It's incredible how much can achieve a game when devs are focused in excellence, playability, plot, environment, immersion... instead marketing and casualization to sell as many copies as possible...
I'm sick of those incredibly good looking games that seem a "tech demo", because they have exactly 1 way to play, straight forward, QTE + cinematics, and that's all, in few exceptions there are games in which you can design your character and explore... but most of the times are better for modding.
But in these kind of RPGs you feel the compromise since the character creation, you can't play this straight forward spamming the attack button, you have to use your brains sometimes...
Hilarious when they say "great only for its sex scenes", well, do an experiment, remove sex scenes with a mod, and you still having an awesome game. While for those overrated-history-driven-linear-corridors+QTE games, if you remove the emotive-fanservice you have absolutely nothing. Think about it.
@archav3n: and what are a videogame for you? Lineal corridors + QTE + cinematics without replayability? I still playing Heroes 3, from 2000s, inferior graphics than a mobile, unlimited replayability. Because games are not movies, games are what you want to return with renewed expectations.
@sladakrobot: In RPG is even worse because is useful to design with the limitations of the worst platform from scratch (as Dragon Age 2), different is when after release they found a port (as Divinity Original Sin), enjoy then a flawless RPG in consoles if you want to bother trough unlimited pad-menus.
If you ask me, and I feel that I can talk by most whom you call "PC elitists" (an inaccurate name, because PC is everywhere and cheaper while consoles would be the real elitism (of the bad)). I've been playing since 2000s and never cared about consoles, enjoying my deep games: Diablo 2, Starcraft, Age of Empires, Baldur's Gate, CS... For example, today, I don't care about Nintendo, they are happy, good for them! while they don't mess with my games, but Xbox and PS had stopped to make games for consoles, making mini-PCs to run PC games, and that is the beginning of the mediochrization in PC games. There were entire genres that almost disappear because is more profitable to sell in 3 platforms than in just PC. So we had Dragon Age 2 destroyed to make it console-friendly, alongside lots of iconic games as Divinity 2, Crysis 2, Diablo 3, Sacred 3... You can't deny the downgrade needed to design a game for consoles, not only in graphics (which is the less thing I care), is in playability, turning RPGs to ARPGs, shooters to linear corridors, keyboard limitations, even dialogues are less complex and inventory as simple as possible. This only will end with the end of dedicated devices, today everyone has PC and Phones, and still buying dedicated devices? really?
@sladakrobot: sorry, is just that videogames seem the only hobby in which people prefer the worst, but as long as still profitable, it will take many years more to reach a day without dedicated devices.
For your question, I don't remember a crowdfunded stretch goal for other platform, it's logic, people just want each dollar to make a better game. Also from other platforms wont invest for a stretch goal because if is not reached, they have invested in a game for other audience.
That is the problem of have different platforms that no other media has: literature, music, movies, here we have an artificial division in games, thank you.
@sladakrobot: ohh please! we are in a forum dedicated to games, people here waste fortunes in useless consoles + games + online + forced change of generations and re-buy remasters for next generations, etc, and they don't invest in the best gaming platform? really? why are we taking this conversation so often? is for real? when you go to your home you wait endless minutes to start your old, dirty and noisy PC just to check mails? and when you do any homework, presentation, task, photo editing, or whatever, is slow as a turtle, failing and filled of malware pop-ups? that is the way you use your PC? that is what consoles do to console players? having the worst PC experience because they don't care the most important machine in their lives? please! be serious!
Sorry but I'm sick of these useless debates about what should be obvious. If you go to a weaponry forum, or cars, or whatever hobby, you will NEVER read stupid conversations about "hey, my car is so lame that I need a special car for special people like me that knows anything about the hobby I love". Can console people talk seriously for once? Please?
@zerohournow:probably you are just trolling but I will use this space to bring some culture to ppl like you.
If not crowdfunding a game need a publisher, the publisher don't play the game, just get money for selling it, that is his main goal: sell, so the game get as casual as possible to sell a big portion of the market.
And that is worse in the multiplatform era, in which publishers want their games in as many plataforms as possible, so PC version seems a real casual pad crap.
There are few exceptions but all of them are Action-RPG (Dark Souls, Witcher, Skyrim, etc), in which your character fights with your "human reflexes" making the stats in the character sheet just for flavor.
Maybe in shooters and platforms this would be a good think, but in genres as RPG this is terrible, converging them from RPG to ARPG.
In pure RPGs the fights are based on character sheet, that is very, very, clumsy on consoles (look at Dragon Age Origins, Wasteland 2 or Divinity Original Sin, in consoles are a pain), are not attractive to publishers.
This genre almost die in the multiplatform era, Dragon Age Origins was the last, and that because it was made for PC, in the middle EA happened and was ported to consoles, the rest of the saga was Action-pad, destroyed.
Then a big period in which there were no more pure RPGs, and then the miracle, the next pure RPG was Wasteland 2, crowdfunded, and most of new (big) RPGs are crowdfunded.
So bitching the crowdfund for RPGs is just ignorance, because is the only way to have real RPGs in the multiplatform era. At least till consoles finally die, which fortunately could be soon.
@catsimboy: I have been in many successful crowdfunding RPGs like Grim Dawn, Wasteland 2, Divinity OS, Pillars of Eternity, and never developers compromises their vision for fans, in fact, fans enhance them many times in many surveys and forums threads starting for the devs for simple questions as if the money would have weight to complex as the type of resistances.
Those are the kind of questions devs usually ask to publishers, those you call "professionals", but are professionals of money, and their responses were oriented to casualization, because that means more market to sell, see?
The result: games founded by "professionals", are for those professionals, so you have 1 FIFA and CoD per year with taste of nothing, while games founded by players, are for us, the players.
Antarte's comments