I was listening to the news, reading an article, and now a thread popped up in the Member's Lounge. Has anyone here done it? My friend at school, Donnell, got expelled in 8th grade (I was in 7th) for doing it to kids in the bathroom before school or whatever. It's not like he did it to them without their permission, they asked him to do it. I thought it was the dumbest game ever, but I let a friend do it to me once, and I really regret it because I feel stupid now. It wasn't a big deal, but I didn't let anyone do it to me again but then these stupid sixth graders did it to each other, then the bell rang so they all left for class, leaving one of the kids unconscious in the bathroom. One of them asked for a pass to the bathroom, and went to check up on him (this was 10-15 minutes into class) and he still was out cold. I believe I was only out for a minute, maybe less. So the kid ended up being sent to the hospital with minor memory loss. It was really bad. So anyway, my friend Donnell got expelled for supposedly introducing the game (but his expulsion was appealed a few months later). So anyway, don't do it. Kids have died from it, it's just stupid. And it's not worth it. Basically it's just being really anxious before it happens (because with the pressure applied to your neck, you get nervous they might accidently snap it or something) and then it's over and your back up a minute later (but I didn't know how much time elapsed). Anyway, just felt like sharing my little story and trying to get blog points. I'm still Level 6 and I want to get to Level 15 before summer is over. --Fizzy < 3 (who feels Dizzy after the Choking Game) (Maybe I did it a different way, I've heard of kids using ropes and such but that's not how I did it. You put your head between your legs, breathe deeply, and they apply pressure to your neck and then your out. Then you wake up all befuddled and disoriented.) By the way, there is no "high" or "buzz" involved, as I read. You just feel stupid when you get up. And I'd like to know how these kids who died did it to themselves? I guess they used a rope.
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