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BELOVEDpiracy Blog

Happy Kupo Nuts Batman!! Square-Enix actually confirmed something!!

o_o Geez, leave me alone, alright? I used to watch that show. XP Square-Enix has made me a happy kupo. Confirmed now, well, as confirmed as they're ever going to be, are these games: Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (PSP) Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria (PS2) Final Fantasy III (DS) Children of Mana (DS) XD Dawn of Mana (PS2) o_o And others. But, we already know about Dirge (=Lament) of Cerberus, Before Crisis and whatnot, now don't we? There's also going to be a re-released of FFV & FFVI for the GBA, but I already own Anthology so...meh... Children of Mana and Dawn of Mana make me giggle, although Dawn won't be for a bit. The Square-Enix website did have screens of Children with an english translation already, so "Whoo"! Right? o_o Right? >_>;; I'm going to bed. (!) Oh yeah, Spore for the PC has a release date. February/2007. The same day as God of War II. Wait for it, it shall be good. :3

Rogue Galaxy

Oh my goodness! Rogue Galaxy finally has a confirmed US release! Sure, the date isn't specific, but it's been confirmed on the computers at my work that the game is going to be released. Expect it sometime in Q4 2006. Most likely during the holiday season. It's a game developed by the makers of Dark Cloud and co-producers of Dragon Quest VIII. A unique a fun-filled "Space Pirate" adventure. Be sure to get it reserved and eagerly anticipate it!!!


Alright, I have a confession. Back in the day, long, long ago, I was a shameless fangirl. Yeah, I went "Tee Hee" and "bishie" and all that horrible anime fangirlness that makes the male anime fans cry. Anyways, I'll try to stay on topic. o_o Trigun was the first real anime I fangirl-ed about. Back in the year 2000. I used AOL, and made a Tripod fansite. I've forgotten all about it since August 27, 2001. Because this evening, I suddenly remembered about it. And it's STILL THERE..! I know this has nothing to do with video games. It's just, it's so horrible, and it's still on the web!! People are still looking at it as I speak! Oh my god! It's so old that the images that were "high quality" back when I uploaded them into the gallery are all pixelated and such. Even worse, fonts are funny and my counter is based off a website that no longer supports counters!!! T_T This has to be one of the most embarrassing things ever. I used some kinda glitchy program to make the site. You can witness it in all it's horrific glory here.

Quad Damage. :3

Oh yeah, I'm level 8 now. Which is Quad Damage. Go figure. Um...oh! I found my Nintendo DS charger, it was in a bag that I had almost chucked. A "retired" bag. I go through them yearly pretty much, so I was lucky to find it. Probably a joke from my sister. She's so sweet. My sister is getting braces because she has a tiny mouth, and her teeth all can't fit in it. First, she has to wear "spacers" for a week to stretch stuff out, and she's in agony. I feel for her, somtimes, for the rest of the time she's incredibly whiny and annoying. Oh well. Also, please note that Final Fantasy XI: Aht Urhgen for the PC/PS2/XBOX360 was released. And if I spelled that wrong, it's 'cause I don't really care that much. I don't own FFXI, I'd rather play City of Villians. I wanna start a MMORPG, but I can't choose. :3 And, Rogue Galaxy is awesome. I want it.

Paychecks and RPG's.

I get paid tomorrow. More games I don't need. Woo! Um...and our household is going through another "Final Fantasy IX" phase. Meaning that we've all started new games again. It'll be my third playthrough, and my sister's determined to beat it this time around. My brother might try a FF, but he'll never finish one, he likes the more "action-y" types of games. And, in the next month or so, if there's no more new info released for Rogue Galaxy, I'm going to import it. I may even translate the few finer points of characters and story on my blog if I bother to remember. I cannot even begin to describe how much I want this game. Maybe that's why I loved FFV so much, it had pirates too. o_o Also, I'm trying to find out if the Berserk videogame was any good. I was a fan of the series, both anime and manga, and I was curious about the result of the game so many people drooled over while it was in development. Final Fantasy XII isn't out yet, but the Vincent game is looking close to release. Yay for the FFVII fangirls I suppose. >_>;; I discovered today that Shadow Hearts. A game I bought brand new from Toys 'R Us years ago for $10.99 is now running over $50 on Ebay. I have to replace all my RPG's that were stolen before the six month period given to us from our insurance is over. The last ones are the hardest. Digital Devil Saga, Nocturne and Suikoden being the biggest problems. T_T Final Fantasy III, a game never allowed across the oceanic barrier into the USA, is looking nice. A remake for the Nintendo DS, it sports graphics reminiscent of FF:Crystal Chronicles, and boasts of new stylus and online features. Maybe. After all, no rumour online is truly well-founded. Thursday has been rather boring. I helped a 5-year-old defeat Xigbar, did some aimless homework and wrote on my blog. Oh my, what a day. ^^


I found this Wed-nes-day to be quite boring. All I did was work and play Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. o_o That's it. I watched X-play as well, but that's nothing to be too terribly proud of, it just ensures that I'm a game geek. :3 your vegetables? The week is almost half-way over~


I guess it was only a 24 hour bug. :3 Now that I'm in a better mood, I wanna eat, and I don't wanna talk to anyone at all. I think I'm going to get some translating done, and some edit work. But besides that, I'm going to be lazy. Until I have work at about 12~ Minish Cap seems to wanna devour my mortal soul, but that's okay, I've already lost most of it. This is probably the shortest blog post I've ever made, but nothing's happened, except my psychotic dogs are singing. o_o Have an interesting Tuesday, watch out for strangers, they give you bad candy. XP

Gotta love 'em, those wily monsters...

o_o I know I'm weird, alright? >_>;; Anyways, to those playing the glorious-ness that is Monster Rancher Evo, here are some pointless notes. Did you know..? Kingdom Hearts gives you an awesome shiny SilverPiroro? Katamari Damacy gives you the plain-ness that is the Sampler? I'll probably post a list of everything my game/dvd/cd collection makes using the game, so until then, I'm off to kill some more braincells sitting too close to the TV. Woo! I'm daring! XD

My Crystal~

My Crystal called me today, oh yes she did. And what did she tell me? ... o_o Actually, not that much, we just talked for a bit, but I've forgotten to call her for a long time now...She was a great friend when I lived in L.A., but since then, I've been busy. Doing nothing... T_T In other news, it's Easter. And this was the year in which my sister has outgrown the Easter Bunny. No basket for her. XD I haven't had a basket in awhile, I'll get over it. I have Monster Rancher Evo, and various other things to fill my time. Tomb Raider: Legends may be just what the franchise has needed, but that doesn't stop it from being glitchy. My sister claims that she hovers over things a lot, and while riding her motorcycle, Lara's limbs would go all "wacky". :3 In other news, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is fun and cute. Once finished I shall review, so until then, have a good "last day of spring break", you silly little schoolchildren~! XD

Oh, my lovely piracy.

People today just don't seem to understand the pirate-thing. o_o No, Johnny Depp is not an acurate pirate. If I were to pick the best pirate out of the Pirates of the Carribean movie, I'd choose Barnabas, the evil captain. But, that movie was inacurate, because pirates of the Carribean do not talk with english accents. >_>;; Anyways, I'm just upset because everyone loved the Pirates of the Carribean level in Kingdom Hearts II so much, it wasn't all that great. In fact, it was a little boring and repetitive. ^^ I just got to start a game of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, and it's bringing me back to the good old Zelda games. :3 I'm also getting back to Dragon Quest VIII which I put on hold 'cause of KHII. It's nice to get back into my pattern of gaming. Tomorrow is Sunday, so if I forget to post... To the religious ones, Happy Easter and whatnot. To those who aren't religious, like me, just enjoy the pointless candy and cute stuffed bunnies. XD