Please anyone out there like me who believes in the right to bare arms but also loves video games please e-mail the NRA. Let them know that you used to support them, but if they are going to stoop to this level that you will support them no more. Heck, even if you don't like guns, but you do like video games, e-mail them. Let the NRA know that they are not gaining allies by making this pathetic move.
Leland Yee continues to make himself look like an ass. Sad to hear the NRA is jumping on board the video game blame wagon. I know they are taking a lot of heat, but to stoop to this level just to gain a little sympathy, pathetic.
I'm all for people owning guns, strict gun laws are only going to do one thing, make it so that good law abiding people don't have guns and bad guys do. However if the NRA is going to attack video games then to hell with them.
Let's hope the National Academy of Sciences takes into account the state of mind of the children they run their tests on. The simple fact is video games don't make kids do anything. However if a child has a bad home life who knows what they might do? What they might be capable of? If a kid is actually swayed to do something by a video game, even then it's still not the video games fault, it's the parents. A well adjusted child raised by good parents who care, will never shoot up a school because of a video game. I wonder if people like Yee hear how stupid the things they say sound?
@jhonel83 I don't know about a demo but in my opinion the combat is smooth, bloody, and a lot of fun. However I have only played the 360 version if that makes any difference at all.
I purchased this game for xbox 360 on release and I absolutely loved it. This game is hugely underrated. An under the radar gem. It's an open world game, sort of. The game world is composed of 3 huge maps. You complete one map and then go to the next and cannot go backwards. However the game still feels very big and very open. In my opinion it has actually aged very well. I felt it was a beautiful game back when it first came out and as I still go back to play it I find myself still impressed with the awesome world.
The story itself is not amazing, but it's also no terrible. The best aspects of the game are the combat and the huge maps to explore. The combat is somewhat simple, but a lot of fun and as the game goes on you get more and more attacks thus the combat becomes more complicated. There is also a stealth aspects as you can sneak up on enemies and assassinate them. You can also choose to enter enemy forts with stealth or swords a swinging.
At the end of each map you have to storm your enemies fort with your men. Before that you will be gathering men and resources to make this attack easier. There are side missions and collectibles. There is strategy involved especially if you play at the higher difficultly level, which does make the game much more fun.
Open world games are my favorite and I love Viking. It's a game I am very glad to have in my collection. In my personal opinion I just can't see playing the game with mouse and keyboard being much fun, so you might want to plug in a 360 controller, but maybe I am wrong.
@leoansa2 I love that kinda stuff it pulls me into the experience so much more. I know a lot of people turned off the helmet view in Bioshock as well but I would never dream of doing that I love it. But that's just me.
@PitatheGreat @GamerCents WOW! The story is there but as an extra added charm. REALLY? I threw up reading that it's so freakin sad. I got Demon Souls before it came out in America and played a little more than halfway through the campaign before I couldn't take the tedium any longer. The gameplay is good it's true but it was so boring. I can't believe what you said about Skyrim either. The huge expansive world the atmosphere the story. Skyrim has everything I look for in a game. I'm certain I've read nearly every single book in the game world. If Skyrim was a, cash in, they wouldn't have taken the time to populate the world with so much literature on top of the already great story.
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