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Turn 020 - Question Time! The "Black Rose Witch" Tells All!

Yugi scans the nearby area, tryng to find the "Black Rose's" room. After a few minutes, he finds her room and enters it.

Yugi: So, you wouldn't happen to know who psyhco hair was, would you?

"BRW": I won't talk.

Yugi starts walking around the room.

Yugi: Well lets start simply, what's your real name?

"BRW": ....Abbie.

A surprised looked covers Yugi's face.

Yugi: Nice "first" name, but I meant your full name.

Abbie: Abbie Nightingale.

Yugi: Whow, very nice name. Now, who is Divine and what does he do?

Abbie: He gives people who have been isolated from normal society a home!

Yugi jumps off his feet.

Yugi: No need to shout!

Yugi sits down on a chair.

Yugi: ....Do you think you're up to moving tonight?

Abbie: Why?!

Yugi: 'Cause I don't think Divine was here just for my puzzle...I think he was also here to get rid of you.

Abbie: What?! You're trying to trick me, aren't you?!

Yugi stands up and heads for the door.

Yugi: I'm checking you out and making a phone call to my mum to set up the guest room.

Abbie: Why?

Yugi: Well, I can't have sleeping on the floor, can I?

Yugi leaves the room.

Next Chapter 021 - A Guest Staying, Always Trouble!

Turn 019 - Divine, You Think You Stand A Chance?!

Yugi is still hiding behind the chair as one of the Hinotama flames hits it and sets it on fire. Yugi stands to his feet and kicks the chair away.

Yugi: There's no point, I'll never give up my puzzle!

Divine: I could snap like a twig and you're telling me what to do?!

Yugi: Seems so.

Divine starts clapping his hands.

Divine: I expected nothing less from the holder of the puzzle. I'll give you chance, we have a duel for it, whoever wins gets or in you case, keeps the puzzle.

The puzzle gleams and Yugi changes into Yami. He then activates his duel disk.

Yami: Does this answer your question[8000]?

Divine activates his duel disk.

Divine: Yes, if a little blunt. I'll start[8000]!

Divine draws a card from his deck.

Divine: I activate the continous spell card, Teleport! Then I set one card in face-down defense mode with two face-downs in the spell and trap zone and end my turn.

Yami: I draw! I activate Ancient Rules to special summon Dark Magician[2500/2100] from my hand and then activate Dark Magic Attack to destroy all your spell and trap cards!

Teleport and the two face downs, Battle Teleportation and Psychic Soul are destroyed by the dark magic.

Yami: Don't think it's over, 'cause now I activate Sage's Stone to special summon Dark Magician Girl from my deck[2000/1700]! I then activate Nobleman of Crossout to destroy and remove from play your face-down!

The spell card destroys and removes from play Doctor Cranium[100/100].

Yami: I then summon my Gene-Warped Warwolf[2000/100] in attack mode! I equip Dark Magician with Axe of Despair, increasing his attack points by 1000{3500/2100} and equip my Warwolf with Synchro Boost!{Lv: 5; 2500/100} Now attack!

All of Yami's monsters attack Divine, winning Yami the duel.

Divine: Arrrrgh!![0] This isn't the end!

Divine runs towards the nearest stairwell. Yami changes back to Yugi. He looks around at the destruction caused by the duel.

Yugi: (Why do I keep blacking out like than?)

Next Chapter 020 - Question Time! The "Black Rose Witch" Tells All!

Turn 018 - Another Psychic?! Time to Meet Divine!

When Yugi finally reached thehospital, the doctors took the girl into intensive care.

Doctor: Can you give us any information on the patient?

Yugi: Uhh, no. I found her unconscious on the street.

Doctor: Really?

Yugi: ...Yeah.

The doctors starts doing tests on the girl, while Yugi waits in the waiting room, flicking through the magazines . After a few hours, a doctor comes out to see Yugi.

Yugi: How's she holding up doctor?

Doctor: Well, since she has no legalguardian, except a man called Divine, who we can't seemed to locate-

Man: Well here I am, in the flesh.

Yugi turns around to see a man wearing a green waistcoat and his fringebizarrely flicked up.

Yugi: Divine, I presume?

Divine: Ah, Yugi Kiyu, you have something I want.

Both Yugi and Divine look at the puzzle.

Divine: And unlike the weakling Ioriginallysent toretrieveit, I can handle true power! Hinotama!

Fire balls appears around Divine and fly towards Yugi. Yugi quickly flips at a chair and hides under it.

Yugi: I can tell this is going to be fun!

Next Chapter 019 - Divine, You Think You Stand A Chance?!

Turn 017 - A Fight Against a Witch?! Bring It On!

As the wind picks up, a discarded card packet is sent flying into Yugi's face, but Yugi grabs it and throws it away.

BRW: Now hand over your puzzle!

Yugi: No way!

BRW: My master wishes to have it and I will take it, by force! Pitch dark flower bloom, I summon Black Rose Dragon!

A large black sphere appears the Black Rose Witch. Meanwhile at the building at the center of the city...

Assistant: Sir, we're getting strange readings from the girl.

Man: It seems she's is too weak. I thought giving her Akiza's thoughts and feelings and a "fake" Black Rose Dragon would make her strong. But she was always going to be weak, nothing could have be done.

Back a the street, the black sphere transforms into the form of the Black Rose Dragon, except black and slime looking. The dragon wraps a vine around the girl.

BRD: This world will burn!

Yugi: Not if I've got anything to do with it!

BRD: You think a human like yourself can do anything to stop me?! I'll use the power in this girl to acheive more than you imagine!

Yugi smirks and picks up a pebble.

BRD: Why are you smirking?! Do you really think you can stop me with that pebble?!

Yugi: Oh yes, 'cause I know how to stop you! You're taking power from that girl, which I think is like when you download a song on to your computer, interrupt the process and the download stops.

BRD: What?!

Yugi throws the pebble and hits the girl on the head and knocks her out cold. The dragon starts to collaspe in on itself.

BRD: How?! How could I be defeated by a pathetic human?!

Yugi: Pride goy the best of you. Now you'll die. Simple.

The Black Rose Dragon fully collapses in on itself and the girl falls to the floor, cracking the mask.

Yugi: (This is looking bad. I'd better get her to hospitial.)

Yugi picks up the girl and heads toward the hospitial.

Next Chapter 018 - Another Psychic?! Time to Meet Sayer!

Turn 016 - A New Enemy! Queen of the Psychics!

Everyone is enjoying the party, but Yugi slips out through the back gate and starts walking deeper into the city.

Yugi: (Why is everyone celebrating? I haven't won yet-)

A cloaked figure stands in front of Yugi.

Figure: How can you be so strong?

Yugi: I'm just lucky.

Figure: It's more than lucky.

The figure stands under a street light, revealing that they are wearing a faceless mask with red hair coming down from their hood.

Yugi: Can I help you or something?

Masked: Do you not know who I am?

Yugi: No. Should I?

The masked figure raises their arms as a large gust of wind forces Yugi to cover his face.

Masked: I'm your worst nightmare, The Black Rose Witch!

Yugi: But, you're just an urban myth!

Black Rose Witch: Do I look like a myth to you?!

Yugi: No and that makes this more fun!

Next Chapter 017 - A Fight Against a Witch?! Bring It On!

Turn 015 - After Match Celebrations! Too Early?

Screams of joy emitted from Kiyu household as Yugi returned from the stadium. There was many people there, mainly close friends and family. Before he could even get through the door, he was shaking hands with everyone who came near him. When he finally managed to get in, his mum rushed upgave him a huge hug.

Yugi: What's wrong, mum?

Mum: Oh nothing's wrong Yugi, you've just made me so proud.

She tighten her hug.

Yugi: You're hurt me mum.

Mum: Sorry Yugi.

His mum stops hugging him.

Mum: You should go out back.

Yugi: Why?

Mum: It's a surprise.

Yugi makes his to his back garden through the back door in his kitchen. When he gets outside, he sees a lot of lights. Suddenly, a bunch of people jumps out of bushes.

Group: Surprise!

Yugi: You guys are the-

Davis: You were supposed to get scared!

Yugi: Well, uh, sorry.

Meanwhile in a building in the center of the city...

Assistant: Sir, we have the readings of the duel. There was an abnormal reading coming from the the Kiyu boy, though more likely from an external element.

Man: Hm, looks like we'll have to put him to the test...

Next Chapter 016 - A New Enemy! Queen of the Psychics!

Turn 014 - Yugi's Round! Draw!

Yugi covers his eyes from the lightsas he comes out of the corridor. Dawn and the others are in the sky box.

Davis: Talk about first-class treatment!

Dawn: Shouldn't you be paying attention to Yugi? He is just about to take part in the biggest duel of his life!

Davis: He'll have pleaty more!

Dawn: Boys...

As Yugi is looking up at the sky box, his opponent walks out on to the stage.

Opponent: Face me, boy!

Yugi turns to face his opponent and changes into his other persona, Yami. He sees a middle-aged woman wearing a tight suit.

MC: Ladies and gentlemen, please give a welcome to Yugi Kiyu, the plucky young duelist from New Domino City and his opponent, Jennifer Hall, an experienced pro-duelist from good ol' New York!

The crowd claps and cheers.

Yami: ..."Plucky"?

Jennifer: Yes and thats all you'll ever be, plucky!

Yami activates his duel disk.

Yami: Lets start this![8000] Skill before age, so I'll be going first! I draw! I set one card face down defense mode with another two cards setin the spell and trap zone. Turn end!

Jennifer: That all you've got? I draw.[8000] I discard "Thuder Dragon" from my hand to add two from my deck. I then activate Polymerization to call forth Twin-Headed Thuder Dragon![2800/2100]

Yami: In response, I activate Bottomless Trap Hole, to destroy and remove from play your monster!

A dark hole appears under Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon, which the dragon falls into as the hole starts to disappear.

Jennifer: Damn! Then I'll just summon Apocatequil![1800/1200] Now, attck his face down!

Yami's monster flips, revealing Golem Dragon.[200/2000]

Jennifer: Hm.[7800] I set one card face down and end my turn.

Yami: I draw then! I activate Stamping Destruction and use it not only to destroy your card in your spell and trap zone, but also inflict 500 points of damage to your life points.

The card is destroyed by a giant claw, also hitting Jennifer with 500 points of damage.

Jennifer: Aah![7300]

Yami: Now I tribute my Golem Dragon to summon Strong Wind Dragon![2400/1000] My monster gains half of my Golem Dragon's attack points since it was a dragon type that was used to summon it![2500/1000] Now attack!

Strong Wind Dragon attack and destroys Luster Dragon.

Jennifer: (I've not laid a hit on this kid yet, but he has hit me!)[6800]

Yami: I set one card and end my turn!

Jennifer: I draw! Oh dear, looks like your dragon's about to change sides, thanks to my Electric Virus!

Yami: What?!

Yami looks on as Jennifer discards her Electric Virus and his dragon flies over to her field.

Jennifer: Now attack!

Strong Wind Dragon flaps its wings, sending a strong gust of wind at Yami.

Yami: I don't think so! Go my trap, Magical Cylinder!

The gust of wind heads into the first cylinder and out of the other, straight at Jennifer.

Jennifer: No![4800] I set one card and end my turn.

Strong Wind Dragon returns to Yami's field.

Yami: I draw! I know activate Stamping Destruction to destroy your face down!

Jennifer: Again?![4300]

Yami: I summon Axe Dragonute![2000/1200] Both my monsters attack!

Jennifer screams as she is hit by both attacks.

MC: And the rising star, Yugi Kiyu, wins the duel.

Yugi changes back to normal.

Yugi: ....

Next Chapter 015 - After Match Celebrations! Too Early?

Turn 013 - The Time Has Come! Tournament, Begin!

A couple of weeks after Yugi's duel with Davis...

Yugi and his friends are in a waiting room at the Kaiba Corp. duel arena.

MC: Ladies and gentlemen, it the tournament you've all been waiting for, the King of Games tournament!

The crowd cheers as two duelists take center stage on the duel arena.

MC: Representing the Geekco Finacial Group, Harigashi Yiun!

The crowd cheers even loudly.

Harigashi: Thank you, Thank you!

MC: And representing Industrial Illusions, Vincent Dacer!

Vincent: I'm very proud to be representing Industrial Illusions in this tournament!

MC: With the formalities out of the way, let the duel begin!

Vincent and Harigashi begin their duel, while Yugi starts to get nervous.

Yugi: I can't do this! It's too huge!

Dawn: Yugi, you're a great duelist, be calm and you'll be fine.

Davis: And besides, whats the worse that could happen?

Yugi: I could lose.

Next Chapter - Yugi's Round! Draw!

Turn 012 - Vs Davis! A Tough Win!

Yugi and Davis walk to the opposite ends of Dawn's garden and activate their duel disks, while Kimi, Dawn and Andrew are watching.

Dawn: This is gonna be great. (Though is kinda hope Yugi loses, he's be too over-confident lately.)

Davis: You ready for a beatdown Yugi?

Yugi's persona changes.

Yami: Not really. But that's not going to happen!

Davis: I go first. I draw![8000] I summon Marauding Captain in attack mode![1200/400] and use its effect to special summon another Marauding Captain! I then activate The A. Forces to give my captain a boost of 200 ATK for each warrior or spellcaster on my side of the field, boosting their attack to 1600! I set one card face down and end my turn.

Yami: My turn! I draw![8000] I activate Lightning Vortex by discarding Strong Wind Dragon-

Davis: I activate my trap, Ready for Intercepting, to flip the first captain in summoned into face down defense mode!

The captain that is face up is destroyed by a lightning bolt.

Yami: I then activate Double Summon and summon two Magician's Valkyria![1600/1800] Now, one of you girls destroy his face down Captain!

A Magician Valkyria destroys the captain.

Yami: And my other Valkyria attacks you directly!

Davis: Ah.[6400]

Yami: I set one card in the spell and trap zone and end my turn.

Davis: Not bad. I draw! I set one card face down defense and end my turn.

Yami: My turn! I draw! Valkyria, attack! And I activate the trap, Magician's Circle and special summon Dark Magician Girl![2000/1700]

Yami's Valkyria attacks Little-Winguard[1400/1800].

Yami: Aaa.[7800] Now Dark Magician Girl, attack his Winguard!

Dark Magician Girl destroys Little-Winguard.

Yami:And a final attack from last Valkyria!

Davis: No.[4800]

Yami: I now activate Sage's Stone to special summon Dark Magician[2500/2100] from my deck. I end my turn.

Davis: I draw. I set one card face down defense mode and end my turn.

Yami: My draw. I summon Mystic Swordsman LV2[900/0] and attack your face down! And with its effect, destroy it immediately without flipping it!

Davis: Damn!

Mystic Swordsman LV2 sends Old Vindictive Magician to the grave.

Yami: My other monsters attack!

Yami's other monsters lauch their attacks on Davis.

Davis: No way![0]

Next Chapter - The Time Has Come! Tournament, Begin!

Turn 011 - Gain More Power! Keep Practising!

Two days after Yugi's duel with Dereck Dunoway...

Yugi is in Dawn's back garden with her, both with their duel disks active. Dawn is hit with an attack from Sky Dragon Valkyria.

Dawn: Another great duel, Yugi.

Yugi: Well, your getting better to Dawn.

Yugibegins to laugh as Dawn starts chasing him around the garden.

Dawn: Are you saying I was a bad duelist to begin with?!

Dawn manages to tackle Yugi to floor. As they both begin to laugh, they sliently look each otherin the eyes.

Davis: Are we interupting something?

Dawn: Yugi said I was a bad duelist?!

Yugi: All I said was that she was getting better!

Davis: How come you're still looking each other in the eyes, then?

Yugi and Dawn look over at Davis.

Dawn: So why are you here again?

Davis brandishes his duel disk.

Davis: To practise with Yugi!

Next Chapter-Vs Davis! A Tough Win!