Head upstairs, second door on left. You'll be sleeping in that room.

Abbie: ....

Abbie walks up the stairs and slams the door shut.

Ms. Kiyu: She likes making noise, doesn't she?

Yugi: Yeah, I guess...

Next Chapter 022 - OurHero Is Challenged! Let The Duel Begin!