@DrKill09 Another enlightened comment from a gamer with the brain of an eight year old. Of course you can't blame Microsoft, it wasn't their choice. Durp!
@Martyr77 You do realize that they are just pulling the game off the market, right, making it not for sale. If you purchased it it's still yours. There not taking it away from anyone.
I was soooo excited for Too Human when it was first announced. Then I played the demo at E3 06 and right then and there I knew there was something wrong with it. But I held out hope that the kinks would get worked out by the time it was released. Sadly they did not however it's still a game I am glad to have in my collection. I love the story. The concept is fantastic and I think if they could have made a sequel, and learned from their mistakes, it might have been truly amazing.
@biggest_loser You mean something other than Batman? I really want them to make another Batman. However now that they have shown they are an absolutely amazing development team it would be cool to see what they could do with another property or an entirely new IP.
@Prats1993 And the ability to play as Catwomen again and maybe other characters like Robin right from the start. Don't get my wrong Batman is the star, but I really enjoyed the Catwomen and Robin parts. It would also be cool if Catwomen or Robin would actually help you. There could be parts where they fight with you and stuff just for fun.
@Ratatoskr321 Arkham Stories might sound like a rip off but it would be awesome because it would totally play off of Detective Stories which is were Batman got his start. Personally I would like Arkham City Detective Stories. He is the worlds greatest detective after all.
1valiantknight's comments