Actually admitting that you're NOT focusing on single player in a COD game basically equals a 4 minute campaign. 3 minutes to cinematically drive to a location (god forbid you'd drive the jeep yourself), then 1 minute to rescue a hostage. Game over.
@tframp420 @Drevyx @pal_080 Agreed. I wasn't planning on grabbing a next gen system for at least a year after release, but if GTA V was only available on next gen, I would buy a helluva lot sooner!
@spn33 @biIIy You've been playing RPGs for 10 WHOLE years???? I'm well into my 30s, so you're incredibly mistaken about me being a "kid". The problem here is you have tunnel vision as to what a PC RPG should be. Saying that Dark Souls is crappy game on a PC and a great game on a console doesn't even make sense.
For example, the Wii U is coming out with comparable hardware to today's consoles. If Dark Souls would be released for the Wii U, would it be a crappy game because the Wii typically plays Mario and Zelda games?
What Carolyn is doing is reviewing the game as the IP that it is, not what hardware it's on. Sure that does make an impact, but it's still a worthy game.
Also, FYI, I have a PS3, an XBOX 360, and Wii, and I built a custom gaming PC. I'm not a console troll.
@spn33 @biIIy Something tells me you're just a pissed off kid. If you're an adult, you might have anger management issues.
You say you hate this game. If so, go somewhere else. Trashing others because they post how great Dark Souls is on a Dark Souls article is just juvenile. You ripped billy a new one for stating his opinion "at least once more" yet you've posted your opinion about this game SEVERAL times to several people. Hypocritical much?
The reason this game is so well-liked is because it is NOT your typical RPG. If you looked at it through an Elder Scrolls (or similar) lens, it will disappoint. I know that because I bought Demon Souls and tried to play it like Elder Scrolls and got my ass handed to me by the 3rd enemy I fought. Because of that, I hated the game and was mad I spent $60 on it. But one day I did a little research and began looking at the game through a new lens and really was able to see and appreciate the innovation of this game. After that, I've really enjoyed both "Souls" games.
Nobody's asking you to like this game. I respect that you don't. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and everyone is entitled to sharing that opinion RESPECTFULLY. Doing so any other way is just rude.
Although it would be extremely unpopular among Gamespot's followers, I think GS should drop the rating system altogether. This would force us as readers to mature by not reducing the thousands of man hours that goes into making a great game down to a single number on which we would base our purchasing decisions. I myself have fallen victim to this and I know I've passed on great games because I allowed the number to sway me.
Imagine how you might feel about BL2 if you just read the review without seeing a score. I ask that because I read the review, made up my mind that this is a game I should buy, but then saw the score and it forced me to reconsider. I'm still going to get it, but seeing the number did have an impact.
Seeker - I agree with you in that using OBL as a way to sell video games is incredibly insensitive and immoral. I like that you believe in NOT alienating the muslim community because of one extremist's behavior.
I do appreciate that they want to donate to charitable causes, but they could have just created the inevitable DLC (one that's non-controversial) and stated that $1 of every DLC sold will go to army charities. That would be the socially responsible way to handle it.
However, your statement saying that making fun of OBL means making fun of Islam as a religion is very broad and assuming. PixelAddict is right, Islam is about peace. However, OBL used that message to bring people (many of whom were severely oppressed by poverty) to his violent agenda. Unfortunately, this is not a new tactic in world history. This has happened many times before, by many leaders and many faiths. The Muslims that I know do not associate themselves with his "teachings" and those they meet that assume that Islam means "terrorist" they feel a great sadness for.
I myself am a Christian and have been confronted by those who criticize the Christian faith based on the embezzling evangelist preachers they've seen on TV. I don't take offense to those statements because that's not the Christianity I practice nor do I hate the person who mocks Christianity because that's all that person has ever been exposed to.
How am I a hypocrite? What did I say that was hypocritical? You must be referring to someone else. I think you need to reread my initial post. I think you're projecting your own issues into my comment.
To your comment about "No one is forcing the LGBT community to play BF3....", shouldn't they be able to play without that kind of targeted language being used? Or do you encourage that kind of hatred?
To those that think this event is unnecessary, it goes beyond the event itself. Have you ever played Battlefield 3 online? When a player wants to trash another player, often sexual slurs are used. It's events like this that work toward a gaming future where that kind of abusive language is forbidden.
93ChevyNut's comments