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*dizz_dizzler Blog

Just another day in the life of Dizz.

Kind of boring day. I woke up early this morning and had to run three miles. It's this new workout plan my trainer is making me do (3 miles every two weeks, and reps of 50 of other exercises everyday). Grrr, I hate her. She's a little witch but I kind of like her now. She is the trainer for the Dixie Chix and I kind of like them so she's training me reaaaal hard and if I do well, I get invited to this little seminar thing she's having in Florida and the Dixie Chix will be there and so will the President (she is the trainer for the White House too) so that'll be cool. Even though I don't really like Bush. Anyway, I'm in so much pain right now, I RAN 3 miles, I didn't jog, I didn't walk at all, I RAN. I'm almost dead. Anyway, then I went out with my friends Kameron and Phill (such hotties... damn none of us are single) and now I'm home because my parents are losers and Kam is coming over tonighttttt so there, that was my day. Later hotties, Dizzler.

Choking Game

I was listening to the news, reading an article, and now a thread popped up in the Member's Lounge. Has anyone here done it? My friend at school, Donnell, got expelled in 8th grade (I was in 7th) for doing it to kids in the bathroom before school or whatever. It's not like he did it to them without their permission, they asked him to do it. I thought it was the dumbest game ever, but I let a friend do it to me once, and I really regret it because I feel stupid now. It wasn't a big deal, but I didn't let anyone do it to me again but then these stupid sixth graders did it to each other, then the bell rang so they all left for class, leaving one of the kids unconscious in the bathroom. One of them asked for a pass to the bathroom, and went to check up on him (this was 10-15 minutes into class) and he still was out cold. I believe I was only out for a minute, maybe less. So the kid ended up being sent to the hospital with minor memory loss. It was really bad. So anyway, my friend Donnell got expelled for supposedly introducing the game (but his expulsion was appealed a few months later). So anyway, don't do it. Kids have died from it, it's just stupid. And it's not worth it. Basically it's just being really anxious before it happens (because with the pressure applied to your neck, you get nervous they might accidently snap it or something) and then it's over and your back up a minute later (but I didn't know how much time elapsed). Anyway, just felt like sharing my little story and trying to get blog points. I'm still Level 6 and I want to get to Level 15 before summer is over. --Fizzy < 3 (who feels Dizzy after the Choking Game) (Maybe I did it a different way, I've heard of kids using ropes and such but that's not how I did it. You put your head between your legs, breathe deeply, and they apply pressure to your neck and then your out. Then you wake up all befuddled and disoriented.) By the way, there is no "high" or "buzz" involved, as I read. You just feel stupid when you get up. And I'd like to know how these kids who died did it to themselves? I guess they used a rope.

Small Wonder!

Level 6, 78%. Who rocks? Fizz rocks! Anyway, I went to Baltimore with my friends. One of my friend's brother was playing in this premier league soccer game at UMBC (Univeristy of Maryland, Baltimore County). Who knew 14 year old boys could be so hot? Before you think I'm a sick pedophile, most of them were turning 15 this fall and I'm 15. It was really fun (except the rain kind of sucked, my hair got all ruined and it looked really cute today) and they won. It was so funny because this one REALLY hot kid Tevin kept getting fouled (he's amazing) and he didn't say a THING. Everything they'd foul him, they ref called it on him! Then once he actually did foul a kid and got a yellow. Then he ran sooo fast he couldn't stop and kind of clipped a kid, and he flipped and started pushing Tevin and Tevin just swatted his hand away, and then the ref was about to give him a red card but Tevin didn't do anything! Then all the damn mothers on the other team were like "THROW HIM OFF THE FIELD!" and then Tevin FLIPPED OUT and started screaming "IT'S CAUSE I'M BLACK RIGHT?! CAN'T RESPECT A [the N word] UP IN HERE?" and ranting on and on. It was hilarious. Then the ref apologized and didn't red card him and he just had to shake hands with the kid who pushed him. After the game we went and partied a bit (it was really awkward, who parties at 8?) but I'm sobered up. That's what summer is alllll about! --Fizzzzzzzzzay

I beat Fizzy!

Yuss, I beat Fizzy for the 1,000th post! She was so stupid enough to go to bed and I made the remaining 15 posts and I beat her! Heheheheh. She was angry, but oh well, its not my fault she went to bed =D Well, since Im on Dizzy's name I thought I would blog Im tired. I went to bed late last night, because Fizzy and Finny kept me up chatting [damn you's!] I woke up at 12:30 :/ I really gotta get to bed earlier cuz school starts in 25 days


Fash=Fashley/Ashley/DumbBubble Fizzy=Fizzler/Me/Dizz_Dizzler Finny=Finicole/Nicole/xmastreetoaster ^^Just to clear things up. We'll be using those names from now on. Anyway, Fash was on my username today. We both were, it was fun. I got a few new reviews, kind of bullshiiting them so I can get points because of my new goal. Be a sweetheart and give me good feedback so I get more points, :P. My ever so lovely Fash made me an AIM icon of Tom Welling. SO HOT! < 3 Fash! Still sick. My mom wouldn't let me go out tonight because there was a bad storm. Plus I can't really walk from getting a pin pulled out of my foot from the doctor two days ago. And I'm recovering from a cold. I'm a Thighmaster! Yay! Oh, me and Fash are fighting for who gets to make my 1,000th post. It's coming up. I better be the one!! < 3 FiZZy LoVeS YoU


I hate Ashley! She has no reviews, barely any blog entries or posts and STILL she is almost at my level. I randomly just shot up to Level 4 86% when I was at Level 3 48% this morning. I didn't make any contributions or anything, weird.--The "Grrr" portion of my entry. Anyway, now to my new goal. I want to reach level 15 before summer is over. That's thirty days. That may be like no ambitious or whatever, but I'm starting small. DizzHatesAshley!< 3


Thanks again Ashley, I LOVE my profile! Tom Welling is GORGEOUSSSSSS! Anyway, not much going on. I'm sick so I have to stay home. Mostly just putting an entry for points, I'm Level 3 48%. Anyway... lalala I'm bored. Nicole thinks there is a e-couple at I know who it is, and I SO don't agree. Weirdo. That's about it. I'm watching Season 3 of Sex and the City. GREAT show. Go out, live a little. Only 34 more days of summer! (For me at least) --Dizz


ASHLEY IS LIKE AMAZING! I asked her to make me a banner of Tom Welling (because he's GORGEOUS) and in like five minutes she made it. SHE IS AMAZING AT LIFE!!!! ASHLEY I LOVE YOU! If you ever want a freaking A-M-A-Z-I-N-G banner, ask her. This isn't even her special ones, she can do a bunch of crazy things with it too like blends and change colors and everything. I LOVE YOU ASHLEY You made my day< 3 Dizzzzz-TOMWELLINGISOHOT-zzzzz-ILYTHANKYOUSOMUCHASHLEY-zzzzy AND NOT LIKE SHE'S NOT ALREADY AMAZING ENOUGH BUT SHE MADE MY HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTIE AVATAR. ASHLEY YOU ARE TEH SEX!

St. Jimmy

Your an ass. Your a sick person. Anyone who uses racist words and wishes death upon someone at the hospital and my family is sick. Your horribly ignorant and do us all a favor and leave I can get banned 200 times, but I won't leave until your gone. You're an obnxious ass.


I pissed the hell out of them, lol. I spammed and broke every rule there is. It was fun! Maybe I'll do it again tomorrow? --Fizzwizzy