Star Citizen was crowdfunded so we know its existence since the blueprints, instad since an advanced alpha, and all AAA games need 4-5 years (or many more), that may explain something to some haters in each news from this game.
Truth, we can smell their fear with a gorgeous game that can't be played on consoles from this, and probably next generation, without serious downgrades, evidencing what lame they have been all this time buying games very limited regarding what technology can offer.
This is what MS should have done from Windows XP instead divide efforts with a pathetic console. If Microsoft would focused 100% in PC gaming today they would be like Steam, and maybe Steam would never exists... well... maybe we should thanks Microsoft for their stupidity because today Steam have more benefits of all consoles together being the best gaming plataform ever created, and I'm sure it is better than any "well done" version of GFW...
@joshrmeyer: people love movies, but are no games. But wait, Destiny? Really? that is what consoles do to your brains? ok... having tons of better, crowded and successful mmo, and free, you are paying online to play a shooter with autoaim? with the lower user score on metacritic? how can you waste your lives playing on consoles? never seen a mod in your lives, never a really populated online game, a challenging one, you don't have idea how much are you missing...
@unfriendlytoast: I knew that because I've been following its development, till 2012 Blizzard was the company of my dreams, I've started with Diablo 2, Starcraft, Warcraft 3, even World of Warcraft (first release) was a perfect online game. Then it came Starcraft 2 with LAN... hummm... that can't smell well, never, is a thing less that we can do regard its predecessor, but is a good game if we ignore that "selfish" attempt.
So, even knowing that Diablo 3 was casualized, only online and without modding possibilities, I thought that Blizzard still the best and they will surprise me.
Not even close... was even worse than we predicted, a game totally designed to sell the best gear for real money, but I still giving a try... when I've ended all of my characters I've noticed that there are nothing more to do, and I quit disappointed.
Returning to Path of Exile I've noticed that was full of former Diablo 3 players growing a lot, I've noticed what the developers of Path of Exile have noticed years ago, that Blizzard is not more the epic enterprise that used to be, now is focused to the online casual market.
@joshrmeyer: I can play any game for free if I only want to "try" it for 20 hours.
But, I greatly would pay $40, 60, 80, 100, or more for Fallout 3, because it deserves it, keeping me returning for years to my perfectly modded posnuclear world.
Look, Uncharted sold 9 million? (don't remember), obviously there are 9M fanboys that payed full price, if you are smarter, perfect for you, but still a movie that you can see for free in youtube.
I'm not saying that is a bad... plot, (can't say "game" to those things), just that it would be better as a movie, instead a linear corridor of surprises designed to impress kids. But is too bad to be a movie, and too limited to be a game, a thing that lasts 20 hours can't be Game of the Year, when it lasts less than a Day.
@Ayato_Kamina_1: Well, you hate the "RPG" part of "ARPG", is ok, majority of gamers are casuals, that is what Blizzard aims in Diablo 3, a big casual market that buys mounts and pets online.
There is nothing to do with Diablo 3, it was broken from beginning, automatic stats and no skill tree, entirely designed around loot for the Auction House, they removed the AH but didn't bring back stats and skills, so there are no builds, still designed to the AH, now without an AH, totally broken, is not hard to understand.
RoS attempted to copy Path of Exile, but worse, all that you can do are rift, rifts and more rifts, like maps from PoE, but with the same character as the entire World, differentiated only in gear (as a simple MMO).
This was never a Diablo game, is an isometric MMO, Blizzard needs to continue to another ARPG, a real successor of Diablo 2.
@Berserk8989: "very good and popular multiplayer?" and... aren't you forgetting to add that it also runs at 60fps with mods? Ok, you keep repeating that until someone believes you, right?
Antarte's comments