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BELOVEDpiracy Blog

Kingdom Hearts II, a wonderful adventure of the Disney sorts.

I just finished KHII. It was wonderful through and through. I'll probably write a review tomorrow, so read it. ^^ In other news, I am bored, and actually looking forward to work tomorrow. Which is odd. But, working at a game store isn't all that bad, plus, it's money. I love money. I hate spending it, but I love having it. ... o_o Did you know that money is one of the most disgustingly dirty things in the world. People...well, let's just say that you should stop your kid from eating money; A: Because they can choke; B: Because it's dirty. So dirty, that the quarter in your pocket may have once taken a journey through a young child's...well, you know. Details aren't necessary, ne? XD I also like tacos. I'd really like a taco, but instead, I found a bag of "Hello Panda's". :3 I have no idea how old they are, or where they originated, but they taste good. It'll be Friday in about two hours, to those lovely little minors who have to go back to school, do something~! You're vacation is almost over! Find a beach or a lake, or somewhere mildly interesting or entertaining and enjoy the last long holiday before school ends. ^^


I got a new medal...award...thingy. Well, whatever it's called, it makes me a happy kupo. 'Cause the best kupo's are happy kupo's. ^^ I slept until 11am this morning, and did it feel good. I was able to roll around and stretch for a whole half-hour! That's a good feeling, it really is. Today I'm going to finish up Kingdom Hearts II if it kills me, then I'm going to write a review, and then, I'm going to resume DQVIII, because it's good, and it loves me. Do I sound random today? Good, because "random" is another way of saying "creative". o_o Well, it should be. I've gotten a sudden urge to play Secret of Mana. I probably will when I've got the time. And there are tons of other things that cry out for my attention. Like...homework, bills, and chores. But who cares about those, ne? Few of my desired games have any new updates recently, but you should still check out Devil Summoner: Kuzunoha Raidou. Yep, it's another Atlus RPG, with all the unique stylings of anime and Clockwork Orange. (Well, that's what a few of the screens reminded me of.) XD With as popularity earned by titles like Digital Devil Saga I & II and Shin Megami Tensei, there's a good chance of seeing this unique title hit the states eventually. ...Atlus RPG's have really long titles. ^^; Have a good Wednesday. 'Cause it's a weird word. Wed-nes-day. >_>;;

"9" is an important number. :3

At least, I guess it is. Because 9 is the number of posts I've made. XD It seems my account is on a kind of lag delay. I guess I should upgrade my account, maybe then I won't have to wait several hours for things to be updated. ^^ Steambot Chronicles, an RPG coming to the states this May from Atlus, is a sort of RPG that's different, therefore, I wants it. >_>;; I have a demo disc of it on my dresser, as soon as I have some time off (I.E. Tomorrow), I'm going to play it a bit and get a good idea whether or not I'm willing to dish out the cash for it. Atlus makes some really nice RPG's, Persona 3 also makes me drool, but I'll have to wait for that. In other news, I suddenly really want to play FFXI. I had wanted to play it from the get-go, but I had no money, and a sucky PC. My current PC can handle FFXI, but my new PC, which I'll get around the end of this month, would make play FFXI a lot easier. I haven't played an MMORPG in several years, so I'm looking forward to when I get to start, and how much enjoyment I'll get for my money, time, and mortal soul. o_o Have a good Tuesday, remember to brush your teeth. Even though it's Spring Break, hygiene is still important! XP


My first day of Spring Break features working until 9PM and getting my second paycheck. Which means I'm going to be buying games that I don't really need. Disgaeamad has suggested "The Minish Cap" for GBA, and I think I'm going to pick it up. XD After that, who knows. Hopefully I'll be picking up a new computer within this month that will allow me to go online and play my PC games without constantly getting into arguments with my current PC. It has issues, and I've been fighting against PC-death with it for almost 6 months. I have to give it credit for holding out for so long. I hear about a lot of people having PC's just totally die on them, I guess I'm lucky that mine's being so nice, ne? Speaking of PC, even though I love PC games I have never picked up a MMORPG. Mostly because, back in the day I used to play MUDD, if I started playing an MMORPG in 3D, I would probably never stop. Happy-news-time features my rant about a game that better come to the US. Children of Mana is a game that must come to the states. I know the Mana series isn't as popular over here as it is in Japan, but I still want this game. Finally, my post count is wacky on this site, and I somehow made it to level 7 even though my computer was offline the entire weekend. o_o It makes me wonder why I'm even trying. Even though I've posted well over 20 posts by now, I supposedly have only posted 8 times. Oh well, I'm not too concerned about it. :3


My internet connection decided to die this weekend. Thus, I was unable to do anything interesting. T_T Except go to work and stuff, but who likes that? Everyone seems to be a-buzz with E3 coming up soon. Sadly, it is another year where I cannot go. I have been cursed, because everytime I received a ticket to E3 I either got deathly ill, was caught in a traffic accident, or stranded somewhere with desperate relatives. That's alright though, I always have G4. ^^ Rumors of FFXIII might make me happy, but if it takes as long to come out as FFXII did, I'm not really going to put it at the top of my list. I'm definately rooting for the Revolution (?) or the PS3 to take the show, because I absolutely abhor Bill Gates and his demonic consoles, the Xbox and Xbox 360. :O April really isn't seeing too many RPG releases. Luckily this means I have time to finish the never-ending queue of games in my library. XD It's Spring Break~ Woo~ ...I guess.


I'm at work right now! Can't you tell? It's actually my second job, which is the easiest money I've ever made. XP I'm not even trying~ Anyways, today is Payday~ Wee~ And I'm happy, kinda, 'cause I have to give all the money to my dad. Which isn't a bad thing, 'cause he's going to lend me his good credit so that I can get a new computer. Yes, I am one of those many young adults who already has bad credit thanks to identity theft while I was living in L.A. Hooray for room-mates who you can't trust! *sigh* Besides that, today is a day filled with boredom, and perhaps a few hours of KHII. Perhaps. Another game that tickles my fancy: Phantasy Star Universe Check it out, it looks like it's going to be great. :3


I've decided now that I like GameSpot *way* more than I like 1up. For one reason, and one reason only. The page loads. On 1up I would sometimes have to load a page three or four times to see it. Kinda killed the whole "enjoyment" aspect of game research time. But speaking of GameSpot, it was weird when I came online a moment ago and my blog was gone. Sure, no one reads this, but it was weird that it was gone. Oh well. I really don't know why, but I am really like the Gummy Ships in Kingdom Hearts II. ... o_o High hopes: Rogue Galaxy. "Space Pirates" T_T I must have this game.

Joyous...ness... < I really don't know if that's a real word or not.

There's not greater feeling than realizing your entire day has revolved around a video game. Sure, a few days later, you may think, "Gee, that was a waste of time, wasn't it?", but for right now, I think there's nothing better than playing KHII for 12+ hours. Once I'm done I may write a long-winded review. ^^ Have a nice Thursday~ And remember, tomorrow's Friday, and there's always fun to be had on the weekends.

Being Annoyed...

Recently, it seems every game I'm waiting for is delayed. Of course, when I say "me" I should also include the multitude of fans who are also annoyed/angered/saddened  by the new trend developers are using nowadays, the "lets delay all the good games" trend.

Of course, by good games I mean the slew of RPG's I've been waiting for. Children of Mana, Tales of the Tempest, FFXII (Which isn't delayed anymore, but it still took way too long to be released.), LoZ: Twilight Princess.

And newly announced games like Phantom Hourglass of course.

Anyways, since I've made a habit of looking up the games I like in advance, I only upset myself by having to endure push-back after push-back. Sure, I may be complaining a bit, but there's nothing else to do, right? XD

On a happy note, the character designs for the "Lion King" level of Kingdom Hearts II is disgustingly adorable. Even if half of the original voices have been replaced by people who are incapable of emotion. I swear, this is the only level that's really bothered me VA-wise. But besides that, Sora makes a cute kitty. ^^

Tomorrow is my day off, so that means oober-KHII time. I'm going to try and get as close to the end as possible, and hope that I don't get called in to work on Saturday. :D My goal is to get back to DQVIII soon.

But do you care? I doubt it, why are you reading any of this anyways? XP

Being pathetically obsessed...

Y'know, I happily acknowledge the fact that I'm a geek when my biggest anticipation of the month is being able to take home the cardboard display for the Kingdom Hearts II release. I really have nowhere to put it, and I don't really know why I'm so excited about it,'s nice.

I've only been working with EBgames for a few weeks and I already have a small collection of useless promo-stuff. Once I get my new place, I can't wait to put it on display in all its useless glory.

Still no real release date on a US version of Children of Mana, but my fingers are crossed. If worse comes to worse I can import it. Anticipating Phantom Hourglass also makes me giggle like a little girl. :3 For those who don't own a Nintendo DS, go sell your PSP and buy one. It's a great investment and there are no memory cards. :D

As a personal, and totally pointless note, my mother is awesome. Her favourite sandwich is mustard and peanut-butter. XD

Today I shall mention something I dislike. I dislike people who walk slowly in large groups. There's nothing more annoying than walking through a mall where people walk slowly in lines so that you can't pass them. It's almost as annoying as people who talk on their cell-phones in the car.

You know who you are. And you know what? You may think you're driving exactly the same when you're on a cell-phone, but you're wrong. People on cell-phones drive worse than the elderly. 'Cause when I pass an annoying driver, they're either on their cell-phone, or they're old. ^^

Enjoy your Wednesday everyone, and make sure to play something fun, if you're not already playing Kingdom Hearts II. XP