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@SpiderRedNight @SinXGuard I'm an impulse shopper. A POOR impulse shopper.

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@farrlinn Bold claims. I counter your argument by pointing out greedy ISP's who charge malicious fees for exceeding their data-cap. Until THAT'S resolved, physical media will remain.

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Edited By Atalalama

I just realized something: Nintendo is laughing all the way to the bank again.

Sure, WiiU sales this first holiday season wasn't hot. But what will consumer reaction be to $ony (& M$ per popular rumor) banning used game play? Sure, there will be SOME sales. But considering our current world economy, mommy & daddy, the working poor, the student, the economist (in other words: The Non-Hardcore Crowd), won't be buying as much as they usually would. A lot of used game sales are impulse/convenience buys. Or online purchases. Or a long-sought title no longer made. Will these consumers be willing to spend $400-$700 on a new system that won't let them buy games at a discount unless it's a store sale - which usually aren't that great ($5 here, $12 there...)?

Not likely. Want proof? How many of you, right here on Game Spot, bought the Neo Geo when it was first released - an expensive platform with obnoxiously-priced games and almost no used game market for it?

Third party publishers will take note when the system doesn't sell well. Poor hardware sales = poor software sales.

These "non-hardcore" consumers will look to hardware that has affordable software. As long as Nintendo doesn't follow suit AND they stop being such assholes to third party companies (if Bayonetta 2 is any indication, they're getting better again), then Nintendo will be "the saviors of console gaming" again.

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@LetterZero More like $5 - $20. Some games jut ain't worth $5 new.

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Edited By Atalalama

I just re-read the following quote:

"Sony said though the second-hand market may expose new gamers to a particular title, in the long run, this does not benefit developers."

I would like to point out that WAAAAAY back in 1998 I came across some weird little Playstation game called "Revelations: Persona". It was used, on sale for $30. I thought about getting the game, and eventually decided to do so.

It is now 2013.

Since that single purchase, I have purchased NEW:

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon

Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga

Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

Persona 4 Arena

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2 - Innocent Sin

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Golden

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2

And I have Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers on pre-order. What's this about the sale of a used game not benefiting developers again?

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Hey Sony, guess what?

I'm not buying your next system.

Yeah, you read me right. I don't care of you have a fully remastered, HD revision of Final Fantasy VII with branching story paths & multiple endings (so SquEEEEnix can milk the franchise even MORE) as a Day 1 Exclusive. I don't care if Persona 4 Arena 2 is an exclusive (not to mention Persona 5). I don't care if Street Fighter 5 is an exclusive. I don't care if it has CHRONO BREAK as an exclusive. Nor Zero Escape 3. Nor Legend of Dragoon 2. Nor Lunar 3. Nor Okami 2. Nor Marvel vs Capcom IV. Nor Batman: Arkham Nation. Nor The Last Guardian. Nor Skies or Arcadia 2. Nor a (non-sucky) Grandia IV. Nor Metal Gear Neo. Nor an HD Policenauts/Snatcher combo back. Nor Red Dead Revolution. Nor Portal 3. Nor the most awesome Sonic The Hedgehog game ever made (lol, like that'll happen...).

I don't care if you bought-out Nintendo, and EVERY other game company on the planet, and held a monopoly on all video gaming. Including PC & Apple. I won't buy your system if you block used game play.

You wanna know why?

It's simple: I'm not a huge fan of data-only games, as sales (and "shelf life") is controlled directly by the Publisher/Licenser. I enjoy walking into a store, seeing a game I want, new, on sale by the store. It makes for great store-competition. I do not like ISP datacaps. I do not like Hard Drive/System failures.

I like buying games Day 1, when I can afford to. I like being able to find old games that are NO LONGER PRINTED and being able to purchase and enjoy them.

I enjoy my consumer rights, where I am not forced to buy new in order to own something. What makes games more important than clothing in the market? Or furniture? Or cars? Or houses? Or the entire barter-system?

I enjoy being able to say "I dislike this game, I believe I will sell this game".

I will no longer enjoy Sony if Sony decides to include this "used game ban feature" in any future Sony product.

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@buccomatic Oh, you mean former President Clinton? He signed the Brady Bill into law, after all. Sure, let's get right on that.

Really, what is John Q. Public doing owning a freakin' ROCKET LAUNCHER in LOS ANGELES?

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@SuprSaiyanRockr A reasonable comment on the internet?

I didn't break reality, did I?

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@visionedorange Yeah...and the NRA used to such a GOOD organization, too. I blame laws allowing for lobbyists and anonymous donations from people-companies. And the Lawyers, of course.

Except Phoenix Wright, Perry Mason, and Matlock. They're cool. Although...they are DEFENSE attorneys...

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@berserker66666 Oh yeah, like the gun hopped onto the guys' lap & started talking to him, telling him to take it out and start shooting, pretend to be Starscream to its' Megatron.

I'm not a fan of military-grade weaponry being owned & used by private citizens, but I DO believe in the responsible ownership of weapons. But that's because I've lived in Wyoming. I wouldn't be typing here today if it wasn't for my ability to use my revolver to shoot off that rattler's head I accidentally stumbled across.