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*WarMixedSoul123 Blog

Turn 010 - Wipe The Slate Clean! Mind Crush!

Yugi draws a card from his deck.

? Yugi: (I could summon her! For the first time!)[8000]I activate my two Foolish Burials to send my two Luster Dragon 2s to the grave, then I activate Double Summon to summon my two Magician's Valkyria and set one card face down in the spell and trap zone and end my turn.

Dereck starts to laugh.

Dereck: Ha! I expected more from you Yugi. But, it is my turn[8000]. I set one card face down defence mode, place two cards face down in thespell and trap zoneand end my turn!

Yugi draws his card. He smirks.

? Yugi: When we are dueling, call me Yami.

Dereck: Well "Yami", make your move.

Yami: Attack his face down, Valkyria! And this allows me to activate Magician's Circle to special summon Dark Magician Girl[2000/1700]!

Dereck: My face down monster is Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World[100/2100].

Yami: Aaah.[7500]

Dereck: What now?

Yami: I summon one of the most powerful duel monsters every created!

Dereck: Oh and what could that possibly be?

Yami: Have you heard of a card called Sky Dragon Valkyria?

A look of shock coversDereck's face.

Dereck: How can-

Yami: By tributing 1 Dark Magician on the field and removingtwo level six or higher dragons from my graveyard. So, come forth, Sky Dragon Valkyria[2500/2000]! By the way, if you know the card, it can't be destroyed by card effects during the turn it was special summoned and gains 500 ATK for each card in my hand! I end my turn!

Dereck: I draw, set one card face down defence mode and end my turn.

Yami: Lost confidence, Dereck? I draw, which powers up my Valkyria[3000/2000]! Valkyria attack Renge.

Renge is destroyed by a huge blast.

Yami: Valkyria, attack!

Valkyria attacks the face down. It is Armoured Zombie[1500/0].

Yami: I attack with my last Valkyria!

Dereck: Arrrggh![6400]

Yami: I end my turn.

Dereck: I set one card in the spell and trap zone. I end my turn.

Yami: My draw. (Perfect.) I tribute my two Magician's Valkyrias to summon the Dark Magician[2500/2100]! I activate theDark Magic Attack spellcard to destroy your face downs.

Dereck: No!!

Yami destroys Pot of Avarice and Mirror Force.

Yami: Dark Magician, Sky Dragon, attack!

Dereck: NO!![1400]

Yami: I end my turn.

Dereck: I draw. I set one card face down defense mode and end my turn.

Yami: My turn! Valkyria's attack is now 3000![3000/2000] Dark Magician, attack!

Yami destroys another Renge.

Yami: And now, Sky Dragon Valkyria, attack!

Dereck: NO!!![0]

Dereck falls to his knees.

Dereck: How did I lose?

The wdjat appears on Yami's head.

Yami: If you want to know how you lost...Pay the ultimate price! Mind Crush!!

Dereck collapses on the floor, while Yami walks over to Dawn.

Yami: Dawn, you OK?

Dawn opens her eyes.

Dawn: Hey, Yugi.

Next Chapter - Gain More Power! Keep Practising!

Turn 009 - Tournament Rivals! Show Them Your Power, Yugi!

A week after Yugi's duel against Dawn...

Yugi walks out of his house in the early morning. He stretches his arms.

Yugi: Aaaahhm! What a great morning. Wait, what's that car doing over at Daw-

Yugi is interuptedby Dawn's loud screams, as she is dragged out of her house by two huge thugs, who throw her in the boot of the car.

Yugi: Hey, what do you two think you're doing?!

Yugi runs over to the car, but one of the thugs kick him in the stomach.

Thug: Hah! What a weakling! If you want your girl back, come to Warehouse 47 by noon or else your girl gets it.

The thug leaves Yugi in the middle of the road, gets in the car and drives off. A few minutes later, Yugi gets up just as Davis, Kimi and Andrew are walking down the street. They run over to Yugi.

Andrew: Yugi! What happened?!

Yugi: Two guys, arrgh, kidnapped Dawn. I have to get her back!

Yugi changes into his other persona.

? Yugi: And I won't let them off lightly!

Yugi begins to run towards New Domino dock, followed by Andrew and the others. After a half an hour of running, Yugi arrives at Warehouse 47 and starts banging on the door.

? Yugi: Open it up, cowards!

The door creaks open and Yugi enters. He is shocked to see Dawn tied up at the side of the room and duel arena in the middle.

???: Ah, so glad you could make it, Mr Kiyu.

A young man walks out of the shadows, wearing a black suit and white shirt.

? Yugi: And, if I may ask, who are you and what kind of person you are?! Kidnapping someone for what?!

???: Dereck Dunoway, CEO of the Geekco Finiacial Group, and I would like you to represent us in the King of Games tournament.

Yugi smirks.

? Yugi: So that's why you kidnapped Dawn. As an incentive from me to agree to your request.

Dereck: You could say that.

Yugi activates his duel disk.

? Yugi: It's time for me to make a deal, if you beat me in a duel, I'll accept your generous offer, but if you don't, you'll pay the ultimate price.

Dereck: Hm, very well-

Dereck activates his duel disk.

Dereck: I accept!

? Yugi: Then, lets begin!

*Shot of the two staring each other down*

Next Chapter - Wipe The Slate Clean! Mind Crush!

Turn 008 - Practise Time! A Friend Assists!

Davis: Earth to Yugi, come in Yugi.

Yugi: Huh, sorry, I was just think about the tournament.

Dawn: Yugi, do you think you'll need to practise for it?

Yugi scratches his head and then laughs.

Yugi: More than likely.

Dawn suddenly stands up.

Dawn: Then I challenge you to duel!

Yugi: What?! Since when do you duel?

Dawn: Since always.

*Shot of an area surrounded by large skyscrapers*

Yugi walks a few good feet away from Dawn and activates his duel disk.The puzzle gleams and Yugi changes.

Yami Yugi: So, are you ready for a beatdown Dawn?

Dawn activates her duel disk.

Dawn: Your the one who's gonna get the beatdown.

?Yugi: Then I'll go first. My draw![8000] I activate Double Summon and summon two Magician's Valkyria[1600/1800] and set two cards face down. I end my turn.

Dawn: Good show, Yugi. (There'something different about Yugi, but I can put my finger on it..) I draw.[8000] I activate Lighting Vortex by discarding Mokey Mokey-

? Yugi: I activate my trap card,Magic Jammer by discarding The Fabled Cerburrel to the graveyard and thanks to its effect Cerburrel[1000/400], I must special summon it.

Dawn: Hm, I set one card facedown defence mode and set one card in the spell and trap zone and I end my turn.

? Yugi: My turn and I draw. I summon Vortex Trooper[0/600]! I synchronise Cerburrel, one of my Valkyrias and Vortex Trooper to synchro summon Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier[2700/2000]! I use its effect to remove from playyour facedown monster, the middle card in your hand and the Mokey Mokey in your grave. Now I attack with my other Valkyria and activate my trap, Magician's Circle, which allows us to eachspecial summon a spellcaster from our deck with 2000 or less ATK. I chose my Dark Magician Girl[2000/1700]!

Dawn: I don't have any spellcasters in my deck.

? Yugi: My Valkyria is still attacking.

Dawn: Aaah.[6400]

? Yugi: Dark Magician Girl, attack!

Dawn: Errgh![4400]

? Yugi: And finally, Trishula, attack!

Dawn: Not bad, Yugi.[1700] My turn. I draw. I set one card facedown defence and end my turn. (That's what is different. He's ruthless when it comes to duels.)

? Yugi: I draw. I play De-Synchro on Trishula, bring the monsters used to summon him back(Vortex Trooper, Cerburrel and Magician's Valkyria). But don't say hello, cause' they're turning back into Trishula. Synchro summon!

Trishula appears back on the field.

? Yugi: I'll remove the card in your spell and trap zone, the middle card in your hand and nothing from your grave, Trishula attack the facedown monster.

Dawn's facedown, Banisher of the Light is destroyed.

? Yugi: Finish her, Dark Magician Girl!

Dawn: Arrgh.[0]

Yugi changes back to normal.

Yugi: Uh, what.

Dawn: Good game, Yugi.

Yugi: Thanks, Dawn. (But why can't I remember me winning.)

Next Chapter - Tournament Rivals! Show Them Your Power, Yugi!

Turn 007 - Informing the Friends! The Real Challenge!

The next day, Yugi heads over to The Real D cafe on Roman Street, where him and his friends normally go for the day. Yugi enters the cafe and sees Dawn, Kim and Davis.

Yugi: Hi guys.

Dawn: Yugi?! What happened to you yesterday?

Davis: Did you break something at Kaiba Corp.?

Yugi shakes his head.

Yugi: No, they actually asked me to represent them in an upcoming tournament.

Davis: Upcoming tourament...Wait, is it the King of Games tournament?

Yugi: Yeah, why?

Davis: Well, if you win, you get the title of King of Games!

Yugi folds his arms.

Yugi: (Maybe this tournament wouldn't be as bad as I think.)

Next Chapter - Practise Time! A Friend Assists!

Turn 006 - The Game King's Deal! Will he accept?

The limo pulls at the front of the Kaiba Corp. building. Yugi, Harrison and Monty get out the limo, go to the recepition hall and enter aelevator. Harrison presses the 11th floor. It took about two minutes to get to the 11th floor. The elevator doors slid open, revealing a large mahogany door with a gold plate on it. The gold plate reads "Marcus Lott, Vice President".

Yugi: I don't, don't think I can talk to him, just tell him I'll represent Kaiba Corp. in the tournament.

Harrison: OK, Yugi.

Harrison walks into Mr Lott's room. He comes out a few minutes later Harrison comes out of the room.

Harrison: Mr Lott says that I've to take you home. Also, you've to keep practising for the tournament in a couple of weeks.

Harrison drives Yugi home at an immense pace. Yugi gets out of the car as it speeds off.

Yugi: (Crazy ass driver.)

Next Chapter - Informing the Friends! The Real Challenge!

Turn 005 - An Invitation to Duel! Tournament Time!

Meanwhile at the Kaiba Corp. building, an elderly gentleman is watching the duel between Yugi and Nathan's duel via security camera footage in a office.

???: Looks like we've found our new representive of the King of Games tournament...

The man presses a button on an intercom system.

Man: Susan, send Harrison and Monty to pickup a Yugi Kiyu in New Domino City park.

Susan: Yes, Mr Lott, sir.

Mr Lott: Thank you, Susan.

Meanwhile, back at the park...

???: Hey Yugi!

Yugi turns and sees a young boy running towards him, followed by another boy and a girl.

Yugi: Oh hey Davis.

Davis: "Oh hey", that's all you got to after beating Nathan Demetori and not inviting me, Andrew or Kimi?

Yugi: So I beat him in a duel, big deal.

Andrew: But he's the world ranked 2 duelist in the world.

Yugi: Whoa.

Yugi steps back, but bumps into a man behind him. Yugi turns to see two men in black suits.

???: My name is Harrison and this Monty. Are you Yugi Kiyu?

Yugi: Yeah, um, why?

Harrison: We would like you to represent Kaiba Corp. in the upcoming King of Games tournament. We've to take you to Vice President.

Yugi: I'll see you guys at home.

Harrison and Monty escort Yugi to a black limo, which starts driving towards to Kaiba Corp. buliding.

Yugi: (Wonder why they want me to duel for them?)

Next Chapter - The Game King's Deal! Will he accept?

Turn 004 - A duel between Rivals! Begin!

Yugi and Dawn are walking down Daelus Road in New Domino City, walking towards a large park area. When they get there, they see a little boy getting a card taken off him from an older boy.

???: That's what you get for losing.

Dawn: Nathan! What are you!

Nathan turn to face Dawn.

Nathan: A Demetori doesn't have to explain myself to commoners like youself, but he did challenge to an ante rule duel. He lost.

Dawn: But he's just a kid, just give him back his card.

Nathan smirks.

Nathan: And why would I do that?

Dawn: Because it's the right thing to do.

? Yugi: Now, now Dawn, lets not be rash.

Dawn: What are you talking about, Yugi?

Nathan: Ah, the infamous "Game King", to what do I owe this honour?

? Yugi: Spare me your sarcasism, Nathan. He is right, he did win the card-

Nathan: See? Even your friend thinks it's fair.

? Yugi: So I'll win it back.

Dawn: Yugi, you can't be serious! He's part of the Pro league and favourite to become the next champ.

Yugi shrugs.

? Yugi: Big deal, I have a deck, don't I?

Dawn: Well yeah.

? Yugi: Well, I guess I'll go first.

Yugi activates his duel disk.

Nathan: You're a fool.

Nathan activates his duel disk.

? Yugi: A happy fool at that. My draw![8000] I set one card face down defence mode and two cards in the spell and trap card zone. I end my turn.

Nathan: A basic move. My turn.[8000] First I activate Polymerization to fuse my three knight, Queen's, King's and Jack's to form the Arcana Knight Joker![3800/2500] Now, attack his face down.

Arcana attacks Yugi's face down. It is Vortex Trooper[0/600].

? Yugi: Thanks. Now since Vortex Trooper was destroyed, I can draw one card.

Nathan: Arr. I end my turn.

? Yugi: Good my draw. I activate my Polymerization to fuse my Neos and my Celtic Guardian to summon Neos Knight![2500/2000] Now I activate my set Ancient Rules to special summon Dark Magician![2500/2100] I now activate the Hero and Soul spell, whick doubles the attack of one "Hero" warrior typemonster. I chose Neos Knight![5000/2000] Now attack Neos!

Neos attacks Arcana Knight.

Nathan: No! This can't be-[6800]

? Yugi: And it doesn't stop there. Neos Knight can attack twice during the same battle phase.

Nathan: What?!

? Yugi: Combine your attacks! Dark Magic Attack and Sabre Slash!

Nathan is hit by the attacks.

Nathan: How?!

Yugi walks over and takes the card that Nathan took from the little boy. It's the Dark Rabbit card. He hands it to the little boy.

?Yugi: Take care of this card, kid.

Little boy: Yes sir.

The little boy runs off. Yugi and Dawn walk deeper into the park, while Nathan lays downon the ground.

Nathan: (How dare you beat me?! I'll teach you not to mess with me!)

Next Chapter - An Invitation to Duel! Tournement Time!

Turn 003 - Awaken! The True Yugi Kiyu!

Yugi had just gotten up at about 11 o'clock when he heardhis mum calling.

Mum: Yugi! Wake up!

Yugi: Umzzh Wha.

Yugi gets out of his bed, picks up the Millenium Puzzle and loops a chain through the hoop and puts it round his neck while he gets changed into a blue jacket, blue jeans, black converse and a black shirt. He walks down a flight of stairs to a kitchen. His mum was standing, drinking a cup of coffee.

Mum: So, what you doing today Yugi.

Yugi: Well, other than dreading the fact Grampa convince you to call me Yugi after Yugi Muto, just gonna go and see Dawn.

Mum: Dawn? Oh right, the girl who moved street...

Yugi: Since we've been living here?

Mum: Urg, yeah.

Yugi: ...Bye!

Yugi runs out the door and runs across the roadto a house on the other side. He knocks on the door, which is replied by a girl about his age, wearing a white rimmed red jacket, light black jeans, white shoes, chestnut hair and blue eyes.

Dawn: Oh, morning "Game king".

Yugi: Come on Dawn, you know that annoys me.

Dawn winks at Yugi and he blushes.

Dawn: Come on, you know you like the nickname.

Yugi: Well I guess I do...

Dawn grabs the Millenium Puzzle, yanking Yugi into her living room.

Dawn: Is that real gold?

Yugi: ...Yes.

Dawn: Whoa.

Yugi: Look, are we gonna go see the others?

Dawn: Oh yeah.

Yugi and Dawn leave her house. As they are leaving her house, the wdjat appearsonYugi's, but quickly dissappears.

Next Chapter - A duel between Rival! Begin!

Turn 002 - Fight the spirits! The hero protects himself!

The weather had changed drastically, a storm had begun outside, but nothing would the boy from his task. He was down to the last piece.

???: Almost there.

The boy places the piece in place. Suddenly, darkness filled the room and duel monster spirits appeared.

???: What the-

The Millenium Puzzle begins to glow. The wdjat appears on the boy's head. He becomes taller and muscular.

???: Begone, creature of the shadow realm.

A shockwave of energy come from the puzzle, making the duel spirits disappear. The boy returns to his normal state.

???: What happened?

The boys sees the finished puzzle.

???: *Yawn* I'm tried.

The boy goes to bed.

*Screenshot of a workjotter on his table*

Yugi Kiyu.

Next Chapter - Awaken! The True Yugi Kiyu!

Turn 001 - A New Hero!

(This is a go at a making a Yu-Gi-Oh blog series. Hope you like it.)

I can remember the day I found it very fondly. I had been on an archaeological dig in Egypt with a few fellow colleagues for about six months, without much luck. We were about to pack up our gear, when we found an ancient tomb. In it we found a large gold sarcophagus with the seven millenium items as part of it. We began to remove the items from the sarcophagus. The leader of our dig, Marcus Lott, allowed me to take one of the items for myself. At first I declined, but after a while to ponder the idea of owning a millenium item, I quickly changed my mind. I had made my choice, but I could never bring myself to complete the puzzle after obtaining it.

A young boy puts down a book. A gold box laid before him, which contained the pieces of the Millenium Puzzle.

???: Grampa sure had a great find.

The boy puts his hands on his head and starts shaking his hair.

???: Now I know I've got to finish this puzzle. For Grampa.

The boy starts taking pieces out of the gold box and starts trying to put the pieces together.

Next chapter: 002 - Fight the spirits! The hero protects himself!