everytime i hear ppl say like omg sony lied about 4d graphics an huge bogus claims an look at there outrageous advertising
ppl sayin it was the price is laughable high HOW CAN THAT BE? it wasn't the most expensive console in history there was tons of expensive crap b4 like neogeo/turbo grfx 16/sega cd an all that other junk that was near or over 600 dollars BACK when money was less inflated meanin those systems were even more expesnive an outrageous an didnt have the brand or the games of quality like the ps3 sony has.
plus were not talkin a huge price gap 2 wii's = 500 dollars wii with a few games = 500 dollars an THE PS3 is 400 dollars now comin down super fast an has tech worth its pricetag
now im a gamer been around awhile THERE IS NOTHin wrong with sony's advertisin even the baby ad's were kinda interestin an like gettin ppl talkin about it
THE WII? there advertisements are terrible jokes
they have a perfectly racial stereotypical group of beautiful 25 year old fake models fake gaming one black/white/hispanic/asian and there all diff sexes AN THERE ADVERTISEMNTS JUST LOOK SO pathetic an fake everyone is smiling an playin a game how no gameer does it looks so misleadin not even a grown adult or parent or anyone who has ever heard of gamin could take these commercials seriously because they atleast have heard of video games an kno ppl play them diff then that from movies or other thigns
nintendo is so fake an lame while sony atleast knows what its doing for gamers an when it messees up it doesnt say oh lets just keep up with the same crap no they fix stuff an realizez gamers arent stupid unlike nintendo who hasnt learned anythin since the cube to appealing to gamers from the start an just does tons of bad things an faeks ppl out
man everytime nintendo does somethin lame like wii fit ppl are like o well its nintendo there aloud to do dumb sutff like that they earned there right for bein so old skool an losing the past 2 gens so they can do weird stuff liek that an it will sell good, IF SONY MADE A ps3 fit first they woulda been laughed out of industry an gmaers woulda been mockin it 1000x more then wii fit
im sick of the dbl standards that sony faces in the indsutry
im sick of the free rides nintendo gets just cuz gamers have sympathy for it losin so badly the past 2 gens an bein old skool IM OLD SKOOL an dont give anyone free rides an dont throw extra attack at gamin companies who have been doin extra good lately an were a little cocky an made some mistakes
Don't worry, the video game industry isn't immune to the awful PR cycle that most mass-media wears like a Scout's Badge, I suspect Nintendo will have a huge backlash within the coming years, just look at Sony's ceremonious fall from grace in the media.
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