BELOVEDpiracy Blog
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"9" is an important number. :3
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by BELOVEDpiracy on Comments
by BELOVEDpiracy on Comments
by BELOVEDpiracy on Comments
by BELOVEDpiracy on Comments
Joyous...ness... < I really don't know if that's a real word or not.
by BELOVEDpiracy on Comments
Being Annoyed...
by BELOVEDpiracy on Comments
Recently, it seems every game I'm waiting for is delayed. Of course, when I say "me" I should also include the multitude of fans who are also annoyed/angered/saddened by the new trend developers are using nowadays, the "lets delay all the good games" trend.
Of course, by good games I mean the slew of RPG's I've been waiting for. Children of Mana, Tales of the Tempest, FFXII (Which isn't delayed anymore, but it still took way too long to be released.), LoZ: Twilight Princess.
And newly announced games like Phantom Hourglass of course.
Anyways, since I've made a habit of looking up the games I like in advance, I only upset myself by having to endure push-back after push-back. Sure, I may be complaining a bit, but there's nothing else to do, right? XD
On a happy note, the character designs for the "Lion King" level of Kingdom Hearts II is disgustingly adorable. Even if half of the original voices have been replaced by people who are incapable of emotion. I swear, this is the only level that's really bothered me VA-wise. But besides that, Sora makes a cute kitty. ^^
Tomorrow is my day off, so that means oober-KHII time. I'm going to try and get as close to the end as possible, and hope that I don't get called in to work on Saturday. :D My goal is to get back to DQVIII soon.
But do you care? I doubt it, why are you reading any of this anyways? XP
Being pathetically obsessed...
by BELOVEDpiracy on Comments
Y'know, I happily acknowledge the fact that I'm a geek when my biggest anticipation of the month is being able to take home the cardboard display for the Kingdom Hearts II release. I really have nowhere to put it, and I don't really know why I'm so excited about it,'s nice.
I've only been working with EBgames for a few weeks and I already have a small collection of useless promo-stuff. Once I get my new place, I can't wait to put it on display in all its useless glory.
Still no real release date on a US version of Children of Mana, but my fingers are crossed. If worse comes to worse I can import it. Anticipating Phantom Hourglass also makes me giggle like a little girl. :3 For those who don't own a Nintendo DS, go sell your PSP and buy one. It's a great investment and there are no memory cards. :D
As a personal, and totally pointless note, my mother is awesome. Her favourite sandwich is mustard and peanut-butter. XD
Today I shall mention something I dislike. I dislike people who walk slowly in large groups. There's nothing more annoying than walking through a mall where people walk slowly in lines so that you can't pass them. It's almost as annoying as people who talk on their cell-phones in the car.
You know who you are. And you know what? You may think you're driving exactly the same when you're on a cell-phone, but you're wrong. People on cell-phones drive worse than the elderly. 'Cause when I pass an annoying driver, they're either on their cell-phone, or they're old. ^^
Enjoy your Wednesday everyone, and make sure to play something fun, if you're not already playing Kingdom Hearts II. XP
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