Hahaha. Shiny black blu-ray disc player. Just say goodbye to HD-DVD in a few months. That'll get your PS3 bell ringing.is0lati0n
HD-DVD might as well be dead. I just went to blockbuster and noticed they haven't stocked any new HD-DVD movies, yet the BluRay library is growing fast. They have a huge Blu-Ray kiosk with a giant widescreen that was playing ratatouille as well. good move on Sony's part to include Blu-ray in the ps3. It's the sole reason why blu-ray is crushing HD-DVD. That HD-DVD add-on for the 360 is hillarious. reminds me alot of the 32x for some reason. just a tower of garbage to make up for bad planning.
an emphatic NO. It's the ONLY game in my ps3 library that I've only gotten about 20% of the way through. I'll probably never play it again. I think it's rubbish. If it's not the framerate that kills you, it's the crash bugs. Even with the latest patch I would crash quite frequently. Remove all that business, and you're still left with a game that is basically done showing you what it can do about 30 minutes into it. Save your money for a good game. there are many people on this forum that can steer you in the right direction. My recommendations are Ratchet and Uncharted. Although, Warhawk, COD4, and Resistance are quite nice too.
[QUOTE="bb963"]Glad to see you are finally coming to your senses. Once you buy a 360 you will have a REAL gaming system, not some shiny black blu-ray player that can play a few crappy games.Timmeus
LOL... At least PS3 fanboys aren't this retarded. :roll:
I think the 360 emits some sort of radiation when it encounters RROD. Since every 360 owner has had at least one, anyone could be infected. it's an epidemic!
Old news.. shame to hear its cancelled for PS3.. even if it was going to be a crap game, the more games for the system the better.Rattlesnake_8
I feel your sentiment, but honestly, I'd rather have a tight list of awesome games than a lot of so-so games to sift through to get to the great ones. I am waiting anxiously for more games though.
Glad to see you are finally coming to your senses. Once you buy a 360 you will have a REAL gaming system, not some shiny black blu-ray player that can play a few crappy games.bb963
wow, this is the funniest thing I've read tonight.
[QUOTE="Azulrosa"]heh, thanks for the compliment.1_Hit_Killer
I speak the truth most of the time, and this was one of those special moments, lucky boyfriend by the way. Last time I tried to get a girl into games I got dumped pretty quickly, I guess it seems being 18 and playing games makes me look kind of immature? Bah, I'm getting tired of arguing about games for one day, but at least I had a couple of smart conversations for once before going to sleep heh. Hope we to see you again bringing up some good points haha I was getting sick of all the trolls.
Thanks, have a good night. By the way, girls don't think that an 18 year old guy that plays games is immature. They only get bored when that's all they want to do :). Don't stop playing games! Just make time for other stuff we like :)
[QUOTE="Azulrosa"]I have both. I only watch TV shows on one of them. guess which one that is.Gamerboi27
dunno... xbox?
ding ding ding.!!! we have a winner. The only time I turn it on is to download a TV show when my boyfriend comes home from work. Otherwise, I'm playing my PS3. our last xbox rrod on us. So the new one is specifically our "cable" box. Sold most of our games already.
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