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BELOVEDpiracy Blog

Being Bored.

My biggest problem in posting blogs, or updates and such, is that I only do it when I'm bored. I guess it's 'cause I'm lazy, and after working all day, I just want the instant gratification of reading articles done by people who take such pride in their work.

Like I said before...I only do this when I'm bored...

But since I've started this whole thing, here's a few updates. I work at EBgames part-time while going to school and attempting to achieve various life goals. I like RPG's because I enjoy story and depth. I dislike FPS because they're all about WWII and I already know the ending. :3

I love cats more than dogs 'cause you have to earn their love. I'm really good with kids but I dislike most of them.  I talk too much about stuff that isn't important and I break promises constantly. As a female, I only seem to attract the incredibly odd males, they may be really attractive, but they're odd and end up being creepy.

I hate drugs and alchohol because no matter what you say, they're the same thing. I've been to Europe, and Mexico, but never Japan. I'm obsessed with Japan and I really can't wait to play Yakuza.

The Xbox sucks in my opinion, and the 360 is more like "Xbox 1.5" than a real next-gen system. Nintendo's still my #1, but Sony's there at #2.

Hm...that's all for now, maybe I'll discuss how my family is cursed the next time I get bored enough to write something. Ta-ta for now~