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8bit7055 Blog

I have Xbox Live! And I'm addicted to Rock Band now.

Title says it all. Yeah, I'm seriously addicted to Rock Band, it just sort of sucked me in, now that's almost all I ever play.

But even if you don't play Rock Band, could you still add me? I REALLY need friend on XBL

My gamertag is Drumshow769.

Sorry, no point to this blog!

Gamespot account! OH MAN, I FORGOT!

What is this? I stumbled across a website and I kept seeing that the login box already had a username and password... curious, I checked it out.

I was on a user's profile, and this user had very similar situations as me, and ironically the date at which this user joined this website, was the very day that I turned 13... strange.

It seems as though this user abandoned this profile, and left it unwatched. I felt it was my responsibility to take over and make sure nothing went wrong.

It is now my duty to make sure that the account "8bit7055" would stay safe, and away from trolls.



What's this website that keeps showing up on Google Chrome? (clicks) Gamespot? And what's this thing up here? I... guess I'll sign in. Wait.... Gamespot account? OH MAN, I FORGOT!

I haven't been on GS for MONTHS! All my friends are still here, and I just DITCHED them.

Sorry guys. I'm BACK! ...uh I guess.

My brother just joined! SUPPORT HIM NAOW!!!!!

If you recall, some while ago I said my brother would be joining in June...

he forgot...

Just do me a favor, if you're friends with me, you're friends with him.

Here is his account!


Track him or... YOU'RE FIRED!!!

And that's a promise...

I am untrue to my origin! QUIZ TIME!

Key: Red=Fire Sign/Blue=Water Sign/Yellow=Air Sign/Green=Earth Sign

All right, guys. 8bit here... You might be aware that my B-day is in November which makes me a Scorpio... but I went online and saw the natural characteristics of a Scorpio, and it barely matched me at all!

So... I took a quiz online, and here were the results.

Aquarius 88%

Pisces 75%

Leo 63%

Cancer 63%

Gemini 63%

Aries 50%

Sagittarius 50%

Capricorn 38%

Virgo 38%


Taurus 38%

Libra 25%

Wow, um... I'm not emotionally torn or anything but... wow this is NOT what I expected. But I wasn't surprised, I never felt like a Scorpio, but still I wanted to make sure.

So I found ANOTHER test online, (one with more questions and answers, you know, much more accurate) but guess what happened?!?!?!?

Take a wild guess

Too Late

Here are the new results:

Leo 86% up 23%

Sagittarius 75% up 25%

Aquarius 68% down 20%

Gemini 64% up 1%

Libra 64% up 39%

Aries 57% up 7%

Virgo 57% up 19%

Pisces 54% down 21%

Cancer 46% up 17%

Taurus 46% up 8%

Capricorn 43% up 5%


Wooooow... this is WAAAAAAAY off,

Wether I'm more an Aquarius or Leo, I am certainly NOT a Scorpio. But yanno what? I'm actually pretty happy with it.

I always knew I was never a Scorpio, I'm scared of real Scorpios! And most famous Scorpios like Hillary Clinton, Charles Manson, and Roseanne, I can't really relate to. (exept for Weird Al, he is awesome).

Even though I'm TECHNICALLY a Scorpio, I really don't feel like it... makes more sense for Aquarius/Leo.


Try it, you might be surprised with the results...

And no, I am NOT running out of ideas...

Sonic has the WORST FANS EVER!

Hey, it's me-- haven't been on in ages... but that's not important...

You've all heard of Sonic the Hedgehog, right? You know, the blue guy, red shoes, fast...

Well as you are well aware, he is one of the most famous video game characters, and in my opinion he is currently better than ever. But... sadly, it doesn't seem so for the hardcore fans...

They say he is not as fast, they say he has gone soft, they say that the world of 3D has always been a bad idea... and... I DON'T GET IT!!!!

I just don't I think he always was, and always will be awesome. (except for that one embarrassment in late 2006). Seriously, could someone help me here? I'm extremely confused...

Terrible movies I wanna see!

Yeah, that's kind of weird, isn't it? Wanting to see bad movies? Well, for one thing, I'm curious, just to see how bad they are. Also, I might like them.

Remember my blog about what you think is the worst game ever? What I said about opinions applies to movies too. For example: Twilight. Many, many people hate it, but the other half like it. Also, even a masterpiece like Star Wars, someone might not like it. Same thing.

So here are some of the flops I am interested in...

1. Last Action Hero (1993) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austin O' Brien, Robert Prowsky

Now, this one has an interesting premise, a young boy named Danny winds up in a movie with his favorite star, Jack Slater (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger). Danny knows how movies like this work, so he knows how everything is going to happen. When the movie is over, though, both Danny and Jack return to the real world where Jack realizes things aren't quite the same in real life...

It didn't do well at the box office, and was given a negative review by the Nostalgia Critic, but it looks interesting, even though the ending is kinda crappy, but it still looks cool and I wanna see it.

2. The Love Guru (2008) Mike Meyers, Romany Marco, Verne Troyer

This is one of the more recent flops; I saw the trailer for it, it seemed interesting enough, but what really drew my attention to it, was the fact that it won the 2008 Razzie Award for Worst Picture.

I've heard that "Most of the humor in this movie is just obsene puns and ridiculous sight gags". Wow, now I'm REEEEEEEEALY curious... If this isn't the best dumb film ever, I don't know what is!

3. Batman & Robin (1997) George Clooney, Chris O' Donnel, Arnold Schwarzenegger

This is considered by many to be the worst film of all time, let alone worst Batman movie of all time. Many hated it for being campy, silly, and just plain weird... I guess it wasn't a good idea to use one of the worlds darkest figures:P.

But I don't think a film like this should be taken seriously, it was more intended for younger fans than the hardcore. I definitely want to check this one out!

One more thing... I saw the Super Mario Bros Movie recently...


No joke...

Random Adult Swim Quotes!

I just sorta felt like throwing some funny crap here just to let you know I'm not dead... here's the key to the shows...

Space Ghost Coast to Coast

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

The Brak Show

Space Ghost: Moltar, flush the lake...

Moltar: We don't have a lake.

Space Ghost: Good work.

Frylock: (holding a book) Look, just give this a chance, okay?

Meatwad: "The Tiniest Bullfrog"... there, I'm done. Now come on, wrestling's on.

Frylock: Hang on Meatwad. (opens book) There's a little more...

Meatwad: Aw, wait. You gotta open it now? When did they start doing that?

Brak: Hello, my name is Brak!

Brak's clone: Hello, my name is Brak!

Brak: I live in a house down the street!

Brak's clone: I live in a house down the street!

Brak: I'm wearing clean underwear!

Brak's clone: You are not...

Brak: You got me! (both laugh)

Conan O' Brien: "Space Ghost" is a space man who died and became a space ghost. Now, I know you don't want the kids knowin... but you died, baby. You gotta... get down with that.

Space Ghost: NO!


Space Ghost: NO!

Conan: You're a space man that choked on a muffin!

Space Ghost: That, sir, is impossible, because I am allergic to muffins!


Conan: Oh, I'm sorry.

Space Ghost: You're thinking of Muffin Hunter; he's different...

Frylock: Meatwad, get off the road; it's dangerous.

Meatwad: Uh-uh; this here's my road when I is in it, and I'm in it.

Frylock: Who told you that?

Meatwad: Master Shake.

Shake: Ahem!

Meatwad: Oh, um... Captain Master Shake.

Shake: Of...?

Meatwad: Uh, in a... planetary traffic safety squadron patrol...

Shake: Which unit?

Meatwad: All units.

Shake: Except...?

Meatwad: Except... Jupiter and Spain; unless otherwise noted.

Shake: Good, we're learning something...

Brak: Mr. Tickles, how do y- how do you think Thundercleese is going to take this?

Mr Tickles: Oh god, he'll tear your arms off!

Brak: But I love my arms! That's where my hands live!

If you want to, I'll post some more, maybe...

Favorite Movie Remake?!?

Yep, another movie blog... I don't know, I've been feeling movie-ish lately...

There have been many remakes of old films in the past decades, such as the Pink Panther, Planet of the Apes, The Miracle Worker, or my personal favorite, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...

Many think it really doesn't hold a candle to the original, I don't mind, it's really just its own story. The old one is more of a colorful and charming musical, while the new one is a quirky and demented fantasy. I like 'em both, but the new one is really cool too.

So, what's your favorite remake? And hey, since we're doing this, why not tell me your least favorite? The ones that really dissapointed you, or the ones just seemed like two hours of eye candy (no pun intended).

Happy Birthday!!!

Okay, not really... but... I do like to think that... so...

Happy-not-birthday to me!


Aw, great! I cake I have to SOLVE!

So, I just thought I'd blog, since I hadn't done it in a while.


(eats cake)

(mouth full) Whurt, whtr yrr gurrs lrrkrrn rt?

(swallows) Oh well, it isn't really my birthday, it's not gonna be for another two months, but who really cares when you've really got nothing better to do?

Sorry for eating that cake earlier, so I got you all a PS3!


GOTCHA! It's another cake :D

Just to let you know, I'll be turning 15 in November.

QUICK FUN FACT: Same age as that blue blur we all know and love...

sonic cake

Okay, how many cake-related cliche's are there going to be?




AAAAH! I wasn't gonna eat all of you, you icing-covered monsters!

Well, that's really it... nothing much here... but two things I really wanna get...

Lego Rock Band (if it comes out)


What? You don't see it? There's nothing wrong with colorful plastic toys becoming rock stars?

And... Wii Speak.


I think it'd be cool to talk to you guys, just so you can hear my lovely little voice.

Well, that's about it, so...

Happy early birthday y'all!