I wonder how long it would take for the PS4 to be hacked to disable such a feature? Sure, Sony might have just filed the patent just to say they own the patient rights, but I'd rather not take that chance.
@cousinmerl System Dies: You have to send it to Sony for repair. Buy a new system MAY allow you to play your old games again...as long as this tech remains hardware based & not also tracked online. THEN you fucked-up-beyond-all-repair.
Profile Hack: Contact Sony & hope they don't ban you because they can't take the time out of their day to help you.
Trial By Friend: You're fucked.
Loaner: They're fucked...unless they again track what games are being played on what systems. Then they just may disable that specific game code from usage on all PS4's, making it a soda-pop coaster.
@shwayCATT Games have always been a media. "Software" (especially PC software) indicates using the product for purposes including business.
Last I checked, people don't buy Final Fantasy XIII or Halo 4 to use the game to make money at their workplace. This makes games an entertainment-only media.
I said it earlier (kinda), but I'll say it again because, if Sony DOES read Gamespot reader comments, they likely have ADHD and don't bother past the first few sentences.
1. Sony: Imagine I have several $100 bills. This money was saved for the PS4. Then you installed this no-used game playback feature.
2. Now, imagine me using these $100 bills to wipe my sweaty, hairy ass instead. That is what I would rather use my PS4-fund money for instead if you bar used game play on your future systems.
We can all only HOPE they didn't figure-out how to make this tech. downloadable as a mandatory upgrade to the VITA/PS3.
Without used/rental games to compete with new game sales, the price of games will increase. Expect the days of SNES prices to return ($70-$80), because they can (supply vs demand and all). Oh, and let's not forget DLC. Want that new character? $10. What those new costumes? $3 each, or $8 together. Want new levels? $15. Want new weapons? $1 each. New music? $1 each. Want that new ride? $5. Oh, you want to unlock the stuff that's on the game already that's non-unlockable without paying? $20.
By the time you're done, you've spent $200+ on an $80 game.
@unreal_master @GamerLegend10 You DO realize that games sales (and the whole "Greatest Hits" idea) exists because box stores are competing with used game stores/rental companies for business, right?
You probably don't remember the time when the used game market was tiny, and Nintendo was sued (and lost in the lawsuit) for price-fixing games. Because they could.
Atalalama's comments