Fun game and all, but I stopped playing the PC version right about the time the stupid crate and key system came out. Can't stand those things for some reason. Crates weren't the reason I quit, but they certainly didn't help.
@cjtopspin: Everything worked right out of the box. A lot of games don't support 21:9 so you can just do 1440p and basically have a 28" 16:9 screen, which isn't too bad. The screen handles pretty much any resolution you throw at it, 1080p, 2560x1080, 720p, or the native 3440x1440 and it doesn't freak out about it. It just scales it appropriately.
@cjtopspin: I have a Dell U3415W and I love it. I run it on a 980ti, but 3440x1440 is nearing the amount of pixels of 4k, I have to turn some settings down to nail down 60 fps. Best monitor I've ever had. Has some backlight bleed, but that's been the only con to me so far.
@kyelo: They lose money on the sale of each console anyway, so they might as well sell a bunch of games and DLC without taking the hit from the loss of each console sold. Either way you're still in the ecosystem so you can't really say they're losing anything right? Heck, they're getting game sales now from people who combo PC/PS4 or simply PC gamers who were never going to get an Xbox anyway since they've already likely invested heavily into their PC. Smart move from MS IMO.
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