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*WarMixedSoul123 Blog

033 - The Penalty Game Begins!! Heidmann's Game!!

Yugi is brought to an old warehouse in the depths of the city, hooded. When the hood was removed, he saw about a dozen tables overturned and poker card strewen all over the place.

Heidmann: So, want do you think? Not a bad place.

Yami: Yeah, even if it's a flithy dump, it's fitting for creeps like you.

Heidmann kicks Yugi to the floor and Yugi hurts his shoulder. He rubs it as he stands up.

Yami: What did you do with Horace?

Heidmann: AfterI took you from the corner, I sent Horace home with some escorts-

Heidmann takes out a cellphone.

Heidmann: And if you don't win, I might get those escorts to send him to the hospitial.

Yami: You scum!!

Heidmann: Ha! Well, what game do you want to play?

Yugi stays slient for a moment then walks over and picks up one of the deck of cards and starts shuffling it.

Yami: A game of chance. But first-

The warehouse interior is covered in darkness.

Yami: Let's set the mood.

Heidmann: What the F***?!

Yami: Here are the rules. In a moment, I will toss this deck of cards into the air and let them fall. Then we will take it in turn to pick up a card and whoever has the lowest value out of the two cardswill move closer to the flames.

Heidmann: What but-

Yami: Begin!!

Yugi tosses the cards into the air, as flames encircled the both of them,and they fall to the floor like rocks, facedown.

Yami: You start.

Heidmann looks at all the cards with a stressed look. He finally takes a card and looks at the number.

Heidmann: Hmm. Seven of hearts.

Yami: Guess it'smy turn.

Yugi walks over to the nearest card and picks it up.

Yami: Four of spades.

Yami is dragged by an unseen force towards the flames.

Heidmann: Looks like you're starting to lose.

Yami: So what. Next turn.

Heidmann takes another card from the floor.

Heidmann: Three of clubs. (There's no chance I'll get out of this.)

Yami takes a card from the floor.

Yami: Two of diamonds.

Yami is dragged back again.

Heidmann: Worried?

Yami: Never. You think just because the odds are again me you'll win?

Heidmann: Yeah.

Yami takes a card.

Yami: 8 of heart.

Heidmann: He's mine....2 of clubs.

Heidmann is dragged back.

Yami: I've picked the 5 of clubs!

Heidmann: I've picked, the 3 of hearts?!

Heidmann is dragged back again.

Yami: Our last cards. Nervous?

Heidmann: Never!!

Both Heidmann and Yugi take a card and reveal it to each other.

Yami: King of hearts!!

Heidmann: 9 of-

Heidmann screams as he dragged into the flames.

Yugi walks out of the warehouse and phones Horace to tell the goons that there boss needs medical attention.

Next Chapter 034 - The Next Round!! Duel!!

Turn 032 - Yugi Fights!! Protect A Place Filled With Memories!!

Yugi is walking down King's Street, a high soceity street which obviously had taken advantage of Jack Atlas' time as the King, billboards with his image now ripped off and replaced with an advert for perfume with Misty Tredwell posing on them. Yugi looks over at it for a second and then continues on with walk. After about five minutes of walking, he sees an old man carrying a garbage bag come out of a store. Yugi smiles.

Yugi: Horace!!

The man turns, seemingly responding to Yugi.

Horace: Yugi my lad, I haven't seen you in a while. How's your grandfather?

Yugi's smile dulls.

Yugi: He past away a couple of months back.

Horace: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Both are slient of a couple of moments until Horace bursts into sound.

Horace: Hey now, would you like to see the store? It's changed a lot this you were last in.

Yugi: Sure, Horace, I'd never miss the chance to see the "old gal".

Horace puts the garbage bag in the nearby bin and starts walking into the store he'd left. Yugi follows him in and reads the store's sign, "Horace's Game Store". Yugi strolled through the store, looking at all the kids with their parents, buying packs of cards and playing each other.

Horace: So, little guy, what brings a duelist of your standards back to this small time store?

Yugi looks amused.

Yugi: First off, I was just walking around, twoI could never truely turn my back on this place, after all, this is where I was taught how to duel and thirdly, "little guy"?

Both of them laugh. Then Horace quiets down.

Horace: Ah those were the days, I remember the first day and your troops marched in here.

Yugi: "Troops"?

Horace: Yeah, that boy and those two girls you played with back then.

Yugi: Oh them, yeah, I think I was about 7 or 8 when we came here.

Horace: Yeah....Anyways, can I get you anything to eat or drink?

Yugi: No thanks, I ate before I came out.

Horace: Well, this is last chance, I'm heading across the road to get a cheese and salad sandwich. Would you mind looking after the store while I go?

Yugi sighs.

Yugi: Sure. No problem.

Horace limps to the door and opens it, but he turns around.

Horace: If anyone comes in looking for me, tell'em I'm out of town at a card convention.

Horace leaves the store, leaving Yugi puzzled. While distracted, a boy about 9 walks up to counter, holding a structure deck.

Kid: Excuse me sir, but are you Yugi Kiyu, sir?

Yugi looks down at the kid, as some of the other kids crowd aroundthe first kid.

Yugi: Uhh, yeah, I'm Yugi. And you don't have to say sir.

Kid: Thanks you sir.

Yugi sighs.

Kid: Do you work here?

Yugi: Not really, just looking after it while the owner's at a card convention.

Kid: When's he back?

Yugi: Hmmm...About a couple of minutes. Why?

Kid: I wanted to buy this structure deck.

Yugi: Well, I can put it through the machine for you.

Kid: No, I'll wait for uncle Horace to come back.

Yugi: Okay then, I'll tell you when he's back.

Kid: Thanks, Mr. Kiyu.

The kid runs back into the group of kids. Yugi walks around to the back of the desk and sees an unmarked opened letter from a Heidmann Gyna. He avoids reading most of it, but reads "and you'd better get me that money, or else...". After a few minutes, Horace returns with a sandwich.

Yugi: Horace, can I talk with you, please?

Horace: Uh, Yeah, what's the problem?

Yugi: I didn't mean to but I read that letter on the desk. What have you gotten yourself into now?

Horace looks down.

Horace: I'll tell you when it's closing time.

4 hours pass, filled with the children's laughter, the sound of duels and the tense between Horace and Yugi. As Horace shuts up shop and starts walking home, Yugi catches up with him.

Yugi: Are you gonna tell me what's the matter now?

Horace: You know how a couple of years back my wife passed away.

Yugi: Yeah.

Horace: Well what you propably didn't know was that after that I spent less time in the store and it started failing. Bad. And when I finally realised, I promised myself I'd do anything to save it and that's when I met Heidmann Gyna-

???: And that would be me!!

A bright light surrounds them, as cars pull up around them.

Heidmann: And I'll be taken that money-

Heidmann looks down at the store.

Heidmann: Or I'll take that!

Yugi: No, you can't!!

The puzzle gleams as he changes persona.

Yami: So, you think you can take something someone has worked hard to create?

Heidmann: Yeah, so, what are you gonna do about it?

Yami: Hmm. How about we play a

Next Chapter 033 - The Penalty Game Begins!! Heidmann's Game!!

Sy might rage, I don't know...

It's been confirmed. Duel Transer will be out in Europe before North America. America gets it on the 7th of december whereas Europe gets it on the 26th of November!!(Less than a month away for me!)

Please post your comments and view(especially Syrusfan)

If you don't believe me, here's a line with the release date: it's being released in Europe as Master of the Cards)

Turn 031 - Showdown With A God?! The Outcome Is...?!

When we left Yugi last, he had began to turnament turboduel with a woman called Phoebe, who little did Yugi know that this woman has Phoebe Lott, granddaughter to Marcus Lott. As the duel began, Yugi changed into Yami and both duelistsroared around the track and that's not the only thing that roared. A surprise to all is when Phoebe tribute summoned 3 monsters to summon The Winged Dragon of Ra!! Now Yami is racing towards a near unstoppable monster.


Up in Goodwin's skybox as Ra is summoned...

Goodwin: So, this is the power you gave her?

Lott: Yes and with it, she shall win!

Goodwin looks smug.

Goodwin: We both know you don't mean that.

Back down on the track, Yami is racing towards Ra...

Phoebe: [SPC: Yugi-3 Phoebe-2]Now I activate Ra's effect! I pay life points till I only have 100[100] to increase Ra's attack and defnse by the life points I paid!

Ra roars as it's attack and defenseis increase to 7900.[7900/7900]

Phoebe: Now Ra, attack Dark Magician Girl!

Yami shields himself as DMG is engulfed by the fiery breath of Ra[1100]. He is sent off-course by the heat of the blast. He reassurts himself.

YamI: (That attack...felt too real!! I don't know what's up with that card, but I can not allow it to attack me directly!)

Phoebe: And don't think you can activate a trap or spell or monster effect! Ra negates all of those until my next standby phase! I end my turn!

Yami draws a card. He looks at it and smiles.

Yami: Right then, I don't trust that card, so I'll be stopping it!![SPC: Yugi-4 Phoebe-1]Phoebe: This card is almighty! And you think you can stop it?!

Yami: Yeah, didn't you get that from, "so I'll be stopping it"?

Phoebe: For such an unskilled duelist, you're funny, I'll give you that.

Yami: I special summon Spell Striker[600/400] by removing from play Double Summon from my graveyard. I end my turn!

Phoebe bursts into tremendous laughter.

Phoebe: That's all you've got? Pathetic! Even if you attacked, I would've stopped it with theNegate Attack I set last turn.

Yami: ....

MC: It appears that Yugi's indomitable fighting spirit has been crushed, allowing himself to make no use of an incredibly useful card. But is this true? Can Yugi have given up hope...?

Phoebe: [SPC: Yugi-5 Phoebe-1] I draw! Now Ra, burn his puny warrior.

Ra launches a huge flame at Spell Striker. The crowdgasp as Spell Striker is engulfed and are even more shocked by Yugi's response.

Yami: I have something to tell, Phoebe....My monster is stronger!!

Phoebe: Please like that's even tru-

She looks down at the monster attack gauge and see Ra registers only 0.

Phoebe: What?! But how...?!

Yami: The power you think Ra has, is an illusion-

A trap card is shown on Yugi's field called Spellbinding Illusion.

Yami: My trap causes your monster to have it's effect negated and reduce it's attack by 500.

Phoebe looks on in awe as Spell Striker flies through the flame and taps Ra on it's skull and bursts it into pieces.

Phoebe: [0] No!!

Her runner spins out of control and crashes into the barrier. Yami changes back into Yugi, who grinds to a hault at her side.

Yugi: Phoebe!!

Immediatly, paramedics come to attend to Phoebe and cart her off. One of the paramedics comes over to Yugi and hands Yugi a card face-down.

Paramedic: Here Mr. Kiyu, your card.

Yugi takes the card and flips it. He reads the name.

Yugi: The Winged Dragon of Ra....

This card cannot be Special Summoned. You must Tribute 3 monsters to Normal Summon this card (you cannot Set this card). The Normal Summon of this card cannot be negated. When this card is Normal Summoned, Spells, Traps and other monsters' effects cannot be activated until your next Standby Phase. When this card is Normal Summoned, you can pay Life Points so that you only have 100 left, to have this card gain ATK and DEF equal to the amount of Life Points paid. You can pay 1000 Life Points to select and destroy 1 monster on the field.


Goodwin and Lott look smug.

Goodwin: Our plan is going off without a hitch. And what of your granddaughter?

Lott looks sour.

Lott: She has only failed herself. Though not me. I will make sure she's well looked after.


Yugi is sitting up in his room, looking at the Winged Dragon of Ra card.

Yugi: This card is so familiar...why?

He takes his deck out and shuffles the Winged Dragon of Ra card into his deck.

Yugi: All I know is, I've got a god card.

Yugi gives a gentle smile.

Next Chapter 032 - Yugi Fights! Protect A Place Filled With Mermory!

Turn 030 - The Ante Rule! An Unstoppable Force Is Summoned?!

After two days of tweaking his runner, Yugi had to rush to stadium, his friends frantically following, while also getting into his riding suit. When he finally reached the stadium, the MC was starting to rally up the onseers.

MC: Ladies and Gentleman!! Get yourselves ready for one of the most thrilling duels of the tournament! The rising star Yugi Kiyu will now be taking on the queen of riding of riding duels herself-

The rev of an engine is heard, as a duel runner bursts through the stadium garage door and on to the track. The rider takes her helmet off and long blonde hair falls from her helmet.

MC: Phoebe Lott!!

Phoebe: Please enough! I can't stand all this attention, besides, where is opponent of mine?

The crowd cheer with intense passion and start clapping. But stop when they hear the rev of another runner. Suddenly, a blue runner rushes through the stadium's main enterance and grinds to a hault in front Phoebe.

Phoebe: Yugi Kiyu, I presume?

The rider takes their helmet off.

Yugi: Yes, ma'am.

Phoebe: I'm the same age as you.

Yugi rubs the back of his head.

Yugi: Sorry about that, I'm just a bit nervous. This is my first big turbo duel.

Phoebe: Well, let's just have fun.

She puts her hand out for a handshake and returns the handshake.

Yugi: Yeah, let's.

Yugi walks back over runner and puts his helmet backon.

Yugi: (Nothing to worry about, it's just like any other duel, except at over 100 miles per hour...)

At the same time, up in Goodwin'sskybox, Marcus Lott enters and Goodwin turns to face him for a second. He then turns back to face the track.

Goodwin: ...I see you've put your plan into motion.

Lott: Yes I have old friend, and we shall see...

Goodwin: Yes, soon. But tell me, was getting your granddaughter to this level in the tournament?

Lott: No, she chose to do this all by herself...

Both give a small laugh before continuing to watch the duel.

Phoebe/Yugi: Riding duel!! Acceleration!

Both fly off the starting line at immense pace.

Phoebe: Since I'm the one here with the most experience in turbo dueling, I'll go first! I draw![SPC: Yugi-1 Phoebe-1LP:8000] I summon Spore Knight in defense mode[Lv:3/Warrior/Wind/1400/1900/When this card is destroyed by battle, you can special summon 2 "Sporling Tokens"(200/200) in attack mode] and set two cards face-down and end my turn!

Yugi: Right, I draw![SPC:Yugi-2 Phoebe-2LP:8000]

Yugi's runner strafes as Yugi changes into Yami.

Yami: I activate the Speed Spell - Acceleration Limiter, so during your next two standby phasesyou cannot gain Speed counters.

Phoebe: Yeah, like that's gonna save you!

Yami: I activate the Double Summon speed spell! I summon Quilbolt Hedgehog and release it to summon Dark Magician Girl![2000/1700]

DMG appears on Yugi's field and flicks her hair.

MC: Yugi's just summoned one of his classic monsters!! Will this affect the play of the game?

Yami: Dark Magician Girl, attack Spore Knight!

DMG speeds forward and smashes Spore Knight. But it splits into 2 fluffy spheres.

Phoebe: Thanks Yugi, 'cause now I've got two sporlings to protect me now!

Yami: Wasn't Spore Kinght doing a good enough job?

Phoebe: Funny.

Yami: I set two cards face-down and end my turn.

Phoebe: I must say Yugi, for someone who might lose their rarest card you seem awfully...upbeat.

Yami: What do you mean?

Phoebe: This duel is under Ante rules. You lose, you hand over your rarest card to the winner.

Yami: Ah, grr.

Phoebe: Here I come! [SPC: Yugi-3 Phoebe-2] I activate the Fiend's Sanctuary speed spell to special summon a Metal Fiend Token[0/0] by removing 1 speed counter.[SPC: Yugi-3 Phoebe-1]Now, Yugi, what do you expect me to do?

Yami remains slient and then smiles.

Yami: Tribute two of the tokens for a summon and the other for an effect?

Phoebe laughs.

Phoebe: You're close. I'll be tributing all three of my tokens to summon-

The three swirl into a tornado high in the sky, but suddenly erupt in a bright light.

Phoebe: The Winged Dragon of Ra!![????/????]

Yami: What?!

Phoebe: Like I said, whoever wins gets their opponent's rarest card-

She raises her arm.

Phoebe: This is my card! My unstoppable force!!

The scene ends with Yami riding towards The Winged Dragon of Ra.

Next Chapter 031 - Showdown With A God?! The Outcome Is...?!

Turn 029 - A Duel Begins at a High Pace!

Yugi is looking through all the speed spell cards he'd bought in his front room with Dawn

Yugi: I really don't get this way of dueling.

Dawn: Well, you're the one who said they have to learn to turbo duel.

Yugi puts his hands on the back of his head.

Yugi: Well, at least we've got the deck sorted out.

Dawn: That's something, I guess...

Dawn holds back laughter. Yugi looks at her.

Yugi: Oh come, it's not that funny.

Abbie walks into the front room and sees Yugi and Dawn sitting together.

Abbie: Oh, sorry, have you finished that deck? It's been over three days... Am I interrupting something?

Yugi quickly stands.

Yugi: No, what is it, Abbie?

Abbie: Some Kaiba Corp van just pulled up at the front of the house.

Yugi: Great!

Yugi runs outside and sees a blue duel runner being unloaded from a Kaiba Corp. branded van.

Yugi: Incredible! This is fanstatic!

Abbie: It's just a runner.

Dawn: Though it is quite awesome.

Yugi grabs the handles and starts hauling it into his garage.

Yugi: (My next duel is gonna be incredible!0

Meanwhile, at the Kaiba Corp head office, Mr. Lott is sitting in his chair sipping a glass of brandy when three people enter his office.

???(1): So we heard Yugi got his runner.

Mr. Lott puts his drink.

Mr. Lott: You would be correct. So I guess you're here to see who'll be dueling him next.

One of the people step forward.

???(2): No need to wonder. I'll be dueling him-

The person puts their hand out.

???(2): So I'll be needing the card you promised me.

Mr. Lott: Of course, my dear.

He reaches into his jacket, pulls out a card and hands it to the person.

Mr. Lott: Do your grandfather proud, Phoebe.

Phoebe smiles.

Phoebe: Will do gramps.

She walks out of the office, followed by the two other people.

Phoebe: (And with this power, I'll be unstoppable!)

Turn 030 - The Ante Rule! An Unstoppable Force Is Summoned?!

Character Profiles and Themes

I have been inspired by Marina's character profiles and song, I feel I should do the same with my characters.

Dawn Smith: Hot'n'Cold (Suits the image)

Judai Taiyou: Viva La Vida

Mrs. Kiyu: The Doctor Forever(First part suits her)

Johan Maruki: Taiyou

Quartz: Check Yes Juliet(Not sure about song)

Abbie Nightngale: Heart Bursts into Fire

Yugi "Yami" Kiyu: Sanctuary(Not sure about song and image)

Maxwell Fudo: makemagic

Thanks for having a look(if you had a look) and come again. Please leave your comments, both good and bad.

Turn 028 - Yugi Rides into the Night! Riding Duel, Acceleration!

Yugi is walking around his front garden with a paniced look on his face.

Yugi: Come on, come on, come on, come on! How long does it take a postman to deliver a runner license?!

Ms. Kiyu walks out the front door.

Ms. Kiyu: Still not here yet?

Yugi: No...

Ms. Kiyu: Well, don't worry, I'm sure they'll be here soon.

After another 2 hours waiting, the postman appears and makes his way up Yugi's path.

Postman: Excuse me, are you Yugi Kiyu?

Yugi: Yes, finally!

Postman: Good, I've got a letter for you from the D.R.L.D.(Duel Runner License Distributors). Here.

The postman hands Yugi the letter whichYugi snatches from him. The postman mumbles something under his breath as he leaves. Yugi rips opens the letter and sees a small photograph of himself on a runner license.

Yugi: Yes! Now I can drive my runner.

Dawn: But you don't have a runner.

Yugi jumps back as he notices Dawn at his front gate.

Yugi: What?!

Dawn: You don't have a runner.

Yugi: Oh yeah...But I need one!

Dawn: Just cause everyone's got one you don't need one.

Yugi: But I need one, actually! The next match in the tournament is a turbo duel!

Dawn laughs.

Yugi: What now?

Dawn: Do you even have any Speed spells?

Yugi scrathes his head.

Yugi: No.

Dawn: Well, how about this, me and you go into town, get some speed spells and a runner?

Yugi: I don't have enough money to buy a runner.

Dawn: You're right....But what about sponsor?

Yugi: Kaiba Corp?

Dawn: You could ask them to get you one.

Ms. Kiyu: That's a good idea.

Yugi jumps again and falls over.

Yugi: Why is everyone creeping up on me today?

Ms. Kiyu: I'll phone them in a bit. You two head into town.

Dawn drags Yugi by his collar. After a few hours, they return with a bundle of card packs.

Yugi: This is gonna take awhile.

Next Chapter 029 - A Duel Begins at a High Pace!

A new blog series travels through the vortex and into life....

I am a fan of Doctor Who, I can't lie. But I have an idea developing in my head for a while. I plan to create a Doctor Who blog series. So this is where you guys reading this far in can help. Suggest a companion for my "Doctor". Here's his profile~

Name: ???

Alias: The Doctor

Age: 100+

Apperance: Black waist coat, white shirt, black tie, black trousers, black converse, brown overcoat, brown hair, light green eyes.

Bio: Born from female born from a generated anomaly from the planet Messaline, his mother travelled the universe, saving worlds, galaxies anddoing lot of running. Her "father" also went by the name, "The Doctor", though it is believed that our new hero took up the name after his mother's death. He travelled the universe in the conventional way, just through space. He ditched this form of travel when he was exploring the ruins of theQuai Moon, a completely man-made city left by colonists after it became "unstable". He came across a spaceship of immense power and the stuff of legend, a TARDIS. It was at this point our new hero began to save the universe. Though he always missed the company of others...

Thanks for reading this far. Now, nothing has been finalised, so this may never get made. Have a nice day on me, WarMixedSoul123.

Turn 027 - Signer Encounter!

Yugi and his friendsleave the duel stadium and come to a set of street lights with a zebra crossing.

Davis: That was a great win, Yugi!

Yugi: Yeah, I guess...

Yugi looks ahead and sees a boy with blue hair walk out onto the zebra crossing, just as a Duel Runner speeds into sight. Yugi runs out onto the road and pulls the kid back. The Runner whizzs past barely missing the kid.

Yugi: What do you think you're playing at?! You could have been killed!

Kid: Hey, lemme' go, lemme' go, lemme' go!

Yugi lets go of the kid.

Andrew: Do kids whine like this all the time?

Yugi: You should know.

Andrew: Yeah....Wait-

Kid: You'd better go away! I've got plans to meet some friends!

Yugi: I'm not denying that. But did you want to meet them as a flapjack or as....What is your name?

Kid: Leo!

Yugi covers his ears.

Yugi: No need to shout! Geez, you save someone's life...

A girl walks beside Andrew, with the same face as Leo.

Girl: What's he done?

Leo: Luna! Thanks goodness! This pulled me from the road while I was crossing!

Yugi: He was going to get flattened by a runner.

Luna: What have I told you about crossing the road?!

Leo: ...Look both ways before you cross.

Leo and Luna starts bickering with each other. Yugi and his friends walk across the road to the other.

Yugi: Ever get the feeling you're going to meet someone again.

Next Chapter 028 - Yugi Rides into the night! Riding Duel, Acceleration!