My stomach is making the most awesome noises right now... o_o They're so cool...I wish I could share the wonderful noises. XD Y'know that annoying person at your local game store? The one who smiles as they tell you that they don't have your game? And smiles even more as s/he tells you that you should've pre-ordered it? Y'know who I'm talking about, right? :3 That's me. Hate me, for I am vicious and rude with a smile on my face. Mwahaha! I almost got slapped tonight, he really looked po'd at me. It was funny. I'm nice, but I'm also sadistic, and it shows when I smile happily. Oh, and if you have some cash in your pocket, and you love your DS, pick up Lost Magic. Es muy bonita. :O Mi espanol es mal. Muy mal... I once called my stepbrother a "por bramosca", which basically means "poor fly". >_>;; Oh, and I hear rumor that the DS lite will be reservable starting tomorrow or Saturday. Does this deserve a rabid fangirl squee? Oh yes, yes it does. ;)
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