[QUOTE="BambooBanger"][QUOTE="King_of_Sorrow"][QUOTE="BambooBanger"][QUOTE="ZIMdoom"] Shooters and arcade racers again. Wow. Oh...and a glitchy RPG made to look and feel like a shooter.
If the 360 isn't careful, it's great library is going to quickly revert back to the Xbox library of shooters and racers.
Enjoy Spiderman 3 and Casino Royale :roll:
Great movies. I'm sure he will enjoy Warhawk, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, and other games from a small, but diverse library.
Ironic how Cows carry on about the 360's library being almost shooter-exclusive when it features double the genre diversity of the PS3 :roll:
That is why I haven't been able to make up my mind yet about getting a 360 or PS3. I don't play shooters or racers or sports...so that wipes out about 80% of the 360 library and thegames I would most likely get(that are out right now) are either multiplat or exclusive to PS3. Games I want in the near future are also multiplat. On the other hand, the PS3's library is more diverse but is made up of maybe 10 games?
Thus my inner turmoil. Do I buy a 360 a wait in hope that it will have more than just token titles that aren't shooters? Or, do I buy a PS3 and wait in hope that the library will amount to even half of what made the PS2 so great?
I used to only own Sega consoles and favoured Japanese games.last yearI set out to buy a Wii but the store was sold out so I went home with a 360, expecting it to sit on a shelf and getting played occasionally.
Luckily for me I was suprised that the 360's library is extremely impressive, and I enjoed games I wouldntve normally touched with a barge pole - like Halo 3, Gears of War, Saints Row, The Orange Box, Mass Effect, etc etc. Not to mention great titles like Viva Pinata, Kameo, Eternal Sonata, etc. I hate sports titles too and racing games (except Burnout :P). I now own over 30 games for it and don't regret any purchases.
It's a great console with great games, I'm glad I picked it up, so I would suggest that if you want to try new things pick up a 360 and a PS3 next year.
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