@Muddrox_dev @tgwolf From what I understand, the mother was a loving, doting parent. She was just over her head and super-private about home problems. I'm not certain if she ever reached out for help or not. Same with his brother.
@tgwolf @Muddrox_dev It has. You know, hate crimes? Like the homosexual who was found beaten & dragged to death (then propped against a barbed wire fence, I believe) in Wyoming by several so-called cowboys? Or how people will band together to chase off any registered sex offender who moves into their community (even if the offense was an 18-year-old making love to his 17-year-old girlfriend and the girls' father going ape-shit and/or the prosecutor looking for for re-election)...?
@Spawn99 That's what they're IMPLYING, not saying. Because if they did, bullshit WOULD be tossed at them. The study(ies) she speaks of DID determine that "violent media" (including music, movies, tlevision, etc.) increased aggressiveness/etc. - because it stimulated the production of adrenaline in the same way that "JESUS CHRIST IT'S A LIME! QUICK, GET OUT OF THE CAR!" stimulates adrenaline (or humor, if you get the reference - if not go for the "JESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION!" version). What she 'conveniently' neglects to mention is that the increased aggressiveness/etc. lasted only a few minutes on average. Enough for a burst - but that's it.
The ONLY way violent media creates a lasting alteration of bio/chemical balance/mental processing is either by constant exposure to violence with a desire to CAUSE violence as well (without the desire then the person becomes an adrenaline junkie & becomes LESS likely to cause harm as the adrenaline become less effective over time--like any drug--they would need a seeded desire to cause harm or be mentally imbalanced to start to seek murder as an adrenaline fix), or just be mentally off anyways (psychotic/sociopathic/etc.).
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