I own 360 and PS3 and this christmas my nephew made me realise why PS3 might win. He woke up christmas morning to a PS3 and when I asked him and his parents why they had chosen this over the 360 this is what they said.
His mum wanted it because on PS2 she was able to buy him games of his age group and she feels, "the 360 has all grown up game does it not?". My cousin wants it because it is the successor to the PS2 even though he went through 3 of them with disc read errors and the fact that in his youth club all of the other kids who have the 360 have had them break down and having to wait weeks to have it repaired with terrible customer service. And his dad bought it because he had heard these horror stories too.
This is why I think the PS3 will win, because of all those PS2 owners out there waiting to go next-gen. I know you will have many arguments against this but I don't think the average gamer cares if the PS3 has a few extra jaggies or frame rate drops because like my cousin they don't care and don't compare their version to the 360 version.
All they want is the brand name playstation under their television.
You've been using that Crystal Ball your parents gave you for Christmas alot, haven't you!
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