@MJ-X: The Horizon 3 demo is out on the X1, as @iconr6racer stated, and it's quite impressive considering the hardware it's on. I have a 4770k/980ti rig, and when comparing how Project Cars on PC looks to the Horizon 3 demo, I have to applaud Playground Games. The game looks simply amazing.
@Thanatos2k: Buy the disk version of the game, and then buy the (non-existent) disk version for PC. That's 2 different copies for the cost of 2. Buy the digital version once and get 2 copies, one for each platform. 2 copies. It's pretty simple really. Don't see why you're making such a fuss about it.
@Gravity_Slave: On Shadowrun, they were employing all sorts of limits on mouse users up to including randomized sway to make aiming harder, among other things. It takes a lot of balancing, but 9/10 the mouse and keyboard is going to be better in everything except movement, but in a lot of games, a stick isn't a huge advantage in movement either.
@Thanatos2k: You get 2 copies of the game for the price of one, along with being able to use it across multiple devices. Spin it how you want, that's a good deal.
@Thanatos2k: Minimal or not, it's still a value. You're trying too hard. Besides, I'm more of a PC guy and my wife prefers consoles. Who said anything about watching kids? I'm so confused.
@Thanatos2k: Do something like I'm doing, game sharing within the same household. Now I can get FH3 and my wife can use her Gamertag on the Xbox while I use mine on the PC. That's what they're talking about.
-Edit- Also, you don't have to replay anything, your progress is shared across both versions so if you get kicked off the TV you can just finish up on the PC. I don't see how having options is worthless or pointless, it's quite a bonus actually.
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