I was just surprised it went on sale that quick.
B1GFreakN's forum posts
This is a pretty cool find. It's an article from Joystiq.
This game didn't recieve good reviews, and many people on these forums are trashing it. Would anyone reconsider buying it for $41 depsite the hate?
I still haven't decided. Tell me what you think.
So sick and tired of people slapping the COD tag on this title when it is NOTHING like it. Can someone honestly give me some fair reasons as to why they say this is like COD?...and if you say killstreaks please stop. The nanosuit alone separates this game from COD period. It completely changes the gameplay style and forces the player to be much more tactical than the run 'n' gun nature of COD.
have we played the same demo, you and I?
It's just like Call of Duty. You run around with a gun and try to kill people. There are no other objectives. You spray bullets and try to get killsteaks, many of which are exactly the freaking same as Call of Duty. You do not rely on your teammates, but instead try to be John Rambo for the duration of the match. Whenever you die, you watch a killcam identical to Call of Duty. After the match, whichever team had the greatest lone wolf that got the most kills wins. hmmmm. What game does that sound like? It definitely doesn't sound like Battlefield, Gears, Rainbow Six, Bulletstorm, Homefront, Halo, or any other popular shooter. It does sound a lot like the cookie cutter Call of Duty they release every year, though.
The only differences between the Crysis 2 demo and Call of Duty are the fact that you can do a few suit power ups, slide on the ground, and the graphics are better. The main reason it sucks? There is no teamwork or tactics involved. Being able to stomp the ground is not tactical. Maximum armor is nothing more than Juggernaut on the go. Cloaking is somewhat tactical, but if that the only strategy the game offers then that's sad. I soon grew tired of some dude cloaking with a shotgun. You call that "changin the gameplay style"? I can do that on Halo: Reach.
Crysis 2 Multiplayer Call of Duty with a some armor abilities.
Believe me, I hate it when people compare games to Call of Duty, but this game's multiplayer is spot on Call of Duty. The nanosuit alone does not seperate it from Call of Duty, not nearly enough. I know I can speak for many people, but we're tired of Call of Duty's multiplayer. They release it every year with virtually no changes, and it's getting tired. In fact, it's dead to me. It almost seems like the devs modeled this multiplayer after Call of Duty, and that's very apparent in both versions of the demos.
Hopefully the singleplayer will be pretty amazing, and I think it will be a really enjoyable experience. Crysis isn't a multiplayer game, everyone knows Crysis is all about the singleplayer.
I'm not writing off Crysis 2 before it even gets released... I'm just writing off the God aweful multiplayer.
Don't get me wrong, I think the singleplayer will be the saving grace of this title. Everyone knows the first Crysis didn't sell and become so popular because of the Multiplayer. To me, Crysis multiplayer is just a nice bonus, it's just that this little "bonus" in Crysis 2 isn't my idea of awesome.
that still dosn't fix the boring Mp the game is going to offer... i played 3 matches and wanted to turn off my xbox on the first one.... A new game shouldn't make you want to turn it off on the first round...
well said.
Theres tons of similarities between this and COD, and guess what? GAMEPLAY ISN'T ONE OF THEM. If you think so your observational skills are bordering on mentally defective. If "it's to much like COD" is your one and only argument, you have no argument. Just simple state "I don't like it." Don't try to validate it with flawed reasoning... Seems dumb.
I actually do have an argument. I don't like Call of Duty. It's feels and plays just like Call of Duty to me. I know what an opinion is and I'm not pressing that on anyone. I'm not out on a mission to spoil all the fun for the people that like it - good for you, that's why the devs made the game. I can argue, and it would be a solid, whole argument that I don't like the multiplayer and it felt too much like more of the same to me. That's all the reasoning I need to not like it.
Telling me I can't make that judgement...seems dumb.
Yes, the graphics are spectacular. I'm not juding the fully completed, whole package product. I'm juding the multiplayer based on the demo. That's not an unfair assumption. I don't have to play all the maps to realize this is Call of Duty all over again. For some people, that's great, for me, that's really a let down.
I'm talking about gameplay. You don't have to play all the maps and use all the weapons to realize whether or not you like or don't like the gameplay. If you're saying you do, then that's crazy.
But, again, this demo has nothing do with the singleplayer. The singleplayer could blow everything else out of the water, or it could be as bland as the multiplayer demo. All I know is, the multiplayer sucks. That's all I'm saying.
Demos can tell you a lot about the game, whether people realize this or not. I feel really clunky when I play this game. I don't feel smooth and fluid like I do in other games. Everything feels sluggish and unresponsive and none of that will change by playing a different map.
Yes, you get hitmarkers. But the HUD is drastically reduced and you can die easier.
I agree. I'm pretty dissapointed with Crysis 2's demo. It feels spot on like Call of Duty. Anyone who says it's not is blind. Believe me, I'm not just saying this - I absolutely hate it whenever a new game comes out and all the people on GameSpot compare it with Call of Duty, it happens everytime. But, Crysis 2 feels just like Call of Duty. Where's the teamwork?!
I've had enough of Call of Duty, so Crysis 2 was a huge dissapointment to me when I played it. Both versions of the demo felt exactly the same. I played it for like ten minutes before I deleted it.
But hopefully the single player is good, because that's what Crysis is known for in my opnion. I just don't think I'll ever touch that multiplayer ever again.
Don't know if I missed it in the report but how long will the beta run before the release?XCyberForceX
I'm not sure if it was in the release, because I was wondering the same thing. For me, the longer the better, and I hope it's over two weeks at least. How long was the Reach beta? - I'd imagine it would be a similar amount of time for that.
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