Yugi draws a card from his deck.
? Yugi: (I could summon her! For the first time!)[8000]I activate my two Foolish Burials to send my two Luster Dragon 2s to the grave, then I activate Double Summon to summon my two Magician's Valkyria and set one card face down in the spell and trap zone and end my turn.
Dereck starts to laugh.
Dereck: Ha! I expected more from you Yugi. But, it is my turn[8000]. I set one card face down defence mode, place two cards face down in thespell and trap zoneand end my turn!
Yugi draws his card. He smirks.
? Yugi: When we are dueling, call me Yami.
Dereck: Well "Yami", make your move.
Yami: Attack his face down, Valkyria! And this allows me to activate Magician's Circle to special summon Dark Magician Girl[2000/1700]!
Dereck: My face down monster is Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World[100/2100].
Yami: Aaah.[7500]
Dereck: What now?
Yami: I summon one of the most powerful duel monsters every created!
Dereck: Oh and what could that possibly be?
Yami: Have you heard of a card called Sky Dragon Valkyria?
A look of shock coversDereck's face.
Dereck: How can-
Yami: By tributing 1 Dark Magician on the field and removingtwo level six or higher dragons from my graveyard. So, come forth, Sky Dragon Valkyria[2500/2000]! By the way, if you know the card, it can't be destroyed by card effects during the turn it was special summoned and gains 500 ATK for each card in my hand! I end my turn!
Dereck: I draw, set one card face down defence mode and end my turn.
Yami: Lost confidence, Dereck? I draw, which powers up my Valkyria[3000/2000]! Valkyria attack Renge.
Renge is destroyed by a huge blast.
Yami: Valkyria, attack!
Valkyria attacks the face down. It is Armoured Zombie[1500/0].
Yami: I attack with my last Valkyria!
Dereck: Arrrggh![6400]
Yami: I end my turn.
Dereck: I set one card in the spell and trap zone. I end my turn.
Yami: My draw. (Perfect.) I tribute my two Magician's Valkyrias to summon the Dark Magician[2500/2100]! I activate theDark Magic Attack spellcard to destroy your face downs.
Dereck: No!!
Yami destroys Pot of Avarice and Mirror Force.
Yami: Dark Magician, Sky Dragon, attack!
Dereck: NO!![1400]
Yami: I end my turn.
Dereck: I draw. I set one card face down defense mode and end my turn.
Yami: My turn! Valkyria's attack is now 3000![3000/2000] Dark Magician, attack!
Yami destroys another Renge.
Yami: And now, Sky Dragon Valkyria, attack!
Dereck: NO!!![0]
Dereck falls to his knees.
Dereck: How did I lose?
The wdjat appears on Yami's head.
Yami: If you want to know how you lost...Pay the ultimate price! Mind Crush!!
Dereck collapses on the floor, while Yami walks over to Dawn.
Yami: Dawn, you OK?
Dawn opens her eyes.
Dawn: Hey, Yugi.
Next Chapter - Gain More Power! Keep Practising!
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