@Songokku The review never states the game isn't polished . Infact, the gameplay mechanics are stated as being as 'solid as ever'.
Based on this review, I would argue that if this game came after Arkham Asylum rather than City then you're looking at a pretty damn good game. The review suggests it's just too similar to City.
@Warful @crunchb3rry To be honest, CoD won't be hugely different. The engine has only been built on from this gen. And considering the production time that Cods have, it just won't be a huge difference.
And from previews at gaming events playing on the next-gen BF4, many people regarded it as disappointing in terms of visuals...
MGSV is also on this gen, at 30fps rather than 60fps and Hideo Kojima has said it will look like 'current gen on a next-gen console' as the FOX engine is a current gen development meaning the game was developed MORE for this gen.
Ryse looks like a mess, lay-offs and constantly changing the game to me will just become a game like Duke Nukem or Aliens: Colonial marines in terms of final outcome.
I honestly don't see the absolute 'need' to go next-gen til atleast Spring 2014. Games being delayed with an already weak line-up, not to mention launch hardware/software issues as well as the typical 'next-gen' pricing (like this gen initially did)... It's just not something I have to have.
I'd rather just continue playing the games I've missed so far and I can still buy MGS5 on this gen. And then there's Dark Souls 2.
@dark_being @5cott That still doesn't make a review, that becomes published as a Gamespot official review, professional.
Perceived misogyny within games has been around since Tetris. Previous GTA's have always had it. My point is the review is relatively shallow and only goes into "what's close to her" when it is clearly apparent they are worse issues present in the game. Even if you forget it is satire, the review made is seem the other issues were immune to criticism. Hence peoples' anger at the review.
@dark_being Absolute rubbish. The first paragraph illustrates her intentions.
"Or perhaps you dive right into the game’s story problems, or its serious issues with women"
No mention of other stereotypical issues, drug use, violence, crime that have always been present in GTA games, but only the gender equality is the issue in this review? You don't criticise a game based around satire and only focus on one issue.
@fredyellowone @5cott Both are still perceived as sexist and examples of misogyny however. Quiet - over sexualised character Dixie - clothes yes, but gets thrown around by big strong Donkey :P.
My point is the whole thing is rediculous when it comes to videogames
5cott's comments