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Yugioh Nexus 001 - The Long Day...

The screen fades in, showing a large duel stadium with hundreds of duel fans screaming and cheering as two duelists walk out onto the centre platform. The first is a teenage boy with spiked, light brown hair and a blue jacket with turned up sleeves, but the other duelist appears to be shaded, with no real stand-out features.

Duelist#1: This is where it ends! Me and you, still the end! Winner takes all!

The other duelist remains slient, looking away for a moment then turns back, beginning to speak. But instead of his words being spoke, they appear beside him as subtitles.

Duelist#2: This has been long over due and I know you've been looking forward to this, so lets not waste time.

Duelist#1: You got that right!

Duelist#1 reaches into their pocket and throws a D-Gazer into the air and jumps after, grabbing it and putting it on. Duelist#2 simply places the D-Gazer on.

Duelist#1/2: D-Gazer, set ON!

Then both players then activate their duel disks.

Duelist#1/2: Duel!

Duelist#1: I'll take the first turn! Dra-

???: Yukio!!

Duelist#1: Eh?! What's going on?!

???: Yukio, wake up! I've told you before about sleeping in to this time!

Yukio punches his hands together.

Yukio: Damn! And I was close to finally dueling you...

Duelist#2: That's ashame. Oh well, see you later.

Yukio waves his hand as the world around him seems to fade in and out of sight. Quickly, the world seems to fill with darkness.


Moments later he is sitting up in his bed, rubbing his eyes. An older woman enters his room, wearing a suit.

???: Come on now. I've been calling you for ten minutes now, Yukio. I thought you were having an early night?

Yukio jumps off his bed.

Yukio: Well, Tomi-

Satomi: It's Satomi, Yukio.

She closes her eyes and an angry look covers her face , as Yukio hurriedly bings picking up clothes and his D-Pad.

Yukio: W-well, I was going to, but then this great movie about dueling legends came on, and it gave me an idea and then-

Just as he's about to finish his sentence when a man Satomi's age walks into the room.

Satomi: Ah, Katsu, I hope your morning been well.

Katsu: Uh, yeah mine's been fine, but I don't think your's is going to be...

Satomi: Why?

As Satomi begins talking to Katsu, Yukio begins to slip out of his room, tip-toeing down his stairs, picking up his deck, D-Board and putting his shoes on. A sudden burst of sound erupts from upstairs.

Satomi: Yukio did what..?!!

Yukio runs into action, running outside, jumping onto his D-Board and heading out of his pathway. Over his shoulder we can the ruins of a failed Da Vinci-styled flying machine in a flower bed. Satomi runs out of the house screaming at the top of her voice.

Yukio: I know, I'll fixed it later!!

Yukio chuckles at little to himself as he turns another corner.
The scene changes to show a huge, white building with red, blue and white lights flying around it. The view changes to show a large corridor with two large doors at both ends. The end set rushes open as another teenager, wearing white robes. The teenager rushes again through the other doors, seeing an old man in bed . He runs to the old man's side, grabbing his hand, as nurses come to both their sides.

Teenager: Teacher?! What's wrong?

A nurse stands at the boy's side.

Nurse: He was in a lesson, when he was suddenly, covered in a dark aura. It seems all the energy he had has gone.

She puts a hand on the boy's shoulder.

Nurse: I'm sorry Shadow, but if we can't find what caused this, then I'm afraid that he'll-

Shadow: Don't even finish that sentence!! He'll get better, don't you worry!! I'll do whatever it takes!
Yukio is continuing on his board, when he see a boy about his age, wearing a green jacket, closed up using a belt buckle, standing next to a girl wearing a cream t-shirt and bunnched up black hair. The girl starts waving and the other nods at Yukio as he appoarches.

Yukio: Kazumi? Seiji? I thought we were going to meet up at the school when we are going to school?

Kazumi and Seiji share a glance.

Seiji: Yukio...School finished yesterday.

Yukio: What..?! Seriously?

Kazumi: Yeah, y'know? For summer.

Yukio slaps his head.

Yukio: I could I have forgotten...Especially since I played that awesome trick on the principle.

Kazumi's eyes widen as Seiji bursts into laughter.

Seiji: Oh yeah. How could you have forgotten?

Kazumi: That was you!

Yukio rubs the tip of his nose.

Yukio: Yes ma'am.

They all begin walking into the city as screen begins looking up at the sky.
The screen changes back to the white building, showing a small room filled with information on dueling and images of duelists. In the corner, Shadow is sitting on the floor, cradling his legs in his arms.

Shadow: Teacher...How can this be happening to you?

He begins to softly cry to himself. Just then he hear a knock on his door and sees a note past under. Hurriedly, he wipes his eyes clear of tears and picks it up. As he begins to read the note, a joy to come to his eyes.

Shadow: This could be the solution to Teacher's problem!! I have to hurry!

Shadow runs out of his room, a smile returning to his face. As he is running, a shadowed figure is seen peering into Shadow's room. They begin to walk off.

???: What a child. Little does he realise what he's about unleash.

The figure fades away into darkness.
Yukio is in the middle of a duel as Seiji and Kazumi.

Kazumi: Go Yukio!

Seiji: Show them what you've got!

Yukio: Alright! Kachi Kochi Dragon! Diamond Crunch!

Duelist: Gaa..?![0]

The duelist is sent flying as Yukio fist pumps.

Yukio: That's another win. I'm on a roll!

???: Is that so?

Yukio turns to see a large teenager, cracking their knuckles. An sweat bubble appears on the back of his head.

Yukio: J-Jared? What a surprise!

Jared: You know I got blamed, don't you?

Yukio: For what?

Jared: The trick you pulled on the principle.

Yukio begins to look worried.

Yukio: L-look Jared, surely we can settle this like gentleman.

Jared puts his hands together.

Jared: Oh sure. First, I'm going to ruin your run and second, beat the cr[@]p out of you!

Yukio looks like he's thinking.

Yukio: Okay, let's do this!

Kazumi/Seiji: What?!

Yukio pats Seiji's shoulder.

Yukio: Don't worry, I've got a handle of things. Let's settle this!!

Yukio sets his D-Gazer on as Jared does the same.

Both: D-Gazer, set ON!

Yukio's deul disk materialises from his D-Pad.

Both: Duel!![4000]
Back at the white building, Shadow is seen holding a strange sword as he stands next a strange door with symbols that appear to shift around on the door.

Shadow: This is the only way...I have to find someone to help...

He brings the sword above his head and brings it down, full-force on the lock. And as the lock cracks, light pours in through the cracks, just as other residents begin to run. The nurse from seems to be in panic.

Nurse: Shadow! Please tell me you didn't..!

Shadow: I'm sorry. But I've been told that opening the Numbers' Door will help teacher...

The light envelops Shadow.

Shadow: Soon, I'll find the person who can help...
Yukio: I'll take the first turn. Draw! I summon Gorago Dragon![1200/1700] I set a card and end my turn.

Jared: So, you've just been fighting weakling, huh? 'Cause there's no way you could win with such pathetic cards!

Yukio: Then stop whinning and get on with it!

Jared: Haa! Fine, it's just nice to see you've got some spirit. Draw! I summon Power Captain![1600/1000]

Yukio: What?! With a name like "Power" Captain, you'd think it have some power.

Jared wangs his index finger.

Jared: How wrong you are. When my Captain attacks a face-up monster, he gains 500 ATK!!

Yukio moves back, startled.

Yukio: W-what?!

Jared: Power Captain, go! Assault Punch!

Captain jumps into the air and slams down on Gorago, destorying as it jumps back to Jared.

Jared: Well? What have you got to say to that?

Yukio: I say...Monster effect, go! Since Gorago was destroyed by battle, I can special a level 3 from my deck!

A card sticks out from Yukio's deck. He pulls it from his deck and summons it.

Yukio: I call Valor Dragon!![1400/300]

Jared: Rr..? I set two cards and end my turn!

Yukio: Alright. Draw!

Yukio looks at the card and grins.

Yukio: I summon Zubaba Warrior![1600/300]

Kazumi: Alright! With those cards he can-

Seiji: Yeah, I know what he can do. Go on, Yukio.

Yukio: Don't worry. I now activate the Star Calculator spell card! Now I pay any mulitiples of 500 life points[4000-1000=3000] to dispense Star counters on monsters equal to the mulitiples paid.

Two small come from the Star Calculator card and land on Zubaba and Valor.

Yukio: And those counters increase th elevel of each monster by 1.

Jared: No way!

Yukio picks up and overlays the two monsters. He begins to reach for his extra deck.

Yukio: And the card that is going to deal you pain is-

Jared: No one! I activate the trap card, Sealed Dimension! This turn, 'till the end phase, you can't Xyz summon!

Yukio: What?!

Jared: I was prepared for you and all Xyz users!

Yukio: Hm...I set a card and end my turn.

Jared: I draw. I now tribute Power Captain, to summon Power General![2300/1600] When this card is summoned, I can take a "Power" monster from my deck and add it to my hand.[Unknown card] Now, General attacks your weak knight!

General rushes at Zubaba and upcuts him.

Jared: And like Captain before him, he gains a 500 ATK boost!

Yukio: Yeah, I might take some damage, but I can protect Zubaba! I remove his Star counter to prevent his destruction!

The counter changes into an aura that covers Yukio.

Yukio: Gaa!![1800]

Yukio is sent flying through the air by a shockwave caused by the impact.

Jared: I set a card and end my turn.

Yukio gets to his feet.

Yukio: This...will be be painful. Draw!

Suddenly, a light erupts from the ground centred on Yukio, causing what looks like a xyz summon spiral.

Yukio: Whoa!

The light lunges at Yukio, covering him. He shuts his eyes, as a sharp pain courses around his body.
Yukio opens his eyes. He see strange lights flying around him, seemingly looking at him. Yukio moves forward carefully.

Yukio: This is creeping me out. H-hello..?

Yukio turns as he begins to a cracking sound from behind him. He turns to see a large door slowly begin to open. But with a sudden jerk that catches Yukio off guard,the dooropens fully.

A figure makes their way through the doorway and towards Yukio, who jumps to his feet.

Yukio: Ooay'! How are you? Why did I shout?!

The figure seems to smile and puts their hand out for a handshake.

Figure: My name is Shadow.

Yukio: "Shadow", huh? Well, I'm Yukio.

Yukio gets hold of Shadow's hand and shakes it.

Yukio: Pleasure to meet you.

Suddenly, the flying lights being to swarm around Shadow and Yukio. Yukio begins to panic as Shadow just looks around.

Shadow: So, these are the Numbers?

Yukio turns, only to jump back.

Yukio: Look out!!

Yukio begins to run at Shadow, but it's too late. The Numbers begin to fly through Shadow's back and out his chest and fly past Yukio. Yukio holds his arm over his eyes, to deal with the sudden increase of light. The light seems to disappear and Yukio moves his arm. Shadow is still standing there, but his eyes seem dulled. Then, without warning, he evapourates into light, leaving a card-shaped light in the air. It charges at Yukio and pierces his chest. He staggers for a moment, then falls, face first, to the ground.
Yukio was woken by the sound of Kazumi's worried ridden voice.

Kazumi: Yukio? Yukio!

Yukio: Mmft..? What is it?

Kazumi: Thank goodness! You're okay!

Kazumi, with Seiji's help, help Yukio to his feet. Yukio begins checking his chest for a entry wound, but there was nothing there.

Jared: Oh, hello, weakling!

Yukio looks over at Jared and he looks shocked. Jared had changed, he was covered in a dark aura.

Jared: Time for you to lose!! And when you do, I'll be taking your Number card!

Yukio: What? But I don't have a Number card. Number..? But I'll beat you all the same!

Yukio charges at Jared and is about to draw when an arm appears in his vision. The slides to a stop before he hits it.

???: You shouldn't charge into this battle.

Yukio looks up and gasps. In the air beside him, the boy from the light room was there. Yukio looked on at both Shadow and Jared.

Yukio: Why?

Shadow looks down at Yukio.

Shadow: ...It could cost you your life.

The screen then freezes showing Yukio and Shadow looking over at Jared with his dark aura, while Kazumi and Seiji continue to watch.


(Yukio)What are you talking about,"cards from a different dimension"? (Shadow)Numbers are powerful entites, beings not to be triflied with!
Next time: The Long Day Goes On, The World Expands for Yukio!!

Nexus Announcement!!

Here it is, Yugioh Nexus! Here we see a new world, where Synchros don't exist(yet) and everyone is getting excited about the arrival of the Xyz and none more than the new hero of the story, Yukio Kouno! Watch as he begins to protect and collected the rogue Numbers cards and begin to see a terrible threat that isn't just going to hurt those Yukio knows, but seeks out the Numbers for its own evil purpose.

Main Characters:

Name: Yukio Kouno

Age: 14

Grade: 8th

Job: Number Hunter

Personality: Naive, out-going, troublesome, loyal, hates injustice.

Appearance: Light brown, spiked hair, medium build, blue jacket with turned up sleeves, grey shirt with a coiled dragon design on it, black jeans with a tear in the right knee and light blue running shoes.

Background: Born on 27th of February 21XX, Yukio lived with his mother and father in Kyoto until his parents were killed in a road accident when he was 6 and was sent to live with his sister Satomi (aged 21) in Ohayashi, in the north. Yukio spent the rest of his childhood making friends with Seiji and Kazumi.

Partnered Number(s): Number 00: Shadow Crusader

Name: Satomi Kouno

Age: 29

Grade: N/A

Job: Lawyer

Personality: Hard-working, caring, funny, smart.

Appearance: Light brown, long, straight hair, tall build, grey suit jacket, white button-up shirt, black tie, grey suit trousers and black slip-ons shoes.

Background: Born on 5th of May 21XX, Satomi was an excellent pupil of Kyoto High School, showing great academic skills in all areas. After having a couple of relationships at the school, Satomi decided to hold off on relationships until she'd achieved her goal: to become a lawyer. So after she'd finished at Kyoto High, she was offered a place Ohayashi University which she accepted. In her third year, her parents died and she began looking after her little brother Yukio. During the time between this point and the beginning of the story, she began working Ohayashi Law Firm and began a relationship with Katsu Sakei, who she is now currently engaged to.

Partnered Number(s): ???

Name: Kazumi Kojima

Age: 14

Grade 8th

Job: Paper round

Personality: Strong-willed, smart, easily believes in people.

Appearance: Black, short hair, bunched up with a bobble at the back, small build, cream t-shirt with the words "Go Win!" printed on it, jumper tied around her waist, sky blue skirt and black slip-ons.

Background: Born on 23th of October 21XX, Kazumi has spent her entire life in Ohayashi and began dueling at a young age. When she was six she enrolled at Ohayashi Elementary School, two years later, she meets a young Yukio and Seiji. After talking to them and seeing they also dueled, challenged Yukio, which he barely won. After her defeat, she was unperturbed and offered to help Yukio, and at a guess Seiji, to perfect their dueling techniques. And they've been friends since.

Partnered Number(s):???

Name: Seiji Rin

Age: 14

Grade: 8th

Personality: Can be cowardly, but always does what is right in the end, studious, respects fellow duelists.

Job: Works at his mother bakery during the weekends [As seen in episode 4]

Appearance: Light black, short hair, medium build, green buckle-up jacket, black t-shirt with Yin and Yang symbol on it, grey trousers and black converse.

Background: Born on 25th of March 21XX, Seiji was raised with the idea that "Knowledge is Power", and began working on increasing his knowledge, rivalling many of his classmates in academics, but never felt like he had any real friends, until he met Yukio, which in turn lead to him meeting Kazumi and began his steady increase of skills in duelling.

Partnered Number(s): ???

Name: Miyoko Ito

Age: 15

Grade: N/A

Personality: Calm, subtle, unyielding nature.

Job: Number Hunter

Appearance: White drench coat with sliver details, shoulder-length blonde hair, white plain t-shirt, locket with picture of family(revealed later), white trousers and white running shoes.

Background: Born on 12th of August 21XX in a different dimension, she was the member of a respected political figure family; until she ran away after learning she was adopted. Eventually, she found the Nx society, who had dedicated their lives to protect the safety of mankind in all dimensions. She was tasked with investigating strange energy signals coming from a different dimension and travelled there, but while heading there she encountered a powerful being...

Partnered Number(s): Number XX: Scarlet Scythe

Name: Ryuu Ageda

Age: ???

Grade: N/A

Personality: Arrogant, ruthless, anger

Job: Number Hunter

Appearance: Short, spiked black hair, black drench coat, grey shirt with blue griffin on it, black trousers, black running shoes, video communicator to speak to his boss(revealed later)

Background: Not much is known about Ryuu's childhood, but he seems to have a deep hatred of the Numbers cards and seemed to be pained when summoning them...

Partnered Number(s): Number 82: Oblivion Dragon.

Episodes will be coming soon, as will the opening and ending! Thanks for reading!

Series Announcment!!

Due to my lack of interest in continuing it, Soul Makers has been cancelled for now. This series will be replaced by an upcoming project...As for Turn, it won't be coming as thick as fast as it use to be, as Legends will be taking up much of my time. As for the upcoming project, here's a sneek peak sorta' thing. Here is the main character's Ace~

No.00 The Shadow(Effect not final. You can make suggestions)

Legends 001-The Synchro Genius Arrives

"This world is not meant for just for you! If you truely don't understand, you leave me no choice!!"


A teenager is seen looking out of a window from a waiting room.

Teenager: I need to find the person who told me those words. They truely gave me power!!

A older woman enters the room.

Woman: Ketzu, your next opponent is here.

Ketzu turns around.

Ketzu: What does it matter!? They'll just be another weakling, Claire!!

Claire: Yeah, but you know it's important for publicity.

Ketzu sighs.

Ketzu: Very well.

Ketzu leaves the room.

Ketzu: Dueling for publicity is not a purpose!! I need to find a challenge!


On the outskirts of the city, a duel runner is seen coming into sight, its rider looking tired.

Rider: I've finally got here. Vaylor City...Time to test myself!

The Rider puts their right arm in the air, clenching their fist.

Rider: And time for me to test this city's King and let him feel the power of Yukuro Nuziko!!

Yukuro speeds up, the light from the dawnig sum gleaming off their visor.

Opening: Last Train/ The screen shows Yukuro sitting with the other characters(revealed later) are dueling each other, smiling and laughing. Then the screen shifts, showing Yukuro on his runner drawing a card while a dragon flies over his head. Ketzu is then seen with a dragon flying over his while also drawing a card. The screen then shows a large group lead by a cloaked figure, Yukuro is then seen smiling and runs at the opposite group. Then the Yu-Gi-Oh Legends logo appears.


The camera shows a shot of a busy street as it zooms in on girl with pink hair on her phone.

Girl: Oh? You think he'll be there. Then I don't know if I should go...

Person on phone: You should, Emi. And bring Thomas, he soo cute!!

Emi puts her hand on her hip.

Emi: He's a 4 at best. But sure, why not?

Emi puts her phone away as a boy her age walks up behind her.

Emi: Everyone wants you there, Thomas.

The boy walks to Emi's side.

Thomas: Everyone does.

Emi punches him in the stomach as she walks on. Eventually, the reach the local duel park.

Thomas: So, who's here?

Emi: Jill, Damon and everyone else from school.

Thomas: And the "king" of the park.

Thomas points at a teenager dueling another and wins, doing a over-the-stop victory dance.

Emi: Err, David...Such an idiot.

David: Who's the champ? Who's the champ?

Duelist: ....You are. What a ba-

A Duel Runner pulls up at the pathway and its rider gets off. He starts walking down the path to duel park. David walks over to Emi, nudging past Thomas.

David: So Emi, when are we gonna go out?

Emi: Never.

Emi goes to move when David grabs her arm and pulls her towards him.

David: Look, I've been very patient with you, but I'm tired of this game!!

David's group begin to push through the crowd of people blocking them David and Emi.

Thomas: Leave her alone!!

David: Shut it!

David goes to kiss Emi, pushing her against a statue. Before he reaches her lips, a pebble is pletted off his lips, causing him to grab his jaw. Emi takes her chance and runs past David's group into the crowd to Thomas. David turns to the crowd.

David: Okay, who did that!?

Everyone is slient. Then, at the back of crowd, a hand is raised.

David: So it was you!! At least you've got the guts to admit it!! But now, you'll pay!! I'm the king round here!

The thrower walks through crowd to David.

Thrower: That just makes you a warm-up.

David: What are you talking about?!

The thrower activates their duel disk.

Thrower: I'll tell you what, if you can beat in a duel, you can have a date with that girl-

Everyone: What?!

Thrower: But if I win, you stop hassling her and never come back here again.

David starts laughing.

David: And who do you think you are anyways.

The thrower's face turns serious.

Thrower: I'm Yukuro Nuziko and I'm the guy who's about to wipe the floor with you!!

Thomas: Yukuro Nuziko...I've heard that name before somewhere...

Yukuro: So, do we have a deal?

David activates his duel disk.

David: Well, Yukuro, looks like you've got a deal!

Yukuro and David move to a more open area.

Yukuro/David: Duel!![Yukuro/David LP 4000]

Yukuro: You go first.

David: Oh geez, really? Thanks...Not! I summon Ghost Gardna[0/1900] and set a card! Turn end!

Yukuro: My turn, draw! Since I don't control any monsters, I can special summon this card from my hand! Come on, Junk Forward![900/1500]

Emi: Great...Now I'll have to go on date with David.

David: What are you gonna do with that? Tickle me? Hahahah!!

Yukuro: Don't be stupid! I summon Junk Synchron[1300/500] Now time for a synchro summon! The guardian of the scrapyard rises again to defend the honour of his kind! Synchro Summon!! Ride on, Junk Gardna!![1400/2600] Now I activate the effect of Gardna and switch Ghost's battle position[0/1900]

David: No!

Yukuro: Attack!

Gardna jumps into the air and slams down on Ghost.

David: Gaah..?![David LP 2600]

Yukuro: I set 2 cards. Turn end.

A small bug flies past Yukuro and lands on a tree behind Yukuro. The camera zooms in to show that it is a security camera "bug".


In a large room with lots of monitors showing duels, two people are standing, watching Yukuro's duel. A cloaked figure with a female voice starts talking.

Voice #1: This is sooo boring!

The other person starts talking with a male voice.

Voice #2: You say that even knowing what you know?

Voice #1: Yeah, aren't I the worst? Gyahahaha!!

A third person walks into the room, with a female voice and starts shouting.

Voice #3: Shut up now, or do you want the Master to come and deal with the pair of you?!

Voice #2: No, Omega.

Omega: Thank you, Delta. And what about you, Beta?

Beta huffs.

Beta: Fine...

Omega: Great. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Omega exits the room and enters another room filled with high-tec equipment. A large figure stands in the center, looking on at Omega.

Omega: Master.

Master: Have those two been dealt with?

Omega: Yes, they will continue their work in quiet.

Master: Good.

The Master walks over to a window over looking tthe city.

Omega: Is something troubling you?

Master: Not me. Him...

Omega seems shocked.

Omega: What could do that to Him?

Master: He himself doesn't know for sure what it is, but only knows that it could potentially end our plans.

Omega: But we've worked to hard to have it all end here!!

Master: I know...


Back at the duel...

David: Draw! I summon Goblin Attack Force[2300/0] and then tribute it to special summon Turret Warrior![3500/2000]

Thomas: Damn, and this guy was so close to winning, but now David's got Turret Warrior out at its fullest...

Emi: This guy better not lose or I'll swear I'll-

David: Attack!!

Turret Warrior readies its guns, pointing them at Gardna.

David: Fire!!

Turret doesn't fire, but instead switches to defense mode.

David: What happened?

Yukuro seems unphased and then smiles.

Yukuro: Did I forget to mention that Junk Gardna's effect can be activated during each players' turn?

David: T-turn end.

Yukuro: Draw! Perfect! I activate my trap, Birth from Synchro! I pay 1000 life point[Yukuro LP 3000] in order to remove from play a face-up synchro monster I control to special summon its synchro materials during my second standby phase after activation. But if can't summon any one of them, none of them are summoned and I take 300 points of damage for each card that was meant to be summoned.

Emi: What the hell is that?!
Everyone around Emi gives an uneasy face.

Thomas: ...I'm sure I've seen this combo before, but when it was done it was to summon...!

A sudden realisation comes to Thomas.

Thomas: It can't be, The King's Shadow!!

Yukuro: Since I don't control any monsters, I can special summon Mach 5 Dragon[T/0/1300] and since I special summon a card, I can special summon Slipstream Slicer[1200/1000] Time to call out my ace! The living embodiment of machines and dragons descends from on high!! Synchro Summon!! Ride on, Mach 8 Dragon!![2500/1800]

The armour falls off Mach 5 as it turns into 5 rings and Slicer 3 stars. They disappear in a flash of light and summon a large dragon. Then the pieces of Mach 5 clamp onto it, changing from a defensive form into an offensive form. The dragon roars in triumph.


The Master falls to the floor, clutching his skull. In his head, he hears a voice.

Voice: It is here in the city! Find it! Find it and destroy it!!

The voice leaves as Delta, Beta and Omega rush in and help him up.

Omega: Master!

Master: He commands its destruction...we must obey!!

Delta: Do you know what we must destroy?

Master: I do not know, but I have an idea of what it is and how to draw it out...

In screenshot, Master can be seen looking at the monitor with Yukuro's duel.

Master: And we must find those cards. Fast!


Yukuro: Time for this to end!

David: I couldn't agree more! Go trap, Bottomless Trap Hole!

A large hole appears under Mach 8 and it falls in.

David: Ha! It was way too fancy a card to do any real good. I did you a favor.

Yukuro: Except you did nothing. I activate the effect of Mach 8! Once per turn, it is unaffected by the effects of my opponents cards!

A gleam of light is seen in the hole and then Mach 8 flies out and roars.

Yukuro: Now attack! Mach Force!!

Mach 8 charges at Turret Warrior, its claw forward to slam into it.

Yukuro: And did I mention that if Slipstream Slicer is used as a synchro material, the synchro monster synchro summoned with it gains the pierce effect.

David: It doesn't matter, I'll make it to my next turn.

Mach 8 crushes Turret Warrior.

David: Heh.[David LP 2100] Looks like I'm staying around for a bit longer.

Yukuro: No, your not.

David: Ha! You're all talk.

Yukuro: Go trap, Lineage of Destruction!

David: W-what?!
Thomas/Emi: He's...won?

Yukuro: Go Mach 8, Mach Force!!

Mach 8 charges David and slams its fist down on David.

David: Gaaah....?![David LP 0]

David falls to the floor as Mach 8 Dragon disappears.

Yukuro: Now scram!

David gets up and runs out the park.

David: Grr..! I'll get my revenge on him!!

Everyone starts cheering.

Everyone: Yukuro, Yukuro, Yukuro!!

Thomas and Emi walk over to Yukuro.

Emi: Hey, thanks for doing that for me, eh, Yukuro was it?

Yukuro: Yeah and there's no need. What he was trying to do was wrong. I just did what was right.

Thomas: I see you forgot to tell him that you're a king-fighter.

Emi: "King-fighter"?
Thomas: Yeah, I finally realised who he was when he summoned Mach 8 Dragon. I saw fight the King of Petar City. He won, he won good.

Emi: So he's a city King?!
Thomas: Oh, no he's not.

Emi: What?!
Thomas: He refused the title.

Emi slaps Yukuro in the chest.

Emi: Why?

Yukuro: First, owch! Second, I don't need validation like that. Now, who are you two?

Emi: Oh, I'm Emi and he's-

Thomas: And I'm Thomas. It's nice to meet you.

Yukuro: And you.

Emi: Hey, could you teach me how to duel like you?

Thomas: That's a bit forward. We could at least hang out sometime.

Yukuro: I guess so. Here.

Yukuro takes a piece of paper out of his pocket, writes an address and hands it to Emi.

Yukuro: It's the address of my garage. Drop by anytime you like. I'm heading off now, see ya'.

Emi: Will do.

Thomas: You can count on us.

Yukuro walks out of the park and drives out to the duel lanes.

Yukuro: The guy probably made himself king, not even earning.

Yukuro smiles as the moon starts to rise.

Yukuro: A new night...Soon, a new dawn.

Yukuro then starts thinking about Emi and Thomas.

Yukuro: Those two didn't even really know me and they treated me like their friend....I'll return the favor.

Yukuro accelarates.

Ending: My Quest/Yukuro is laying down on a beach when the tide comes in as a large wave. Yukuro smiles as the wave covers him. Then a shadow is seen in the wave and Mach 8 Dragon bursts out of it, Yukuro sitting on its neck. Then four other monsters catch up with Yukuro, Ketzu on one and the others are shadowed. It then shows Yukuro running with Mach 8 next to him. Yukuro then jumps into the air, punching the air.

Yugioh Legends Announcment!!

That's right folks, a third series from me. This series will be set in a world where each major city has their own duel king and every four years each king makes their way to Vaylor City, to earn the title of Duel Emperor. Even Vaylor City has there Duel King. But all the cities speak of an opponent. Some say he's a myth, others say he's an instrument of the Gods. But he's really alright and his story is just beginning!


Yukuro Nuziko: "The mysterious turbo"/17, black hair,blue eyeswears a customised two piece riding suit.

Ketzu Touz: "I am the king of this city!! And the weak will be crushed!!"/19, brown hair, green eyes, formal suit.

Claire Hunter: "At the end of all this fighting, what will be left for you?"/28, long blonde hair, business suit.

Emi Sarukari: "What do you mean I don't have it in me?! I have it all!!"/16, light pink hair, green eyes, school uniform(not final costume)

Thomas Nicco: "So what?! I should just stand back and let you do this to other?!"/16, blonde hair, gray eyes, school uniform(same as before)

Give me your opinions on the characters, thanks.

Soul Makers 003 - Return to the Destined Path Part 2

When we left Giado last time, he facing down "the master of fire" card, Susamaji the Fire Sword and its owner, Syun, a theif who stole the purse of Jacqueline's cousin, Annabelle. After giving chase, they decide to settle the dispute with a duel. Now Giado might have started to regret that decision, as he has been given a hard beatdown, his life points down by almost a half. Now, with Susamaji on his field, will Giado be able to win?


The blue haired woman is still sitting on the ledge watching the duel.

Woman: Now that Susamaji is here, he'll dispatch this kid.

She flicks her hair out of her eyes as Syun seems to get excited.

Syun: Time to feel the burn! Susamaji, attack Turbulence Condor!!

Susamaji's is coated in a glorious golden red fire as it charges at Turbulence. Syun is smiling, until he realises that Giado is smiling too.

Syun: Why...why are you smiling?

Giado: Because of this! Trap reveal, Hurricane Blockade![This card can only be activated when your opponent declares an attack. Destroy 1 WIND attribute monster to negate the attack and end the battle phase. Both players then shuffle their decks.]

The woman seems surprised by Giado's response.

Woman: Maybe I was wrong...unlikely, but...

Giado: I choose Turbulence Condor to destroy!

Condor erupts into a hurricane and blocks Susamaji's attack, forcing back to stand next to Syun, as their decks are shuffled.

Syun: Sure, you avoided taking a hit, like the weakling, but I told you you'd feel the burn-

Susamaji raises his sword's point at Giado.

Syun: Since you activated a trap card and Susamaji is on the field, you take 300 points of damage!

Giado: What?!

A dart of fire is shot from the blade, hitting Giado in the chest.

Giado: Gaah...![1950] But my Condor was destroyed, I get two "Feather Wingers" tokens in defense mode.[1/WIND/0/0]

Syun: Hmm. I set one card, turn end.

Giado put his hand on the top card of his deck.

Giado: (Come on...just this once...a miracle!)

Giado draws the card, keeping the image from sight.

Giado: (Please...)

Giado flips the card to see the image.

Giado: Yes!!

Both Syun and the woman are bewildered by Giado.

Syun: What so great, kid!

Giado: I can finally do it! And you're the first person to see.

Syun: (What is he talking about...?)

Giado: Since I drew this card and I have three or monsters on the field, I can tribute them in order to special summon this card during the draw phase. I tribute my two tokens and Whirlwind to summon-

Syun/Woman: (What?! A summon like that couldn't really exist!!)

Giado: Soul Dragoon Knight!![2500/2200]

A large gust of wind flows as a knight wearing black armor, carrying a broad sword in it's hand.

Syun: Hmm...

Giado: Since it's a Dragoon monster

Giado and Syun both look at their monsters, noticing that they are both walking towards each. When they finally come to a stop, they're face-to-face. Suddenly the sword insigna appears underneath the both of them, but in different colours. Soul Dragoon's sliver and Susamaji's red. They then start to attack each, causing shockwaves that cause nearby building to shake. Then both Syun's and Giado's duel disks short out, causing the two monsters to disappear. Giado is breathing heavily, when he gets hit in the head. It falls to the floor, revealing itself to be Annabelle's purse.

Syun: Just take it! Weird stuff like this didn't happen before I met you! Come guys, lets get out of here!

Syun and his gang run off, leaving Giado alone in the alley.

Giado: Just great, I was finally able to summon it and only those goons saw.

Woman: Well, I did.

Giado turns around to see the blue haired woman standing there.

Giado: Oh...Well, was it awesome?

The Woman smiles.

Woman: Not the word I would use, but yeah.

She hands Giado a business card, which he takes.

Woman: Visit sometime, okay?

Giado: Uh, okay.

Woman: Good. See ya'.

She walks off.

Giado: That was...weird.

Giado looks at the card.

Giado: "Antique Book Appraisers"?

Next Chapter 004 - Giado's Chance

Soul Makers 002 - Return to the Destined Path Part 1

Giado walking around the town centre, looking through the windows at the cards

Giado: (I'll need to get some in a while....)

Giado feels a small tap on his shoulder and turns to Jacqueline with her friends.

Jacqueline: Hey Giado, how've you been?

Giado: Good. A little tired but good. Who are these guys?

Jacqueline: Oh, where are my manners? This is my cousin Annabelle.

Points at girl her age with black hair wearing a grey jacket.

Annabelle: Hey.

Giado: Uh, hey.

Jacqueline: And her brothers, Calum and Henry.

Henry/Calum: Hey random guy our cousin knows!

The two burst into laughter as Giado looks with a puzzled look.

Annabelle: Don't worry, they always act like this when they're in public.

Annabelle then punches both of them in the arm.

Jacqueline: So Giado, do you want to spend the day with us?

Giado rubs the back of his head.

Giado: Gee, I don't know...

Annabelle: You might as well, doesn't look like you're doing anything else.

Jacqueline: Annabelle!

Giado gives a small smile.

Giado: Yeah, you're right. Might as well.

The group talking amongst themselves, Jacqueline and Annabelle talking about their school lives, the twins simply insulting each other for no reason and Giado watching them interact. Suddenly, a teenager run through the, knocking Annabelle to the floor.

Annabelle: Aaa, my arm!

Giado: You okay?

Annabelle gets up and dusts herself off.

Annabelle: Nothing a cup of Red Eyes Black tea can't fix. And don't worry they're on...

Annabelle starts looking around frantically.

Annabelle: Where's my purse?!

Giado's eyes widen.

Giado: That guy!

Giado turns and runs off in the direction of the theif. After a while, he sees a similar person enter a back alley and follows him in. He sees the guy talking to group of rough looking kids and teenagers.

Theif: Piece of cake, all these rich, upper-class girls don't have enough security when it comes to personal belongings.

Group Member: Geez, I just don't how you do it, Syun. Sixteens hits in ONE day.

Syun: I don't know, maybe it's just good old fashioned skill.

The pair share a laugh as Giado walks up to the group.

Giado: Yeah and I'll be taking that purse back now!

Syun turns around, a grin covering his face.

Syun: Oh sure, just come over and get it!

The group crowd around Giado, panicing him.

Giado: Come on now, we're all smart guys here. Can't we settle this without violence?

Just as the crowd reach out for Giado, Syun raises his hand and group back away.

Syun: I'll admit, you've got guts. And we are above petty violence. So, here's the deal, we have a duel, if you win, you can have the purse and can call Security on us and if you lose....lemme' give me your deck.

Giado looks calm. His face then turns serious, activating his duel disk.

Giado: Deal!

Both: Duel!![4000]

Syun: I'll take the first turn. Draw. Flame Sword Paladin![4/Fire/Warrior/1700/1300/ When this card is summoned, you can add 1 "Flame Sword" card fromyour deck to your hand] With it's effect, I add Flame Sword - Scar Beetle[2/Fire/Insect/900/100/ When this card is sent to the graveyard, special summon up to 2 "Flame Sword - Scar Beetle"(s) from your deck to the field. Their effect(s) are negated.] I then activate the spell card Slash Burn![This card can only be activated while you control a face "Flame Sword"(s) monster. Discard 1 card and inflict damage to your opponent to half the selected monster's ATK.] Time to feel the burn, kid! I'll discard Flame Sword - Scar Beetle to activate my spell.

Giado: Rrrr....[3150]

Syun: And since my Scar Beetle went to the graveyard, I will special summon two Scar Beetles!

The two beetles scurry onto the field in defence mode.

Syun: I set two cards. Turn end.

Giado put his hand on top of his deck.

Giado: (Here goes nothing....) I draw...Sweet! Since I don't control any cards I special summon Whirlwind, Dragoon of Sora in defence![2/Wind/Warrior/900/1300/ If you control no cards on the field, you can special summon this from your hand. When a face-up "Dragoon" you control is selected as an attack target, you can make this card the target instead.] Since I control a wind attribute, I can special Turbulence Condor in attack mode from hand[4/Wind/Winged-Beast/1800/1000/While you control a face-up Wind attribute monster, you can special summon this card. When this card is destroyed by a card effect, special summon two "Feather Wingers" tokens.] I then activate Pot of Greed. I draw two more cards.

Giado draws.

Giado: I now normal summon Flamen, Dragoon of Duos Spear![4/Wind/1200/1000/ While this card is face-up on the field, all monsters you control with "Dragoon" in their name gain 400 ATK.]

Whirlwind: [1300/1300]

Flamen: [1600/1000]

Giado: My Condor now attacks your Paladin!

Turbulence flaps it's wings, releasing a gust of wind at Flame Sword Paladin.

Syun: Trap card reveal, Burn Notice![When a Fire attribute monster you control is seleted as an attack target, negate the attack and end the battle phase. If you control another Fire attribute monster(s), you can tribute one to inflict damge to your opponent equal to it's ATK.] I'll negate the attack and tribute one of my Scar Beetles!

Giado: Aaah...[2250] I activate Foolish Burial to send Hakari, Dragoon Trainee to the graveyard. I set two cards. Turn end.

Syun: I draw! Oh yes! I now tribute my Scar Beetle and Paladin! Rise up, the burning sword of courage swings, release, the master of fire, Susamaji the Fire Sword!![3000/2000]

Giado looks on in terror as a huge red knight appears behind Syun. On the building tops above, a young woman with flowing blue hair looks down on their duel

Woman: It looks as though this child has pick the fight today...

She sits down on the ledge.

Woman: He's fighting Susamaji...

Next Chapter 003 - Return to the Destined Path Part 2

Turn 035 - The Semi-Finals Round!! The Sky Dragon Descends!!

Yugi is at New Domino City park, watching other duelists duel each other.

Dawn: Yugi?

Yugi turns to see Dawn and his friends with her.

Yugi: Oh, hi guys, what are you doing here?

Andrew: Your next duel up later, we're here to get you.

Yugi: 'Kay.

The group start walking.

Kimi: Are you nervous Yugi?

Yugi: Nervous? Me? ....Maybe just a bit.

Davis: You've got no need to be, you're a great duelist. Your tough to beat.

Yugi gives a heart-held smile.

Yugi: (Yeah...But am I really the person dueling? I always seem to...forget my duels.)

Over on the other side of the city, a duelist is holding a card and is surronded by fallen duelists.

Duelist: Thanks to the card the old man gave me, Yugi Kiyu will be nothing more than a bug at my feet!

The duelist raises the card into the air, causing it to cover itself in a dark aura.


Yugi is walking around the halls of the Duel Stadium, Dawn and Andrew trying to calm him down.

Dawn: Yugi, just calm down.

Yugi: "Calm down"? I have to go and duel infront of all those people!

Andrew: But you've done this before. Why be nervous?

Yugi: I don't know, I just feel...

Yugi sighs.

Yugi: It doesn't matter.

A man wearing a microphone headpiece walks up to Yugi.

Man: Time to head up for the duel.

Yugi: Alright.

He turns to the others.

Yugi: See you soon.

Yugi walks out of the halls.

Dawn: Yugi...

Yugi walks out on to the stage and sees his opponent brandishing his duel disk.

Opponent: Ah, Yugi, so you're finally here.

Yugi: Yeah.

Opponent: Just to let you know, your winning streak ends with me.

The opponent points at themself.

Opponent: My name's Ryder Anderson, and your Sky Dragon Valkyria will be mine!

Yugi: (What?! Another ante rule duel...I guess I don't have a choice.) Alright, but what card are you putting up for the ante?

Ryder: You'll see. Now, let's begin!

Both Ryder and Yugi activate their duel disk.

Both: Duel!! [8000]

Ryder: I'll start. I draw. I set three cards and summon Summoner Monk[800/1600] in defense. I then activate his effect. By discarding a spell card, I can special summon Shield Wing in defense[0/900] Turn end.

YugI: (Here I go!) My turn, I draw! I discard Gravekeeper's Spy in order to special summon The Tricky[2000/1600] I then summon Skilled Dark Magician![1900/1700] Skilled Dark Magician, attack Summoner Monk!

SDM charges up a magic blast and fires it at Summoner. But before it reached Summoner, it swearves around it towards Ryder and hits off a barrier in front of him.

Yugi: What?! How did-

Ryder: Let me explain it all for you. When you attacked I activated Astral Barrier to redirect it to me, then I activated my Spirit Barrier and since I control a monster, I take no battle damage. And to finish off my Barrier combo, I activate Imperial Customs to prevent my other continuous trap cards' destruction. What do you think of that, hotshot?

Ryder points at Yugi and laughs.

Ryder: Looks like you're in a jam, with no way out.

Yugi: You can't say that.

Ryder: But I just did, moron.

Yugi: No. If you truly believe I've got no way out, you must think it was just luck that got me here. I set one card and end my turn.

Ryder: I draw. I end my turn.

Yugi looks at the field.

Yugi: (He's obviously trying to prepare for something, but what....Could it be?)

Yugi remembers his duel Phoebe.

Yugi: (She used one of the God cards, Ra. Could it be he's trying to achieve the summon of one of the other Gods. His deck is a quick summoning one, that's for sure, but the true problem comes from his Barrier combo. I have the cards to beat it, but I'm not sure in my deck.)

Yugi looks at his deck in his duel disk.

Yugi: (Can it deliver me victory...?)

Dawn, Davis, Andrew and Kimi are watching from the sidelines.

Dawn: What's up with Yugi?

Davis: He'd better do something, otherwise he'll lose Sky Dragon Valkyria.

Kimi punches Davis in the arm.

Kimi: Don't say that! Sky Dragon Valkyria is so beautiful. Yugi can't let her go...

Goodwin and Lott are looking down at Yugi.

Goodwin: Yugi seems to be choking under pressure. Maybe you made a bad choice with Yugi?

Lott looks sour.

Lott: You question my choice, Rex? If it was not for me and other choice, you'd still be a nothing in Satallite.

Goodwin folds his arms.

Goodwin: You make a fair point, but I'm different from Yugi. I can deal with stress.

Yugi puts his hand on the top of his deck. But his hand starts to tremor.

Yugi: (I can feel it deep down... There's a God sleeping in his deck...)

Yugi looks down at his puzzle.

Yugi: (I...I can't do this...I'm sorry grandad...)

Yugi sees the puzzle gleam for a second and his eyes dull. But his eye return with triumphant glee.

Yami: My turn. Draw!

Yami looks at the card and smiles.

Yami: I show you some power!! I set one card. Turn end.

Ryder: A little unimpressive. I draw. I set one monster in face down defense and set a card. Turn end.

Yami: I draw.

Ryder: And during your standby phase, trap card reveal, Battle Mania Plans!

Yami: What does this trap card do?

Ryder: Basically, it works like Battle Mania, but it makes it that each of your monsters only be able to declare an attack on one of my monsters. My face down!!

Yami: ...I activate Ancient Rules to special summon Dark Magician[2500/2100] from my hand. I set one card. Dark Magician, attack, Dark Magic Attack!!

Dark Magician unleashes a huge from his staff.

Yami: (He's probably doing his to make me look bad and have all my attacks redirected to himself...)

To Yami's surprise, the attack hits the face down, flipping Morphing Jar.

Ryder: Since this card was flipped, we both discard our hands then draw five cards.

Yami draws five cards as Ryder discards one card then draws five cards. Yami's eyes widen.

Yami: (Impossible...It's in my hand.) In my second main phase, I set another card, turn end.

Ryder draws his card with noticable, insane, glee.

Ryder: Can you feel it? The arrival of a god!

MC: Whooo! Could we be seeing the summoning of another god?!

Ryder: The MC's got a valid point. 'Cause I'm activate the effect of Summoner Monk.

Ryder discards a spell.

Ryder: Come forth, Maxus Disc![1000/1900]

Yami: (Here it comes!)

Ryder: The descent of sky dragon approachs! I tribute all three of my monsters to summon-

Thunder booms in the sky as a large red figure is seen writhing in the clouds.

Ryder: Slifer the Sky Dragon!!

Slifer emerges from the clouds and roars.

MC: Ooooh whooooo!! The legendary sky dragon has appeared on the field!! Will this affect the outcome of the duel?

Yugi is standing, noticable in slient awe. Yugi's friends look at him with hope.

Dawn: (Come on Yugi, don't give up!)

Next Chapter 036 - Clash of the Gods!! Erupt, Winged Dragon of Ra!!

A New Series: Soul Makers 001 - The Soul Cards Wake! Soul Makers, Rise!

A television is showing a female newsreporter talking to the camera, obviously a on-scene report.

Newsreporter: The busling metropolis of New Domino City is preparing for the arrival of Robl family as they begin their talks with Kaiba Corp to enhance the quality of the holographic projectors in all dueling platforms, allowing user to see their monsters in greater. Surely this will be a revolutionary event for duelists every-

What the reporter didn't know was that "kid" was about to become one of the most important duelist in existence. His name is- Suddenly, it rapidly cuts to a classroom.

Teacher: Giado Fortis, present?

A girl puts her hand. She is wearing long sleeved duel academy jacket and light brown hair.

Girl: Miss, he's running late. I saw him early, he said he had to pick some things up from the store.

Teacher: Thank you, Jacqueline, for letting me know.

The teacher continues on with the register and finishes. The class then start working. The teacher heads for the door.

Teacher: If Giado comes in while I'm out, tell him to tick himself off the register.

The teacher leaves the room. After a few minutes, the door creaks open and a boy starts creeping into the room, wearing a short sleeved academy jacket and rucsack with paper sticking out of the top of it. Some people in the class start laughing as he notices everyone can see and Jacqueline walks towards him.

Jacqueline: So Giado, what were you doing?

Giado rubs the back of his head.

Giado: "A magician never reveals his tricks".

Jacqueline looks puzzled.

Jacqueline: But you're not a magician or that cool.

Giado goes into a mini-rage as Jacqueline just laughs.

Jacqueline: Anyways, you've to tick yourself off the register.

Giado: 'Kay.

Giado walks up to the front desk and ticks his name off as Jacqueline takes the paper from the bag. On the paper, there's a sketch for a new monster card, but she doesn't get a good look because Giado pulls it from her grip.

Jacqueline: Giado!

Giado: Sorry, but I can't let anyone see this design. I'm entering it in the Industrial Illusions competition. If anyone knew you knew this design, they might try and force you to tell you what it looked like and it's effects.

Just as he's about to put it back in his bag, a bulked fist grabs the design and brings it's owner's face, Dereck Summers.

Dereck: What a stork of luck, I was planning to enter the competition. But you know me, all fingers and thumbs, I can't draw to save myself. But this card is nice.

Giado: Aaaaa, no.

Giado tries to grab the design back, but he's pushed back by Dereck.

Dereck: You're gonna keep trying to get this design, aren't you? Well, I can't keep it away for you forever, so...

Dereck grips the paper with both hands and tears it into two parts.

Jacqueline: Dereck, how could you?!

Dereck: Quite simply actually. Gyahahaha.

Dereck laughs as Giado starts picking up the pieces.

Giado: My design...

Jacqueline: Giado...

After his school had finished, Giado starts walking back to his "home". Jacqueline starts tailing.

Jacqueline: (There's nothing wrong with me doing this. I'm just making sure he's not upset...Besides, he's always said he'd have me round for dinner one night. If I'm there he might offer me to stay for dinner.)

Jacqueline continues following Giado until he reaches a large, old looking house. Jacqueline rushes up to his side and holds onto his arm.

Jacqueline: Hey Giado, fancy meeting you here.

Giado: I live here. And you live nowhere near here. Did following home from school get boring?

Jacqueline pulls an embrassed face.

Jacqueline: Well, you see, um, I-

Giado smiles.

Giado: It's okay. I know I promised to have you round for dinner.

Giado offers Jacqueline his hand.

Giado: Would you like to come for dinner tonight?

Jacqueline blushes and takes Giado's hand.

Jacqueline: S-sure.

They both walk through a gate. At the side of the gate, there's a sign that read "Boldmere Children's Home". They walk through the door, only to hear huge amounts of shouting. A middle-aged woman is telling off a teenage girl about being out late again.

Woman: Listen, Carol, if I've told once, I've told you twice, you are not allowed to stay out past 11 o'clock!

Carol: What, but that's so unfair, Gina! All my other friends my age are allowed out as long as they want!

Gina: Well you're not your friends, you're you and I'm telling you that you're allowed out past 11!!

Carol: Rrr! You're so annoying!

Carol storms towards Giado.

Giado: You're in a good mood I see.

Carol: Shut it you!

Carol punches Giado in the arm.

Giado: Owaah!

Gina: Who's that you've got with you, Giado?

Giado rubs his arm.

Giado: She's a friend from school, I was wondering if she could stay for dinner?

Gina sighs.

Gina: Well, it's a bit short notice, but I'm sure I can cook enough of my world famous pasta!

She does a salsa dance move and heads for the kitchen.

Jacqueline: What was that she did there?

Giado: Honestly, no idea.

Giado heads for the living room and Jacqueline starts following but stops as she feels something grab. She starts to shiver.

Jacqueline: Giado, Giado.

Giado walks back, smiling.

Jacqueline: There's something on my-Why are you smiling?

Giado: I know what's on your leg.

Jacqueline: What?!

Giado: Jack.

Giado crouches and grabs at Jacqueline's legs. He stands up, holding a small boy holding a teddy in overalls.

Giado: What has Gina told you about bothering people?

Jack: She told me if I did, Santa would bring me lots of presents!

Jack wriggles out of Giado's hold and runs out of the hall.

Giado: That kid...sometimes I wish he was my brother...Other times, not so much.

Jacqueline laughs and is joined by Giado. Two hours later, Giado, Jacqueline and other kids are siiting around a table, eating Gina pasta.

Jacqueline: Gina, this is fanastatic! You have to give me the reicepe sometime.

Gina slams her chest with her hand.

Gina: That reicepe dies with me!

Jack laughs and falls off his chair. He gets back up.

Jack: Yeah, you mean she'll have to go out and buy the book.

Gina: Okay then, is everyone finished?

Everyone: Yeah!

Gina gets Carol and Giado to help clean up the dishes. After cleaning the dishes, Giado walks Jacqueline to the front step.

Giado: Did you enjoy your visit?

Jacqueline: Yeah, everyone here is so nice.

Giado: Yeah...Bye.

Giado goes back into the house, but goes out the back door into the back garden. There, a large tree with a flat laying branch is rooted. Giado climbs onto the branch and lies down. After a while, the sets and the stars appears. Giado takes out his deck and pulls a card from it.

Giado: The only thing I have left of them...

After a few hours, Giado has fallen asleep and is clutching the card in his hand. A insigna, in the form of a sword, glows on the card. The glow of the card seperates from the card and flies into the night. Meanwhile, in an unknown room, the light is whizzing around the room, until a purple light glows, attracting it to the other light. Suddenly, seven more lights appear and burst across the night. The lights make their into seven different rooms and head for decks in each room. They shift into a rectangle and lay down on the decks, each bearing a different coloured sword insigna.

Next Chapter 002 - Unconfirmed

Turn 034 - The Next Round!! Duel!!

Yugi is walking to stadium, looking through his cards, seeing The Winged Dragon of Ra. He takes it out and begins staring at it. Before he can put it back he is put into a powerful head lock. Yugi gasps as he finds it hard to breath.

???: Oh sorry, didn't know I was hurting you.

Yugi takes a deep breath, as he falls to his knees.

Yugi: What the hell do you think you were doing?!

???: Just having a little fun with my next opponent.

Yugi: "Opponent"?

Yugi turns his head to see a teenage boy with a bandana covering his eye wearing what looked like a home-made army uniform. The boy puts his hand out to help Yugi out. Yugi grabs the boy's arm and pulls himself up.

???: My name's Bandinas Johnson and you're Yugi Kiyu.

Yugi: It's always nice to get the meet-and-greets out of the way. So, we'd better make are way to the stadium.

Bandinas: Guess so.

Yugi and Bandinas walk away from each other.

Bandinas: (I'm going to duel Yugi Kiyu!! Yes!)

Yugi makes his way out of the waiting room and out onto the stage. He gives a couple of waves as Bandinas walks out of his waiting room.

Davis: Another high level duel! I bet Yugi can't wait!

Kimi: Hopefully he'll win.

Dawn: Na, Yugi'll wipe the floor with his chump.

A well dressed man in a suit walks up to the group.

Man: I don't think so. Bandinas maybe an embrassment to his family, but he's a great, tactical duelist.

Dawn: Huh?


Meanwhile in Goodwin's skybox...

Goodwin: So, this isn't one of your lot then, Lott?

Lott: No, he's just some disowned little boy trying to prove he can be a man.

Back down on the field...

Bandinas: I am so psyched about this duel!

Yugi: Me too. It'll be good to see how you work your deck.

Both: Duel!![8000]

Bandinas: I'll first. I draw. I activate Magical Mallet and return 3 cards from my hand to my deck to draw three new cards.

Bandinas shuffles his deck and draws three cards.

Bandinas: I summon The Trojan Horse in attack![1600/1200] I set one card and end my turn.

Yugi: I draw. (Got to take care here. I don't know what his face down is.) I summon Card Blocker in defence mode![400/400] I set one card and end my turn.

Bandinas: I draw! I summon Chiron the Mage in attack mode[1800/1000] and activate his effect. By discarding the spell card Soul Exchange to destroy your face down in the spell and trap zone.

Yugi covers his face as his face down, Mirror Force.

Yugi: Good call. If you hadn't done that, I would've cleared you field.

Bandinas: T..thanks Yugi. *coughs* Anyways, Chiron, attack Card Blocker!

Chiron charges at Card Blocker, charging the power in his staff.

Yugi: You've activated Blocker's effect.

Bandinas: What?

Yugi: By sending the top three cards of my deck to the grave, I increase Blocker's defense by 500 for each one[400/1900] until the end phase.

Bandinas: Ho. [7900] I set one card and end my turn.

Yugi: I draw! I summon Quick-Span Knight![1000/800] Time to synchro summon!

Blocker turns into three stars and Quick-Span turns into three rings.

Yugi: The warrior of justice comes forth, synchro summon, Goyo Guardian![2800/2000] Attack Chiron!

Bandinas: I activate the trap card Waboku to negate battle damage and my monster's destruction.

Goyo's attack hits off Chiron and Goyo returns to Yugi's field.

Yugi: I set one card face down and end my turn.

Bandinas: I draw! I tribute The Trojan Horse as 2 tributes for an earth monster, so here he comes, Behemoth the King of Alll Animals![2700/1500] I set one card face down. I then activate the field spell, Closed Forest!

The stadium changes into a barren forest.

Bandinas: This field spell gives all beast types 100 extra ATK for each beast in my grave.


Yugi: (A power gain field spell, nice.)

Bandinas: I then activate Wild Nature's Release on Chiron to boost his attack by his defense.

Chiron the Mage[2800/1000]

Bandinas: Chiron, attack Goyo!

Chiron charges at Goyo and Goyo matches it causing both monsters' destruction.

Yugi: Rggh!

Bandinas: Behemoth, attack Yugi!!

Behemoth charges and slams him in the chest.

Yugi: [5200]I..I activate the trap card, Damage Condenser, by discarding 1 card from my hand I can special summon a monster from my deck equal to the damage I took. Since I took 2800 points of damage, I can special summon Dark Magician Girl![2000/1700].

Yugi plays the Dark Magician Girl.

Bandinas: Nice. I end my turn.

Yugi: I draw.

Yugi smiles.

Yugi: Looks like the trust I have in my cards has been rewarded. I tribute Dark Magician Girl and remove from play Luster Dragon 2 and Gandora the Dragon of Destruction in order to special summon Sky Dragon Valkyria![2500/2000] And with her effect, she gains 500 ATK for each card in my hand. I count three cards.

Sky Dragon Valkyria[4000/2000]

Yugi: Valkyria, destroy Behemoth! Sky Dragon Sceptre!!

SDV releases a huge blast from her staff at Behemoth. It blows up into smoke, but in the smoke a large figure can be seen.

Bandinas: [6700] Since Behemoth was destroyed, I can pay 1000 life points[5700] To special summon Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest![2600/1800] Also, thanks to my field spell, he'll now gain more power.

Green Baboon[2800/1800]

Yugi: I set one card and end my turn.

Sky Dragon Valkyria[3500/2000]

Bandinas: It's my turn and I draw. I activate another Wild Nature's Release on Green Baboon!

Green Baboon[4600/1800]

Yugi: What?! (He'll take down Valkyria in one swipe.)

Bandinas: Green Baboon, attack the Valkyria!

Green Baboon raises it's club and then slams it down on SDV, destroying her.

Dawn: No!!

Andrew and Davis: Dude...

Kimi: How could you do that to something so pretty?!

Man in suit: Bandinas doesn't care who he duels or want he destroys while he's dueling. As long as he believes his opponent can handle themselves, nothing stops him fighting hard.

Bandinas: A empty field...Such a shame.

Yugi: "Empty"? I'd check again.

As Yugi utters those words, the Dark Magician Girl bursts out of the smoke.

Yugi: See, when Sky Dragon Valkyria is destroyed, I can special summon a Dark Magician Girl from my graveyard.

Bandinas: I end my turn and though my Greeen Baboon is destroyed.

The Green Baboon on the field is destroyed, but Bandinas' life points are reduced by 1000 again.

Bandinas: [4700] I can pay a 1000 life points to special summon another Green Baboon.[2600/1800]

Green Baboon[2900/1800]

Yugi: Right, I draw! I activate Sage's Stone to special summon the Dark Magician from my deck![2500/2100]

The Dark Magician appears on Yugi's field.

Bandinas: Sorry compadray your monsters don't have squat on Green Baboon.

Yugi: That's because I'm not finished. I now tribute both of my magicians to summon the Sorcerer of Dark Magic!![3200/2800]

A dark spiral appears in front of Yugi and the Sorcerer walks out of the spiral as it closes.

Bandinas: Wait, what?

Yugi: Sorcerer of Dark Magic attack, Chaos Sceptre Blast!!

The Sorcerer unleashes a blast of dark magic at Green Baboon, destroying it immediatly.

Bandinas: [4400] Rrgh!

Yugi: I set a card face down and end my turn.

Bandinas: I draw! I set one card face down and end my turn!

Yugi: I draw. I summon Celtic Guardian![1400/1200] Sorcerer of Dark Magic attack again!

Bandinas: I activate the trap Waboku to-

Yugi: I don't think so, the Sorcerer of Dark Magic can negate trap cards and destroy them.

Waboku is covered in dark blue lightning and destroyed.


Yugi: Continue the assault, Celtic Guardian.

Celtic Guardian charges forward, slicing from left to right.

Bandinas: Gaah! [0]

Bandinas falls to his knees.

MC: The winner is Yugi Kiyu!!

The crowd cheers as Yugi helps Bandinas up.

Bandinas: Thanks man.

Yugi: What for? Helping you up?

Bandinas: No, for not doing what most people do when they meet or duel me. Just write me off.

Yugi: Yeah, those type of people annoy me.

Yugi and Bandinas walk off the stage, talking about potential combos to use in their decks. Dawn, Andrew, Davis and Kimi walk up to them as they are talking a quick summon for Green Baboon.

Yugi: if your opponent summons a powerhouse like Chainsaw Insect, summon Playful Possum.

Dawn: Guys.

Bandinas: Really?

Yugi: Yeah, Possum's effect allows you to destroy it if your opponent controls a monster with a higher ATK then activate Baboon's from your hand by paying 1000 life points.

Dawn: Guys.

Bandinas: Wouldn't it be better if I destroy a beast I control with 1000+ ATK using Detruct Potion?

Yugi: Yeah, that does sound like it could-

Dawn: Guys!!

Yugi and Bandinas turn their head to look at Dawn.

Dawn: Thank you. Now Yugi, aren't you going to introduce us?

Yugi: Oh, right, Bandinas this is Dawn, Kimi, Davis and Andrew.

Bandinas: Hi, I'm Bandinas Robl.

Man in suit: Humph.

Bandinas notices the man in the suit.

Bandinas: Christain.

Christain: Bandinas. So this is what you've been doing in your spare time?

Bandinas: Yeah and I'm good at it!

Christain laughs.

Christain: Don't make me laugh! The way Yugi beat you, there was no way you were going to win.

Yugi: Hey, he did do good, he almost had me beat. I just had a comeback. Besides, who are you?

Christain: I am Christain Lloyld Robl and that's my brother, Bandinas Daemon Robl.

Christain snaps his fingers and pale skinned man grabs Bandinas' shoulder, causing him to tremble.

Christain: I'm sorry Bandinas, but father wants to see you and, as always, you never listen to what he says, so I am forced to take you to him.

Yugi looks at the pale skinned man.

Yugi: Who is he though?

Christain: Him? You'll like this. His name is Mister Dread.

Dawn: "Dread"?

Christain: Yes. Now come along you two.

Mister Dread pushes Bandinas forward as they leave.

Yugi: (There's something off about that Mister Dread, but I just can't put my finger on it...)

Next Chapter 036 - Unconfirmed