I'll make this loud and clear.
WII - HackedModded.
360 - Busted wide open.
PC - Doesn't really need mentioning.
PS3 - Nada.
http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/5074 - Infinity Ward Amazed by Rampant PC Piracy
http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/46079 - ID and Epic to go multiplatform because of piracy.
http://www.shacknews.com/extras/2006/072606_ritual_piracy_1.x - Cost of piracy to small developers
Where I come from games dont cost no "misely" 60 dollars. Hell no. They cost 110$. Not a very sane price for just a computer game, is it? That's nothing. I bought my launch PS3 for about 1100$. That's why 87% of all PS2 consoles sold over here come right out of the box modded for burned cds. I've watched more than a few friends of mine cry like little pig-tails girls when Microsoft banned them from Live for chipping their system (was fun though). This is of course far from being only my country's issue. It's damn well spread throughout Europe but mainly in Asia.
What I'm trying to say is, currently when PC developers are going multiplat (see links), eventually even those will run out of options. As I emphasized above, 360 has been blown to smithereens in hacking terms, WII was already modded the very first week it came out and same goes for the portables. PS3 on the other hand has been sealed shut for over 1.5 years now. Only 2 weeks ago they managed to exploit some hole in Bluray's Java Interactivity to run a "snake" game. That's of course light-years from a working isoloader but nevertheless, Sony's likely to clog the hole in their next firmware update like they did before. In my opinion, sooner or later developers will understand that there's absolutely 0% piracy on PS3 and the exclusives shall swarm like...free passage to the Playboy Mansion.
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