@redsabre1428: because there 'exists' that tempting market of casuals that pay whatever for the worst version of a game, limited, and without mods. And Dragon Age wasn't that great because...? guess.
@joshrmeyer: I still playing Diablo 2, Arcanum, Dune... when a game is good, is forever.
But what about sales? All consoles sold less than the number of PC for gaming today.
Videogame portals are a "protected environment" where console players feel 'special', why? because consoles pay most of their ads, but outside portals there are 100 million players in 1 single PC game that don't need marketing, 7 million players paying, monthly, in 1 single PC game, billions of mods... the core of gaming was, is, and always will be in PC.
@redsabre1428: I've grew up happy playing the best on PC my entire life, Baldur's Gate, Diablo 2, Starcraft, Doom, Counterstrike... also lots of mods... etc, never caring about consoles. But since PS3 and the multiplatform policy, was more profitable to make games limited to the inferior platform (to develop 1 single game instead 2 separated versions). Now Dragon Age was destroyed by casuals, and all my games are limited to action-pad games, entire genres almost disappear, only Crowdfunding saved them recently.
You want to play our games, but in crap platforms, well, you are affecting our games, there is no more a "console wars" (remembering those... laughable... discussions you had in the past), today is PC against all consoles.
@maximimon: PS2 and PS3 still selling today? those are closed numbers, from 160 to 80 is the half of population in your community. And for PS4 strong sales has ended, even is known that it will be a "successor" soon, so sales only can decrease, don't delude yourself.
@shortmaneighty2: so, for you conception, PS2 still selling today. But for business, the strong sales has ended. As well PS3 strong sales has ended. PS4 still in current generation, but again, strong sales has ended, in fact is a known fact that the "successor" is close, so sales can only decline in time.
Don't forget that today are more players than in PS2 times (more people playing videogames, considering the world population increasing and the videogaming market expanding). But less people playing on consoles.
Also, in other markets, there are more PC for gaming than all consoles sold in all generations together. And the number still increasing.
Look at your catalogue, in the past PS2 has almost ALL of its games exclusives, today almost ALL your catalogue is multiplatform, with few exclusives. What does it means?
All the symptoms are there, consoles are dying since PS3, slowly, but dying, if you don't want to see reality, it will only be harder when you notice in the hard way.
@Furwings: retro console gamers need one of two: or an old console (used, and there will be a day in which all will be broken), or emulate on PC. Retro PC gamers just needs the PC they use to play all games.
Well, I've been playing Dune at 60 fps on a crappy laptop, only counting retro, there are more games that you can play in your last PC, than in all consoles together from the current generation (and maybe from all consoles together from all generations, gaming in PC also counts emulation).
@Furwings: and today they have sold... nothing. Comparing more than 711 million PC for gaming (and growing), not so bad to have more PC gaming at the same time than all consoles together in their best times, right? your welcome, genius.
Antarte's comments