@redsabre1428: your first paragraph shows that you don't have idea of PC gaming, you have the most common problem on this world: Ignorance. Fix it.
Those games are 1 time movie, games came from board games like the Chess, a game is something that you wan to return forever with renewed expectations.
Zelda? So you have PS and Nintendo, you have 2 consoles, add that to your budget. I could play all games of the world if i want, is just go to the corner and return with 3 boxes, is not for money, is that in PC I have more games that I can physically play, understand?
So all is a matter of election, having PC + consoles I must decide in which device I will play, and having Skyrim modded like the heavens on PC why should I want to play the same game on consoles filled with bugs? understand? even having all consoles I would ended playing on my best device. So again, why are you doing this to you?
@joshrmeyer: fortunately my parents never bought me a game, just a PC to do my things, and gaming was for my own, today I'm grateful, I can play all my gaming history in a single click, any genre, the best games, with mods, not being afraid to use a PC like you that have grown with toys. If you love your kid, don't do it to him, is the difference between grow up being an ignorant or someone that don't are afraid to use technology.
Those over-rated exclusives are just marketing, videogames came from board games like the Chess, a game is not a 1 use thing, is something that you always want to return with renewed expectations.
@redsabre1428: it's a difference between 'fine' and 'perfect', with mods Skyirm is perfect, and no, you don't have mods, you have few remains from PC modding that have been filtered by Bethesda's site removing adult content, copyright, 3rd party needed, etc, you have a "demo" of how Skyrim could be improved by playing it on PC with the mods that you really want.
I notice the same from all console players: "our exclusives" (few, non-replayable, non-durable, etc). "I've been playing 200 hours of Fallout 3 and it's ok without mods" (no, it's not, you have wasted 200 hours of your life). "Consoles are the best", (no, all people is playing on PC, a single game in PC has more players than all console players together).
May I ask why?, why are you defending a closed system, that holds you by the balls, that don't allow you to do whatever you want, and limitless in time? why are you doing that to yourself?
I think physical damage is close to impossible. The problem here is the upgrade, never upgrade an OS, install from scratch. It is a lot more work but you will be on that system for years, it deserves a little dedication.
@redsabre1428: that includes all games because you can't use mods on them. Skyrim without mods is boooooring, understand? and the few bad ports you will (foreeeeever) mention are exceptions, and they gives the right to me when I say consoles are the worst, without consoles, those games would be exceptional on PC, understood?
@joshrmeyer: most players of LoL or DotA are from USA and Europe, the same for WoW, Minecraft, Starcraft, Skyrim, whatever, the best games, and styles had born on PC: Baldur's Gate, Fallout, Quake, Doom, Duke Nukem, Diablo, Might and Magic sagas, Civilization, Total War, Warhammer, Tomb Raider, Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires, Counter Strike, Ultima, The Sims, The Witcher... (and I could continue writting a book of games born on PC, some ported, some never ported to consoles). You really believe that console has more relevance for gaming?
It's marketing, you can't still playing most of your over-rated most famous console exclusives because in general they are interactive movies, Uncharted, TLOU, etc, are 1 time game with zero replayability.
Videogames came from the board games as Chess, which you can re-play your entire life without get bored of it, movies are another thing, PlayStation won't earn excessive money if you still playing Uncharted 1, they do spectacularly movies to sell by the eyes, but games are much more than that, consoles had corrupted games in many multiple ways...
@joshrmeyer: in ps4's lifetime... what is that? you know that all consoles sold their best in the firsts years, is pure logic: people that plays on consoles don't have any alternative (you can thanks the closed system, unfair to the user), so, why an user that have been playing on PS3, won't buy the PS4 in the firsts years? Yes, there are exceptions and for that reason consoles still selling, but the top of the curve had passed, please, don't argue the obvious, there are full of charts of sales, here:
Do you see any console selling after decreasing? and PS4 clearly has reached its plateau.
And I hate many things that I do on PC like homework, but, with a PC-Gamer, the homework turns a bit more attractive, for example: I swap to the menu, browse my games, there is the icon of Diablo 2 to a quick run, then save and exit, and return to homework refreshed, another case: after done a tedious task I switch to the forum to answer you that is very relaxing. See?
@redsabre1428: so sad, I don't like consoles in my games and there they are. Life is unfair, and more for PCs, because consoles only get good stuff from multiplatforming, right?
@joshrmeyer: is predicted... o... k... may I ask when? next year? all the world will buy massively an outdated piece of hardware when PS5 (or whatever successor) be there?
Your taxes, o... k... look, at this point you can learn a complete different way to see your life: You clearly hates your PC, that means, all what you do on it. By the other way, I have the immense luck that I play on my PC, so I love it, and I do my "tedious tasks" with more love than you: homework, taxes, movies, my book, even writing this feels good in my mechanical keyboard. Think abut it.
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